I. Siokou-Frangou et al.: Mediterranean plankton
to 3.6×10
and 2.1 × 10
mol y
of new carbon pro-
duced in the two basins, which is not much higher than
the rate of allochthonous carbon inputs for the whole basin
(1.5 × 10
mol y
, see Sect. 2). The conclusion is that ex-
ternal inputs not only sustain new production through nutri-
ent supply, but also provide organic carbon at rates compara-
ble to new production rates, with important implications that
will be discussed in Sect. 6.
Phytoplankton community structure and
At first sight, the picture emerging from many studies shows
the dominance of the picophytoplankton as the fingerprint of
the MS and of its overriding oligotrophy. However, the pe-
culiar and notably diversified physical structure of the MS is
reflected in areas of higher nutrient availability and intense
biological activity. Some of these areas are, for example, the
permanent mesoscale structures such as the Alboran gyres
and the Catalan front and the sites of deep-convection, such
as the North Balearic area, the South Adriatic and the Rho-
dos cyclonic gyres (see Sects. 2 and 3.1). In these areas,
cyanobacteria and picoeukaryotes often coexist or alternate
with diatoms, dinoflagellates and other flagellates belonging
to different algal groups. The strong seasonality ruling the
basin also creates optimal conditions for the alternation of
phytoplankton populations dominated by different functional
groups and species. Finally, the DCM provides a still dif-
ferent set of environmental conditions where distinct phyto-
plankton populations are found. This highly dynamic patch-
work of populations that vary over the temporal and spatial
scales contrasts the situation of other oligotrophic seas, gen-
erally reported to host rather stable phytoplankton popula-
tions (e.g., Goericke, 1998; Venrick, 2002).
Studies on phytoplankton species distribution across the
offshore MS are scattered in space and time and provide
rather heterogeneous information in terms of methodology,
sampling scales and organisms addressed. Therefore, it is
impossible to trace large scale patterns or seasonal cycles
that can parallel those depicted in the previous section for
biomass and production. From the few studies conducted at
the basin scale, it is clear that both quantitative and qualita-
tive differences exist in phytoplankton populations across the
MS. For example, in early summer 1999 the diversity of di-
noflagellates and mainly of coccolithophores increased east-
ward, whereas an opposite trend was evident for diatoms (Ig-
natiades et al., 2009). Chemotaxonomic studies showed that
in late spring 1999 prymnesiophytes and 19 -BF containing
taxa (mainly chrysophytes and pelagophytes) decreased east-
ward while cyanobacteria, did not vary significantly across
the basin (Dolan et al., 1999). Indeed, longitudinal biomass
patterns in September 1999 appeared to be mainly caused
by a decrease in microplankton and nanoplankton rather
than by picoplankton (Dolan et al., 2002) (Fig. 7). In addi-
tion to west-east variations, significant latitudinal differences
Fig. 9. Seasonal cycle of phytoplankton at the long-term station DYFAMED for the 1991–1999 period.
Nanoflagellates (
HF+BF), diatoms (Fuco) and Prochlorococcus (DVChla) are represented as ratio of their
distinctive pigments to total chl a. The total chl a integrated concentration (mg m
) is also represented in
green. Reproduced with permission from Marty et al. (2002).
Fig. 9. Seasonal cycle of phytoplankton at the long-term station
DYFAMED for the 1991–1999 period. Nanoflagellates (HF+BF),
diatoms (Fuco) and Prochlorococcus (DVchl a) are represented as
ratio of their distinctive pigments to total chl a. The total chl a inte-
grated concentration (mg m
) is also represented in green. Repro-
duced with permission from Marty et al. (2002).
across the WMS were reported for chemotaxonomic mark-
ers of different phytoplankton groups in summer 1993, when
nanoflagellates were more important in the northern than in
the southern stations (Barlow et al., 1997). As for the sea-
sonal cycle, some information is only available for the long
term DYFAMED station in the Ligurian Sea (Fig. 9, Marty
et al., 2002), where diatoms, nanoflagellates and prochloro-
phytes, identified from their pigment signatures, rather reg-
ularly occur over the year becoming more important in late
winter, spring-summer and autumn, respectively.
In the following section, we present a brief account of
the main microalgal groups in the MS under different con-
ditions. The rationale behind an appraisal by species groups
is that, given the differences in ecophysiological characteris-
tics among the various groups, insights can be gained from
their distribution on the prevalent environmental conditions.
On the other hand, the different groups depicted below are
involved in completely distinct trophic pathways, and can
hence provide information on the fate of autotrophic produc-
The smallest fraction (prochlorophytes,
Synechococcus, picoeukaryotes)
Like in most oligotrophic and subtropical oceanographic
regions, (Takahashi and Bienfang, 1983; Takahashi and
Hori, 1984; Li, 2002), low biomass values in the MS are
generally associated with the dominance of cyanobacteria,
prochlorophytes and tiny flagellates (Yacobi et al., 1995;
Dolan et al., 2002; Ignatiades et al., 2002; Casotti et al.,
2003; Brunet et al., 2007; Tanaka et al., 2007).
smallest fraction of the phytoplankton can only be quan-
tified using special techniques (flow-cytometry, chemotax-
onomy, epifluorescence microscopy, size-fractionation), and
has largely been ignored in classical light microscopy-based
studies. As an average on the whole basin, picoplankton ac-
counts for 59% of the total chl a and 65% of the primary
Biogeosciences, 7, 1543–1586, 2010