Acf fall 2006 Tossups by Harvard a and Illinois b

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ACF Fall 2006

Tossups by Harvard A and Illinois B (Gen. Donald Taylor et al)
1. In one synthesis named for this man, cyanohydrins and aldehydes react in the presence of anhydrous hydrochloric acid to form oxazole. He discovered phenylhydrazine, which when reacted with an aldehyde or ketone, forms enamine, imine, and aminal intermediates in his namesake indole synthesis. In his most famous namesake reaction, water must be removed to prevent the product from reverting to its alcohol and carboxylic acid reactants. Known for that esterification, FTP name this chemist perhaps most famous for depicting complex sugars with straight backbones and 90° bond angles in his eponymous projections.

ANSWER: (Hermann) Emil Fischer

2. A man from this city founded the Camaldolese offshoot of the Benedictines; that man, Saint Romualdo, is often known by a name reflecting his origin here. The Corsini Canal connects this city to the Adriatic Sea, which is today five miles away. Formerly, it was a thriving port, in its heyday replacing Misenum as the station of the imperial Roman fleet. This city-state was dominated in the late Middle Ages by the Polenta family, who welcomed the exiled Dante Aligheri from Florence to this capital of Romagna. Its San Vitale basilica still contains a mosaic series of Justinian and Theodora’s court, representing its time as the capital of Byzantine Italy. FTP, name this city to which the Western emperors moved after ruling from Milan, which then became the seat of power for the Gothic kingdom of Italy.

ANSWER: Ravenna

3. The cannonball problem asks when the number of cannonballs in a pyramidal stack can be one of these—the answer is only twice, when the number of cannonballs is either 1 or 4900. Lagrange proved that every positive integer can be expressed as the sum of four of these numbers, and the zeta function of two is defined as the sum of their reciprocals. They are always congruent to zero or one modulo four, and their last digit is always 1, 4, 9, 6, or 5. FTP, identify these numbers which are formed by raising an integer to the second power.

ANSWER: Square numbers or Squares

4. This architect was inspired by the nearby Rocky Mountains to create a very large, rugged, concrete home for The National Center for Atmospheric Research. After previously designing the Johnson Museum of Art at Cornell and the Everson Museum of Art in Syracuse, he placed a large Alexander Calder mobile in the middle of his wedge-shaped East Wing of the National Gallery. He has several notable buildings in Boston, including the Christian Science Center, JFK Presidential Library, and Hancock Place. Renowned for his use of glass walls and triangular facades, FTP name this Chinese-American architect best known for the Pyramide de Louvre and the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame.

ANSWER: I(eoh) M(ing) Pei

5. Some of them believed in Yara-Ma-Yha-Who, a vampire who jumped out of fig trees, ate people, and vomited them back up; reborn from the experience, they were unharmed though slightly shorter. Among these people’s creator gods was a female snake named Eingana, and a “rainbow serpent," who inhabits water holes. The Alcheringa is the period before these people’s creation, and their other deities include fairies called the Mimi, who lived in what is now Arnhem Land. The period known as Dreamtime is when they believe the world was created. FTP, name these people to whom Uluru, or Ayer’s Rock, is sacred, the indigenous people of Australia.

ANSWER: Australian Aborigines

6. Restoration of this country’s Cape Coast Castle and Elmina Castle, including the latter’s famous “Door of No Return,” drew criticism from some African-Americans, who argued that slavery was trivialized by turning Portuguese slave castles into tourist sites. Other tourist sites in this country include the city of Kumasi, the grave of W. E. B. DuBois, and the elaborate Kwame Nkrumah Mausoleum. The eastern region of this country is marked by Lake Volta, a huge reservoir created by the Akosombo Dam. Bordered on the north by Burkina Faso and sandwiched between Togo and Côte D’Ivoire, this is, FTP, what country once called the Gold Coast?


7. In the publisher’s note to this book he informs the reader that the author moved from Redriff to a house near Newark to avoid his fans, and the title page originally displayed a portrait of that author with the caption “Splendide Mendax.” A group of characters in this book worry that the Earth will collide with a comet due to return in 31 years and continually discuss the sun's health. A notable controversy presented in this work concerns which end of an egg one should use to crack it, the two sides being referred to as “tram-” and “slam-ecksan.” In another part a box is made for the narrator at the behest of Glumdalclitch that is eventually carried out to sea by a bird, which allows him to escape Brobdignag. The narrator also visits the Houyhnhnms and the Yahoos on his titular journeys. FTP name this novel by Jonathan Swift.

ANSWER: Gulliver’s Travels

8. The monomers of this substance are moved to their final destination bound to the carrier bactoprenol. It is resistant to proteases because it contains D-amino acids, but lysozyme can break down its beta-1-4 linkages between repeating units of N-acetyl-muramic acid and N-acetyl-glucosamine. It is the target of some antibiotics, including penicillin, which blocks the action of the enzymes responsible for crosslinking the polysaccharide chains via tetrapeptides. FTP name this polymer that accounts for 90% of the dry weight of Gram-positive bacteria, the primary constituent of bacterial cell walls.

ANSWER: peptidoglycan [do NOT prompt on or accept 'proteoglycan']

9. Thomas Tatton claimed that there was a crowd of only thirty thousand people at this event, while James Wroe, in the Observer, gave the highest estimate at 153 thousand. Wroe and Richard Carlile were imprisoned for publicizing the story of this incident, which inspired Percy Bysshe Shelley to write The Masque of Anarchy. Samuel Bamford was also imprisoned after this event perpetrated by the 15th Hussars and the Cheshire Volunteers, and Home Secretary Sidmouth responded by proposing the Six Acts. The trouble began when Henry Hunt was arrested and prevented from speaking, and eleven people were killed when cavalry troops overwhelmed the demonstrators in Manchester. FTP, name this 1819 incident, with a name reminiscent of Napoleon’s final defeat.

ANSWER: Peterloo Massacre [or massacre of St. Peter’s Field]

10. One character in this novel writes a letter to her employer describing the execution of Lady Jane Grey in the Tower of London. That character is courted by a man who offers her a part in a play put on by his sister Pensil, Mr. Bantling. The protagonist’s stepdaughter is courted by Ned Rosier, but their love leads to Pansy being shut away in a convent. She had married her husband at the suggestion of Madame Merle after repeatedly rejecting Caspar Goodwood and Lord Warburton. While her uncle lies on his deathbed, her cousin, Ralph Touchett, asks his father to give her half of his fortune “to put a little wind in her sails.” Ultimately, however, her independence leads her into an unhappy marriage with Gilbert Osmond. FTP name this novel about Isabel Archer by Henry James.

ANSWER: Portrait of a Lady

11. Founded in Geneva in 1908, it established a counterpart for the youth audience in 1925 which shot to major popularity in the 1950s under the leadership of Alexei Adzhubei. In 1992, it was sold to the Greek Giannikos brothers, who shut it down in 1997 upon the claim that it could not turn a profit because its employees were constantly drunk. It was run by a police agent attempting to destroy it from 1912 to 1913; in 1917, it publicized the April Theses and, in April 1953, it published a retraction admitting that the Doctors Plot had been fabricated. It normally did not discuss international relations, leaving that sphere to Izvestiya. FTP, a name meaning “Truth” adorned what Moscow-based newspaper, the official Communist Party organ for the entirety of the USSR’s existence?

ANSWER: Pravda

12. This man’s biographers include Joseph Dorfman and J.P. Diggin, who called him “The Bard of Savagery.” Early in his career this man wrote an article on “The Barbarian Status of Women,” and he was the original translator of Ferdinand Lasalle’s Science and the Workingmen. Longer works include The Instict of Workmanship and The Place of Science in Modern Civilization, and along with Charles Beard and John Dewey he founded the New School for Social Research. Best known for a work containing a section on the fur trade, this is, FTP, what economist, who coined the term ‘conspicuous consumption” in his The Theory of the Leisure Class?

ANSWER: Thorstein Veblen

13. In a story by this man the protagonist injures his head while rushing to read The Arabian Nights’ Entertainments, leading him to convalesce in the title region, while Ryan quests to identify the assassin of Fergus Kilpatrick in another. The author Jaromir Hladik is persecuted by the Nazi Julius Rothe in “The Secret Miracle,” and other characters from his works include a man who develops perfect memory after being thrown from a horse and Yu Tsun, a Chinese spy for Imperial Germany being pursued by Captain Richard Madden. In addition to “Funes, the Memorious” and “The Garden of Forking Paths,” he wrote about a “Lottery in Babylon” and of an author praised for exactly rewriting Don Quixote. FTP name this author, whose most famous works include “El Aleph” and “The Library of Babel.”

ANSWER: Jorge Luis Borges

14. David Lack, who in 1937 was the first to do a modern study on them, popularized their collective name and made the important observation that no reproduction occurred between different species. They are currently divided into four genera, though it has been proposed to group them into the single genus Geospiza, which is currently reserved for the ground variety, while others include the vegetarian, mangrove, and warbler. Derived from the seeds they eat, the primary differences among them are the sizes and shapes of their beaks. FTP name this group of avians found primarily on the Galapagos Islands that was crucial to the development of the theory of evolution by their namesake.

ANSWER: Darwin’s finches [accept Galapagos finches before 'Galapagos']

15. He painted a portrait of Théodore Duret holding a top hat in his right hand, and in another of his works, painted a woman, with her head turned to the right, wearing a pinkish-purple dress, a work entitled Mother of Pearl and Silver. He explained his thoughts on art in Ten O'Clock Lecture, and another of his works shows a young girl in a white dress leaning on the titular instrument being played by an elderly woman in black, a painting entitled At the Piano. Joanna Hiffernan was the model in his painting The White Girl, which shows his concern with the beautiful arrangement of colors. He became bankrupt after suing art critic John Ruskin for criticism of his work Nocturne in Black and Gold: The Falling Rocket. His best-known work was sneezed on by the fictional character Mr. Bean and is entitled Arrangement in Grey and Black. FTP, name this American artist most famous for a painting of his mother.

ANSWER: James Whistler

16. This law explains why the theory of Berthelot and Thomsen was incorrect, and Loschmidt's Paradox pointed out that a problem with another scientist's H-theorem could lead to a situation in which this was violated. Using the Stirling approximation solved another potential violation of this law, in which a partition is removed between two identical samples of gas, known as the Gibbs Paradox. An imaginary creature sorting particles based on energy, Maxwell's Demon, could not violate it even though it was designed to. Originally stated by both Kelvin and Clausius, who said that heat could not flow from a cold object to a hot one spontaneously, FTP name this law of thermodynamics commonly stated as for any spontaneous process, the entropy of the universe increases.

ANSWER: Second Law of Thermodynamics

17. It contains direct quotes from Psalms 19:9 and Matthew 18:7. Its strongest language comes when its speaker intones that “every drop of blood drawn with the lash shall be paid by another drawn with the sword” in revenge for “the bondsman’s two hundred and fifty years of unrequited toil.” It justified the contemporary conflict with the comment that one side “accept[ed] war rather than let [the nation] perish.” The speech also offers reconciliation, as when its speaker notes that “fondly do we hope, fervently do we pray, that this mighty scourge of war may speedily pass away,” and the speaker then declares his “malice for none” and “charity for all.” FTP, name this speech given on March 4, 1865 by a recently re-elected president.

ANSWER: Abraham Lincoln’s Second Inaugural Address [prompt on partial answer]

18. This artist once completed a series with gouache and uncolored paper while bedridden, and those images are presented in a book interspersed with handwritten text. That series features many images related to the circus or to the theater, including The Sword Swallower, Cirque, The Clown, and Pierrot’s Funeral. The most iconic image this artist created for that series shows a black, stylized man against a deep blue sky with geometric yellow stars, entitled Icarus. Along with the 1947 series Jazz, this French artist painted a colorful canvas with a woman herding goats with a flute, many nude people lying down, and a scene that would be recreated in The Danse. FTP, name this French artist of The Joy of Life, the leader of the Fauves.

ANSWER: Henri Matisse

19. In 2005, this state’s elected treasurer, Mike Coffman, resigned his post to join the Marines and spent several months in Iraq before returning to run for secretary of state in 2006. Next week, voters in this state will decide on Amendment 36, which proposes to split the state’s nine electoral votes proportionally according to its popular vote in future presidential elections. Opponents argue that the amendment will backfire due to the close party divisions indicated by Republican Wayne Allard and Democrat Ken Salazar splitting this state’s Senatorial delegation, and by the neck-and-neck race between Republican Bob Beauprez and Democrat Bill Ritter to replace retiring incumbent Bill Owens in its 2006 gubernatorial election. FTP, name this state whose other recent politicians include the party-switching Ben Nighthorse Campbell, anti-immigration zealot Tom Tancredo, and Salazar’s 2004 Senate opponent, Pete Coors.

ANSWER: Colorado

20. One of his works contains an epigram from W.B. Yeats’ play The King’s Threshold, and in one of his poems he remarks that “I, too, saw God through mud” and that “merry it was to laugh there.” He laments the sun’s inability to revive a dead man in another poem, “Futility,” while “Wild With All Regrets” is a revised version of a poem in which he entreats a friend to “Carry my crying spirit till it's weaned,” “A Terre.” In a poem based on the story of Abraham and Isaac he claims, “the old man…slew his son, / and half the seed of Europe one-by-one,” but better known are a poem that asks “What passing-bells for these who die as cattle?” and one about “that old lie.” FTP name this WWI poet, best-known for “Anthem for Doomed Youth” and “Dulce et Decorum Est”

ANSWER: Wilfred Owen

TB. It was originally called dysthymia or cyclothymia, and it was first described in the 2nd century by Aretaeus of Cappadocia. Scientists have not determined the reason why the first episode of this disorder occurs on average ten years earlier in each successive generation, but a predisposition to it has been linked to a dominant gene on chromosome 11. This disorder has often been linked to creativity, and both Anne Sexton’s and Sylvia Plath’s mental breakdowns were probably the result of it. Lithium can help control the fluctuations of amines that cause swings between euphoria and despair in, FTP, what mood disorder that was formerly called manic depression?

ANSWER: bipolar disorder [accept manic depression before it is mentioned]

ACF Fall 2006

Bonuses by Harvard A and Illinois B (Gen. Donald Taylor et al)
1. FTPE, answer the following about Charleston and the Civil War.

[10] The Civil War began when Confederate troops opened fire upon this Charleston fort in 1861.

ANSWER: Fort Sumter
[10] This man commanded the CSA to victory at Fort Sumter over the Union, and later, with the help of Joseph Johnston, commanded the CSA to another victory at the First Battle of Bull Run.

ANSWER: P.G.T. Beauregard

[10] This fortification on Morris Island that covered the southern approach to Charleston harbor was attacked in July of 1863 by the Union, and resulted in the death of Robert Gould Shaw.

ANSWER: Fort (or Battery) Wagner

2. FTPE, answer the following about certain types of algorithms.

[10] This types of short-sighted, avaricious algorithm simply chooses the best local decision at each step without considering the greater problem.

ANSWER: Greedy algorithms

[10] This technique involves breaking a more complicated problem down into sub-problems, solving them, and then combining the solutions.

ANSWER: Divide and Conquer

[10] Similar to divide and conquer, this technique involves solving a problem by taking advantage of memory to iteratively solve and remember solutions to all possible sub-problems.

ANSWER: Dynamic Programming
3. The title character’s servant Wagner conjures Baliol and Belcher to terrorize a clown, FTPE

[10] Name this play in which the title character makes a pact with Mephistopheles that leads to his damnation.

ANSWER: Dr. Faustus

[10] Also the author of Edward II and The Jew of Malta, he wrote Dr. Faustus before dying in a bar fight.

ANSWER: Christopher Marlowe

[10] In a famous scene from the play Faustus asks “Was this the face that launch'd a thousand ships?” about this mythical object of the affections of both Paris and Menelaus.

ANSWER: Helen of Troy
4. Identify the following about electrical circuits FTPE.

[10] The first of these rules states that in an electric circuit, the sum of the currents into a junction must equal the sum of the currents out of a junction.

ANSWER: Kirchoff's circuit rules

[10] The Zener type of this device allows current flow in the reverse direction if the voltage drop across it is equal to the eponymous breakdown voltage.

ANSWER: diode

[10] This theorem states that any collection of voltage sources and resistors with two terminals is equivalent to an ideal current source in parallel with a resistor.

ANSWER: Norton's theorem
5. Identify the following television shows set primarily in the beautiful city of Seattle, FTPE.

[10] This long-running Cheers spin-off focused on the life of a pompous psychiatrist who lived with his former police officer father, Martin Crane.

ANSWER: Frasier

[10] Set at the fictional Seattle Grace Hospital, this medical drama stars Ellen Pompeo as the title character.

ANSWER: Grey’s Anatomy

[10] Set at Woodrow Wilson High School, this teenage drama on ABC in the 04-05 season saw the acting debut of Kelly Osbourne and showed 13 episodes in the life of Dino, Jonathan, and Ben as based on an Allison Adler juvenile novel.

ANSWER: Life As We Know It
6. Italian Ludovico di Barthema was the first European non-Muslim to complete it. FTPE:

[10] What is the Arabic term for the pilgrimage to Mecca, one of Islam’s “Five Pillars?”

ANSWER: al-hajj

[10] This British adventurer detailed his Hajj in The Pilgrimage to Al-Medinah and Meccah, translated The Arabian Nights and, with John Speke, searched for the source of the Nile.

ANSWER: Sir Richard Francis Burton

[10] The Frenchman René Caillé was the first European Christian to travel safely to this other forbidden city in the desert, the home to the Great Mosque and Sankore University during the Mali empire.

ANSWER: Timbuktu
7. Potter Stewart called it “the most important search and seizure decision in [American] history.” For ten points each –

[10] Name this 1961 case that ruled that police illegally entered the plaintiff's home looking for a bombing suspect without a warrant, and thus the pornography they found leading to her arrest was inadmissible.

ANSWER: Mapp v. Ohio

[10] Mapp v. Ohio extended to the state level the ruling of the 1914 case Weeks v. US, which created this rule stating that evidence collected unconstitutionally was inadmissible for federal cases.

ANSWER: exclusionary principle [or rule]

[10] The exclusionary principle provides a remedy against corrupt police officers who violate what Constitutional amendment that disallows unreasonable searches and seizures?

ANSWER: 4th Amendment
8. After leaving the castle of Baron Thunder-ten-tronckh he is forced into service in the army of Bulgaria, FTPE:

[10] Name this hero of a Voltaire novel who quickly determines that he does not live in “the best of all possible worlds.”

ANSWER: Candide

[10] Candide is expelled from the castle for making out with this daughter of Baron Thunder-ten-tronckh, with whom he eventually settles down on a farm. She is raped and maimed by the Bulgarian army and at one point is simultaneously the mistress a Jew and an army officer.

ANSWER: Cunegonde

[10] This faithful servant is separated from Candide while they’re traveling through South America, but he later shows up as the servant of Sultan Achmet III.

ANSWER: Cacambo
9. It was recaptured by Don Diego de Varagas after falling in 1680 to a rebellion led by the enigmatic Popé. FTPE:

[10] Name this city founded by Juan de Oñante and Pedro de Peralta, the first in the United States where a surviving church, house, and government building were constructed.

ANSWER: Villa Real de la Santa Fé de San Francisco de Asis

[10] Popé led this native uprising which drove the Spanish out of New Mexico for twelve years.

ANSWER: the Pueblo Revolt

[10] This man, who was later killed at York in the War of 1812, was imprisoned in Santa Fe in 1806 during the same river exploration mission that discovered a certain mountain in the Front Range. His report on Santa Fe spurred American interest in the Texas territory.

ANSWER: Zebulon Montgomery Pike
10. In his fanciful book My First Days in the White House, he discussed his potential Cabinet appointees. FTPE:

[10] Name this Louisiana governor who was gearing up for a 1936 presidential run when he was assassinated by Carl Weiss.

ANSWER: Huey Long

[10] Long intended to defeat Franklin Roosevelt in the election and then name FDR to this post, which was established as a Cabinet position in 1798 but lost that status after the establishment of the Department of Defense in 1947.

ANSWER: Secretary of the Navy [or Naval Secretary]

[10] Similarly, Long discussed nominating as Secretary of Commere this man, who oversaw food aid to Europe following World War I in that position and later defeated Al Smith in a presidential race.

ANSWER: Herbert Clark Hoover
11. Answer the following about a sculptor, FTPE.

[10] The Three Shades, Fugit Amor,and The Kiss were works originally a part of his work, The Gates of Hell.

ANSWER: Auguste Rodin

[10] This Rodin sculpture was inspired by the self-sacrifice of six individuals, including Eustache de Saint Pierre, during a siege of the titular city during the Hundred Years' War.

ANSWER: The Burghers of Calais (Les Bourgeois de Calais)

[10] A Belgian soldier named Auguste Neyt was the model for this sculpture, in which a naked man holds his bent right arm to the top of his head.

ANSWER: Age of Bronze (L’Age d’Airain)
12. Answer the following about chemistry lab techniques FTPE.

[10] Utilizing a buret and a pH meter or visual indicator to determine the equivalence point, one can use this method to find the precise quantity of reactant in a flask.

ANSWER: titration

[10] Distillation can be confounded by these mixtures in which the mole fractions of each component are the same in both the liquid and vapor phase.

ANSWER: azeotrope

[10] In this technique, the stationary phase is a high-boiling liquid, while an inert gas serves as the mobile phase. It is commonly used to separate components of a mixture with fairly low boiling points.

ANSWER: gas-liquid chromatography
13. Robert Schumann said of its first movement, “Rêveries – Passions,” that it is “so intense in every note so as to defy normal harmonization.” FTPE,

[10] Name this 1830 symphony, the magnum opus of Hector Berlioz.

ANSWER: Symphonie Fantastique (accept Fantastic Symphony)

[10] This “magical” fifth movement of Symphonie Fantastique follows the climactic execution depicted at the end of the fourth.

ANSWER: “Songe d’un nuit de sabbat” (accept “Dream of a Witches’ Sabbath”)

[10] This, the upbeat second movement of Symphonie Fantastique, was one of the first large scale orchestral works to use a harp.

ANSWER: “Un Bal” (accept “A Ball”)
14. He prefers the old Metropole to the restaurant with “Presbyterian nymphs” on the ceiling and has cufflinks made of human molars, FTPE:

[10] Name this character, a “small, flat-nosed Jew” with business gonnegtions.

ANSWER: Meyer Wolfshiem (accept either)

[10] Meyer Wolfshiem appears in what F. Scott Fitzgerald novel?

ANSWER: The Great Gatsby

[10] This mistress of Tom and wife of George is run down by a yellow car possibly driven by Daisy Buchanan.

ANSWER: Myrtle Wilson (accept either)
15. Its ingredients included the sound of a cat’s foot-fall and the beard of a woman. FTPE,

[10] Name this chain that bound Fenrir to an island in the Lake of Amsvartnir until Ragnarok.

ANSWER: Gleipnir

[10] Fenrir was unable to escape from Gleipnir, so he bit off the hand of this Norse god of war.


[10] At Ragnarok, Tyr will kill and be killed by this guard dog of Hel.

16. Answer the following about a book of the Bible, FTPE.

[10] This book, included among the minor prophets, is a fable built around a prophet who got caught in a massive storm while sailing to Tarshish.


[10] Jonah was sent to preach to this last capital city of the Assyrian Empire.

ANSWER: Nineveh

[10] Jonah's preaching of repentance to Nineveh contrasts with this minor prophet, who prophesied the destruction of Nineveh, and only the destruction of Nineveh, in the three chapters of his namesake book.

17. Answer the following questions about our universe for ten points each.

[10] This collection of more than 30 galaxies has its gravitational center near our own Milky Way.

ANSWER: Local Group

[10] The Local Group also contains these two closest dwarf galaxies that may be considered satellite galaxies of the Milky Way. Named for an explorer, there is a "large" one and a "small" one.

ANSWER: Large and Small Magellanic Clouds

[10] The Local Group is in turn part of this supercluster of galaxies 200 million light years wide. The Local Group is near its edge but is being drawn in toward the regular cluster of the same name that dominates its center.

ANSWER: Virgo Supercluster
18. Identify these amino acids FTPE:

[10] With its bulky indole side chain, this amino acid is the precursor for serotonin, niacin, and melatonin, the latter explaining why ingesting a lot of it from turkey can make you sleepy.

ANSWER: tryptophan

[10] This is the most common amino acid in proteins. It has an isobutyl side chain, and its namesake 'zipper' is a common DNA-binding motif.

ANSWER: leucine

[10] This most basic amino acid, in terms of pK of the side chain, has a guanidino group, and it features prominently in the urea cycle, where it is hydrolyzed into urea and ornithine.

ANSWER: arginine
19. Identify these battles of the Wars of the Roses FTPE.

[10] This final battle of the Wars saw the defeat and death of Richard III on August 22, 1485.

ANSWER: Battle of Bosworth Field

[10] At this May 1471 battle, Henry VI’s son Edward died and Margaret of Anjou was captured, ending the Lancastrians’ hopes of regaining the throne.

ANSWER: Battle of Tewkesbury

[10] Just a month before the Battle of Tewkesbury was this other victory for King Edward IV, which saw the defeat of the Earl of Warwick, the “Kingmaker.”

ANSWER: Battle of Barnet
20. Answer these questions about poem and its author FTPE:

[10] The poet, the title figure, and immortality are alone in a carriage with horses whose “heads/were toward eternity” in this poem, first published in 1890.

ANSWER: “Because I Could Not Stop for Death

[10] Name the author of “Because I Could Not Stop for Death.”

ANSWER: Emily Dickinson

[10] In another poem Dickinson claims that upon her death she perceived the sound of this insect, which interposed after she “signed away/What portion of me/Could make assignable.’

ANSWER: a fly
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