Announcements Dave is at Hotnets
tarix | 08.08.2018 | ölçüsü | 96,5 Kb. | | #61183 |
The Byzantine Generals Problem Leslie Lamport, Robert Shostak, and Marshall Pease ACM TOPLAS 1982 Practical Byzantine Fault Tolerance Miguel Castro and Barbara Liskov OSDI 1999
Announcements Dave is at Hotnets - TA (James Hendricks) gave lecture
Outline requested by 11/30 - Not graded, but less sympathy if you skip. Goals: (1) Ensure you pass, (2) help you cut down on amount of effort spent
- Feel free to give James drafts of writeup at any time
A definition Byzantine (www.m-w.com): - 1: of, relating to, or characteristic of the ancient city of Byzantium
- …
- 4b: intricately involved : labyrinthine
Lamport’s reason: - “I have long felt that, because it was posed as a cute problem about philosophers seated around a table, Dijkstra's dining philosopher's problem received much more attention than it deserves.”
- (http://research.microsoft.com/users/lamport/pubs/pubs.html#byz)
Byzantine Generals Problem Concerned with (binary) atomic broadcast - All correct nodes receive same value
- If broadcaster correct, correct nodes receive broadcasted value
Can use broadcast to build consensus protocols (aka, agreement) - Consensus: think Byzantine fault-tolerant (BFT) Paxos
Synchronous, Byzantine world
Cool note Example Byzantine fault-tolerant system: - Seawolf submarine’s control system
Sims, J. T. 1997. Redundancy Management Software Services for Seawolf Ship Control System. In Proceedings of the 27th international Symposium on Fault-Tolerant Computing (FTCS '97) (June 25 - 27, 1997). FTCS. IEEE Computer Society, Washington, DC, 390. But it remains to be seen if commodity distributed systems are willing to pay to have so many replicas in a system
Secure point-to-point links, but no crypto allowed Protocol OM(m): Recursive, exponential, all-to-all - [Try to sketch protocol – see page 388]
- May be inefficient, but shows 3f+1 bound is tight
- [Discuss: Understand that this is for synchronous setup without crypto!]
Need at least 3f+1 to tolerate f faulty! - See figures 1 and 2
- How to fix? Signatures (for example). Or hash commitments, one-time signatures, etc.
Second protocol: With crypto Protocol SM(m) - [Page 391, but can skip protocol]
- Given signatures, do m rounds of signing what you think was said. Many messages (don’t need as many in absence of faults).
- Shows possible for any # of faults tolerated
- [Discuss. Understand: Synchronous, lots of messages, but possible.]
[Skip odd topologies. Note that “signature” can be emulated for random (not malicious) faults.]
Practical Byzantine Fault Tolerance: Asynchronous, Byzantine
Practical Byzantine Fault Tolerance Why async BFT? BFT: - Malicious attacks, software errors
- Need N-version programming?
- Faulty client can write garbage data, but can’t make system inconsistent (violate operational semantics)
Why async? - Faulty network can violate timing assumptions
- But can also prevent liveness
[For different liveness properties, see, e.g., Cachin, C., Kursawe, K., and Shoup, V. 2000. Random oracles in constantipole: practical asynchronous Byzantine agreement using cryptography (extended abstract). In Proceedings of the Nineteenth Annual ACM Symposium on Principles of Distributed Computing (Portland, Oregon, United States, July 16 - 19, 2000). PODC '00. ACM, New York, NY, 123-132.]
Distributed systems Async BFT consensus: Need 3f+1 nodes - Sketch of proof: Divide 3f nodes into three groups of f, left, middle, right, where middle f are faulty. When left+middle talk, they must reach consensus (right may be crashed). Same for right+middle. Faulty middle can steer partitions to different values!
[See Bracha, G. and Toueg, S. 1985. Asynchronous consensus and broadcast protocols. J. ACM 32, 4 (Oct. 1985), 824-840.] FLP impossibility: Async consensus may not terminate - Sketch of proof: System starts in “bivalent” state (may decide 0 or 1). At some point, the system is one message away from deciding on 0 or 1. If that message is delayed, another message may move the system away from deciding.
- Holds even when servers can only crash (not Byzantine)!
- Hence, protocol cannot always be live (but there exist randomized BFT variants that are probably live)
[See Fischer, M. J., Lynch, N. A., and Paterson, M. S. 1985. Impossibility of distributed consensus with one faulty process. J. ACM 32, 2 (Apr. 1985), 374-382.]
Aside: Linearizability Linearizability (“safety” condition) -- two goals: - Valid sequential history
- If completion of E1 precedes invocation of E2 in reality, E1 must precede E2 in history
Why it’s nice: Can reason about distributed system using sequential specification [Can give example on board if time] [See Herlihy, M. P. and Wing, J. M. 1990. Linearizability: a correctness condition for concurrent objects. ACM Trans. Program. Lang. Syst. 12, 3 (Jul. 1990), 463-492.]
Cryptography Hash (aka, message digest): - Pre-image resistant: given hash(x), hard to find x
- Second pre-image resistant: given x, hard to find y such that hash(x) = hash(y)
- Collision resistant: hard to find x,y such that hash(x) = hash(y)
- Random oracle: hash should be a random map (no structure)
- Assembly SHA1 on 3 GHZ Pentium D -- ~250 MB/s
- Brian Gladman, AMD64, SHA1: 9.7, SHA512:13.4 (cycles/byte)
MACs: ~1 microsecond, > 400 MB/s (700 MB/s?) Signatures: ~150 microseconds – 4 milliseconds - 150 microseconds: ESIGN (Nippon Telegraph and Telephone)
- (Compare to Castro’s 45 millisecond on PPro 200)
Castro&Liskov use 128-bit AdHash for checkpoints. Broken by Wagner in 2002 for keys less than 1600 bits.Moral of the story: Beware new crypto primitives unless they reduce to older, more trusted primitives!
Basic protocol
Recent systems
Evaluation Only implemented parts of protocol that mattered for evaluation/analysis - Hint: Not a bad idea for 712 projects!
NFS loopback trick is pretty standard -- good idea for prototyping Tolerate 1 fault, use multicast. - NFS server: disk writes for some operations!
- Explanation: Replication provides redundancy
- Is this a fair comparison? How about BFS vs replicated NFS?
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