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of the world (e.g., Buddhism, Christianity,
Confucianism, Islam, Judaism, etc.). Con-
sideration will be given to the relationship
between religious institutions and society,
the rise and development of sects, leader-
ship patterns in religious groups, and the
role of religion in modern American com-
728. Sociology of Organizations and
Industry. 2 hr. plus conf.; 3 cr. The gener-
al theory of organizations is examined with
emphasis on groups, decisions, hierarchy,
effectiveness, participation, conflict, power,
and environment. Selected studies dealing
with labor, business, and government are
729. Studies in Collective Behavior. 2
hr. plus conf.; 3 cr. An advanced course
concerned with the individual in the social
group. Such topics as group influences on
the shaping of attitudes, conformity, and
deviant behavior will be discussed. Will
also explore collective behavior, including
group reactions to crisis situations and the
psychology of social movements.††
734. Applied Social Research in Mar-
keting I. 2 hr. plus conf.; 3 cr. A survey of
the techniques used in marketing research
with an emphasis on developing skills
needed to carry out research.
735. Applied Social Research in Mar-
keting II. 2 hr. plus conf.; 3 cr. Prereq.:
Sociology 734. Continuation of Sociology
734. Students carry out a marketing
research project.
736. Selected Problems in Demogra-
phy. 2 hr. plus conf.; 3 cr. Survey of 1)
major population problems and develop-
ments, particularly the relation between
natural and industrial resources and popu-
lation growth in various areas of the world;
2) social and other factors influencing pop-
ulation developments; 3) techniques of
demographic research.††
738. The Research Process. 2 hr. plus
conf.; 3 cr. Prereq.: Sociology 701 and 710. 
A comparative survey of the conduct of
social research. Each stage of the research
process as it is performed in various set-
tings will be explored, including: definition
of problem, literature review, formulation
of study design, development of research
instruments, plans for data analysis, and
construction of a report outline. Students
will develop a model research proposal.
739. Studies in Social Psychology. 2 hr.
plus conf.; 3 cr. An examination in depth of
selected areas in social psychology such as
attitudes, public opinion polling, socializa-
tion, personality, etc. Students will have
the opportunity to pursue research under
749. Selected Problems in Mass Com-
munication. 2 hr. plus conf.; 3 cr. A dis-
cussion of selected problems in the field of
mass communication. Includes research
conducted by various institutions and con-
tributions appearing in recent and current
literature, together with problems in the
methodology of mass communications
751. Medical Sociology. 2 hr. plus conf.;
3 cr. A study of selected contributions from
the literature of social organization and
social psychology, in particular, to an
understanding of the functioning and role
of the helping professions, the patient, and
the community in health-maintaining
754. Applied Social Research I. 2 hr.
plus conf.; 3 cr. Prereq.: Permission of
department. Topics in Applied Social
755. Applied Social Research II. 2 hr.
plus conf.; 3 cr. Prereq.: Permission of
department. Topics in Applied Social
788. Cooperative Education Field
Placement. Prereq.: Permission of depart-
ment. Students will apply skills learned in
courses in paid positions. A written report
linking experience with skills and concepts
learned in the classroom is required.
788.1.  1 hr.; 1 cr.
788.2.  2 hr.; 2 cr.
788.3.  3 hr.; 3 cr.
788.4.  4 hr.; 4 cr.
788.5.  5 hr.; 5 cr.
788.6.  6 hr.; 6 cr.
789. Internship in Social Research.
Prereq.: Permission of department. Stu-
dents will apply skills learned in courses in
volunteer positions. A written report link-
ing experience with skills and concepts
learned in the classroom is required.
789.1.  1 hr.; 1 cr.
789.2.  2 hr.; 2 cr.
789.3.  3 hr.; 3 cr.
789.4.  4 hr.; 4 cr.
789.5.  5 hr.; 5 cr.
789.6.  6 hr.; 6 cr.
790. Seminar in Selected Topics in
Sociology. 2 hr. plus conf.; 3 cr. Content
will be determined by the special interest
of students and the instructor.††
790.1. Seminar in Selected Topics in
Sociology. Hr. to be arranged; 1 cr. Con-
tent will be determined by the special
interest of students and the instructor. The
course may be repeated for credit by per-
mission of the department as the topic
790.2. Seminar in Selected Topics in
Sociology. Hr. to be arranged; 2 cr. Con-
tent will be determined by the special
interest of students and the instructor. The
course may be repeated for credit by per-
mission of the department as the topic
790.3. Seminar in Selected Topics in
Sociology. Hr. to be arranged; 3 cr. Con-
tent will be determined by the special
interest of students and the instructor. The
course may be repeated for credit by per-
mission of the department as the topic
791. Tutorial. 3 hr.; 3 cr. Prereq.: Permis-
sion of Director of Graduate Program in
Sociology. Independent study under the
guidance of a Faculty Adviser.
792. Research. 3 hr.; 3 cr. Prereq.: Per-
mission of Director of Graduate Program in
Sociology. Research conducted under the
guidance of a Faculty Adviser.
793. Thesis Research. 3 hr.; 3 cr. Prereq.:
Completion of requirements through d
(21 credits) in the list of Departmental
Requirements above. Student will carry
out a research project which will culminate
in a Master’s thesis or a research report of
comparable significance.

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