Cumulative Index 1930-1937

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Harrison, George B.:
“Talmadge Faces Impeachment by Angry Georgians,” Mar-Apr 1936, 6
Harrison, Joseph:
“Wide Campaign For Gastonia 7,” Aug 30 1930, 1
Hartley, Roland H.:
“Two Centralia Prisoners Out After 12 Years,” Jan 9 1932, 2
Hart’s Island, N.Y.:
“Jailed Jobless Leader Says Must Build Southern Worker,” Jan 31 1931, 4
Harvey, A.D.:
“Jailed 17 Times For Selling Anti-Long Book,” Jun 1935, 1
Harvey Coal Co.:
“White, Negro Miners Solid In Kentucky,” Jun 10 1933, 2
Harvey, H.:
“Rush to Defense of Our Comrades,” Mar 7 1931, 4

“Aim To Stop Militants In Dock Strike,” Mar 14 1931, 1

“Jail Red Union Leaders In New Orleans Strike,” Mar 21 1931, 1

“Smash Bosses Terror March 28th,” Mar 21 1931, 1

“115 Jailed in Orleans Strike; Mass Picketing Starts On Call M.W.I.U.,” Mar 28 1931, 1

“Militants in Orleans Urge Mass Pickets,” Apr 4 1931, 2

Harvey, John:
“Spread Strike As Thugs Raid Union Center,” Jan 9 1932, 1

“Jail Defense Attorney On Arrival In Ky.,” Jan 16 1932, 1

“Western District Communists Reply To Challenge,” Nov 1934, 3
Harveyton, Ky.:
“White, Negro Miners Solid In Kentucky,” Jun 10 1933, 2

“We Answer New Attacks With New Struggles,” Jun 10 1933, 4

Hassan, John:
“Lesson in Boss Justice,” Sep 19 1931, 4
Hathaway, Clarence Albert:
“No Place For Race Prejudice,” Mar 7 1931, 1

“Guilty Of Race Prejudice,” Mar 14 1931, 1

“Angelo Herndon Urges Build Mass Paper!” Oct 1934, 4

“Angelo Herndon, Symbol of Strength,” Oct 1934, 4

Haukness, Knute:
“Die Fighting!” Dec 27 1930, 1
Hauser, A.J.:
“Nominate Red Candidates At Virginia Meet,” Sep 6 1930, 1

“Our Candidates,” Nov 1 1930, 1

Hauserman, Capt. D.M.:
“War Plans In Birmingham Link Up Shops,” Oct 3 1931, 1
Havana, Cuba:
“Revolt Growing In So. America,” Nov 22 1930, 1

“Machine Guns For Cuban Workers,” Mar 21 1931, 2

“May Day in Cuba,” May 2 1931, 3

Lynch Law At Work: Havana, Cuba, May 16 1931, 2

“Police Fire on Unemployed,” Jun 20 1931, 1

“Workers Thruout [sic] World Protest War Preparation,” Aug 8 1931, 1

“Machado Terror,” Aug 22 1931, 1

“Opposing Parties In Cuba Expose Selves,” Oct 3 1931, 3

Important News In Short: Havana, Cuba, Sep 1934, 3

Important News In Short: Havana, Cuba, Dec 1934, 6

Important News In Short: Havana, Cuba, Feb 1935, 4

Important News In Short: Havana, Cuba, Mar-Apr 1935, 6

Hawes-Cooper Act:
“Rulers Fight to Go on Sweating Prison Labor,” May 20 1933, 4
Hawes, Elizabeth:
“The United Front in the South,” with photo, Jan 1935, 1
Hawes, Zilla:
“Support Grows For Union Rights And Anti-Lynch Meet,” Feb 1935, 2
Hawkins, Alfred E.:
“Protest Against State Lynching Grows Rapidly,” Apr 18 1931, 1

“Parade Welcomes Mrs. Patterson,” May 2 1931, 1

“Scottsboro Conferences in 12 Cities,” May 16 1931, 4

“White, Negro Pledge Unity in Charlotte,” May 30 1931, 1

“Mob Threatens ILD Lawyers In Scottsb. Hearing,” Jun 13 1931, 1

“Scottsboro Mass Defense To Fight On To Victory,” Jun 27 1931, 1

“Boys Tormented By Jailer At Kilby Prison,” Jul 4 1931, 1

Untitled, Jul 4 1931, 1

“Mrs. Montgomery In Greenville,” Jul 18 1931, 2

“Demand Release of Boys From Kilby Death Cells,” Dec 26 1931, 1

“Boys Denounce NAACP; Want Real Defense,” Jan 9 1932, 1
Hawkins, I.:
“Miners Convene For Struggle,” Aug 16 1930, 3
Hawkins, Ike:
“General Strike is Prepared to Defeat Starvation Rule and Drive Out Bosses’ Gun Thugs,” Dec 19 1931, 1
Hawkins, James F.:
“White Thug Shoots Helpless Negro Prisoner,” Oct 10 1931, 3

“Wounded Man To Face Lynch Court Nov. 9th,” Oct 24 1931, 2

Hawkins, Jim:
Contributor,” Wake Up, Oppressed People!” Nov 15 1930, 4

“Reds Fish Missed,” Dec 13 1930, 2

Contributor, “Atlanta Family Victims [sic] of Police Brutality,” Aug 29 1931, 2
Hawks, Ellie:
“Four Taken For Ride,” Jan 1937, 15
Hawthorne, F.D.:
“Lynch Wave On Increase,” Sep 1934, 2
Hayden, Joe:
Lynch Law At Work: Danville, Ky., Nov 15 1930, 2
Hayes, Arthur Garfield:
“New Trickery In Scottsboro Case Appeals,” Jan 2 1932, 2

“Boys Denounce NAACP; Want Real Defense,” Jan 9 1932, 1

“Mass Power Will Free the Scottsboro Boys,” Jan 9 1932, 4

“Manifesto of the League of Struggle for Negro Rights on Case of Scottsboro Boys,” Feb 6 1932, 4

Hayes, Clarence:
“34 Are Lynched In 9 Months,” Oct 4 1930, 4
Hayes, Joe C.:
“Organizer Framed for Murder,” Sep 1936, 3

“Samoset Mill Claims Second Labor Victim,” Jan 1937, 8

News of the Month in the South, “Mistrial In Homer Welch Case,” Apr 1937, 11
Haynes, first name unlisted, CP:
“Mayor Lied To New Orleans Jobless—No Jobs, No Money,” Jul 25 1931, 3
Haynes Knitting Co.:
“Tobacco Profits High, Workers Wages Cut,” Aug 29 1931, 3

Haynes, W.T.:

Important News In Short: Clarksdale, Miss., Jul 1934, 2
Hayneville, Ala.:
Lynch Law At Work: Hayneville, Ala., Aug 15 1931, 2

“Bloody Lynch Law Toll Mounts For This Year,” Sep 5 1931, 2

Hays, Phillip:
Lynch Law At Work: Cleveland, Miss., Jan 24 1931, 2
Haywood, Harry: see Hall, Haywood, Jr.
Hazard, Ky.:
“T. Meyerscough [sic] And Jim Grace Taken For Ride,” Oct 10 1931, 1
Hazellton, Pa.:
“The Textile Strike ‘Victory’,” Oct 1934, 6
Hazen, Ark.:
“Take Food,” Apr 11 1931, 2
H.C. Frick Coke Co.: see Frick Coke Co.
Heard, Rev. Dow:
“Militia Called In Arkansas Church Row,” Sep 19 1931, 2
Hearst newspapers:
“Red Baiters Answered By Randolph,” Mar-Apr 1936, 4

“Vote Communist,” Nov 1936, 1

“Yes, Communists Run James Ford, Republicans Told,” Nov 1936, 3
Hearst, William Randolph:
“Trades Council Leaders Exposed As Member Calls For Honest Leadership,” May 1935, 5

“Southern Listeners Hear Browder Call for Labor Party,” Mar-Apr 1936, 4

“Night Riders Charged With Death of Worker,” Jun 1936, 1

Trade Union Topics, Jun 1936, 2

“Thank You, Mr. Hearst!” Jun 1936, 4

“Communist Party Holds National Convention,” Jun 1936, 7

“The Black Legion,” Jun 1936, 8

“Browder Terms Liberty League Greatest Danger,” Jul 1936, 4

“Dirty Willie Hearst,” Jul 1936, 7

“The Communist Ticket,” Jul 1936, 8

“‘My Old Kentucky Home’ of Miners and Unemployed in Harlan County,” Dec 1936, 12
Hector Paving Contractors:
“Dock Workers Pay For Not Finishing Sooner,” May 30 1931, 3
Heflin, Howell Thomas:
“Alabama Politicians Exposed,” Sep 13 1930, 1
Hegel, Georg:
“January ‘Communist’ Splendid Number for Guide to Action,” Jan 30 1932, 4
Heidelberg, Miss.:
“Hard On Farm—Hard On R.R.,” Dec 20 1930, 3
Heidelberg, Pa.:
“U.S. Delegation In Soviet Union,” Nov 7 1931, 4
Heit, Charles:
“Hunger Marcher, Beaten at Albany, Is Near Death,” Mar 14 1931, 2
Helena, Ark.:
“Shoot Down Negro Worker in Helena,” Apr 11 1931, 4
Heflin, Howell Thomas:
The Reds Say, Sep 6 1930, 4

“Beddow Leads Lynch Plot In Peterson Case,” Jan 30 1932, 1

Heller, Isaac:
“Mayor Lied To New Orleans Jobless—No Jobs, No Money,” Jul 25 1931, 3
Helmer, George:
“Trades Council Leaders Exposed As Member Calls For Honest Leadership,” May 1935, 5
Hemil, Lezin:
“Cops And Klan Found Guilty In Florida,” Jun 1936, 3
Hemming Mill:
“Stony Creek Farmer Tells of A.F. of L. Red Scare Lies,” Feb 28 1931, 3
Henderson, David:
“AF of L to Help Organize Agricultural Workers,” Jan 1937, 5
Henderson, Frank:
“Klan Killers Stand Trial In Tampa, Fla.,” Mar-Apr 1936, 1
Henderson, G.H.:
Lynch Law At Work: Huntsville, Ala., Oct 4 1930, 2

“Lynch Law at Work,” Oct 11 1930, 2

Henderson, H.:
Lynch Law At Work: Huntsville, Tenn., Oct 4 1930, 2
Henderson, Henry:
“Secret Jailing of Miners Is Exposed In Ky.,” Oct 24 1931, 3
Henderson, J.:
“Masked Cops Beat Negroes And Strip Girls,” Dec 1934, 3
Henderson, N.C.:
Lynch Law At Work: Henderson, N.C., Mar 7 1931, 2
Henderson, Nevile:
“U.S. Pushes War Alliance In German Crisis,” Jul 18 1931, 1
Henderson, W.D.:
“Hoover Gives Out 5 Jobs—We’re Fired,” Dec 27 1930, 3
Hendricks, K.Y.:
“Wide Campaign For Gastonia 7,” Aug 30 1930, 1
Hendricks, O.C.:
“‘Everything’s Lovely,’ Says Tennessee’s Prison Head!” Aug 31 1933, 4
Hendrix, Beatrice:
“Lynch Law at Work,” Oct 11 1930, 2
Hendrix, K.Y.:
“Gastonia Leader Scorns Hearst,” Feb 1936, 4
Henryetta, Okla.:
“Troops Ready To War on Starving Miners in Okla.,” May 9 1931, 1

“Marching Miners Force Relief In Henryetta, Okla.,” Jul 25 1931, 1

Henry Clay, Ky.:
“Deputy Murders Kentucky Mine Strike Picket,” Feb 10 1934, 1
Henry County, Ala.:
“Alabama Court Frees Sheriff Who Let Mob Take Negro,” Jul, 1937, 13
Henry, Josiah:
“Vicious Police Torture 60-Year-Old Farm Worker,” Nov 7 1931, 2
Henry, Rene:
“Bloody Lynch Law Toll Mounts For This Year,” Sep 5 1931, 2
Henry, Tommie:
“Negro Cropper Fram-[sic] on Charge of Rape,” Jun 20 1931, 3
Henson, Francis:
“The United Front in the South,” Jan 1935, 1
Herbert, Fanny:
“Unemployed Demand Relief From City Of Greenville,” Apr 4 1931, 4
Hernandez, Bill:
Contributor, “Prosperity Balloon,” Nov 22 1930, 1

Contributor, “Hoover Solves Unemployment,” Nov 22 1930, 4

Contributor, “Making the Unemployed an Army of War,” Dec 20 1930, 4
Hernando, Miss.:
“Arkansas Planters Murder Organizer of Tenant’s Union,” Mar-Apr 1935, 1
Herndon, Angelo, also Braxton, Eugene:
“T.C.I. Hounds Birmingham Workers,” Aug 16 1930, 1

“Call Workers To Smash Terror,” Sep 6 1930, 1

“Carry on the Fight for Social Insurance!” Sep 6 1930, 4

“B’Ham Workers Resist Terror,” Sep 13 1930, 1

“’Get Job or Go To Jail,’ Says Judge,” Sep 27 1930, 1

Contributor, “A ‘Russian Heathen Tells B’ham Jailers About ‘Ism,’”

Oct 11 1930, 3

“Try To Stop T.C.I. Workers Organizing,” Jan 10 1931, 1

“Organizers On Trial Expose T.C.I. Terror,” Jan 17 1931, 2

“B’ham Bosses Give Jobless More Terror,” Feb 14 1931, 1

“Croppers In Ala. Organize For Struggle,” Mar 7 1931, 1

“Jail Braxton, Marine Organizer, in Orleans,” May 16 1931, 1

“Jail Another Marine Organizer in Orleans,” May 23 1931, 1

“Delegates Hit Jim-Crow Hard,” Jun 6 1931, 2

“Kill 1, Wound 4, Jail Communist Organizer,” Aug 15 1931, 1

“Jackson Held; 3 Vag Cases Postponed,” Aug 22 1931, 1

“Reign of Terror Sweeping B,ham [sic],” Aug 29 1931, 1

“Free Braxton On Bond; Legion In Anti-Red Drive,” Sep 5 1931, 1

Caption, May 20 1933, 4

“Klan Burns Fiery Cross At Home Of Herndon Defender,” Aug 15 1933, 2

“Governor Bars I.L.D. at Fake Hearing for Willie Patterson,” Mar 25 1934, 1

“Herndon Granted Bail,” with photo, Jul 1934, 1

“Bail Forced For Angelo Herndon; Appeal To Go To U.S. Supreme Court,” Jul 1934, 4

“Angelo Herndon Leaves Prison On $15,000 Bail Raised by I.L.D.,” Sept 1934, 1

“White and Negro Workers In New Orleans United Front,” Sep 1934, 2

Caption to photo of Benjamin J. Davis, Jr., Sep 1934, 3

“Girl Pickets Refuse Betray Struggle, Framed In Georgia,” Oct 1934, 1

Important News In Short: Montgomery, Ala., Oct 1934, 3

“Angelo Herndon Urges Build Mass Paper!” with photo, Oct 1934, 4

“Fifteen Arrested In Georgia Terror Drive Under Slave Law,” Nov 1934, 1

Important News In Short: Atlanta, Ga., Jan 1935, 4

“Herndon Interviews Mooney,” with photo, Feb 1935, 1

Contributor, “Herndon Sees Mooney In San Quentin,” with photo, Feb 1935, 3

Important News In Short: Atlanta, Ga., Feb 1935, 4

“Vicious Herndon Sentence Upheld By Supreme Court,” Jun 1935, 1

“Jailed 17 Times For Selling Anti-Long Book,” with photo, Jun 1935, 1

“United Front, All-Southern Conference For Union And Civil Rights Set for May 26 in Chattanooga, Tenn.,” May 1935, 1

“United Front Fighting For Scottsboro Freedom,” Jan 1936, 1

“United Front Wins Herndon Release,” Jan 1936, 4

“Red Baiters Answered By Randolph,” Mar-Apr 1936, 4

“Eighteen Held on Herndon Law in Atlanta Jail,” Jun 1936, 1

“The Insurrection Law,” Jun 1936, 8

“Browder, Ford Nominated by Communists,” Jul 1936, 1

“Herndon Defense Wins a Victory,” Jan 1937, 6

Caption, May 1937, 2

A Page for Southern Women May 1937, 14

“Communist Party Is Legal,” Jun 1937, 4

Caption, Jun 1937, 4

Hermosillo, Mexico:
“Mexican Jobless Forced To Eat Grass Many Die,” Mar 28 1931, 4
Herring, Chevis:
Lynch Law At Work: Clinton, N.C., Aug 30 1930, 2
Herring, Elmer:
“Shoots Husband of of [sic] Woman Worker,” Sep 19 1931, 4
Herring, Ernest:
Lynch Law At Work: Clinton, N.C., Aug 30 1930, 2
Hersh, Harry Simms, also Harry Simms, aka Gilbert Harris:
“B’ham Police Renew Effort to Oust Reds,” Dec 6 1930, 2

“Plan Mass Fight For Release of 5 B’ham Workers,” Feb 7 1931, 1

“Rush to Defense of Our Comrades,” Mar 7 1931, 4

“Women Meet Despite Terror,” Mar 14 1931, 2

“Movie Whips Up Lynch Spirit,” Mar 28 1931, 4

“Evade Cops and Hold Successful Demonstrations,” May 9 1931, 1

“Conference Denounces Traitors To Nine Boys,” Jun 6 1931, 1

“Convention Of YCL In South,” Jun 13 1931, 4

“Armed Troops Stop Funeral Preparations,” Feb 20 1932, 1

“Harry Simms Murdered By Gun Thug,” Feb 20 1932, 1

“The Murder of Harry Simms a Challenge to the Working Class,” Feb 20 1932, 4

“Many Workers Rally To Take Simms’ Place,” Mar 5 1932, 1

“Rank and File U.M.W. Locals Plan Struggle,” Mar 5 1932, 2

“The Communist Party In Kentucky,” Mar 5 1932, 4

Heughley, Cleveland:
“Boss Thieves Of Camp Hill Stealing All,” Dec 26 1931, 2
Hick, Pat:
“Negro Free, ‘Shot it Out’ with Sheriff,” Nov 1936, 4
Hickerson, Harold:
“Pineville Gang Steals Food; And Slugs Two,” Feb 20 1932, 1

“Tom Mooney’s Mother Pleads For Prisoners,” Mar 5 1932, 2

Hicks, James R., Jr.:
“Sheriff Threatens Forced Labor for Georgia Unemployed,” Jul 1937, 12
Hicks, Matt:
“Must Not Permit This To Happen Helps Boss,” Oct 18 1930, 3
Hicks, W.:
“More Tyranny At Camp Hill,” Dec 19 1931, 4
Higgins, Anderson:
“More Tyranny At Camp Hill,” Dec 19 1931, 4
High Point, N.C.:
“A.F. of L. Forces Strikers Back,” Sep 20 1930, 1

“Pleading for The Bosses,” Sep 20 1930, 4

“Furniture Workers Ready To Strike,” Sep 27 1930, 2

“See Thru A.F. of L. Labor Fakers in Miss.,” Sep 27 1930, 3

“McGrady On Hand To Aid Furniture Bosses,” Oct 4 1930, 2

Lynch Law At Work: High Point, N.C., Nov 15 1930, 2

“Negroes Fight For Voting Rights in N.C.,” May 16 1931, 3

“Southern Textile Workers Strike As Code Brings Pay Cuts,” Aug 15 1933, 1

“Strikes In Three North Carolina Textile Centers,” Jul 1936, 3
High Shoals Mill:
Important News In Short: Gastonia, N.C., Feb 1935, 4
High Shoals, N.C.:
Important News In Short: Gastonia, N.C., Feb 1935, 4
High Splint, Ky.:
“How the ‘Black List’ Works In Kentucky Coal Regions,” Oct 10 1931, 1
Highland Park Mill:
“Hire Expert To Cut Down Mill Wages,” Dec 6 1930, 3

“Demand State Jobless Fund In N. Carolina,” Dec 13 1930, 1

“Textile Mills Lay Off Hands,” Jan 10 1931, 2

“Charity Slop For ‘Lucky’ Jobless,” Feb 21 1931, 3

Highlander Folk School:
“The United Front in the South,” Jan 1935, 1

“Support Grows For Union Rights And Anti-Lynch Meet,” Feb 1935, 2

Hight, G.A.:
“Racketeers in Patriotism,” May 1937, 6
Hightower, William Hytour:
“AF of L Called in Troops; Miners In Mass Protest,” May 16 1931, 1

“Troops Enforce Injunction Against Striking Ky. Miners,” May 23 1931, 1

“Rabid Judge Directs Fight For Owners,” Sep 12 1931, 1

News In Brief: Frankfort, Ky., Jan 1936, 3

Hill, Avery:
“Deputy Murders Kentucky Mine Strike Picket,” Feb 10 1934, 1
Hill Brothers Canning Plant:
“Fla. Citrus Workers Win Strike Despite Terror, Traitors,” Feb 1935, 5
Hill Creek Coal Company:
News of the Month in the South, “Alabama Industry Arms Against Unions,” Apr 1937, 11
Hill, Jason:
“Try To Frame Militant In Elizabethton,” Feb 7 1931, 2

“Jail Militant Elizabethton Rayon Worker,” Feb 14 1931, 2

Hill, Perry:
“Tuscaloosa Croppers Open Fight For Cash Share Of Cotton Check,” Nov 15 1933, 1
Hill’s Grocery:
“Sloss-Scheffield [sic] Often Hogs Whole Pay-Check for Rent,” Jan 20 1934, 3
Hillman Coal and Coke Co.:
“The Miners’ Strike Can Be Won!” Jun 20 1931, 4
Hillman Hospital:
Important News in Short: Birmingham, Ala., Nov 1934, 4

News Notes: Birmingham, Ala., Mar-Apr 1936, 7

Hillman, Sidney:
“Textile is Next,” Apr 1937, 4

Caption, May 1937, 11

Caption, News of the Month in the South, May 1937, 11

“C.I.O. Fights for Unity,” Jun 1937, 5

“Build the C.I.O. To Abolish Southern Wage Differential,” Jul 1937, 2

“Textile Forges Ahead,” Jul 1937, 5

Hillsborough County, Fla.:
“Tampa Prisoners Are Puzzle to the Police,” Dec 26 1931, 3
Hinch, Andrew:

“Harlan Prisoners Praise ILD Help,” Dec 19 1931, 2

Hindenberg, Paul von:
“Workers Of South Must Carry Out Mass Fight Against War Plotters,” Oct 31 1931, 1
Hinds, Jim:
Caption, “Strike Leader,” May 1936, 1

“Kidnapping and Frame-ups Mark War on Strikers,” May 1936, 1

“Rockwood Mill Workers Hold May Day Meeting,” May 1936, 2
Hines, Gen. Frank T.:
“War Veterans Must Put Up Fight Against American Legion Fraud,” Sep 19 1933, 3
Hines, Harold: see Hynes, Harold
Hines, Harry, also Hites, Hary [sic]:
“Expose Police Spy Hites In Birmingham,” Feb 7 1931, 4

“Plan Mass Fight For Release of 5 B’ham Workers,” Feb 7 1931, 1

Caption, “A Rat,” Apr 4 1931, 4
Hippodrome Hall:
“Parade Welcomes Mrs. Patterson,” May 2 1931, 1
Hitler, Adolph:
“The Wildwood Massacre,” Jul 18 1931, 4

Caption to photo of Ernst Thaelmann, Jul 1934, 1

“Warrants Try Outlaw Reds, Workers’ Paper,” Sep 1934, 1

Important News In Short: Minneapolis, Minn., Sep 1934, 3

Important News In Short: San Francisco, Calif., Sep 1934, 3

“Red Scare Raised As Union Big Shots Work With Bosses,” Oct 1934, 3

“Fifteen Arrested In Georgia Terror Drive Under Slave Law,” Nov 1934, 1

“Atlanta Worker Prisoners Free On Bond—Militant Girls Fight On,” Dec 1934, 2

“Miner Writes of Bad Times Under Fascism,” Feb 1935, 6

Important News In Short: Paris, France, Mar-Apr 1935, 6

Trade Union Topics, Feb 1936, 2

“World Is Facing Danger of New War Slaughter,” Feb 1936, 7

“Hitler Moves To Start War In Europe,” Mar-Apr 1936, 1

“Talmadge Faces Impeachment by Angry Georgians,” Mar-Apr 1936, 6

“Spiking A Lie!” Sep 1936, 5

Cotton Row, Nov 1936, 5

Eyes on the World, Dec 1936, 16

“Court Frames Organizer; Gets 10 Years,” Dec 1936, 16

“Defend Madrid; Need Munitions; Appeal for Aid,” Nov 1936, 7

“Defend Democracy,” Jan 1937, 2

“Tide of Battle Turns in Spain,” Jan 1937, 14

Eyes On The World, Jan 1937, 15

International News, Mar 1937, 10

“Jacksonville, Fla. Rallies Support for Spain,” Mar 1937, 12

H.J. Pennington Company:
“Expose Police Spy Hites In Birmingham,” Feb 7 1931, 4
Hlavecek, T.:
“Donations,” Oct 18 1930, 2
H.M. Wade Manufacturing Company:
“Cut up to 20 Cents Hour at Wade Co.,” Feb 14 1931, 3
Hoan, Daniel
“Milwaukee ‘Socialist’ Policy,” Feb 20 1932, 4
Hoboken, N.Y.:
“Tot Dies From Hunger,” Sep 1936, 5
Hobson Walker Brickyard:
“More Unions O.K. H.R. 7598 In Bessemer,” Oct 1934, 2
Hod Carriers Auxiliary:
“Belle Martin Is Arrested On WPA Picket Line,” May 1936, 3
Hod Carriers and Common Laborers Union: see International Hod Carriers, Building and Common Laborers Union
Hodaz, John:
“34 Are Lynched In 9 Months,” Oct 4 1930, 4
Hoffman, Claire:
Review of the Month, Sep 1937, 3
Hog Island, Pa.:
“Masses Prepare For February 10,” Feb 7 1931, 1
Hoggard, J.P.:
“Case of Framed N.C. Union Men Set For Appeal,” Jun 1935, 3
Holbrook, Lucius Roy:
“The Civilization They Tell us To Defend,” Aug 1 1931, 4

“Workers Thruout [sic] World Demonstrate August 1st,” Aug 1 1931, 1

Holden, Clara:
“Interesting Lectures At Charlotte Forum,” Mar 7 1931, 2

“Unemployed Demand Relief From City Of Greenville,” Apr 4 1931, 4

Contributor, “Ruling Class Takes Another 17-Year-Old Negro Boy’s Life,” Jun 6 1931, 4

“ILD Scores Mill Owners In Greenville Flogging,” Sep 12 1931, 4

“Tell Clara Holden To Get Out Or Be Killed,” Sep 12 1931, 1

“Kidnap, Beat Unemployed In S. Carolina,” Oct 3 1931, 2

“Another Mill Cuts Wages,” Oct 10 1931, 4

“Name Holden Kidnappers,” Oct 10 1931, 4

Holeman, Harvey W.:
“These Three Men Are Parties To A Foul Murder: Demand Their Arrest,” Aug 31 1933, 1

“Rise In Mighty Protest Against the Savage Tuscaloosa Lynching,” Aug 31 1933, 4

“Murder Charges Hurled Against Judge, Sheriff, Deputies Of Tuscaloosa County By I.L.D.,” Sep 20 1933, 1
Holiday Farm Tenancy Bill:
“Land for the Landless,” Apr 1937, 16
Holland, Ala.:
“Mob Lynches Young Negro,” Mar 1937, 13
Holland, Jerome:
“Negroes Forge Ahead In Sports,” Jan 1937, 10
Hollandale, Miss.:
“Workers’ Congress To Washington Supported By Southern Masses As Unions Back Insurance Bill,” Dec 1934, 1
Holley, R.W.:
“20 Years For Defense,” Dec 26 1931, 4
Holloman, C.W.:
“Chatta. Jobless To Demonstrate Feb 10,” Jan 31 1931, 1
Hollums, Luther:
“White Legion—Fascist Spy Gang Against Workers,” Jul 1934, 1

“Warrants Try Outlaw Reds, Workers’ Paper,” Sep 1934, 1

“C.P. Leader Framed On Vagrancy Charge,” May 1936, 6

Trade Union Topics, Jul 1936, 2

“Anti-Labor Chief Defended By Union Leaders,” Jul 1936, 2

News of the Month in the South, “Policeman Stapp Fired by Civil Service Board,” May 1937, 13

Holly Springs, Miss.:
“Lynch Wave On Increase,” Sep 1934, 2
Holmes, Rev. John Hayes:
“John Haynes Holmes Praises Soviet Union,” Dec 19 1931, 2

“Scottsboro Defense Committee,” Feb 1936, 6

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