Application letter

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Dear Sir or Madam,

I writing to apologize for the damaged product that you received from our company last month.
We regret the keyboard you purchased is causing you difficulties. Because our products are tested thoroughly before shipping, it is a rare instance when one is found defective. However, we acknowledge that we are responsible for this inconvenient situation and are ready to make a replacement of the product.
We have enclosed a replacement keyboard for your convenience. We assure you that this one has undergone careful examination and perfectly meets your requirements. Please return the original to us in the enclosed mailer. We appreciate you and hope that our professional relationship continues.
Please accept our apology once again. If you need further assistance or want to discuss this problem further, do not hesitate to contact me directly or any member of our Customer Service Team.
Yours faithfully,
Jeremy Brown


Nowadays many families move overseas for job opportunities. Some people think this is beneficial for the children of the families, while others think children will find it difficult. Discuss both views and give your opinion.
Sample Answer

Presently, it is fairly common for families to settle abroad in a developed country. One of the most common reasons behind immigration is the availability of better living standards and opportunities for younger generations. However, it is often a subject of debate whether the benefits enjoyed by the children of immigrants are worth the drawbacks faced. The following essay will explore the topic from both perspectives and justify why travelling abroad has more benefits than drawbacks.

Firstly, travelling to a first-world country like the United States of America, the United Kingdom, Australia, France, and other countries can open up a world of opportunities for young people. The presence of a better education system, a more developed economy and a progressive society can vastly improve the lifestyle of younger generations. Also, people who are raised in these countries are more likely to gain high-paying jobs due to better educational and social qualifications.

Nevertheless, there are several complications that are faced by the younger section of the immigrant families that need to be considered. To begin with, becoming accustomed to the norms and conventions of a foreign society can be a challenge, especially for children. Younger individuals may face issues such as bullying, discrimination, negative peer pressure and other grave problems when living in a foreign country. Children may also be affected by the problems of the entire household when making a transition to a new environment, which may impact their personal life as well.

In conclusion, it is important to understand that there are both pros and cons to travelling abroad. That being said, the advantages of travelling abroad surpass the difficulties faced.

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