I. Siokou-Frangou et al.: Mediterranean plankton
a source of organic matter. Based on the estimates provided
by these authors, about 0.35×10
mol y
of organic car-
bon (OC) might be contributed by atmospheric inputs, as-
suming a conservative OC/ON ratio of 10. These inputs
combine with riverine inputs that result from the erosion
process on land, which were estimated to be approximately
mol C y
(Ludwig et al., 1996). Clearly, inputs
from the atmosphere and land contribute not only nutrients
to support primary production but also reduced, potentially
respirable carbon. To complete the picture, we should also
consider the net DOC input through Gibraltar, which is in
the order of 0.3×10
mol C y
(Dafner et al., 2001). In-
puts from the Black Sea would amount to 10% of those en-
tering through Gibraltar (Semp´er´e et al., 2002), but a sig-
nificant part of them are likely processed within the Aegean
Sea, thus not affecting the overall picture. Hence the total al-
lochthonous organic carbon entering the upper layer of the
water column is estimated at ∼1.5×10
mol C y
. This
very rough figure is likely to be in the lower range of the
real value because of the underestimation of the impact of
anthropic activities. This significant load of allochthonous
OC, which eventually reaches deep layers as DOC via dense
water sinking, may contribute to the high oxygen utilization
rates recorded in intermediate and deep layers of the MS
which have been attributed to the oxidation of DOC (Chris-
tensen et al., 1989; Ribera d’Alcal´a and Mazzocchi, 1999;
Roether and Well, 2001; La Ferla et al., 2003). Data show
that oxygen utilization rates were further enhanced during the
years of the EMT (Klein et al., 2003; La Ferla et al., 2003,
and references therein). This is consistent with the picture
above if one considers that the proportion of waters of sur-
face origin in the mixture that constituted the newly formed
dense waters in those years was significantly higher than in
the pre-EMT deep water (Klein et al., 2003).
In synthesis, the MS displays lower nutrient values in the
internal pool, especially for P, than the ocean at similar lati-
tudes. In addition, vertical transport is effective in bringing
them to the photic zone only in restricted areas: where con-
vection is sufficiently deep, in a small number of frontal re-
gions and in the few upwelling sites. The scarcity of the inter-
nal pool increases the role of the inputs from the boundaries
(atmosphere and coasts) in sustaining the new production of
the basin and the whole Mediterranean food web.
Biomass and primary production
The most obvious impact of the previously described phys-
ical and chemical features is on the distribution of phyto-
plankton biomass as satellite-derived chl a (Fig. 5). This
corresponds to the average chl a concentration down to the
first optical depth, which is the depth at which the down-
welling irradiance reduces by ∼63%. Low values (less than
Fig. 5. Spatial distribution of satellite derived chl a as reported by D’Ortenzio and Ribera d’Alcala’ (2009).
Fig. 5. Spatial distribution of satellite derived chl a as reported by
D’Ortenzio and Ribera d’Alcal´a (2009).
0.2 µg chl a l
) are displayed over large areas, with the ex-
ception of a large bloom observed throughout the late win-
ter and early spring in the Liguro-Provenc¸al Region. Pro-
nounced phytoplankton blooms, though spatially limited, are
also recorded in the Alboran Sea and in the area of the
Catalan-North Balearic front. Winds affecting winter mix-
ing and coastal upwelling, along with the presence of cy-
clonic structures, are considered to be the most relevant phys-
ical factors allowing the build-up of phytoplankton biomass
through the induced increase of nutrient availability. An ex-
ception to this mechanism is the high biomass in the Alboran
Sea, where the mesoscale dynamics (front) associated with
the inflow of Atlantic waters plays a major role. More con-
fined high biomass spots are located near the coastlines, es-
pecially in proximity to large river mouths or extended con-
tinental shelves (e.g., Adriatic and North Aegean Seas, the
latter associated with the local front).
Both satellite data and in situ values measured across
the MS reveal an increasing west-east oligotrophy gradient.
The integrated chl a concentration in May–June 1996 (Dolan
et al., 1999) showed a west to east decline of a factor of about
7 (from 0.48 to 0.07 mg C m
). A similar trend was ob-
served in June 1999 (Ignatiades et al., 2009) and in Septem-
ber 1999, when however the easternmost stations were not
sampled and the decline was smoother (Dolan et al., 2002).
The eastward latitudinal decrease is generally rather grad-
ual and continuous across the Western Mediterranean Sea
(WMS), with a sharp change at the transition between the
two sub-basins and much smaller gradient if any, in the EMS.
In addition to the west-east decrease, a decreasing chl a gra-
dient from north to south is also evident from both satellite
data and in situ studies in both the eastern and western basins
(e.g., Morel and Andr´e, 1991; Barlow et al., 1997), with the
exclusion of higher values along the Algerian coast.
An intriguing picture was issued by grouping sites
with similar seasonal cycles and dynamics of satellite-
derived chl a values based on the whole SeaWiFS data
set (D’Ortenzio and Ribera d’Alcal´a, 2009).
Seven bio-
provinces (sensu Longhurst, 2006) resulted from the anal-
ysis (Fig. 6), which had markedly different seasonal cycle
Biogeosciences, 7, 1543–1586, 2010