10 COM
Windhoek, 4 December 2015
Original: English/French
Tenth session
Windhoek, Namibia
30 November to 4 December 2015
The Committee,
Having examined document ITH/15/10.COM/2 Rev.,
Adopts the agenda of its tenth session (Windhoek, Namibia, 30 November to 4 December 2015) as follows:
Opening Adoption of the agenda Observers Adoption of the summary records of the ninth session of the Committee Amendment to the Rules of Procedure to include provisions governing voting by secret ballot Reports of States Parties Examination of the reports of States Parties on the implementation of the Convention and on the current status of elements inscribed on the Representative List of the Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity Examination of the reports of States Parties on the current status of elements inscribed on the List of Intangible Cultural Heritage in Need of Urgent Safeguarding Reports of States Parties on the use of International Assistance from the Intangible Cultural Heritage Fund -
Reports of the Committee and Secretariat
Report by the Committee to the General Assembly on its activities
(June 2014 to June 2016) Report by the Secretariat on its activities Draft plan for the use of the resources of the Intangible Cultural Heritage Fund
in 2016–2017 Voluntary supplementary contributions to the Intangible Cultural Heritage Fund Report of the Evaluation Body on its work in 2015 Examination of nominations for inscription on the List of Intangible Cultural Heritage in Need of Urgent Safeguarding Examination of nominations for inscription on the Representative List of the Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity Examination of requests for International Assistance -
Modification of the name of an inscribed element
Establishment of the Evaluation Body for the 2016 cycle
Number of files submitted for the 2016 cycle and number of files that can be treated in the 2017 and 2018 cycles
Draft amendments to the Operational Directives on:
Safeguarding intangible cultural heritage and sustainable development Referral option Schedule of non-governmental organizations accreditation -
Follow-up to decisions and resolutions adopted by the Committee and the
General Assembly at their previous sessions
Guidelines for the treatment of correspondence with regard to periodic reports Follow-up on audits and evaluations -
Accreditation of new non-governmental organizations and review of accredited non-governmental organizations
Date and venue of the eleventh session of the Committee
Election of the members of the Bureau of the eleventh session of the Committee
Other business
Adoption of the list of decisions
The Committee,
Having examined document ITH/15/10.COM/3,
Recalling Rules 8.1, 8.2 and 8.3 of the Rules of Procedure of the Intergovernmental Committee,
Authorizes the participation, as observer, in the eleventh, twelfth and thirteenth sessions of the Committee, of the Arab League Educational, Cultural and Scientific Organization (ALECSO) and authorizes the participation, as observer, in the eleventh, twelfth, thirteenth and fourteenth sessions of the Committee, of the International Centre for Research and Documentation on African Traditions and languages (CERDOTOLA).
The Committee,
1. Having examined document ITH/15/10.COM/4,
2. Adopts the summary records of the Committee’s ninth session contained in this document.
The Committee,
Having examined document ITH/15/10.COM/5,
Recalling Chapters VII and X of the Rules of Procedure and its Decision 9.COM 11,
Decides to amend its Rules of Procedure as annexed in this decision.
Rule 39
Conduct of voting
No change.
No change.
A vote by roll-call shall also be taken if it is requested by two or more States Members of the Committee before the voting begins.
A decision by secret ballot
A decision shall be voted on by secret ballot whenever two or more States Members shall so request. The vote by secret ballot shall prevail over any other proposed voting conduct.
Before the vote begins, the Chairperson shall appoint two tellers from among the delegates present to scrutinize the votes cast.
When the counting of the votes is completed and the tellers have reported to the Chairperson, he shall announce the results of the ballot bearing in mind that the voting will be recorded as follows:
From the total number of States Members of the Committee will be deducted:
a) the number of States Members of the Committee absent, if any;
b) the number of blank ballot papers, if any;
c) the number of invalid ballot papers, if any.
The remaining number will constitute the number of votes recorded.
Elections of the members of ad hoc consultative bodies and subsidiary bodies by secret ballot
Elections shall be conducted by secret ballot except that, where the number of candidates within geographical distribution is the same as or less than the number of seats to be filled, the candidates shall be declared elected without the need to hold a ballot.
Before the election begins, the Chairperson shall appoint two tellers from among the delegates present; he shall hand to them the list of candidates. He shall announce the number of seats to be filled.
The Secretariat shall prepare for each State Member of the Committee an envelope without any distinguishing mark and separate ballot papers, one for each of the electoral groups. The ballot paper for each vacant seat or electoral group shall bear the names of all the candidates in that electoral group.
Each State Member of the Committee shall cast its vote by encircling the names of those candidates for which it desires to vote.
The tellers shall collect from each State Member of the Committee the envelope containing the ballot papers and shall count the votes, under the supervision of the Chairperson.
The absence of any ballot paper in the envelope shall be considered an abstention.
Ballot papers on which more names have been circled than there are seats to be filled as also those containing no indication as to the intention of the voter shall be considered invalid.
The counting of the votes for each electoral group shall take place separately. The tellers shall open the envelopes, one by one, and shall sort the ballot papers into electoral groups. The votes cast for the candidate shall be entered on lists prepared for that purpose.
The Chairperson shall declare elected those candidates who obtain the greatest number of votes up to the number of seats to be filled. If two or more candidates obtain the same number of votes, and, as a result, there are still more candidates than seats to be filled, there shall be a second secret ballot restricted to those candidates who obtained the same number of votes. If in the second ballot two or more candidates obtain the same number of votes, the Chairperson shall draw lots to decide the elected candidate.
When the counting of the votes is completed, the Chairperson shall announce the results of the ballot separately for each of the electoral groups.
The Committee,
Having examined document ITH/15/10.COM/6.a,
Recalling Articles 7, 29 and 30 of the Convention concerning reports by the States Parties and Chapter V of the Operational Directives, as well as its Decisions 9.COM 5.a and 9.COM 13.a,
Expresses its sincere appreciation to the States Parties that submitted periodic reports for the 2015 reporting cycle and requests the Secretariat to inform States Parties concerned by the 2016 cycle at least 12 months prior to the respective deadline for submission of periodic reports in either working language of the Committee or, if possible, in both languages, as well as in other languages;
Regrets that it was not able to examine half of the reports expected for the current cycle, invites those States Parties that have not yet submitted their reports, particularly those that are now more than a year overdue, to duly submit them at the earliest convenience and encourages States Parties to fulfil their reporting requirements before submitting new nominations;
Welcomes with satisfaction the ‘Overview and summaries of the 2015 reports of States Parties on the implementation of the Convention and on the current status of elements inscribed on the Representative List’ as presented in Annex I of document ITH/15/10.COM/6.a, invites the Secretariat to complete it by mentioning States Parties where appropriate, and, once completed and approved, encourages the States Parties to widely disseminate it among all relevant stakeholders, including non-governmental organizations;
Thanks the Russian Federation, a State non party to the 2003 Convention, for having submitted a report on the status of two elements inscribed on the Representative List of the Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity and takes note of the progress made in their safeguarding presented in Annex II of document ITH/15/10.COM/6.a;
Takes note with appreciation of the increasing attention given by States Parties to the challenges and difficulties they face in implementing the Convention as this can represent a monitoring tool for their own future reports, as well as a guidance for other States facing similar difficulties when searching for possible solutions;
Commends the States Parties that take intangible cultural heritage into account in their development plans and strategies and encourages them to further engage themselves in the years to come in the safeguarding of their living heritage as an effective contribution to the sustainable development goals;
Reiterates that States Parties are to actively involve the communities not only in the safeguarding of their intangible cultural heritage but also in its monitoring and future developments through active participation in the preparation of their periodic reports, as provided in paragraphs 157 and 160 of the Operational Directives, particularly while reporting on elements inscribed on the Representative List of the Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity;
Encourages States Parties to engage in multi-stakeholder consultations in the preparation of their reports and to continue their efforts in including in their periodic reports information provided by relevant non-governmental organizations, research institutes and centres of expertise and invites them to emphasize in their reports the role of non-governmental organizations and civil society organizations in the safeguarding of the intangible cultural heritage;
Takes note of the different experiences, challenges and lessons learned reported by numerous States Parties in the transmission as well as formal and non-formal education of intangible cultural heritage, and encourages all States Parties to take stock of these experiences and continue reflecting on their own approaches and on how to improve them in order to be able to report on these issues in their future reports;
Encourages all the States Parties to collaborate actively through bilateral, regional and international exchanges and to reflect such cooperation in the periodic reports;
Further encourages States Parties to give more emphasis in their reports to gender roles and responsibilities within intangible cultural heritage practices and the specific measures adopted to safeguard them, especially when reporting on elements inscribed on the Representative List of the Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity;
Recalls that the periodic reports submitted to the cycles preceding 2015 were not subject to the guidelines for the treatment of correspondence from the public or other concerned parties with regard to nominations, as introduced in Decisions 7.COM 15 and 9.COM 5.a, and requests the Secretariat to take this into consideration in the preparation of abstracts of the reports submitted in the previous four cycles, particularly to avoid any language which may not be in conformity with the spirit of the Convention;
Requests the Secretariat to provide a cumulative focus on measures taken by States Parties concerning the integration of intangible cultural heritage and its safeguarding in cultural and other policies in the overview and summaries of the 2016 reports;
Welcomes the Secretariat’s initiative to prepare an abstract for each report submitted under this cycle and requests the Secretariat to continue this practice and prepare abstracts of the reports that will be presented in the 2016 cycle, as well as of those that were submitted in the previous four cycles, and for the latter to make them available on the website of the Convention as soon as they will be ready together with those of the current cycle;
Delegates its authority to the Bureau to take a decision on revised ‘Overview and summaries of the 2015 reports of States Parties on the implementation of the Convention and on the current status of elements inscribed on the Representative List’ and to submit it to the General Assembly.
The Committee,
Having examined document ITH/15/10.COM/6.b,
Recalling Articles 7, 29 and 30 of the Convention concerning reports by the States Parties, and Chapter V of the Operational Directives,
Thanks the State Party that submitted its ordinary report on time and invites the States Parties that have not yet submitted their expected reports to duly submit them at the earliest opportunity, and in any case no later than 15 December 2015 in order for the Committee to examine them at its eleventh session in 2016;
Commends the two States Parties that have submitted their extraordinary reports as requested at the time of inscription during its eighth session and acknowledges that they have provided adequate responses to the specific concerns raised in the respective decisions;
Regrets that several reports have not been submitted in due time and encourages the States Parties that have not yet submitted their reports to fulfil their reporting requirements before submitting new nominations;
Takes note of the progress made by all the reporting States to effectively implement the safeguarding plans included in the nomination files and/or adopted after inscription on the List of Intangible Cultural Heritage in Need of Urgent Safeguarding, and invites them to pursue their efforts and to fully involve the communities concerned in the safeguarding of these elements;
Requests the Secretariat to include the possibility of updating the safeguarding plan proposed in section 3.b of the nomination Form ICH-01 in the report of a State Party on the current status of elements inscribed on the List of Intangible Cultural Heritage in Need of Urgent Safeguarding by including a similar section (inspired by section 3.b) in the Form ICH-11;
Decides to submit to the General Assembly a summary of the reports of States Parties on the current status of elements inscribed on the List of Intangible Cultural Heritage in Need of Urgent Safeguarding examined in the current session.
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