A city (or county) is not an accident but the result of coherent visions and aims

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C H A P T E R   4 :   R E Q U I R E D   E L E M E N T S
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Congestion Management Plans 
Each county that includes an urbanized area must establish a congestion management agency to prepare and adopt a 
congestion management plan (
Gov. Code §65089
). The congestion management plan establishes programs for mitigating 
the traffic impacts of new development, including deficiency programs where congestion is extreme, and monitoring the 
performance of system roads. The congestion management plan is expected to link land use, transportation, and air quality 
concerns. At a minimum it must include all state highways and all principal arterial roads. Performance of the congestion 
management plan is measured through the land use approval process.
As noted above, many jurisdictions have traditionally focused their circulation elements on automobile transportation, 
planning to certain “level of service” standards. It is important to note, however, that congestion management law does not 
require general plans to designate level of service standards for every roadway and intersection, only for the “system of highways 
and roadways designated by the agency,” with special considerations for infill opportunity zones. In fact, there are many 
reasons that a circulation element should not do so, as noted in this section. Moreover, congestion management plans address 
far more than just automobile transportation. They must also include an evaluation of the performance of multiple modes of 
travel and provide a program for travel demand management. Notably, projects identified in a congestion management plan 
must be consistent with the regional transportation plan, and its sustainable communities strategy, in order to be funded (
Code § 65082
). In updating a circulation element, therefore, a local government must put the congestion management plan 
in a context that includes reductions in vehicle miles traveled, and provides for multiple users of the transportation system, 
including transit, bicycles and pedestrian transportation.

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OPR Recommended Policies
These policies are an example of recommended policies adopted by varying jurisdictions, to be modified and used as appropriate. 
A full list of recommended policies can be found 
Sample Policy
Example of Application
Relationship to Other Elements
[City, county] shall design intersections and public right-
of-ways to include adequate and safe access for all users 
including pedestrians, bicyclists, and motorists of all ages 
and abilities.
San Pablo
Land use, safety, equitable and resilient communities, 
economic development
[City, county] shall balance commercial goods movement 
with the health and quality of life priorities of the commu-
nity by routing heavy truck traffic away from residential 
zones and promoting safety at rail crossings.
San Pablo
Land use, safety, air quality, equitable and resilient com-
munities, healthy communities
[City, county] shall limit parking within the public right 
of way based upon considerations of safety, street width, 
visibility and access to properties
San Pablo
Land use, healthy communities, safety
[City, county] shall establish travel demand management 
programs to reduce peak-hour traffic congestion and help 
reduce regional vehicle miles traveled
San Pablo

Air quality, healthy communities, equitable and resilient 
communities, economic development, climate change
Incorporate Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) 
requirements throughout the [city, county], but especially 
in high-volume pedestrian areas.
City of El Monte
Healthy communities, economic development, equitable 
and resilient communities
[City, county] shall create indoor air quality guidelines 
for residential and commercial units located along higher 
density corridors and areas where increased intensity 
of use may result in higher levels of vehicular traffic on 
adjacent streets. Identify recommendations for mitigation, 
including design standards and public transportation
City of Richnond
Land use, air quality, equitable and resilient communities
[City, county] shall provide safe routes to school for 
children and families walking, bicycling, and taking public 
transportation to schools in the community
City of Santa Cruz
Land use, healthy communities

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Housing Element
Providing adequate housing for all residents is a priority for cities and counties throughout California. The housing element 
implements the declaration of State law that “the availability of housing is a matter of vital statewide importance and the 
attainment of decent housing and a suitable living environment for all Californians is a priority of the highest order” (
§ Code 65580
). Provisions in the housing element are more specific and directive than other elements, and contain detailed 
guidance and reviews. The law also provides the Department of Housing and Community Development (HCD) with unique 
authority over the housing element. 
Housing element updates must be consistent with other general plan elements, including the 
land use
 element and diagrams. 
Integrating considerations of general plan goals and policies through the housing element and each update may improve 
efficiency by ensuring consistency. Additionally, incorporating a holistic view of the document will allow the housing element 
to compliment other elements in addressing challenges such as 
climate change
 mitigation and adaptation, and working 
towards local goals, such as promoting 
 development, Transit Oriented Developments, and 
healthy, safe, and equitable 

Periodic updates assure that local governments “will prepare and implement housing elements…toward the attainment of 
the state housing goal” (
Gov. Code §65581
). The law requires that HCD review and certify the housing element and that local 
jurisdictions submit annual progress reports to HCD. The housing element must be revised and submitted periodically on a four, 
five, or eight year cycle, depending on various factors (
Gov. Code §65588
). See the 
HCD’s website
 for a 
schedule of statutory 
. Specific questions about update cycles and related housing element requirements should be directed to HCD and the 
HCD website
. These Guidelines provide a general overview of the housing element, with links to more detailed information. 
Because of the more precise requirements applicable to the housing element, users should consult the detailed requirements for 
each section (following the links provided), including specificity and timelines. 
C O R R E L A T I O N S   A M O N G   E L E M E N T S

Identified in statute     

Closely related to statutory requirements
Land Use
Open Space

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