Albert Rosales humanoid sighting reports 1000-2007

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Three years later V.Z. was pasturing the cows alone when he saw a military jeep approaching. The vehicle stopped nearby and a neighbor boy walked out of it, along with two militia men and a civilian. One of the men approached V.Z. and asked him his name and then told the civilian male, “You talk here, and we will go and smoke”. Not knowing why, V.Z. became very frightened as the man in civilian clothing began talking to him in very familiar terms. V.Z answered that he did not know him and is seeing him for the first time. The stranger then told V.Z., “Do you remember when we visited Leningrad?” V.Z. answered that he had never been to Leningrad and had lived in the small village all his life. Then the man (obviously from the Secret Police) reminded V.Z. of his encounter with aliens, but V.Z. refused to believe him since at this point he could not remember anything about the encounter. The man apparently became upset and told V.Z. that if he said everything he knew he will become “a respected man and get an education”. But V.Z. stubbornly refused and could not remember anything still. After that the militia men approached and also asked V.Z. questions, he told them that he didn’t know the stranger in civilian clothing. The man in civilian then suggested that they interrogate V.Z. under hypnosis. But the militia men answered that no one would permit them to do that. The men in civilian clothing insisted explaining that he would provide the conditions for the interrogation if they trusted him. But the militia man also insisted pointing out that they trusted him but was not sure if “the others” would trust V.Z. pointing at him and then they left but not before telling V.Z. not to tell anyone of their visit.
HC addendum

Source: Letter from the witness in: “Cross of Centaurs” Rostov-on-Don # 1 2001

Type: G

Comments: Very involved tale, showing some features of things to come in the future (and came to be).


Location. Selma Alabama

Date: Summer 1948

Time: evening

One of the largest families in town was having their annual reunion when one family member looked up and saw a giant bird-like creature land next to a tree. Looking closer he saw that the bird had human form. Others gathered around and watched the creature. It appeared more human than animal and just stared at the group with gleaming red eyes. As more people gathered around it suddenly flew off without flapping its wings.
HC addition # 2940

Source: Ron Schaffner

Type: E


Location. Horsham, Sussex, England

Date: Summer 1948

Time: evening

E. J. A. Reynolds, a young boy at the time was setting up some rabbit traps on a hill and was keeping watch when suddenly he saw a small hairy man step out from a blackberry bush. He was no more than eighteen inches high and covered in hair. His face was bare but had a leathery look. The nose seemed sharp. It definitely had hands; its arms seemed longer than a human being’s. It did not notice the witness and then turned and disappeared back into the blackberry bush. A few days later Mr. Reynolds saw the creature again, when traveling upstairs on a bus. During the daytime, he saw the little man walking across the lawn in a large garden.
HC addendum

Source: Janet Bord, Faeries, Real Encounters with The Little People

Type: E


Location. Carthage Ohio

Date: Summer 1948

Time: night

At a local plant security guards have spotted a strange man-like figure accompanied by what was described as a “shaggy dog” or a “young lion.” It was seen walking back & forth inside a vacant steel building accompanied by the animal. A second time it was seen and this time a white & a black dog accompanied it. No tracks were ever found.
HC addition # 3166

Source: UFO Research Cincinnati

Type: E


Location. Near Taunton Massachusetts

Date: Summer 1948

Time: night

One night, a bright metallic green light that pierced through his closed eyelids awakened the 5-year old witness. He opened his eyes and saw a shaft of green light shining into his bedroom through a gap in the curtains. He threw his blanket aside and jumped out of bed to look out the window and down into the farmyard. He saw a corona of green light radiating into the sky. He assumed that it was his uncle digging up night crawlers for bait, using a new bright lantern. Feeling safe he exited the window and walked toward the rear of the chicken coop expecting to see his uncle. His eyes were drawn to a blue/white cylindrical object shaped like a spade on an ace of spades card. It was about twelve feet tall and five feet wide at the widest part. All of the sudden, his body vibrated and felt large, weightless and fuzzy. Soon he was in a large glowing red corridor with an arched ceiling. A very tall thin man with long gold hair, wearing a metallic golden brown, tubular collared, uniform stood next to him. He looked down at the witness with huge blue friendly eyes as his left hand waved him on through an archway. He put his large hand behind the witness back, and guided him. Somehow the hand’s touch soothed the witness anxiety. As he entered a small room, he noticed a centrally located white pedestal table with metal instruments hanging above. The tall man hoisted him onto the table. He noticed an odor on him similar to frankincense. Instinctively he laid down for an examination. Above him he saw a large round purple light come on, and simultaneously in the center of his head he felt a tickling sensation. In no time, all his consciousness ceased and he felt something on his right side. It felt like a sword entering his right rib cage and going up into his heart. When it entered it felt warm and pleasant. The “sword” retracted. The witness opened his eyes briefly and saw several baldheaded silhouettes partially eclipsing the light. Soon an exhilarating feeling came over him and he found himself standing in the shadows behind the chicken coop. He ran back to his bed.
HC addendum


Type: G


Location. Belgorod-Dnestrovskiy, Odessa region, Ukraine

Date: summer 1948

Time: night

Several teenagers were fishing along the banks of the Dnestrovskiy Gulf near the location of an ancient fortress; the night was lit by the bright moon light. Suddenly the boys noticed several humanoid figures walking on top of the walls of the fortress. Incredibly the figures appeared to be horned; additional details could not be seen in the dark. The frightened boys hid in the darkness, picked up their fishing gear and fled to their nearby homes. According to local legend these entities use to live underground, at times visiting the surface through carefully disguised tunnels. Hearsay has it that at one point in the distant past a UFO crashed in the region and the occupants of the object hid in the rumored underground passageways of the fortress. These horned humanoids reportedly are not seen during the daylight hours since they cannot tolerate bright sun light. There are other legends and a more prosaic hypothesis that deals with hiding surviving Romanian soldiers which hid in the fortress after WWII. The shape of their field caps reportedly resembled horns or tri-star in shape.
HC addendum

Source: Yuriy Misyuk, student of local folklore in: “Komsomolskaya Pravda” newspaper Moscow September 15 2004 and 16.

Type: E


Location. Howe, Idaho

Date: June 1948

Time: night

Paul Solem, his wife and brother in law all observed three glowing objects flying at a high rate of speed. Solem further alleged that he mentally directed a question at the UFOs and that a “voice” inside of his head replied. “We are from another planet. You will hear from us later”.
HC addendum

Source: Jerome Clark

Type: E

Comments: Solem was to have further alleged contacts.


Location. Trenton, New Jersey

Date: July 19 1948

Time: 0330A

The witness woke late at night to see five little men carrying his mother down the stairs. He tried to get up and go after her, but he was warned by one of the little men who told to stay in bed or else he would die (!). Frightened he stayed in his bed but a bright light coming through the window made him look outside. Outside he saw the little men and his mother walk into the light. He didn’t remember going to sleep but then he woke up. His mother greeted him and then told him that his dog Rusty had jumped out the window and accidentally hung himself, possibly in attempt to chase an intruder.
HC addendum

Source: Mysterious Reality, UFO Reports

Type: G?


Location. Alameda, Andalusia, Spain

Date: July 1948

Time: evening

17-year old shepherd Lucas del Pozo was guarding his family watermelon patch when he suddenly noticed what appeared to be a “whirlwind” appeared within the patch. The dust or dirt covered the whole field and the witness feared that the crop had been lost. As he approached the field he was surprised to see a large metallic bowl-shaped object sitting in the middle of the field that seemed to have come out of nowhere. From the object a short humanoid figure with long dangling arms and short legs emerged. The humanoid had small beady black eyes; slick back black hair that appeared glued to his head, small fingers, and moved around in strangely coordinated moves. It wore a very tight-fitting mustard colored coverall. Afraid the witness fled the area and did not see the humanoid or object depart.
HC addendum

Source: Alberto Guzman, July 11 2004

Type: B


Location. Sosnowiec, Poland

Date: July-August 1948

Time: afternoon

It was harvest time and all the villagers were working in the fields except for the witness a 12-year old boy at the time that remained behind guarding his house. He was very bored and switched on the radio but instead of music there was only a strange whistling sound. The radio seemed to be broken. So he took off the headphones and realized that the strange and unbearable noise was coming from outside. The boy then opened the window and saw two small, very thin creatures both dressed in shining tight-fitting outfits. The entities had large heads and dark slanted piercing eyes. One of them had horns or wore a horned helmet. The witness became frightened and shocked and then fainted, remaining unconscious for several hours. His parents found him lying on the floor. When he recovered he told them that he had seen the “devil”. All his life he thought that he had been cursed by the “devils” and they were responsible for his failures and illnesses.
HC addendum

Source: direct from

Type: E

Comments: Compare with the Devil comparison with the earlier Cuban case.


Location. Near Lazarevskoe, Sochi, Russia

Date: August 18 1948

Time: daytime

Valentin Stepanovich was fishing on a small river near the mountains when suddenly he saw a silver, cigar shaped craft nearby, and several luminous balls of light separated from the object and flew in the direction of the witness. He also noticed several tall and beautiful women nearby, with long blond hair and smiling. Suddenly he blacked out and when he regained consciousness he found himself onboard a craft, lying on a bed inside a room. An alien “Nordic” woman entered the room, and telepathically communicated with him, he agreed to go with them. The flight apparently lasted 3 months, but a year had passed on the Earth. While in space, he walked among the crew, and explored different rooms. The craft was cigar shaped, more than 100 meters long and approximately 30 meters in diameter. The aliens told him that it was flying beyond the speed of light, like “piercing” space. The craft had two power plants on each end. The partitions between the craft’s compartments could be walked through. These passages were colored in different shades. He slept and ate for a long time. Soon they landed on the alien planet that was approximately twice bigger than earth. It was divided into three huge continents. The aliens were tall, more than 2.0 meters in height, biologically similar to humans, with an average life span of 300-400 years. They resembled Nordic people, with blond hair, and slightly slanted bluish, greenish, grayish eyes. The women were beautiful. All the aliens were dressed in a single piece tight-fitting silver suit made out of a multi-layered composite material, with automatic cooling and heating systems and a system to extract waste. The suits protected them from radiation and from all sorts of weapons. The suits also had a multi-functional device installed into its lower part of the breast area. It was for visual and audio communication purposes as well as an antigravity controller. Stepanovich was also made to dress into this suit and his terrestrial clothing was put away. At first he communicated with the aliens via telepathy but soon learned their language enough to be able to communicate. The aliens possessed a number of small disc shaped craft used for planetary transport and possessed huge underground industrial areas. Landscapes were picturesque, and plants were grown hydroponically. He became acquainted with the alien’s history. He learned that there had been a war between the current race of tall blond aliens and a shorter race of dwarf-like beings. The war destroyed the dwarf-like race completely. Valentin met an alien woman named Liffa and soon fell in love with her. At one time he attempted to kiss her, and her skin became extremely red and she told him to get away from her. For this transgression he Stepanovich was punished and was briefly exiled into a polluted and radioactive satellite moon. He survived the exile and soon he was allowed to marry Liffa (!). They had a child together. Valentin also helped the aliens with a small problem. There was a small colony of humans taken from Earth to that planet. Its leader was a German with Nazi ideas. Valentin soon realized that this man and his friends wanted to take control of the planet and informed the aliens about the situation. The rebels were quickly and safely neutralized. Soon after this Valentin returned to earth. He was interrogated by the Russian secret police since he could not explain where he had been for three years. He wrote his fascinating adventure on an unusual notebook, which was later confiscated by the police.
HC addendum

Source: Anton Anfalov, Ukraine

Type: G


Location. Lineville Alabama

Date: Fall 1948

Time: morning

The witness (a woman who wishes to remain anonymous) was drawing water from a well when an object (a round, luminous ball) landed in an adjacent cornfield. Two longhaired, bearded men got out, wearing long robes with a sash around the middle, and one of them came up and spoke to her in accented English. “He told her not to be afraid, and assured her she would not be harmed if she would cooperate and answer some simple questions.” After about half an hour’s conversation, she fled into the house, where the second humanoid was standing in the doorway; they left, and she saw the UFO ascend. In the cornfield was a flattened and scorched area. The witness “only spoke of the incident when forced to do so.”
Humcat 1948-2

Source: George Butler, Beyond Reality 9/73

Type: B


Location. Near Prescott, Arizona

Date: September 1948

Time: night

Kathryn Brown was in her car when she suddenly got the feeling that something was about to happen, she felt great power and gentleness around her. She was not afraid, as she no longer could hear the car radio or engine. And then she saw the familiar lights ahead of the car and fell into what she thought was a deep sleep. She soon discovered that she had lost 2 hours and felt extremely hungry. Later she recalled being onboard an object and meeting a human like figure, tall with long brown hair, blue eyes and who spoke English, he seemed to be the “captain” or leader. The rest of the crew were shorter than her, with grayish white skin and wearing what appeared to be space travel suits. These communicated with the witness by using mental telepathy. After entering a small passageway she was taken to what appeared to be a command center. There she was shown a window that had been invisible from outside. She also saw what appeared to be star maps, dials and abstract drawings. The tall man and one of the short creatures showed her how to operate the dials. The floor was very shiny and made her feel light. Her next memory was of being back in her vehicle. (Involved in other experiences).
HC addendum

Source: UFO Watch

Type: G


Location. Lipa City, Philippines

Date: September 12 1948

Time: afternoon

Carmelite nun Teresita Castillo was walking in a garden when suddenly a nearby vine began to shake. A small shining female figure then appeared and requested that she kiss the earth and return to same spot for fifteen consecutive days. She was in a cloud, dressed in white, hands clasped, and a golden rosary hanging from her right hand. Her dress was very white, very simple, and had a narrow belt tied around her. She was radiant with beauty. She requested that the vine be blessed and that a statue be place at the site of the apparition.
HC addendum

Source: “Our Lady, Mediatrix of All Grace”

Type: E or F?

Comments: Of course interpreted as a “Marian vision”.


Location. Oristano Italy

Date: September 13 1948

Time: 1900

18-year old Guiseppe Madau was walking home from a religious seminar when he perceived a loud “tone” like sound coming from overhead. Looking up he saw a strange craft approaching, maintaining an oblique position, at about rooftop height. It was a round disc with a transparent cupola on top. Inside the dome, Madau could see two men. The men were human-like, fair skinned, and apparently blond. Curious the witness waved at the men, who then smiled and waved back. The craft now descended silently flying parallel to the ground. On the upper section of the object there was a bright beam of light that changed colors, from green, to orange and blue. This beam completely enveloped Madau. Soon he perceived an “electronic” sound in his mind and heard words telling him to be “calm.” Soon the sound became somewhat painful, and the witness mentally told them that he “was not going with them.” Scared he began reciting the Mother Mary prayer. He then heard a loud feminine voice telling him to be quiet. The sensation in his mind continued, and he again invoked Mother Mary. Finally the sensation stopped. The light around him disappeared and when he turned around the object and the men were gone.
HC addition # 2963

Source: ITACAT

Type: A & F?


Location. Near Grassy Butte Oregon

Date: September 18 1948

Time: before dawn

Fred Scott, 63, walking from Antelope to Rome, Oregon, was walking around Grassy Mountain just before dawn when he looked up and saw 2 “flying persons” to the south of him. They were 150-250 ft up, one following the other at a distance of 8-10 ft, flying west east. Their wings, which were narrow & rounded at the tip, did not flap. Their legs were unusually short, almost as if cut off at the knees. They were moving quite slowly, & remained visible while Scott walked for ½-1 mile.
Humcat 1948-9

Source: Kenneth Arnold, Jerome Clark & Ted Bloecher

Type: E


Location. Dreamy Draw, Paradise Valley, Arizona

Date: October 2 1948

Time: unknown

A UFO crashed somewhere in the Dreamy Draw area. Another version to the report has it that a UFO settled down in the Dreamy Draw area but actually crashed 10 miles away near Cave Creek landfill. The remains of its two aliens, described as about 4-1/2 ft tall were recovered. They were kept in some guy’s freezer for a while and then taken away by the military. Some believe the reason the Army Corps of Engineers built the Dreamy Draw dam was not for flood control, but to bury the UFO. There are reports of a large underground vault in the area.
HC addendum

Source: Burlington News UFO crash list

Type: H


Location. Aspang, Austria

Date: November 1948

Time: unknown

Two local men saw a cloud that then floated over Konigsberg. The cloud became bright and then parted. An entity in a blue cloak came out of it. The sighting was regarded as a Marian encounter. According to sources she wore a golden crown on her head and a bunch of roses in her hand.
HC addendum


Type: E

Comments: Little known Marian visitation.


Location. Gumus, Nigde Turkey

Date: December 1948

Time: noon

A 15-year old shepherd boy named Behoet Ocal was eating his lunch when a bright light landed nearby on a mound of rubble. From inside the light came three beings, a woman, and two men. They were all of the same height. The woman had long hair and the men were bald. All of the extraterrestrials had a very bright object of plaque on their upper chests. They told the boy they would not harm him and said they came from another world. The woman had slanted eyes and wore a tight dress; the men had “instruments” in place of ears and implements on their belts. They said they would appear to Ocal “often” and “send me pictures.” They left the same way they arrived. Ocal claims he has been in contact with them ever since, and has devised a star map, with their aid; it depicts the center of the universe, from which all things originated, and is identified as “Kur.” He always felt a deep comfort in the presence of the aliens. But three weeks after the first encounter the same three aliens returned to meet Ocal, one of them then suddenly raised his hand and Ocal felt a strong “energy wave” hit him. He fainted and had to visit a doctor who said he was suffering from appeared to be a “strong electrical shock” and a deep sun tan.
Humcat 1948-1

Source: Istanbul newspaper, Hurriyet Dec 1977, UFOlar Geliyor

Type: B?


Location. Aberdeenshire, Scotland

Date: December 1948

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