Abu-Rayhon Beruniy

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Abu-Rayhon Beruniy

Amir Temur
Amir Temur was born in 8th April 1336 in Hodja Ilgor village (Yakkabag) near Kesh (Shahrisabz). His father emir Muhammad Taragaj was from notable family of a Turkic sort barlas. He was the influential person and had the big authority in Movarounnahr. His ancestors took a worthy place in the ranks of Chigatay ulus palace elite and made up their family tree from legendary turkis marshal Alan – Kuva, and their possessions were around Kesh and Nefes. Temur’s father emir Taragay constantly participated in kurultyas of chugatay beks, convened by the ulus khan on coast of the river Il.
In 1355 he marries the daughter of emir Dzhaku – of Turmush aga barlas. The Supreme emir of Mivarounnahr Kazagan, having convinced of advantages of Amir Temur., in the same year has given him his grand daughter Uldzhaj Turkan aga as wife. Due to this marriage there was a union of Amir Temur with emir Husajnom, grandson of Kazagana. They together opposed Mongols. In 1356 A. Temur had two sons – Djahangri and Omar Shajh.

The economic situation in Movarounnahr at the end of 13th – first half of 14th century worsened from day to day. Khan of Mongolia Togluk Temur who without resistance in 1360 has reached up to Kashkadarya has taken advantage of it. Amir Temur has arrived to him for service. But when Togluk Temur has appointed as the governor of Movarounnahr his son Iljas Hodzha, Amir Temur has not wished to serve this prince and having agreed with governor Balh emir Husejnom Amir Temur has entered persistent struggle against Mongols.

At that time Samarkand was dominated by sarbadors – "hunged men", who were also struggling against Mongols. The name of this national movement has arisen from slogans of its participants «Struggle for freedom, or a head on the gallows». In 1370 Amir Temur on kurultay in Balh has been proclaimed by the Supreme as emir of Turan.
And the marriage with daughter of Chingizs Saray Mulk Hanum allowed Amir Temur to add to his name a honorable title "kuragan", i.e. « the son-in-law of khan ».
The primary objective of Amir Temur became overcoming dissociation and association of separate possession into a uniform state. As a Capital of this state he has chosen Samarkand where has urgently started erection of city defensive walls, citadels and a palace. He has put in pawn a new Samarkand, near to ruins of ancient capital of Sogdiana (modern Afrasiab).
Having united and subordinated the lands between Amu Darya and Syr-Darya, and also Fergana and Shash viloyat, Amir Temur began aggressive campaigns.
For 35 years had lasted board of A.Temur (1370 - 1405) in Central Asia. He has created enormous empire from Indus and Ganges up to Syr-Darya and Zarafshan, from Tien-Shan up to Bosporus, he had lead the most part of his life in campaigns.
During the campaign to China, in 1405 Amir Temur died in Ortrar.
During the life time of Amir Temur a special composition about the government known under the name «Temur Code» has been written. It is a valuable historical source of the Middle Ages, consisting of two parts. In it there is a biography of Temur and the events connected to his life, sights of this outstanding statesman and the commander on military art, the methods and management of the country are stated. It is the valuable code of laws from which it is visible on the basis of what Amir Temur has created the centralized, controlled mighty state.
Having created huge power, Amir Temur prepared conditions for economic and cultural development of the country. Century traditions of the last epoch revive in a new historical context. As Movarounnahr becomes the center of trade, economy and culture of Near and Middle East. Such ancient cities as Samarkand, Kesh, Bukhara, Termez, Tashkent, Merv, etc., which were destroyed by hordes of Chingizhan began to equip with modern conveniences. Majestic buildings of mosques, madrasah , the mausoleums, a caravan – sheds and bath houses were under construction. Became usual, that each victory or event were immortalized in architecture. In building activity Amir Temur pursued a certain political aim– the constructions erected by him were to show force, power and greatness of his empire.
During years of his board Amir Temur has put an end to feudal dissociation, has established trading - diplomatic relations with the largest kingdoms of Europe – France, England, Castile. Unfortunately, after death of Amir Temur trading - diplomatic relations with the Western Europe, incorporated by him have no further developed.
The history puts Amir Temur in same line with such greatest commanders, as Alexander the Great, Dari 1, Yuriy Caesar.

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