AnnRpt2000. book

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Cooperation with Government and other public institutions
education of boys by the House of Representatives
Standing Committee on Employment, Education and
Workplace Relations; presentation to Inter-Govern-
mental Committee on Drugs, Hobart; invited speaker
to students: Canberra College; Hawker College, Can-
berra; Canberra Grammar School.
Dr Charles GUEST, convener, Public Health Associa-
tion Conference, Canberra, 2000; president, Public
Health Association of Australia, ACT Branch; member
of council, Faculty of Public Health Medicine, Royal
Australasian College of Physicians; member, Specialist
Medical Review Council; member, Health Advisory
Committee, National Health and Medical Research
Council; member, Environmental Council Information
Task Group; member, National Health and Medical
Research Working Party — Review of water and flour-
ide intake from discretionary flouride supplements;
member, National Health and Medical Research Work-
ing Party — Safety of additives to tobacco products;
invited editor, Climate Change and Microbial Systems,
special issue of Microbiology Australia 2000:21(2); refe-
ree, American Journal of Epidemiology, Australian Health
Trends, Australian and New Zealand Journal of Public
Health, Australian and New Zealand Journal of Medi-
cine, Ecosystem Health, Journal of Epidemiology and
Community Health, Medical Journal of Australia, Micro-
biology Australia, Public Health Reports (United States
Public Health Service) and Social Science and Medi-
cine; referee, Anti-Cancer Foundation, South Australia;
Apex/Diabetes Australia Research and Education
projects; Arbovirus Research Program, Queensland
Health; National Health and Medical Research Coun-
cil; National Occupational Health and Safety
Commission; Ophthalmological Research Institute of
Australia; Victorian Health Promotion Foundation;
Western Australia Health Promotion Foundation;
Queensland Cancer Fund; referee of chemical assess-
ment reports, Industrial Chemicals Notification and
Assessment Scheme; submission, Treaties Committee
Inquiry into the Kyoto Protocol, Joint Standing Com-
mittee on Treaties, Parliament House, Canberra;
invited testimony, Australian Senate Inquiry into Aus-
tralia’s Response to Global Warming, <
Dr Lei LI, referee, Statistical Methodology and Statisti-
cal Computer Software in Transportation Research.
Dr Lynette LIM, Adjunct Associate Prof, Faculty of
Medicine and Health Sciences, University of Newcastle
(1999-Present); referee, Medical Journal of Australia and
Australian and New Zealand Journal of Public Health;
referee, National Health and Medical Research Council
Project Grants.
David McDONALD, ACT State Convener, Injury
Prevention Special Interest Group, Public Health Asso-
ciation of Australia; board member, Alcohol and Other
Drugs Council of Australia; chairperson, National Re-
search Reference Group, Alcohol and Other Drugs
Council of Australia; executive committee member,
Australian Evaluation Society, ACT Region; member,
Advisory Committee of the Resource Centre of the Al-
cohol and Other Drugs Council of Australia; member,
National Drug Research Strategy Committee, reporting
to the Intergovernmental Committee on Drugs; re-
search representative, ACT Association of Alcohol and
Other Drugs Agencies; member, editorial board, Cur-
rent Issues in Criminal Justice; referee, Current Issues in
Criminal Justice, Trend & Issues in Crime and Criminal
Justice and Drug and Alcohol Review; consultant, United
Nations International Drug Control Program, Regional
Office for South Asia, Leader of the Terminal Evalua-
tion Mission of the UNDCP Program in Bangladesh,
Dhaka; ACT Department of Health and Community
Care; referee, DETYA/ARC Strategic Partnerships with
Industry — Research & Training Scheme; National
Health and Medical Research Council Project Grants;
adviser to government: Drugs and Crime Prevention
Committee, Parliament of Victoria; House of Repre-
sentative’s Standing Committee on Community and
Family Affairs: Substance Abuse in Australian Commu-
nities; NSW Police Service Information and
Intelligence Centre; Commonwealth Department of
Health and Aged Care re monitoring and evaluation
strategy for the National Drug Strategy; to industry:
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Health Clearing-
house, Edith Cowan University; KPMG Consulting
Pty Ltd.; to numerous journalists researching stories; in-
vited lecturer: Michigan State University Study Abroad
program; Australian Federal Police New Agents.
Dr Clare McGUINESS, member of Faculty of ACT
Branch of Royal Australian College of General Practice;
member, National Research Council of the Royal Aus-
tralian College of General Practice; advanced trainee,
Australasian Faculty of Public Health Medicine; Mem-
ber, Consumers Health Forum; member, Health Issues
Centre; member, ACTCOSS; member, ACT Branch of
Diabetes Australia.
Dr Mahomed PATEL, member, Measles Elimination
Advisory Committee, National Centre for Disease
Control; technical adviser, National Guidelines for the
Prevention and Control of Outbreaks of Measles; mem-
ber, advisory committee, Communicable Diseases
Network of Australia and New Zealand; chair, Global
Network of Training Programs in Epidemiology and
Public Health Interventions (TEPHINET) up to April
2000; referee, Medical Journal of Australia, Bulletin of
the World Health Organisation, Epidemiology and Infec-
tion and Communicable Diseases Intelligence; invited
lecturer, The Meningococcal Foundation of Australia
Incidence, Sydney.
Dr Geetha RANMUTHUGALA, invited lecturer, Aus-
tralian Water Association, Health Interest Group, NSW.
Dr Beverley SIBTHORPE, member, Steering Commit-
tee for the evaluation of the Enhanced Primary Care
Items and Implementation Strategy, General Practice

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