Albert Rosales humanoid sighting reports 1000-2007

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Humcat 1954-10

Source: D Lacanal, G Menu & G Romeo

LDLN # 176

Type: A


Location. Terni, Italy

Date: February 1954

Time: 2330

An anonymous working man returning home on his scooter was attracted by a large white light, about 30 meters in width and about 200 meters away from the witness. He stopped the scooter and propped it up against a tree and decided to investigate what the light was. As he approached the light he noticed that it was a disc shaped craft with a large dome on the top. Suddenly an opening on the center part of the dome and a ladder was lowered to the ground. Two figures then descended to the ground. These were kind of hard to distinguish since the light from the object was still very bright. They seemed to be wearing tight fitting diver suits that covered their bodies except for the head. They stood around and appeared to converse amongst each other, soon they noticed the stunned witness and walked towards him. Paralyzed with fear the witness could not move and could only stare at the beings. He described them as about 1.40 meters in height, with large pear shaped heads, with large slanted eyes and pointed chins. Their outfits were luminous and very tight fitting, revealing parts of their anatomy, which was human-like. One of the beings then spoke in perfect Italian, telling the witness not to be afraid that they were friendly in nature and would not do him any harm. He then imparted an anti nuclear war message and one of peace. Moments later both figures climbed back inside the object. The witness then heard a loud whistling sound and the craft became white-blue and then bright red in color. It rose up vertically and disappeared at great speed into the sky. According to the witness at the site where the object had landed he found a scorched area of about 30 meters in circumference.
HC addendum

Source: ITACAT

Type: B


Location. Mansfield, Massachusetts

Date: February 1954

Time: night

Bill Sheehan and four school-friends were sledding when they saw a bright star-like object approaching from the west. It grew closer until it was visible as a flying saucer with pulsating lights round its scalloped edge. The lights were alternating blue-green and red. The disc moved directly over the witnesses, who were huddled together on the ground. A blinding light enveloped them, causing a tingling sensation. Under hypnosis, Sheehan recalled communicating with the UFO entities, though he did not see them. About one hour of "missing time" was never accounted for.

HC addendum

Source: N.E. UFO Newsletter October 81

Type: G?


Location. Malibu California

Date: February 8 1954

Time: pre-dawn

Wakened by a motor like sound, John Fante saw a 100-foot ball of luminous blue haze about 300 yards away. From it emerged small human figures "which made their way down an iridescent funnel from the crest of Pt Dume to the ocean." Going to the cliff edge, he saw that this "conveyor belt---no more than 24" tall---entered the ship's hold and emerged carrying bright cylindrical objects," with which they returned to the ball." There must have bee 5000 of these grotesque creatures." Then the ball gave a muffled roar and rose, and the ship sailed away. At the site where the ball had rested, Fante found one of the silvery cylinders. Breaking it open, he found in it 2 lb of coffee.

Humcat 1954-2

Source: Humcat quoting Newspaper source

Type: B


Location. Lossiemouth Scotland

Date: February 18 1954

Time: 1530

Walking along the coast near Lossiemouth, Cedric Allingham heard a swishing sound, and looking up, saw through binoculars a flying saucer only slightly different from Adamski's. 3 hours later he heard and saw it again, coming in for a landing 50 yards away. "The whole metallic body, seemed to glow faintly," but was not translucent; it was 50 ft wide and 20 ft high, resembling polished aluminum. A 6 ft man with a deep tan skin and a high forehead got out. His garment covered him from neck to toes---he wore no shoes. In each nostril was a tiny tube. When Allingham drew planetary orbits, he nodded when Mars was pointed out, and repeated "Mars." In further exchanges he verified Allingham's suggestions that the Martian canals consist of a central string of water surrounded by vegetation. Allingham touched and photographed the saucer and also photographed the pilot, from a side rear angle; these photos are reproduced in his book. A slight humming marked the take off of the saucer. The interview had lasted ½ hour.

Humcat 1954-3

Source: Cedric Allingham, Flying saucers From Mars

Type: B


Location. Norco California

Date: Spring 1954

Time: unknown

Mrs J and her daughter went outside to investigate a metallic droning sound, and saw an object passing overhead at low altitude, at 5 mph or less. It came to a stop, the noise subsiding, over a tree only 15 ft away. It was aluminum colored & resembled a rowboat, bout 20 ft long & 10 ft wide; on top was a transparent dome. Inside this dome 5 seated men were visible facing the witnesses. They had "rather long faces," dark eyes & hair, and dull olive complexions, and wore neutral colored uniforms & helmets. They stared at the witnesses; one in particular gave Mrs J the impression of "a cold scientific mind dissecting me." These men looked at them for a full minute, and then leant back in their seats; the drone began again and the object moved off toward the NE at about 35 mph.

Humcat 1954-8

Source: Donald B Hanlon, FSR

Type: A


Location. Cote D'Azur, Provence France

Date: Spring 1954

Time: 0240A

Monsieur B was walking home when he came upon a brightly luminous object standing on or hovering over the ground, only 10 meters away; a discoidal craft 5 meters in diameter, the upper part more curved, and with a small dome. Beside it stood a slender man 5"2' tall, wearing a luminous tight fitting one piece suit including the head. When he turned toward Mr. B he was seen to have a veil in front of his face. He spoke some words to a second being, shorter 4'9" and with a larger head, who wore a similar garb. On his abdomen this 2nd entity wore a sort of flashlight, from which a beam of white light was turned on B, paralyzing him. Then this 2nd entity raised his veil, revealing a grin on his face that exposed all his teeth. His forehead was high, the chin & nose pronounced, the lips very thin, and the complexion dark. The eyes were white, showing no iris or pupil, and exuded a large brown tear. The being made beckoning gestures; then both walked to the craft, got onto it, and vanished into it. B heard a metallic noise, then lost consciousness. When he came to himself, the machine was 10 meters above the ground, 50-70 meters away, and was spinning, making a faint noise. Its shape now differed, showing 2 illuminated portholes on a bulge. There was an "indefinable" smell. After a bright flash of light, the object became gold-colored; it rose in a spiral, the moved off leaving a trail of sparks. The next day B found flattened greenery at the site.

Humcat 1954-9

Source: J Chasseigne, FSR Vol. 21 # 2

Type: B


Location. Penn Hills Pittsburgh Pennsylvania

Date: Spring 1954

Time: afternoon

A ten-year old was returning home after school and had taken a short cut through a wooded area when she came upon a dull silvery metallic object sitting on the ground. It was smooth and was disc-shaped. Six feet to the left of the object stood a figure completely covered in silver; it had its back to the witness and was very thin and never moved. Both the figure and the object suddenly vanished into thin air.
HC addition # 215

Source: Paul G Johnson, The Researcher Vol. 9 # 1

Type: C


Location. Near Turku, Finland

Date: March 1954

Time: 0015A

Several days after Osmo Liene and his brother Esko had seen a large disc shaped object that flew lover over a road over them knocking them down and covering them with a white sandy quartz like substance, Osmo suddenly woke up after hearing steps and voices talking in an unknown language approaching the front porch of his house. Osmo ran to the front door in order to confront the intruders when the door was suddenly yanked open. Three men then entered the house. All were described as somewhat shorter than humans and having oriental eyes. The leader seemed to be a young man of about 19 years of age, who asked Osmo if he was the "young boy who built radios." Osmo said yes and then the stranger marched into his room and explored Osmo's radios. During the whole episode Osmo's family remained sleeping. The younger of the men approached Osmo's father and looked down on him with a benevolent expression. The second intruder looked to be about 35 years old and was carrying a bag. This man sat on the table in the living room and told Osmo to sit on the end of the table. A small TV-set like device was then produced; it had a monitor and a peg on top. The man lifted the device to the table in front of him. The third man appeared to be the eldest, seemed to be about 45-50 years old stood next to the window looking out, apparently standing guard. Suddenly big drops of sweat began rolling down his face as if he was feeling ill. Osmo suggested some water, but was told, "It was the air they were breathing, that it will soon pass." Osmo tried to turn the lights on but was forbidden by the strangers. Osmo was told to sit on the table and an "interview" ensued. The 35-year-old man after each questing would crank the peg on the TV-like device and an image would appear on it apparently showing Osmo in apparently future scenes and situations. He was shown images of his future life all the way up "to the end." At one point Osmo attempting to touch the peg himself but was angrily reprimanded. Osmo noticed that he was able to understand what the men spoke if he looked directly at them, but if he turned his head he could only hear a murmur like sound. The men then conducted an "experiment" on Osmo, which felt like some type of electric shock and he soon fell into a state of ecstasy. He was then apparently interviewed in length. The men eventually left out the front door.
HC addendum

Source: Minna Hyvonen, Finland

Type: D?


Location. Near Turku, Finland

Date: March 1954

Time: night

Two weeks later Osmo woke up to a yellow light in his room. He then saw a very friendly elder man standing next to the bed waiting for him to get up. Also the previous visitors were also present. The eldest seemed to be their leader. Osmo was requested to sit beside the table and to be interviewed again. One of the men had the same TV-set like device in his hand. The elder man apparently began asking the same questions as before. During the interview the other men began performing other chores around the house. One carried a bottle-sized cylinder, apparently a medical device. The elder man apparently instructed the others in how to use this device. The men apparently lifted Osmo's still sleeping father up and a strange headphone device placed on his head, next was Osmo's brother and then his mother. Osmo was apparently allowed to use the TV-like device and the cylinder before the men departed. They all shook hands with Osmo and left.

HC addendum

Source: Minna Hyvonen, Finland

Type: E


Location. Santa Maria Brazil

Date: March 1954

Time: 1700

Rubem Hellwig, a rice planter, was driving home when he noticed a strange object some 50 meters away. It was about the size of a Volkswagen and was shaped like a rugby football. A man of slim build and brownish complexion, about 5'2" tall, was seated in it, and another outside was picking capon grass and handling it in to him. This man came over to Hellwig, carrying a bottle of reddish liquid, and asked where he could get a small quantity of ammonia that he needed. This request was made in an unknown tongue, yet Hellwig understood it. He directed him to the drugstore in a nearby town. The man thanked him and returned to the craft. A circle of bluish yellow luminosity appeared around it, "making it appear round," and from each side of the cabin protruded 4 3" tubes; a yellowish flame shot out through these tubes, and the vessel vanished instantly.

Humcat 1954-4

Source: FSR Vol. 12 # 6

Type: A & C


Location. Santa Maria Brazil

Date: March 1954

Time: unknown

The next day, soon after starting, Hellwig encountered the same or a similar machine, sitting on the highway. This time it contained a tall fair complexioned man and two women with slanting eyes and long black hair. All 3 were dressed alike, in one-piece brown garments resembling suede leather, with a zipper type closure. They called to Hellwig, and an extensive conversation ensued, the beings using their own language (which has no more than 15 letters, and sounds musical) together with telepathy. He was invited to view the craft, which was less than 10 ft long and transparent in front. Source gives details of its construction and propulsion. Those people come from a planet 'Arion" which is "far beyond the farthest star known to our world," and is ruled by a monarchy. When the UFO departed, there was only a slight breeze, no sound. Some time after this experience, Hellwig 'began to experience mental phenomena which, so far, medicine has been unable either to explain or cure."

Humcat 1954-5

Source: FSR Vol. 12 # 6

Type: G


Location. Sumner Washington

Date: March 28 1954

Time: night

After seeing mysterious lights descend over the area the five witnesses drove to an isolated area near some power lines and soon they saw a white glowing ball of light gliding down wobbling and apparently going into a clump of nearby trees. The light then approached their vehicle, moments later the white globe of light passed in front of the car. At that same moment one of the witnesses saw a tall, well-built, broad shouldered man standing at the same spot where the globe of light had been seen. The figure was encased in a glowing white light. It suddenly disappeared in plain sight.

HC addition # 1862

Source: George Hunt Williamson, Other Tongues Other Flesh

Type: C


Location. Near Denver Colorado

Date: April 1954

Time: dusk

Herb Barlow, a motorist, was driving on Rt. 41 and had come around a bend, slowing down due to heavy traffic to about 10 mph, when he was surprised to see a six story tall structure on the other side of the road. The structure appeared to be resting on a deep canyon on the other side of the road. It seemed to be silvery and dome shaped with yellow patches that resembled windows from which shadowy figures appeared to be watching. The object seemed to be moving slowly up & down as the witness and other vehicles drove by.
HC addition # 2138

Source: Witness letter in Fate Magazine Dec. 1995

Type: A


Location. Chicago Illinois

Date: April 8 1954

Time: 1633

Lelah Stokes saw a white parachute like object with a suspended human like form skimming over the lake in all directions. She called in another tenant of the building. Mr. Boruszak, who also saw the object. She called the Coast Guard. The object diminished in size, till it was no bigger than a piece of newspaper, as it descended and landed. The human figure, now on the ground, was short and wore a tight fitting green one-piece suit covering also the head; he walked up & down the lakefront until the Coast Guard search boat had passed. Then the object enlarged and rose up again; the suspended "pilot" entered it, and it departed soundlessly at great speed.

Humcat 1954-6

Source: Project Blue Book Files

Type: B?


Location. Near Caracas Venezuela

Date: April 10 1954

Time: night

Emelino Martinez was walking back from his hunting trip in the hills outside of the city when there was a sudden movement in the bushes nearby. Martinez stopped, motionless, shotgun in the ready, when the thrashing noise sounded again. He waited briefly then resumed his walk toward his parked automobile. Suddenly he heard a blood curling guttural noise. Terrified he dropped his day's catch and ran for his car, parked in a nearby clearing. An unintelligible shout behind him indicated that whatever creature it was, it was close to him. He stopped for an instant to glance back toward his pursuer. He then saw two bizarre creatures running after him. They were short, and looked like a half man, half monkey. They were covered with dark hair. Martinez reached the car fumbling with his pockets for the keys. He dropped the keys and picked them up and attempted to open the car. He was then suddenly grabbed from behind. He fell together with his assailant into a ditch besides the road. He dropped his shotgun as two powerful arms closed over his throat. He managed to bake free and scrambled towards the car. The creature jumped on top of him, screaming, growling, and biting like a mad animal. He could not reach his shotgun, so he grabbed a large rock and repeatedly smashed his attacker on the head. Screams of pain slashed through the dark night. Martinez saw his attacker move backward, blood spurting from his head wounds. He then dashed to his car. He snapped the door locked as the two creatures lunged against the car, pounding their hairy fists against the windows in frustrated rage. He managed to start the car and drove away at very high speed directly to the police station. The next day, Martinez and some friends returned to the site and recovered his shotgun they also found some blood stained leaves. They questioned locals and were told that strange disc shaped objects had been seen in the area and that; cattle, sheep, pigs, dogs, and two young farmhands had disappeared on the mountain. The farmers have also seen black, bristly haired dwarfs that hid in caves and kidnapped both livestock and humans. Martinez never returned to the area to hunt again.
HC addition # 2992

Source: Warren Smith, Triangle of The Lost

Type: D?


Location. Dumpton Park Kent England

Date: April 16 1954

Time: unknown

A police officer reported seeing a strange creature resembling a tall "walking fire cone," it apparently walked on two legs and disappeared into the brush. No other information.

HC addition # 1896

Source: John A Keel, Strange Mutants

Type: E


Location. Ayacucho Peru

Date: May 1954

Time: afternoon

Carlos & Anita Jimenez had just returned home from shopping on a clear sunny Sunday afternoon. Carlos unlocked the outside door and both carried their groceries into the kitchen, and while they were stocking the cupboards, Anita heard a noise upstairs. She went to the foot of the courtyard stairs to listen again and sounds resembling soft footsteps. Both, with Carlos in the lead, went upstairs to check. They examined all three bedrooms on the floor and there was no sign of any intruders. As they walked past their own bedroom, Anita had a strong feeling that someone was in there. She grabbed her husband's arm and both waited for almost a minute. And then they heard the soft footsteps inside the bedroom. Together they rushed through the open doorway. They stopped short, gaping in astonishment. Standing on the other side of the bed was a beautiful young woman. She looked shocked at first, and then her expression was a blend of frustration and dismay. Anita described the intruder as about 5-feet six inches tall and slender, with a honey gold tan and an exuberant mass of curling and wavy auburn hair. She had golden hoop earrings and sandals to match. And she wore skimpy attire. Anita described it as an "avocado green French swimsuit" and a bolero jacket of the same color with elbow-length sleeves. The intruder had what looked like a white plastic cast on her left forearm. Surprise both asked the intruder who she was and what was she doing in their house. The intruder looked at them for a long moment, and then relied in halting Spanish, "My name if Jelu, I am not from here." The she lifted her left forearm. The Jimenez couple saw twinkling multicolored lights along its length. The woman began tapping it as if were a typewriter. Instantly a wall of fine red mist appeared between them and the intruder. Ignoring the witnesses shouts of surprise, "Jelu" turned and faced the stucco wall behind the bed. She began tapping her thick plastic wrist device again. Carlos rounded the bed in an attempt to detain her. But as his fingers made contact with the mist, he let out a scream and tumbled to the carpet. Anita rushed to her husband's side. White faced and gasping, Carlos tenderly cradled his stricken hand. His fingers and thumb were covered with small red blisters. Suddenly a circle of golden light appeared on the wall, as it there was a hand held flashlight on the other side. The light circle swiftly grew until it reached from the floor to the ceiling. The light was soft and resembled "oil floating on water." The intruder stepped into the light and vanished. The red mist disappeared as well. As Anita pushed open the latticework shutters, she was surprise to see the intruder meters down the street, heading north towards La Compania church. In disbelief Anita realized that the woman had only left 20 seconds ago, and if not for her towering auburn style hair, she never would have seen her, for the intruder was now wearing typical Andean clothes. Both attempted to chase the strange woman but she was seen to hail a local cab and disappear from sight. The police was notified of the incident.
HC addendum

Source: UFO Roundup Vol. 6 # 19

Type: E


Location. Fregim Amarante Portugal

Date: May 5 1954

Time: 1600

The young witness was sitting with his goat on a small hill near the village when he heard a whistling sound. He ran towards the direction of the sound, which was from a nearby hollow. He then observed a dome shaped object leaving the area headed towards a nearby river, but on the ground rested an identical object. It was a metallic dome shaped craft with a metallic ring on the bottom and a transparent section on top. It had a conical protrusion, brown in color, on top. As the object left the witness felt a heat wave. Inside the second object he could see two beings with large heads and large eyes, wide apart, both appeared to have antennae on top of their heads, the mouth appeared to be a round hole. They also wore metallic blue outfits, and appeared to be seated with one of them moving levers while the other looked at the witness. Ground traces were found at the site.
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