Cbd third National Report Armenia (English version)

Biological diversity of dry and sub-humid lands

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Biological diversity of dry and sub-humid lands

  1. Is your country supporting scientifically, technically and financially, at the national and regional levels, the activities identified in the programme of work? (decisions V/23 and VII/2 )

      1. No

      1. Yes (please provide details below)


Further comments on scientific, technical and financial support, at the national and regional levels, to the activities identified in the programme of work.

“Erebuni” state reserve located in semi-desert arid lands as well as “Sands of Goravan” reservation, the only desert territory of the Republic, are included in the Protected Area system of Armenia and are financed from state budget (refer also to Target 3.1).
in 2002-2004 a scientific thematic project funded from state budget on assessment of Protected Area System in Armenia has been carried out at the Institute of Zoology of NAS. Recommendations on the improvement of the system were developed. Three of the areas, mainly with dryland ecosystems, have been selected as prospective territories for further development of the Protected Area system in Armenia.

  1. Has your country integrated actions under the programme of work of dry and sub-humid lands into its national biodiversity strategies and action plans or the National Action Programme (NAP) of the UNCCD? (decisions V/23, VI/4 and VII/2)

      1. No

      1. Yes (please provide details below)


Further comments on actions under the programme of work of dry and sub-humid lands integrated into national biodiversity strategies and action plans or the National Action Programme (NAP) of the UNCCD.

A number of actions of the NBSAP are aimed at resolution of the mentioned issues related to dry and sub-humid lands, particularly, establishment of new protected areas in different type of landscapes including semi-desert, steppe, and saline territories, is envisaged. Extension of “Vordan Karmir” reservation, as well as conservation and restoration of mediterranean type dry forests, restoration of degraded landscapes (including dry lands), and monitoring activities are proposed.
The “State Strategy and National Action Plan for Development of Nature Protected Areas in Armenia” envisages incorporation of variuos landscape zones into the protected area system, with emphasazing integration of ecosystems in open landscapes. 4 out of 12 new protected areas proposed by the Action Plan include drylands from semideserts to mediterranean type dry forests.

  1. Has your country undertaken measures to ensure synergistic/collaborative implementation of the programme of work between the national UNCCD process and other processes under related environmental conventions? (decisions V/23, VI/4 and VII/2)

      1. No

      1. Yes, some linkages established (please provide details below)


      1. Yes, extensive linkages established (please provide details below)

Further comments on the measures to ensure the synergistic/collaborative implementation of the programme of work between the national UNCCD processes and other processes under related environmental conventions.

Synergetic and cross-cutting issues of CBD, FCCC and CCD are assessed in analyzed in the framework of “Armenian National Capacity Self-assessment for Global Environmental Management” project. Respective Action Plan was prepared for joint implementation of acitvities. The Plan was adopted by the Government of Armenia (Resolution #880, 2005) and include actions on development of monitoring and scientific research, information exchange, assessment of biological resources, promotion of sustainable use of pastures, mitigation of negative impacts from climate change on arid ecosystems, etc. The most important and urgent issue – establishement of comprehensive monitoring and information system under three environmental conventions – is re-formulated in project proposal and submitted to GEF for financing. In 2005 the PDF A phase of the “Institutional and legislative capacity building on optimation of information and monitoring system for global environmental management in Armenia” project started.

Programme Part A: Assessment

  1. Has your country assessed and analyzed information on the state of dryland biological diversity and the pressures on it, disseminated existing knowledge and best practices, and filled knowledge gaps in order to determine adequate activities? (Decision V/23, Part A: Assessment, Operational objective, activities 1 to 6)

  1. No

  1. No, but assessment is ongoing

  1. Yes, some assessments undertaken (please provide details below)


  1. Yes, comprehensive assessment undertaken (please provide details

Further comments on the relevant information on assessments of the status and trends and dissemination of existing knowledge and best practices.

First National Report on Biodiversity provided qualitative assessment of current status of biodiversity in Armenia, including overall description of the flora and fauna composition of the arid and semi-arid ecosystems.
“National Action Plan to Combat Desertification” assessed the overall status of lands in Armenia, including that of natural drylands. However the biodiversity of those lands is not assessed yet.
“First National Communication on Climate Change” provided analysis of the status of arid ecosystems as well as assessed the possible impact of climate change on those ecosystems.

Programme Part B: Targeted Actions

  1. Has your country taken measures to promote the conservation and sustainable use of the biological diversity of dry and sub-humid lands and the fair and equitable sharing of the benefits arising out of the utilization of its genetic resources, and to combat the loss of biological diversity in dry and sub-humid lands and its socio-economic consequences? (part B of annex I of decision V/23, activities 7 to 9)

  1. No


  1. Yes, some measures taken (please provide details below)

  1. Yes, many measures taken (please provide details below)

Further comments on the measures taken to promote the conservation and sustainable use of the biological diversity of dry and sub-humid lands and the fair and equitable sharing of the benefits arising out of the utilization of its genetic resources, and to combat the loss of biological diversity in dry and sub-humid lands and its socio-economic consequences.

  1. Has your country taken measures to strengthen national capacities, including local capacities, to enhance the implementation of the programme of work?

  1. No


  1. Yes, some measures taken (please provide details below)

  1. Yes, comprehensive measures taken (please provide details below)

  1. Yes, all identified capacity needs met (please provide details below)

Further comments on measures taken to strengthen national capacities, including local capacities, to enhance the implementation of the programme of work.

Please elaborate below on the implementation of this programme of work and associated decisions specifically focusing on:

  1. outcomes and impacts of actions taken;

  2. contribution to the achievement of the goals of the Strategic Plan of the Convention;

  3. contribution to progress towards the 2010 target;

  4. progress in implementing national biodiversity strategies and action plans;

  5. contribution to the achievement of the Millennium Development Goals;

  6. constraints encountered in implementation.

f) Lack of understanding of importance of the issues related to drylands and their biodiversity is the greatest difficulty faced. It should be mentioned that desert and steppe areas of the country are presented only by 480 ha within the protected area system, while the overall territory covered by protected areas is more than 300,000 ha. No programmatic document considers uniqueness of those ecosystems and vulnerability of their biodiversity.

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