Partner University
Credits per semester
for fulltime studies
South Africa
University of Cape Town
72-‐90 NQF/semester
Usually 90 NQF
Peking University
15 credits
Can vary between faculties
Fudan University
15 credits
Zhejiang University
15 credits
University of Hong Kong
30 credits
Chinese University of Hong Kong
15 units
Tsinghua University
15 credits
Xiamen Unviersity
15 credits
Can vary between faculties
City University of Hong Kong
15 credits
Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (HKUST)
15 credits
Waseda University
15,5 credits
Can vary between faculties
Tokyo University
14 credits undergrad
Gifu University
16 credits
Can vary between faculties, and course level
National University of Singapore
20 credits
Nanyang Technological University
16 credits undergrad, 12
credits graduate courses
South Korea
Korea University
16 undergrad, 9 postgrad
KAIST, Korea Advanced Inst of Science ant Technology
5 courses (15 credits)
undergrad level
Graduate level: contact your coordinator
Seoul National University
18 undergrad, 12 grad
National Taiwan University
16 credits undergrad, 12
credits graduate
Thammasat University
15 credits
Australia and New Zealand
Murdoch University
University of Adelaide
12 units
University of Melbourne
50 credits
Usually 4 courses
Royal Melbourne Inst. of Technology
48 credits
Australian National University
24 credits
University of New South Wales
24 credits
University of Sydney
24 credits
University of Newcastle
Griffith University
Antal poäng per termin vid utbytesstudier / Credit requirements for exchange studies, per semester
Universiteten runt om i världen har olika sätt att redovisa studierna, olika poängsystem gäller i olika länder och ibland kan det dessutom skilja sig
beroende på vilket lärosäte i ett visst land du befinner dig på. För att kunna tillgodoräkna dig dina studier utomlands som heltid, 30 högskolepoäng per
termin, måste du vara säker på att du tar så många poäng (credits/units) som Lunds universitet förväntar sig att du ska ta. Du ska alltså följa våra
rekommendationer, inte värduniversitetets, om vad som räknas som heltidsstudier.
Om du läser inom EU, eller i Norge, Schweiz, Turkiet och Island, tillämpas ECTS-‐systemet. Då tillgodoräknas 1 ECTS som 1 högskolepoäng. Heltidsstudier
alltså lika med 30 ECTS per termin.
Här nedan följer en lista över de lärosäten LU och N-‐fak har avtal med och vad som räknas som heltid på respektive lärosäte. Vi har inte platser till alla
lärosäten alla terminer -‐ listan visar således inte vilka lärosäten du kan åka till.
Har du frågor om tillgodoräknande och heltidsstudier ska du i första hand vända dig till din studievägledare.
ENGLISH: Universities around the world have different ways to present the studies, different grading systems in different countries and sometimes also
different grading systems depending on which institution in a particular country you are in. To be credited for your studies abroad as full-‐time in our
system, 30 hp (högskolepoäng/credits) per semester, you must make sure you take as many points (credits/units) that Lund university expects you to
take. You must therefore follow our recommendations, not the host university, about what we count as full-‐time studies.If you're studying in the EU or
in Norway, Switzerland, Turkey and Iceland, the ECTS system applies -‐ full-‐time studies thus equal 30 ECTS per semester.
Below is a list of universities Lund University and the Faculty of Science have agreements with, and what counts as full-‐time at each institution. We
don’t have exchange places to all universities every semester, hence the list does not show which university you can go to.
If you have questions regarding transferring credits and full-‐time studies, you should first and foremost talk to your study counselor.
La Trobe University
60 credits
University of Queensland
8 units
Usually 4 courses
University of Western Australia
24 credits
University of Tasmania
50 credit points
One course is usually 12,5 credits
Nya Zeeland
University of Auckland
60 points
4 x 15 point courses per semester
University of Canterbury
60 points
University of Otago
60 points
Most course 18 points, a few is 6 points. Difficult fo end
up with 60 points, more common 54 or 72.
Europe incl. Russia
United Kingdom University of Birmingham
60 credits
University of Edinburgh
60 credits
University of Nottingham
60 credits
UK in general
60 credits
Europe (not UK) European universities, not in UK
30 credits
St Petersburg State University
Latin America
Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul
Can vary between faculties, contact your coordinator
Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile
50 credits
Can vary between faculties
Universidad de Chile
30 credits
Tec de Monterrey, ITESM
Universidad Simon Bolivar
15 credits per trimester (see
Must study full year because of trimester system
Middle East
American University of Beirut
The University of Jordan
Can vary between faculties
American University in Cairo
North America
North Carolina State University
15 credits
Santa Clara University
24 credits (winter+spring
The academic year is divided into 3 quarters. 1 academic
year, undergrad: 43 credits = 60 hp. 1 academic year,
graduate level: 24 credits = 60 hp. 12 credits/ quarter =
24 för winter + spring quarter
University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
undergrad. 15, grad. 9-‐15
University of California -‐ UC Berkeley and UC Merced
15 credits/units (see note)
Since exchanges with UC always are a year, students
need to bring 30 semester units in order to receive full
University of California -‐ other campuses (not UCBerkley,
UC Merced)
15 quarter units per quarter
(see note)
Since exchanges with UC always are a year, students
need to bring 45 quarter units in order to receive full
Michigan State University
15 credits (undergrad)
University of Denver
24 credits (winter+spring
Northeastern University
16 credits
University of Connecticut
15 credits
University of Maryland
15 credits (undergrad)
University of Virginia
15 credits
McGill University
15 credits
Concordia University
15 credits undergrad
Postgrad level: 8 credits
Université de Montreal
15 credits
Queen’s University
15 units
Simon Fraser University
15 credits
University of British Columbia (UBC)
15 credits undergrad
Graduate level: 9 credits
UBC, Campus Okanagan
15 credits undergrad
Graduate level: 9 credits
University of Ottawa
15 credits undergrad
Graduate level: 9 credits
University of Waterloo
2,5 undergrad
University of Guelph
2,5 undergrad
Graduate level: 1,5 credits
University of Toronto
2,5 undergrad
Graduate level: 1,5 credits
University of Alberta
15 credits
University of Calgary
15 credits
Updated 2016-‐10-‐11 /KM