I. Siokou-Frangou et al.: Mediterranean plankton
Fig. 10. Longitudinal differences in the distribution of selected autotrophic picoeukaryotes during the cruise
PROSOPE from Gibraltar to the Southern Cretan Sea in September 1999. The distribution of the different
taxa is represented as their percentage to the total eukaryotes estimated with quantitative PCR. Chlorophytes
were abundant in deep and intermediate layers in the WMS, whereas Ostreococcus, Bathycoccus and other
Mamiellales were only abundant at intermediate depths in the Sicily Channel. Reproduced with permission
from Marie et al. (2006).
Fig. 10. Longitudinal differences in the distribution of selected au-
totrophic picoeukaryotes during the cruise PROSOPE from Gibral-
tar to the Southern Cretan Sea in September 1999. The distribution
of the different taxa is represented as their percentage to the to-
tal eukaryotes estimated with quantitative PCR. Chlorophytes were
abundant in deep and intermediate layers in the WMS, whereas Os-
Bathycoccus and other Mamiellales were only abundant
at intermediate depths in the Sicily Channel. Reproduced with per-
mission from Marie et al. (2006).
Aegean Sea (Ignatiades et al., 1995), South Adriatic and
Ionian Seas (Rabitti et al., 1994). A consistent proportion
of coccolithophores was also reported in winter offshore of
the Catalan Front (Estrada et al., 1999) and in spring in the
Aegean Sea (Ignatiades et al., 2002), while maximum fluxes
were recorded in winter-spring in the central EMS (Ziveri
et al., 2000). In a trans-Mediterranean study conducted in
June 1999, coccolithophores were more abundant and di-
versified at eastern stations than at western ones (Ignatiades
et al., 2009). Much less known is the diversity and distri-
bution of non-calcifying prymnesiophytes (e.g., Imantonia
and Chrysochromulina species), which can only be identi-
fied with special techniques (electron microscopy or molec-
ular tools). Among the few species mentioned in this group
are those of the genus Phaeocystis, which may form large,
recognisable colonies (see the section on microplankton be-
low), but are not easily detected when they are in the flagel-
late stage.
Cryptophytes, often only detected by their marker pigment
alloxanthin, are generally more abundant when diatoms are
also abundant, e.g., in winter and spring at the DYFAMED
station (Vidussi et al., 2001; Marty et al., 2002) or in the
Cretan Sea (Gotsis-Skretas et al., 1999). Plagioselmis pro-
longa is one of the most frequently mentioned species in this
group. However, reports of cryptophyte species from light
microscopy investigations should all be reconsidered, since
most species can only be recognised in live samples or using
electron microscopy (Cerino and Zingone, 2007).
As for small dinoflagellates, they mainly include naked au-
totrophic and heterotrophic species which are poorly known
and are not identifiable in light microscopy. In addition, their
pigment signature may overlap with that of other flagellate
groups. All information about these nano-dinoflagellates de-
rives from microscopic counts, based on which they are less
abundant than flagellates but much larger and hence more
important in terms of biomass, especially in late spring and
summer. In the eastern basin, dinoflagellates were reported
to be dominant in different seasons and especially in strat-
ified conditions (Berland et al., 1987; Gotsis-Skretas et al.,
1999; Totti et al., 2000; Psarra et al., 2000; Ignatiades et al.,
2002), although the flagellates <5 µm were not counted in
these studies. Some small thecate species such as Proro-
centrum (P. minimus, P. balticum, P. nux), Heterocapsa or
Scrippsiella-like species are also part of the nanoplankton,
but they are generally not abundant in MS offshore waters.
The colonial and large diatoms
The general rule that the contribution of picoplankton and
nanoplankton decreases along with the increase of chl a
concentration (Li, 2002) is also valid for the MS. Where
this occurs, colonial and microplanktonic diatoms (larger
than 20 µm) belonging to several genera (Asterionellop-
siosira) become more important. In the following section,
specific examples are provided of the distribution of mi-
croplanktonic diatoms in association with relatively dense
biomass accumulation, namely in i) the winter bloom, ii) the
deep convection, gyre and front areas, and iii) the summer-
autumn DCM.
A diatom increase is evident at many sites of the WMS
(Claustre et al., 1994; Marty et al., 2002) and EMS (Wass-
mann et al., 2000; Gacic et al., 2002) in February-March,
confirming the consistent anticipation of the vernal bloom as
“the unifying signature” of the basin (Margalef and Castellv´ı,
1967; Duarte et al., 1999). However these events are very
ephemeral and hence not always detected in offshore wa-
ters. For example, a diatom increase is regularly recorded
at DYFAMED in February–March (Fig. 10), but an actual
bloom is missed by the monthly measurements of primary
production (Marty and Chiaverini, 2002). No diatom bloom
was detected either during a February cruise in the Adriatic
Sea (Totti et al., 1999), whereas in January and in March di-
atoms reached 58 and 37%, of the >5 µm fraction of the phy-
toplankton, respectively, in the Cretan Sea (Gotsis-Skretas
et al., 1999), and 88% at shelf stations (Psarra et al., 2000).
Notably, massive sedimentation events are often recorded
in the MS in winter (Miquel et al., 1994; Stemmann et al.,
2002), suggesting that diatom blooms in this season are
scarcely exploited by zooplankton populations (Duarte et al.,
1999; Ribera d’Alcal´a et al., 2004). In fact, they consti-
tute a resource for the zoobenthos of the underlying bottom
(L´opez et al., 1998; Zupo and Mazzocchi, 1998), for which
winter is not a resting period (Coma et al., 2000), probably as
an adaptation to the recurrent food rain from above (Duarte
et al., 1999; Calbet, 2001).
In addition to during the winter bloom, diatoms also dom-
inate, and for longer periods, in deep convection areas. Here,
Biogeosciences, 7, 1543–1586, 2010