Authoring a PhD

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Authoring a PhD How to plan, draft, write and finish a doctoral thesis or dissertation Patrick ... ( PDFDrive )

see also
figures, list of, 163
final chapter, 207
final oral examination, 216–26,
268, 269
first chapter, 77–92, 203–5
first-order sub-heading, 78, 269
Fitzgerald, F. Scott (1896–1940), 284
Fleming, Alexander (1881–1955), 280
flow charts, 193–5
focus down model, 53–9, 269
footnotes, 132–3, 269
Ford, Henry (1863–1947), 76, 281
formalization (of arguments), 110,
Forster, E. M. (1879–1970), 137
Foucault, Michel (1926–84), 94–5, 282
framing text, 45
France, Anatole (1844–1924), 120,
France, doctoral education, 23
Freelance (software), 193
Galbraith, John Kenneth, 32, 279
gap-filling theses, 21, 29
Garfield (cartoon), 263, 285
General Examination, 8, 10
Gershwin, George (1898–1937), 251
Gide, André (1869–1951), 34
Gleick, James, 152, 284
glossary (in dissertations), 120
Goethe, Johanne Wolfgang von
(1749–1832), 18–19, 30–1, 93,
152, 279, 282, 284
good style, 103–20
graphs, 90, 120, 157–65, 171–84,
188–92, 196; 
see also
Gray, Thomas (1716–71), 278
‘guidebook’ structures, 66
Hamilton, Alexander (1755–1804),
37, 280
Handel, George Friedrich
(1685–1759), 40
Harvard referencing system, 114,
122, 125–30, 269
headings, 76–92, 273
health, 151, 288
heuristics, 288
high impact start, 92–5, 270
Hirschman, Albert O., 38–9, 280
Humanities Citation Index, 230
Illich, Ivan (1926–2002), 29, 279
indenting (headings), 78
independence (in analysis), 27–8
Ingenta, 234
insurance elements, 25, 40
‘insurgent’ view, 32
intellectuals, 118–19, 197–8, 287–8
internal examiner, 209–16
interrogative headings, 86, 96
interviews, 129–30, 225
in-text references, 126, 130–1
introductions, to chapters, 91–6
intuitive explanation (of equations),
ISI Web of Knowledge, 230, 252, 285
Izzard, Eddie, 34
jargon, 117–20
Jerome, Jerome K. (1859–1927), 76,
jottings, 35–7, 149–50
journal articles, 47, 227–51
journalism, 111–12, 289
journals, 9, 32, 83, 112, 120, 122,
158, 223, 227–51
journals, online, 132, 234–5
JStor, 234
Kant, Immanuel (1724–1804), 153,
‘keep the faith’ maxim, 209, 221–2
keyboards, 151
Kundera, Milan, 263, 285
labelling academic positions, 15–16,
31, 71
labelling, attention points, 163–4,
165–6, 172, 181, 195

2 9 3

last chapter, 270
Latin abbreviations, 122
Lavoisier, Antoine Laurent (1743–94),
layer chart, 179
lead-in materials, 49–51, 52, 79, 95,
97, 205–6, 270
lead-out materials, 49–51, 52, 79, 95,
97, 205–6, 270
‘legacy’ views, 32
legal cases, referencing, 129
Lem, Stanislaw, 76, 281
‘less is more’ maxim, 208, 271
levels, sub-heads, 147
libraries, 203
life skills, 196
line graphs, 178
‘link’ elements, 143–6
Linux, 125
literature, 289–90
literature reviews, 15–16, 28–30, 32,
51, 53–8, 72, 83, 89, 113–14

loc. cit
.’ references, 122
London School of Economics, xii,
xiii, 277–8, 279
London University, 27, 279
Lonergan, Bernard (1904–84), 283
Lotus, 172, 193
Lucas, George, 283
Machiavelli, Niccolò (1469–1527),
macro-structure (of thesis), 43–75, 285
managing expectations, 11–16, 38,
86–7, 89–94, 106–7, 154–5, 156,
371, 288
market rationale (for books), 258
marketing strategy (for books), 258–9
Marx, Karl (1818–83), 42, 281
masters degrees (MA, MSc), 11, 66
matrix pattern of argument, 72–4
maxims for authoring, 266–76
mean, 187, 190
mean-smoothing, 190
median, 187–9
median-smoothing, 190–1
Mellencamp, John, 280
Michelangelo Buonarroti
(1475–1564), 89, 282
midspread, 187–9
‘mid-term’ slump (in morale), 8,
22, 288
Mill, John Stuart (1806–73), xi, 42,
277, 279
Miller, G. A., 35, 280, 288
Mills, C. Wright (1916–62), 2, 53,
277, 281, 288
Minkin, Lewis, 35, 41, 280, 281,
283, 288
‘minor’ revisions, 220–5
miscuing, mis-signalling, 86–7
Modern Languages Association, 123,
monograph books, 251–4
Montaigne, Michel de (1533–92), 35,
Monty Python
, 218, 285
morale, for writers, 8, 22, 133, 153–4,
Morton, Rebecca, 288
Moynihan, Daniel, 165
multiple submission (of articles),
Murdoch, Iris (1919–94), 111
Nabokov, Vladimir (1899–1977), 43,
narrative headings, 85, 95
narrative structures, 66
National Audit Office (UK), 157, 284
‘need to know’ criterion, 52–3, 61,
106–7, 121–2, 154, 159–65,
160–4, 184, 271–2
neologisms, 30, 90
Nietzsche, Friedrich (1844–1900),
134, 151, 155, 285
non-substantive headings, 85–6
notebook PCs, 151
notes, 35–7, 149–50
novels, 134–5
Nozick, Robert (1939–2002), 23, 24,
31, 279, 288
Nudist (software), 283
numbering sections (in chapters),
numerical progression (in data),
168–9, 181–2, 185, 272
Oakeshott, Michael (1901–90), x, xi,
11, 12, 264–5, 277, 285
objects (in sentences), 114–17
Office (Microsoft), 125
offprints, 234
‘omnibus’ journals, 230–1
2 9 4


‘one-stop look-up’ principle, 121–2,
267, 272
on-line journals, 132, 234–5

op. cit
.’ references, 122
open refereeing, 229, 272
opening-out model, 59–60, 272
Oppenheimer, Robert (1904–67), 31,
oral examinations, 216–26, 268, 269
organizers, 78, 272
originality, 2, 5, 10, 26–42, 49,
109–10, 235–6, 244–5, 288
outliers, 188–9
outline (in word processors), 81–2
over-organizing a chapter, 80–3
over-writing, 45–7, 207–8, 209
papers model dissertation, 5, 8–11,
19, 46, 51, 272
paragraph replanning, 143–6
paragraphs, 106, 111–14, 143–6, 272
parsimony, 105, 107–8, 273
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