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Paul Tillich and the Supreme Court: Tillich’s “Ultimate Concern” as a Standard Judicial Interpretation, 30: 245-72.

McCampbell, Alice E.

Incumbents and Patronage in London, 1640-1660, 25: 299-321.

McDaniel, Charles C. and Richard V. Pierard

The Politics of Appointments to Protestant Theological Faculties in Germany: The Case of Professor Erich Geldbach, 46: 55-82.

McFadden, Robert W.

The Ethical Aspects of Limited War, 13: 113-27.

McGlinn, Sen

A Theology of the State from the Baha’i Teachings, 41: 697-724.

McDonough, Peter

On Hierarchies of Conflict and the Possibility of Civil Discourse: Variations on a Theme by John Courtney Murray, 36: 115-42.

McIlroy, David

Subsidarity and Sphere Sovereignty: Christian Reflections on the Size, Shape, and Scope of Government, 45: 739-63.

McIntyre, Patricia

The Collision of Public Policy with Belief-Based Values, 35: 831-57.

McKee, Elsie

Alexandre Vinet on Religious Liberty and Separation of Church and State, 28: 95-106.

McKenzie, David

Church, State, and Physician-Assisted Suicide, 46: 787-809.

Stephen Carter, the Christian Coalition, and the Civil Rights Analogy, 38: 297-319.

Supreme Court, Fundamentalist Logic, and the Term “Religion,” The, 33: 731-46.

McKenzie, Michael

The Via Media of Paul Ramsey’s Political Ethics, 41: 13-32.

McNally, Vincent J.

An Examination of Church-State Relations and American Influence in British Columbia before Confederation, 34: 93-110.

McTighe, Michael J.

Jesse Jackson and the Dilemmas of a Prophet in Politics, 32: 585-607.

Meacham, Carl E.

Changing of the Guard: New Relations Between Church and State in Chile, 29: 411-33.

Role of the Chilean Catholic Church in the New Chilean Democracy, The, 36: 277-99.

Mead, Sidney E.

Neither Church nor State: Reflections on James Madison’s “Line of Separation,” 10: 349-63.

Religion, Constitutional Federalism, Rights, and the Court, 14: 191-99.

Medhurst, Martin J.

Duche to Provoost: The Birth of Inaugural Prayer, 24: 573-88.

Mendez, Jesus

Church-State Relations in Argentina in the Twentieth Century: A Case Study of the Thirty-second International Eucharistic Congress, 27: 223-43.

Metz, Allen

Mexican Church-State Relations Under President Carlos Salinas de Gortari, 34: 111-30.

Protestantism in Mexico: Contemporary Contextual Developments, 36: 57-78.

Meyerstein, Ariel

On the Advantage and Disadvantage of Truth Commissions for Life: Dreaming an Israeli-Palestinian Truth and Reconciliation Commission, 45: 457-84.

Michael, George

Professor Kevin MacDonald’s Critique of Judaism: Legitimate Scholarship or the Intellectualization of Anti-Semitism, 48: 779-806.

Michaels, Albert L.

Fascism and Sinarquismo: Popular Na­tionalisms Against the Mexican Revolu­tion, 8: 234-50.

Michaelsen, Robert

The Public Schools and “America’s Two Religions,” 8: 380-400.

Miller, Eugene W., Jr.

The Reich Interior Ministry and the Evangelical Kirchenkampf, 1933, 21: 507-23.

Miller, Hubert J.

Conservative and Liberal Concordats in Nineteenth-Century Guatemala: Who Won?, 33: 115-30.

Positivism and Educational Reforms in Guatemala, 1871-1885, 8: 251-63.

Miller, Nicholas P.

Life, the Universe and Everything Constitutional: Origins in the Public Schools, 43: 483-510.

Religious Right’s Assault on Religion in the Constitution, The, 42: 273-95.

Miller, Nicolas P. and Nathan Sheers

A Survey of Religious Free Exercise under State Constitutions, 34: 303-23.

Miller, Robert T.

Religious Conscience in Colonial New England, 1: 19-36.

Miller, William Lee

Principle of Religious Liberty, The, 6: 85-89.

Religion and Americanism, 5: 15-26.

Millett, Richard L.

Protestant Role in Twentieth Cen­tury Latin American Church-State Relations, The, 15: 367-80.

Protestant-Catholic Relations in Costa Rica, 12: 41-57.

Mills, Samuel A.

Abortion and Religious Freedom: The Religious Coalition for Abortion Rights (RCAR) and the Pro-Choice Movement, 1973-1989, 33: 569-94.

Parochiaid and the Abortion Decisions: Supreme Court Justice William J. Brennan, Jr. v. U.S. Catholic Hierarchy, 34: 739-61.

Mitchell, John J., Jr.

Embracing a Socialist Vision: The Evolution of Catholic Social Thought, Leo XIII to John Paul II, 27: 465-81.

Mitchell, Stephen R.

Church and State in the United States: A Summary of the Legal Issues, 6: 15-35.

Moberg, David O.

Spiritual Well-Being and the Quality of Life Movement: A New Arena for Church­-State Debate? 20: 427-49.

Modras, Ronald

Father Coughlin and Anti-Semitism: Fifty Years Later, 31: 231-47.

Mollov, M. Benjamin

Jewry’s Prophetic Challenge to Soviet and Other Totalitarian Regimes According to Hans J. Morgenthau, 39: 561-75.

Monshipouri, Mahmood

Globalization, Sacred Beliefs, and Defiance: Is Human Rights Discourse Relevant in the Muslim World?, 42: 709-36.

Reform and the Human Rights Quandary: Islamists vs. Secularists, 41: 445-74.

September 11 Tragedy and the Muslim World, The: Living with Memory and Myth, 45: 15-40.

West’s Modern Encounter with Islam: From Discourse to Reality, The, 40: 25-56.

Monshipouri, Mahmood and Gina Petonito

Constructing the Enemy in the Post-Cold War Era: The Flaws of the “Islamic Conspiracy” Theory, 37: 773-92.

Monshipouri, Mahmood and John W. Arnold

The Christians in Socialism and After: The Church in East Germany, 38: 751-73.

Monsma, Stephen V.

Justice Potter Stewart on Church and State, 36: 557-76.

Substantive Neutrality as a Basis for Free Exercise No-Establishment Common Ground, 42: 13-35.

Montero, Carmen Garacimartín

Direct Financing of the Religious Denominations in Spain: Changes Introduced by the 2005 General State Budget Law, 48: 175-96.

Moore, Jason Kendall

Destablizing the Middle East: U.S. Policy toward Palestine, 1943-1949, 43: 115-34.

Moore, LeRoy

Roger Williams as an Enduring Symbol for Baptists, 7: 181-89.

Moran, Gloria

The Legal Status of Religious Minorities in Spain, 36: 577-95.

Morris, Kenneth E.

Bonhoeffer’s Critique of Totalitarianism, 26: 255-72.

Morris, Kenneth R.

Theological Sources of William Penn’s Concept of Religious Toleration, 35: 83-111.

Morris, Valarie Ziegler

Early Nineteenth-Century American Peace Movement, The: From Consensus to Division, 27: 499-517.

Morrison, Jeffry Hays

John Witherspoon and the Public Interest of Religion, 41: 551-73.

Moses, H. Vincent

Nationalism and the Kingdom of God according to Hans Kohn and Carlton J. H. Hayes, 17: 259-74.

Mott, Margaret

The Rule of Faith over Reason: The Role of the Inquisition in Iberia and New Spain, 40: 57-81.

Mount, C. Eric, Jr.

Conscience and Compromise in Democ­racy: A Christian Evaluation of Some Views of Political Compromise, 10: 233-­47.

Realism, Norm, Story, and Character: Issues in the Civil Religion Discussion, 22: 41-52.

Mucher, Stephen S.

School Reform, the First Amendment, and Civility in the 1990s: The Construction of A Statement of Principles for Religion and Public Education, 43: 319-42.

Mueller, Gustav E.

Hegel on the Relation of Church and State, 5: 95-104.

Mueller, William A.

The Inter-Confessional Dialogue, 5: 233­-42.

National Council of Churches

Churches and the Public Schools, The, 5: 176-80.

Separation and Interaction of Church and State, 6: 147-53.

Neal, Patrick

Religion Within the Limits of Liberalism Alone?, 39: 697-722.

Neff, Jimmy D.

Roger Williams and Select Theological Notions That Inform the Separation Argument, 38: 529-46.

Nichols, Andrew C.

The Constitutionality of the Religious Land Use and Institutionalized Persons Act Under the Establishment Clause, 46: 281-310.

Nichols, Joel A.

A Man True to His Principles: John Joachim Zubly and Calvinism, 43: 297-318.

Nielsen, Niels C., Jr.

Advancement of Religion versus Teaching about Religion in the Public Schools, The, 26: 105-16.

Perspectives in Teaching Religion in Higher Education, 10: 207-17.

Texas Consultation on Religion and Public Education in Retrospect, The, 14: 391-95.

Nolan, James L., Jr.

The Supreme Court and the Story of American Freedom, 38: 37-58.

Northrup, David

A Church in Search of a State: Catholic Missions in Zaire, 1879­-1930, 30: 309-19.

Nsereko, Daniel D.

Religion, the State, and the Law in Africa, 28: 269-87.

Religious Liberty and the Law in Botswana, 34: 831-50.

Nye, Malory

Minority Religious Groups and Religious Freedom in England: The ISKCON Temple at Bhaktivedanta Manor, 40: 411-36.

Obermayer, Klaus

State and Religion in the Federal Republic of Germany, 17: 97-111.

O’Brien, Albert C.

Benito Mussolini, Catholic Youth, and the Origins of the Lateran Treaties, 23: 117-29.

Osservatore Romano and Fascism, The: The Beginning of a New Era in Church State Relations, October 1922-July 1923, 13: 445-63.

O’Brien, Charles H.

New Light on the Mouton-Natoire Case (1768): Freedom of Conscience and the Role of the Jansenists, 27: 65­-82.

O’Connell, Marvin R.

Montalembert at Mechlin: A Reprise of 1830, 26: 515-36.

O’Grady, Joseph T.

The Roman Question in American Politics, 1885, 10: 365-77.

Oh, John Kie-chiang

Fusion of Politics and Religion in Japan, The: The Soka Gakkai-Komeito, 14: 59-74.

O’Keefe, Timothy J.

The Times and the Roman Catholics: 1857, 18: 253-72.

Oladipo, Caleb

Piety and Politics in African Christianity: The Roles of the Church and the Democratization Process, 45: 325-48.

Ortmayer, Louis L.

Accommodation or Illusion? Vatican Diplomacy in Eastern Europe, with Special Reference to Poland, 20: 233-56.

Osler, Mark

Aseret Had’Varim in Tension: The Ten Commandments and the Bill of Rights, 49: 683-96.

Ozawa-de Silva, Brendan R.

Peace, Pastors, and Politics: Tactics of Resistance in East Germany, 47: 503-30.

Ottensoser, Milton D. and Michael W. Sigall

Church-State Relations and Civil Liberties: A Collegiate Interpretation, 16: 493-508.

Our Most Precious Heritage, 6: 350-51.

Owens, Erik

Taking the Public Out of Our Schools: The Political, Constitutional, and Civic Implications of Private School Vouchers, 44: 717-47.

Pabel, Hilmar M.

“Give to Caesar That Which Is Caesar’s”: Hobbes’s Strategy in the Second Half of Leviathan, 35: 335-49.

Pankhurst, Jerry G.

Soviet Society and Soviet Religion, 28: 409-22.

Strengths of Weak Parties in Church State Confrontations, The: The Soviet Religious Situation, 26: 273-91.

Papkova, Irina

The Russian Orthodox Church and Political Party Platforms, 49: 117-34.

Parsons, Gerald A.

From Nationalism to Internationalism: Civil Religion and the Festival of Saint Catherine of Siena 1940-2003, 46: 861-85.

Pattridge, Blake D.

The Catholic Church in Revolutionary Guatemala, 1944-54, 36: 527-40.

Pavlischek, Keith J.

John Courtney Murray, Civil Religion, and the Problem of Political Neutrality, 34: 717-38.

Pearson, Samuel C., Jr.

Reluctant Radicals: The Independents at the Westminster Assembly, 11: 473-86.

Peeler, David P.

Thomas Jefferson’s Nursery of Republican Patriots: The University of Virginia, 28: 79-93.

Penton, M. James

Jehovah’s Witnesses and the Secular State: A Historical Analysis of Doctrine, 21: 55-72.

Perry, Barbara A.

Justice Hugo Black and the “Wall of Separation Between Church and State,” 31: 55-72.

Perry, John

Locke’s Accidental Church: The Letter Concerning Toleration and the Church’s Witness to the State, 46: 269-88.

Peterson, Walfred H.

Representation and a Religious Pressure Group: An Examination of the Baptist Joint Committee on Public Affairs, 15: 271-91.

Thwarted Opportunity for Judicial Activism in Church-State Relations, The: Separation and Accommodation in Precarious Balance, 22: 437-58.

Petonito, Gina and Mahmood Monshipouri

Constructing the Enemy in the Post-Cold War Era: The Flaws of the “Islamic Conspiracy” Theory, 37: 773-92.

Peyrouse, Sébastien

The Relationship between Church and State in the Post-Soviet World: The Case of Christianity in Central Asia, 49: 97-115.

Pfeffer, Leo

Analysis of Federal Aid to Parochial Schools, An, 3: 137-48.

Becker Amendment, The, 6: 344-49.

Diety in American Constitutional History, The, 23: 215-39.

Freedom and Separation: America’s Contribution to Civilization, 2: 100-111.

Issues that Divide: The Triumph of Secular Humanism, 19: 203-16.

Momentous Year in Church and State, A: 1963, 6: 36-43.

New York Regent’s Prayer Case (Engel v. Vitale), The, 4: 150-58.

“Religion” of Secular Humanism, The, 29: 495-507.

Schempp-Murray Decision on School Prayer and Bible Reading, The, 5: 165-75.

What Hath God Wrought to Caesar: The Church as a Self-Interest Group, 13: 97-112.

Pfeffer, Leo and Alan Pfeffer

The Agunah in American Secular Law, 31: 487-525.

Phenix, Philip H.

Religion in Public Education: Principles and Issues, 14: 415-30.

Phillips, Stephen

Roger Williams and the Two Tables of Law, 38: 547-68.

Phiri, Isaac

Proclaiming Peace and Love: A New Role for Churches in African Politics, 42: 781-802.

Why African Churches Preach Politics: The Case of Zambia, 41: 323-48.

Pierard, Richard V.

Billy Graham and the U.S. Presidency, 22: 107-27.

Editorial-Religion and the East German Revolution, 32: 501-09.

Protestant Support for the Political Right in Weimar Germany and Post­Watergate America: Some Comparative Observations, 24: 245-62.

Pike, Frederick B.

Church and State and Political Devel­opment in Chile; 10: 99-113.

Piper, John F., Jr.

Christianity and Politics in Northern Rhodesia, 10: 83-98.

The Formation of the Social Policy of the Federal Council of Churches, 11: 63-82.

Plokhy, Serhii

Between Moscow and Rome: Struggle for the Greek Catholic Patriarchate in Ukraine, 37: 849-67.

Pobee, John Samuel

Church and State in the Gold Coast in the Vasco da Gama Era, 1492-1947, 17: 217-37.

Poe, William A.

Not Christopolis but Christ and Caesar: Baptist Leadership in Liberia, 24: 535-51.

Pope, Clara

Human Rights and the Catholic Church in Brazil, 1970-1983: The Pontifical Justice and Peace Commission of the Sao Paulo Archdiocese, 27: 429-52.

Pope, Earl A.

Between Martyrdom and Collaboration: A Book Review Article, 20: 257-71.

Pope John XXIII

Pacem in Terris: Human Rights and Duties in Natural Law, 7: 91-104.

Pope John Paul II

Respect for Conscience: Foundation for Peace, 33: 416-25.

Pospielovsky, Dimitry

The Renovationist Movement in the Orthodox Church in the Light of Archival Documents, 39: 85-105.

Post, Stephen G.

The Molko Case: Will Freedom Prevail?, 31: 451-64.

Preville, Joseph R.

Catholic Colleges and the Supreme Court: The Case of Tilton v. Richardson, 30: 291-307.

Leo Pfeffer and the American Church-State Debate: A Confrontation with Catholicism, 33: 37-53.

Prevost, Robert

Clergy Malpractice after Oregon v. Smith, 34: 279-301.

Proctor, J. H.

Church of Scotland and British Colonialism in Africa, The, 29: 475­93.

Church of Scotland and the Struggle for a Scottish Assembly, The, 25: 523-43

Scottish Missionaries and the Governance of the New Hebrides, 41: 349-72.

Proctor, William G., Jr.

The Unsystematic Theology of the Unit­ed States Supreme Court, 9: 17-35.

Purcell, Sarah J.

“Spread this Martial Fire”: The New England Patriot Clergy and Civil Military Inspiration, 38: 621-38.

Rachanow, Shelly S.

The Effect of O’Lone v. Estate of Shabazz on the Free Exercise Rights of Prisoners, 40: 125-48.

Ragsdale, John P.

Postwar Educational Development in Northern Rhodesia: The Political Influ­ence of Special Interest Groups, 25: 133-45.

Rainbolt, John Corbin

The Struggle to Define “Religious Lib­erty” in Maryland, 1776-85, 17: 443-58.

Ramet, Sabrina P.

Religion and Politics in Germany since 1945: The Evangelical and Catholic Churches, 42: 115-45.

Rao, Badrinath

The Variant Meanings of Secularism in India: Notes Toward Conceptual Clarifications, 48: 47-81.

Raps, Eric Alan, and Edward N. Leavy

The Judicial Double Standard for State Aid to Church-Affiliated Educational Institutions, 21: 209-22.

Raucher, Alan

Sunday Business and the Decline of Sunday Closing Laws: A Historical Overview, 36: 13-33.

Ravitch, Norman

Far Short of Bigotry: Edmund Burke on Church Establishments and Confessional States, 37: 365-83.

Redman, Barbara J.

Sabbatarian Accommodation in the Supreme Court, 33: 495-523.

Strange Bedfellows: Lubavitcher Hasidim and Conservative Christians, 34: 521-48.

Reichert, William O.

Proudhon and Kropotkin on Church and State, 9: 87-100.

Reuter, Frank T.

William Howard Taft and the Separation of Church and State in the Philippines, 24: 105-17.

Rice, Daniel F.

Sidney E. Mead and the Problem of “Civil Religion,” 22: 53-74.

Richards, Noel J.

Disestablishment of the Anglican Church in England in the Late Nine­teenth Century: Reasons for Failure, 12: 193-211.

Political Nonconformity at the Turn of the Twentieth Century, 17: 239-58.

Richards, Peter Judson

A Clear and Steady Channel: Isaac Backus and the Limits of Liberty, 43: 447-82.

Richardson, James T.

Cult/Brainwashing Cases and Freedom of Religion, 33: 55-74.

Minority Religions, Religious Freedom, and the New Pan-European Political Judicial Institutions, 37: 39-59.

Richardson, James T. and John DeWitt

Christian Science Spiritual Healing, the Law, and Public Opinion, 34: 549-61.

Roberts, J. Deotis

A Theological Conception of the State, 4: 66-75.

Robinson-Durso, Pamela

Chaplains in the Confederate Army, 33: 747-63.

Robison, Joseph B.

Summary and Analysis of the Maryland Court of Appeals’ Decision on State Aid to Church Colleges: Horace Mann League v. Board of Public Works of Maryland, 8: 401-14.

Rohr, John A.

Religious Toleration in St. Augustine, 9: 51-70.

Rollins, Richard M.

Adin Ballou and the Perfectionist’s Di­lemma, 17: 459-76.

Roman, Richard

Church-State Relations and the Mexican Constitutional Congress, 1916-1917, 20: 73-80.

Romanides, John S.

The Orthodox Churches on Church­-State Relations and Religious Liberty, 6: 178-89.

Rosenbaum, Stuart

Abortion, the Constitution, and Metaphysics, 43: 707-23.

Ross, Ronald J.

Critic of the Bismarckian Constitution: Ludwig Windthorst and the Relation­ship between Church and State in Impe­rial Germany, 21: 483-506.

Rossouw, G.J. and Eugenio Macamo, Jr.

Church-State Relationships in Mozambique, 35: 537-46.

Rothschild, Herbert B., Jr.

Unsolvable Problem of Abortion, The, 29: 233-51.

Rowe, Paul S.

Four Guys and a Fax Machine? Diasporas, New Information Technologies, and the Internationalization of Religion in Egypt, 43: 81-92.


Neo-millet Systems and Transnational Religious Movements: The Humayun Decrees and Church Construction in Egypt, 49: 329-­­­­­­50.

Russell, Horace O.

The Reactions of the Baptist Missionary Society and the Jamaican Baptist Union to the Morant Bay Rebellion of 1865, 35: 593-603.

Russian Federation

Russian Federation Federal Law: “On Freedom of Conscience and on Religious Associations,” 39: 873-89.

Rutz, Michael A.

The Problem of Church and State: Dissenting Politics and the London Missionary Society in 1830s Britain, 379-98.

Ryan, William C.

Historical Case for the Right of Sanctuary, The, 29: 209-32.

Rycroft, W. Stanley

Protestant Churches and Religious Freedom in Latin America, The, 8: 264-73.

Roman Catholic Clericalism, 3: 172-82.

Rynhold, Jonathan and Asher Cohen

Social Covenants: The Solution to the Crisis of Religion and State in Israel?, 47: 725-45.

Ryu, Dae Young

Fresh Wineskins for New Wine: A New Perspective on North Korean Christianity, 48: 659-75.

Saeger, James S.

Clerical Politics in Eighteenth Century Peru: The Trial of Jose de Antequera, 17: 81-96.

Sager, Rebecca.

The Cultural Construction of State Sponsored Religion: Race, Politics, and State Implementation of the Faith-Based Initiative, 467-85.

Saguier, Eduardo R.

Church and State in Buenos Aires in the Seventeenth Century, 26: 491-51.

Sahliyeh, Emile F.

The State and the Islamic Movement in Jordan, 47: 109-31.

Sanchez, Jose M.

The Popes and Nazi Germany: The View from Madrid, 38: 365-76.

Saunders, Albert C.

The Right to an Equal Vote and the “Higher Law,” 8: 64-81.

Sawatsky, Walter

Truth Telling in Eastern Europe: The Liberation and the Burden, 33: 701-29.

Scarfe, Alan

A Call for Truth: An Appraisal of Rumanian Baptist Church-State Relation­ships, 21: 431-49.

Schapsmeier, Edward L., and Frederick H. Schapsmeier

Religion and Reform: A Case Study of Henry A. Wallace and Ezra Taft Benson, 21: 525-35.

Schlafly, Daniel L., Jr.

Roman Catholicism in Today’s Russia: The Troubled Heritage, 39: 681-96.

Schmiesing, Kevin

John A. Ryan and the Problem of Clerical Politics, 45: 113-29.

Schmitt, Karl M.

American Protestant Missionaries and the Diaz Regime in Mexico: 1876-1911, 25: 253-77.

Mexican Positivists and the Church-­State Question, 1876-1911, The, 8: 200-13.

Schneider, Fred D.

Parliament, the East India Company, and the Calcutta Bishopric, 16: 51-71.

Schultz, Harold J.

Search for Utopia: The Exodus of Rus­sian Mennonites to Canada, 1917-1927, 11: 487-512.

Schwan, Hubert, and Antonio Ugalde

Orientations of the Bishops of Colombia Toward Social Development, 1930-1970, 16: 473-92.

Seppo, Juha

The Freedom of Religion and Conscience in Finland, 40: 847-72.

Serapiäo, Luís Benjamim

Catholic Church and Conflict Resolution in Mozambique’s Post-Colonial Conflict, 1977-1992, The, 46: 365-87.

Roman Catholic Church and the Principle of Self-Determination, The: A Case Study in Mozambique, 23: 323-35.

Sewrey, Charles L.

Infallibility, the American Way, and Catholic Apologetics, 15: 293-302.

Sharkansky, Ira

Israeli Democracy and Jewish History, 37: 329-48.

Religion and Politics in Israel and Utah, 39: 523-41.

Sharma, Arvind

Buddhism and Christianity as Missionary Religions in the Context (the Church-State Dualism, 28: 61-78

Shava, Menashe

Rabbinical Courts in Israel, The: Jurisdiction over Non-Jews?, 27: 99­-112.

Sheffer, Martin S.

U.S. Supreme Court and the Free Exercise Clause, The: Are Standards of Ad­judication Possible? 23: 533-49.

Shelley, Thomas J.

Mutual Independence: Church and State in Belgium: 1825-1846, 32: 49-63.

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