Data collection and analysis tools for food security and nutrition

participation on the part of certain segments of the

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participation on the part of certain segments of the 
population requires greater evaluation worldwide. In 
some instances, the digital technologies employed 
may be designed without obtaining user input. This 
is problematic when knowledge and technological 
divides across the stakeholders are not bridged 
through appropriate engagement. For instance, 
some farming communities in rural areas may have 
barriers to using technology because of the cost 
of adoption, lack of awareness, and accessibility 
or connectivity issues. In such circumstances, 
efforts to harness the latest digital technologies 
may be limited by lack of understanding of 
working conditions, requirements and end-user 
expectations. The deployment of digital technologies 

may sometimes take the focus and spending away 
from the primary objective, which is to improve the 
nutrition and health of the population. End users 
may sometimes not have the connectivity, familiarity 
with or digital literacy required to operate these 
devices. Also, continuity of efforts is needed to 
evaluate the benefits of technological intervention. 
In case of replacement or updating of a software, 
application or device, the advantages and benefits of 
the previous version and the need for improvement 
should be considered in tandem in order for the 
revised version to be useful and accepted by the end 
users (Johari, 2021). Thus, careful consideration of 
the local cultural and social context and stakeholder 
engagement is important for the successful adoption 
of newer technologies for FSN data collection and 
Finally, among the challenges to evaluation 
and decision-making in FSN, relating to SDG 2 
indicators, is the lack of transparency, ownership 
and open access to agricultural statistics. Thus, 
constraints relating to 
ownership of and access 
the information generated from data collection 
and analysis on the part of relevant stakeholders 
must be addressed.
The collection of data on FSN indicators related 
to the SDGs may involve multiple agencies within 
a country. Fragmentation of the data collection 
landscape within government agencies occurs in 
many countries as agricultural, food and nutrition 
data are not collected by NSOs but by different 
ministries. The lack of coordinated effort among 
these agencies at times leads to the duplication of 
efforts and can unnecessarily burden financially 
constrained projects and initiatives. Moreover, this 
hinders the interoperability and linkage between 
datasets, which is necessary to have a holistic 
understanding of FSN status and its drivers in a 
population. For instance, some of the required data 
may be collected by academia, involving individual 
researchers whose smaller surveys may not 
necessarily aim to reflect the nation at large, while 
other data may be collected by the private agencies 
and may be archived behind a paywall, limiting 
access to the data.
At the 
global level,
much of the food security, 
agriculture and nutrition data are collated and 
disseminated by FAO. Data in the domain of health 
and nutrition, including those relating to maternal 
and child nutrition indicators such as exclusive 
are collected and disseminated by 
the World Health Organization (WHO) and United 
Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF). However, in 
both these instances, the raw data comes from the 
individual member states or regions. As such, the 
quality and richness of the data typically depend on 
the capacity of the individual nations (OECD, 2019). 
lack of coordination between national and 
international agencies
sometimes creates gaps 
between objectives and delivered outcomes. For 
instance, 50 percent of African NSOs perceived 
that capacity-building programmes did not involve 
sufficient consultation between national and 
international stakeholders, and over 30 percent of 
NSOs worldwide expressed that the programmes 
did not meet their needs (PARIS21, 2018b). This 
demonstrates lack of sufficient country ownership 
of statistics capacity building programmes.
Furthermore, the lack of a shared vision and 
accepted consensus among countries on the 
importance of collecting data and resistance to 
harmonization of indicators and data collection 
methodology hinder international comparisons 
et al., 2010). Different UN agencies 
propose different methods and standards. This 
results in an inability to integrate and collect data 
across related datasets and some duplication 
of efforts. Some of the global constraints are 
reinforced by the lack of coordination between the 
large number of stakeholders involved and a lack of 
clear mechanisms for reporting and the means to 
deliver on their respective commitments (
BOX 23
14 See the WHO Tracking Tool to improve maternal, infant and 
young child nutrition at

BOX 23:
The need for better coordination of efforts is further elucidated by an evaluation of FAO statistical activities 
conducted by FAO itself in 2020. The aim of the evaluation was to provide Members with an assessment of FAO’s 
statistical contribution to agricultural and rural development and food and nutrition security from 2012 to 2018. 
The evaluation team concluded that FAO’s current internal statistical governance did not provide a solid basis for 
well-coordinated, coherent or satisfactory statistical work. This was attributed to weak enforcement of internal 
governance arrangements and the confusion over roles and responsibilities arising from a profusion of units and 
divisions conducting statistical activities (including at regional level), diluting their effectiveness. The need for 
FAO to better capitalize regional statistical expertise and regularly evaluate its programme resources allocated 
to statistical activities to ensure its appropriateness for the objectives of the work plan was recommended. The 
evaluation also identified that the limitation in statistical assistance provided to countries was further exacerbated 
by FAO’s dependence on extra-budgetary resources for statistical capacity-building, which creates uncertainty on 
the sustainability of this capacity-development work. Thus, despite some progress in terms of quality, the statistics 
produced and disseminated by FAO were deemed to be only partly compliant with its Statistics Quality Assurance 
Framework (SQAF). The evaluation team further recommended that FAO expedite its efforts to improve the quality 
of its data and IT infrastructure support and organize and enforce an integrated statistical quality management 
system to ensure compliance with current and new internationally accepted statistical standards and norms for all 
its activities (FAO, 2020c).
In response to the evaluation, the Organization has taken several steps:
FAO statistics and data for statistical purposes are governed by and already adhere to three overarching 
frameworks: (i) the Fundamental Principles of Official Statistics (though mostly geared toward national statistical 
agencies); (ii) the Principles Governing International Statistical Activities, which focus on international organizations 
and whose second edition (2014) was endorsed by the Director-General; and (iii) the International Statistical Institute 
(ISI) Declaration on Professional Ethics, which provides ethical guidance for all professional statisticians working 
both in academia and in national and international organizations. In particular, Principle 6 of both the Fundamental 
Principles of Official Statistics and the Principles Governing International Statistical Activities, as well as Principle 12 
of the ISI Declaration on Professional Ethics, focus on data protection and confidentiality.
Key FAO databases, which publish only aggregated statistical information, adhere to the open-data policy Creative 
Commons 3.0 Intergovernmental Organization (IGO) license. With the development of the FAO Statistics Data 
Warehouse (PC 132/5, paragraph 27), this license will apply to all corporate statistical databases available on the 
FAO website. FAO is currently also initiating discussions to upgrade to Creative Commons 4.0 IGO (CC-BY-4.0) to 
adhere to the Digital Public Goods Standard for Open Data, which stems from the UN Secretary-General’s Roadmap 
for Digital Cooperation.
In 2019, FAO established a corporate platform for the dissemination of food and agriculture microdata (the Food 
and Agriculture Microdata [FAM] Catalogue) which applies the most advanced international standards and best 
practices in the treatment of personal data (personal data anonymization, use of statistical disclosure procedures 
and terms of use of microdata).
FAO has developed corporate standards requesting the informed consent of the respondents for all surveys 
directly carried out by the Organization.

A third issue in terms of institutional arrangements 
for effective data collection and use is the need 
for governments to disclose data so that it can 
be easily accessed and used. In some cases, 
a lack of political will and hesitancy to share 
sensitive information may prevent the collection 
of data and publication of results on issues such 
as moderate levels of food insecurity, due to the 
fear that they may imply challenges far greater 
than those perceived and accepted by the national 
governments (Asian Development Bank, 2013; 
Banik, 2016; Thow 
et al., 2018; Wan and Zhou, 
2017). In other instances, access to food safety data 
may be regarded as sensitive information as this 
information could affect export opportunities.
Another important issue in terms of data collection 
and dissemination is the need for strong legal 
and regulatory frameworks that protect human 
rights and privacy. This is particularly so with the 
increasing involvement in FSN data generation and 
analysis on the part of private agencies.
There have been advances in methods used to 
collect and instantaneously process food production 
including agricultural data are through the use 
sensor technologies and digital 
Aquatic food is a vital source of food for people, and 
fish production requires constant monitoring and 
ready to use data. Such data access will prevent 
overexploitation or depletion of fish stocks and 
provide valuable information for effective fisheries 
management (Grilli, Curtis and Hynes, 2021).
Moreover, smart livestock farming also uses 
several technologies that analyse data to improve 
production with reduced environmental impacts. 
For example, new data analytic architectures that 
generate farm and field level data allows farmers 
and stakeholders to monitor processes and make 
a decision for the precision livestock farming. 
et al., 2020). The use of these advanced 
technologies provides a level of granularity and 
immediate access to data that was lacking in 
traditional surveys.

BOX 24:
SATIDA COLLECT is an Android application that allows for rapid and simple collection of data related to malnutrition 
and access to resources to support humanitarian aid organizations involved in drought and food security 
SATIDA COLLECT is a freely available, flexible and efficient mobile application that was developed using and 
open-source toolkit for data collection “Open Data Kit (ODK) aggregate”. SATIDA COLLECT also standardises data 
collection on malnutrition, socio-economic factors, access to resources, food prices, coping capacities and other 
related data. All assessments using SATIDA include GPS coordinates and are automatically uploaded to a database 
for storage. Its application programming interface (API enables data to be immediately displayed on web viewer The 
SATIDA database provides immediate access to the data and allows further analysis through features that enable 
sharing and export of assessments. In addition, it facilitates the visualization of drought risk with satellite-derived 
data. More importantly, from the user standpoint, it is an easy-to-use tool. SATIDA Collect was used in Central 
African Republic for monitoring food Security and analyse the drought risk and impacts.
Note: For more information, see:
Source: Enenkel et al., 2015
BOX 25:
Food composition data are often used for assessment and planning of human energy and nutrient intakes, providing 
information for which many public health and nutrition policies and programs are based. The International 
Network of Food Data Systems (INFOODS) (
) was established in 1984, aiming at stimulating and coordinating efforts to improve the quality and 
availability of food composition data globally. The network provides guidelines (e.g., quality assessment of data from 
journal articles for use in food composition tables, food matching, conversion of units), and standards (e.g., food 
nomenclature, terminology, classification systems, tag names), overview of food composition data management 
systems and software tools for dietary assessment. In addition, a comprehensive e-learning course on food 
composition data is available on their webpage.
To circumvent the lack of availability of nutrient content of aquatic foods, that are important in diets and nutrition in 
many regions of the world, the INFOODS’ Global Food Composition Database for Fish and Shellfish (uFiSh) is a global 
database made available in Excel. uFish provides nutrient values for selected fish, crustaceans, and molluscs in raw, 
cooked, and processed form, covering data on proteins, minerals, vitamins, amino acids and fatty acids, primarily 
major finfish species. To further address the contribution from a diverse range of aquatic foods a new collaboration 
was launched in 2022 with multiple partners including the FAO, the University of Lancaster, WorldFish, and the 
Institute of Marine Resources, Norway, to increase accessibility and use of high-quality food composition data 
on aquatic foods to better inform public health and nutrition policies and programs based on updated and recent 

Chapter 4
Colombia, Precision agriculture.
© Herney Gómez


ne of the most impressive and rapid 
developments of the last few decades has 
been the “data revolution” (Kitchin, 2014a) 
– a series of innovations that affect the way in 
which data are produced, managed, analysed, 
stored and utilized, which is dramatically 
changing the very nature of data and information. 
As eloquently put by Kitchin (2014a), in the 
past, data was so “time-consuming and costly 
to generate, analyse and interpret” that “good-
quality data were a valuable commodity, either 
jealously guarded or expensively traded.” 
Nowadays “the production of data is increasingly 
becoming a deluge; a wide, deep torrent of 
timely, varied, resolute and relational data 
that are relatively low in cost and, outside of 
business, increasingly open and accessible” 
(Kitchin, 2014a, p.1). Navigating this torrent 
presents challenges and opportunities, but it 
is unavoidable, including for agriculture, food 
security and nutrition.
In order to address FSN needs and opportunities 
associated with data, specific tasks need to be 
undertaken, primarily associated with the FSN 
data cycle (as introduced in Chapter 1), the six FSN 
dimensions (HLPE, 2020; Clapp 
et al., 2021) and 
some of the constraints mentioned in chapters 
2 and 3. This chapter begins by identifying and 
defining key new and emerging digital technologies 
that are relevant to food systems and FSN. Next, 
the specific tasks associated with the FSN data 
cycle, FSN dimensions and data constraints 
are described in detail, including how specific 
technologies can be utilized in those tasks.
The chapter closes in by highlighting risks 
associated with digital technologies that affect 
the extent to which the technologies can be 
successfully implemented and utilised and 
suggests appropriate mitigation measures.
New and emerging digital technologies, such 
as big data, artificial intelligence (AI), sensors 
and the 
internet of things (IoT)
and blockchain 
technology, feature prominently in precision 
agriculture, smart farming, and Agriculture 
4.0 (the latter being defined as agriculture that 
integrates a series of technological innovations 
in order to enhance the agriculture value chain 
[Santos Valle and Kienzle, 2020]). Agriculture 
4.0 has also been extended to Agri-food 4.0 – to 
include food supply chains (Lezoche 
et al., 2020). 
Consequently, much data are being produced, 
collected, processed, analysed and disseminated 
in the context of FSN and are influencing the FSN 
supply chain (Wolfert 
et al., 2017).
Box 26 presents definitions of the key new and 
emerging digital technologies that are, or have a 
potential to be, applied to FSN.

BOX 26:
Artificial Intelligence:
Artificial intelligence (AI) is the theory and development of computer systems able to 
perform tasks commonly associated with human intelligence. AI includes specific fields such as machine learning, 
perception, robotics and natural language processing. Computer vision and deep learning can be used to support 
visual perception.
Big data and cloud computing:
Big data refers to high-volume, high-velocity, high-variety and high-veracity 
information assets that demand cost-effective, innovative forms of information processing for enhanced insight, 
decision-making and process automation. Cloud computing centralizes resources and services remotely and 
facilitates their use by multiple users without the need for the users to store the resources or install the services on 
their individual hard drives.
Blockchain technology:
Blockchain technology (or distributed ledger technology) refers to a decentralized, 
distributed record such that the data units are broken up into shared blocks that are chained together with unique 
identifiers. The use of blockchain technology has increased, especially due to its application in cryptocurrencies, 
non-fungible tokens (NFTs), smart contracts, etc. A cryptocurrency is a virtual or digital currency secured by 
cryptography, designed to work as a medium of exchange through a computer network that is not reliant on any 
central issuing or regulating authority. A non-fungible token (NFT) is a non-interchangeable unit of data stored in 
the form of a digital ledger that can be sold and traded. Smart contracts are contracts or agreements that can be 
automatically executed, enforced, controlled and documented, partially or fully, without human interaction.
(or community sensing) is a paradigm in which a community leverages devices with sensing and 
computing capabilities to collectively share data and extract information to measure and map phenomena of 
common interest (Kraft et al., 2020). Crowdsensing differs from the paradigm of 
personal sensing
as, in the latter, 
the phenomena that are monitored belong to an individual user, while crowdsensing applies to scenarios where the 
phenomena of interest cannot be easily measured by a single user or device (Ganti, Ye and Lei, 2011).
Crowdsourcing is the practice of engaging a group of people (a crowd), usually via social media and 
the internet, to assist in collecting information, ideas, opinions or other input for a common goal, such as problem 
solving, innovation, etc.
Decision-support system (DSS):
This refers to a software-based system that gathers and analyses data from a 
variety of sources in order to facilitate the decision-making process for management, operations, planning or 
optimal solution path recommendation.
Digital twin:
A digital twin is a virtual representation that serves as the real-time digital counterpart of a physical 
object or system and that helps in decision-making.
Geographic information system (GIS):
GIS is a system using software tools to capture, store, analyse and visualize 
location-relevant data often used to study and monitor land area usage, impact of weather events, etc.
Information visualization:
This is the process of transforming data into an interactive, visual form that enables or 
triggers users to use their mental and visual capabilities to further understand and gain insight into that data.
Interactive voice response (IVR):
This is a technology that allows humans to interact with a computer-operated 
phone system using voice and dual-tone multi-frequency (DTMF) user interface, allowing them to provide and access 
Online social media:
This refers to user-generated information, opinions, video, audio and multimedia that are 
shared and discussed over digital networks.


Semantic web:
Semantic web technologies enable the creation of web-based data stores, the construction of 
vocabularies and ontologies, and the writing of rules to process the data. At the top of the Semantic web stack is 
inference, which is reasoning about data using rules.
Sensors and internet of things (IoT):
A sensor is a device that measures a physical or chemical feature. Sensors 
include, but are not limited to: standard sensors (to detect soil moisture or for tracking animals, for instance), 
weather stations and remote sensing (for example, using satellite technology). Sensors that capture digital images 
or video are increasingly used to capture reality. These sensors can be fixed or mobile (mounted on tractors, robots, 
drones, etc.). The development of nano-computers and microcontrollers has facilitated and popularized the use 
of these sensors, making them accessible to a wide population. Sensors are commonly used in IoT applications. 
IoT refers to the network of physical objects that have sensors, software and other technologies to connect and 
exchange data with other devices and systems over the internet. IoT is often used together with other technologies 
such as machine learning, analytics, computer vision and robotics.
Ubiquitous computing:
Ubiquitous computing is a concept where computing is made to appear or occur anytime and 
everywhere. Ubiquitous computing has become widespread, especially through mobile computing, where end users 
carry their devices (such as mobile phones) and use them in everyday activities and contexts. Mobile computing 
applications can be based on Short Message Service (SMS), Unstructured Supplementary Service Data (USSD), 
chatbots, computer-assisted telephone interviewing (CATI), and other forms of applications, such as Open Data Kit 
(ODK)-based technologies.
Virtual reality and augmented reality:
Virtual reality (VR) is a computer-generated simulated environment with 
objects and scenes that seem real, making the user feel immersed in the simulated environment. Augmented reality 
(AR) is an interactive experience of a real-world environment where the objects in the real world are enhanced by 
computer-generated information and features.
New and emerging digital technologies can 
support all the stages of the data cycle for FSN 
decision-making. They can also support the 
FSN dimensions and address some of the data-
related constraints mentioned in chapters 2 
and 3. The following sections describe specific 
tasks associated with each stage of the FSN 
data cycle and relevant new and emerging digital 
technologies for each task, with examples. FSN 
dimensions and constraints (referred to in the 
introduction and in Chapter 3) associated with the 
specific tasks are also mentioned.
Among the tasks associated with this stage of the 
data cycle is 
assessing options and proposing 
priorities and questions
. As explained by 
Yoshida (2016), for example, various methods 
are used to set priorities in health and nutrition 
research. For instance, networks such as the 
Child Health Nutrition Research Initiative (CHNRI) 
and the James Lind Alliance (NIHR - National 
Institute for Health Research, 2021) gather 
information from experts (for example through 
the Delphi technique and through focus group 
discussions) and consolidate the expert opinions 
in order to set priorities. This approach, based 
on expert opinions, can be supported using 
digital technologies such as: Short Message 
Service (SMS), Unstructured Supplementary 
Service Data (USSD), chatbots, crowdsourcing, 
machine learning, Open Data Kit (ODK)-based 
Interactive Voice Response (IVR)
and other mobile applications. Such technologies 
may also help FSN actors contribute to and 
articulate priorities and weigh the different options 
(using machine learning, for example) thereby 
potentially improving clarity on priorities. Wazny 
et al. (2019), for instance, used the CHNRI method 
to set research priorities for maternal and child 
health and nutrition in India, using crowdsourcing 
to collect research ideas from a network of 

child health experts from across India. These 
approaches and technology may help to address 
the constraint pertaining to 
lack of clarity on 
how to prioritize
(mentioned in the introduction). 
It is important to note that while the approach 
used by the CHNRI includes the collection of 
many research ideas from different sources 
(researchers, policymakers and programme 
managers), this process is executed in order to 
define/refine evidence priorities and questions
and is therefore part of the first stage of the data 
cycle, rather than being part of the next stage 
in the data cycle of 
reviewing, consolidating, 
collecting and curating data
The data cycle stage concerned with reviewing, 
consolidating, collecting and curating data 
includes a number of specific tasks that can 
be supported by new and emerging digital 
One of these tasks is 
supporting the collection 
and production of FSN-relevant data, a task 
that can take many forms, including collecting 
FSN data
from respondents and complementing 
self-reported data. Digital technologies 
that can support the collection of FSN data 
from respondents include 


online social media
chatbots, ODK-based technologies, IVR and 
other forms of mobile applications. Information 
collected from respondents using these 
technologies can include a wide variety of data 
relevant to any of the six FSN dimensions.
Respondents can report about incomes, 
expenditures, prices and the status of physical 
transport and communication infrastructure – 
information is relevant to the 
FSN dimension of 
. For example, Ochieng (2019) describes a 
pilot study conducted in Malawi to crowdsource 
farm gate prices for pigeon peas and chickpeas 
through the Farm Radio Trust platform. Farmers 
reported the prices and locations at which they 
had sold their produce.
Respondents can also report about feeding 
practices, food preparation, food safety, dietary 
diversity and health-seeking behaviour. Such 
information is relevant to the 
FSN dimensions 
of utilization
. For example, De Choudhury, 
Sharma and Kiciman (2016) conducted a study to 
estimate the quality of available foods in different 
geographical locations using data from 3 million 
food-related posts shared on social media. The 
study found that the foods in social media posts 
shared by people located in food deserts were 
higher in fat, cholesterol and sugar intake and 
lower in protein and fibre. Another effort by Shah 
et al. (2020), used natural language processing 
and machine learning algorithms to collect and 
analyse data from Twitter in order to assess 
Canadian’s health and nutritional habits. The 
model classified food and non-food posts and 
provided information (such as caloric intake vs 
energy expenditure) of Twitter posts per province 
as well as foods and activities most tweeted about 
per province.
Respondents can report activities and events 
relevant to the 
FSN dimension of sustainability

such as those that are related to the environment 
and climate. For example, MIT’s Climate CoLab 
) is an effort that 
taps into the collective intelligence of people 
from all around the globe to address societal 
problems, starting with climate change. Climate 
CoLab provides an open problem-solving platform 
through which thousands of people work on and 
assess plans to reach global climate-change 
Respondents (including farmers, veterinary 
officers and agricultural extension officers) can 
also report and help monitor the presence of 
pests and diseases which damage sources of food. 
For example, the Agritask agronomic platform, 
developed by the International Center of Insect 
Physiology and Ecology (ICIPE) and Tel Aviv 
University (TAU), provides a mobile application for 
field scouts and lead farmers to report pests from 
the field. The operations of the platform span four 
counties in Kenya, covering approximately 20 000 
small subsistence farms.
15  See


The task of collecting and producing FSN-relevant 
data may also involve complementing self-
reporting data. Machine learning can be used for 
this purpose. For example, Schmidhuber 
et al. 
(2018) have used machine learning algorithms to 
extract dietary intake data from the Global Burden 
of Disease study and developed predictive models 
that estimate the consumption of each nutrient 
based on its national availability. Such data can 
inform initiatives to address nutritional needs of 
specific populations in the context of particular 
food systems.
Moreover, the task of collecting and producing 
FSN-relevant data may involve the automated 
collection of data pertaining to FSN entities such 
as: agricultural fields, weeds, pests, diseases, 
natural phenomena (such as weather) and 
natural food resources (e.g., wild foods, including 
fish). Digital technologies that can support the 
automated collection of data pertaining to FSN 
entities without involving respondents directly 
include: remote sensing technologies, GIS, 
robotics, IoT and 
digital twins
. For example, 
WFP DataViz is a data visualization platform that 
provides interactive geographical and graphical 
information through Hunger Hub, Seasonal 
Explorer, Economic Explorer, Interactive Reports 
and Thematic Dashboards. Remote sensing data 
comes from the MODIS (moderate-resolution 
imaging spectroradiometer) instrument on board 
the NASA satellites Terra and Aqua. The remote 
sensing data are updated on a regular basis. 
The raster data (pixelated data where each pixel 
corresponds to a particular geographic location) 
are processed, aggregated and geo-referenced 
in order to present an easy-to-understand 
visualization (
Another example is Flybird Innovations, a social 
impact agricultural enterprise in India. Flybird 
has developed Siri, is a smart irrigation controller. 
Siri manages water and fertilizer application to 
crops and plants. Siri has 
that collect 
data on soil moisture, temperature and humidity 
in order to prevent under- and over-irrigation 
and fertilization. Flybird also collects basic 
demographic information on its farmers, as well 
as geographic and crop data. This information 
enables Flybird to predict water requirements and 
optimal fertilization for farmers’ crops (
As the examples described in this section 
demonstrate, many digital technologies can 
facilitate the task of 
supporting the collection 
and production of FSN-relevant data
. This, in 
turn, can help address the constraint pertaining to 
lack of available data
, which was mentioned in 
the introduction.
Moreover, new and emerging digital technologies 
can enhance the collection, storage and 
processing of qualitative data in the form of 
images, videos, audio recordings and text. Online 
social media, crowdsourcing and other mobile 
computing-based applications, for instance, 
can enable the collection of qualitative data. 
Big data and cloud computing can support the 
storage of qualitative data. Machine learning, 
through sentiment analysis for instance, enables 
the analysis of qualitative data. Online social 
media and 
information visualization
the dissemination of qualitative data (Kanter 
and Gittelsohn, 2020). This can contribute to 
addressing the constraint pertaining to over-
reliance on 
quantitative data
, mentioned in the 
Another task associated with the data cycle 
stage of reviewing, consolidating, collecting 
and curating data is 
linking, integrating, 
aggregating and enriching data from different 
. Digital technologies that can support 
this task include: 
semantic web
, big data and 
digital twins. Examples of efforts in this regard 
include: FoodOn, CGIAR’s Crop Ontology, FAO’s 
AGROVOC, Wageningen University & Research’s 
Digital Twin projects, BeeZon‘s Virtual Bee 
Consultant, and the CGIAR Platform for Big 
Data in Agriculture, which are described in Box 
28. These digital technologies (in particular 
semantic web and big data) can contribute to 
access to data 
– mentioned in Chapter 
2 as a key constraint. Semantic web can in fact 
and interoperability of 
data and systems. Moreover, interoperability 
could also facilitate efforts around open-
source tools and materials, which in turn can 
further contribute to data access. Open-access 
initiatives, open-source efforts and digital 

technologies (such as big data, crowdsourcing 
and mobile computing) can also help to alleviate 
constraints associated with 
infrastructure and insufficient resources and 
(mentioned in Chapter 3) which 
arise in other stages of the data cycle.
BOX 27:
is an ontology that describes common foods from around the world. The ontology can be used to construct 
statements about food, which can be entered in a database and queried or reasoned about. FoodOn focuses on foods 
for humans and domesticated animals. It contains animal and plant food sources, food categories and products, and 
other facets such as preservation processes, contact surfaces and packaging (Dooley et al., 2018).
CGIAR’s Crop Ontology
provides descriptions of agronomic, morphological, physiological, quality and stress traits along 
with a standard nomenclature for composing the variables. The ontology enables digital capture, aggregation and 
integration of crop trait data, as well as comparisons across farmers, breeders, scientists and other communities, through 
surveys with citizen science tools. As of 10 November 2020, the CGIAR website reported that the ontology comprised 4 
235 traits and 6 151 variables for 31 plant species ( and supported the generation of FAIR (findable, 
accessible, interoperable and reusable) data (
) is a multilingual and controlled vocabulary designed to cover 
FSN-relevant concepts, terms, definitions and relationships. The concepts are used to support unambiguous 
identification of resources and standardization of indexing processes, and to make searching more efficient. Each 
concept also has terms used to express it in various languages. AGROVOC consists of over 39 800 concepts and over 
929 000 terms in up to 41 languages.
Wageningen University & Research’s Digital Twin projects
, which are still under development, comprise: Virtual 
tomato crops; Me, my diet and I; and Digital Future Farm (
). he virtual tomato crops project is developing a digital twin of 
a real tomato crop in a greenhouse – a 3D simulation model that is fed in real-time with sensor information from a 
real greenhouse. The interactions between the specific characteristics of the tomato crop, the environmental factors 
and crop management measures are all simulated in the virtual crop. Since the model is linked to a real tomato crop 
in a greenhouse, it is possible to continually refine predictions and thus make better choices for the real crop. It is 
anticipated that once the model is completed, growers can use it as a decision-support tool for growing real tomato 
crops in a greenhouse. For example, it will allow growers to predict the effect of a crop management measure on 
crop harvest and financial yield and thus make a decision for the real tomato crop based on that prediction. 
Virtual Bee Consultant
 by BeeZon (
) is a digital twin solution of bee colonies involving a real-time 
continuous apiary monitoring system that enables beekeepers to remotely monitor their apiaries and make smart 
management decisions with minimal in-person interaction. The solution is based on a GPS-based tracking system 
and real-time data from various sensors (measuring humidity, exterior and interior temperature, brood temperature 
and weight). Specifically, beekeepers can remotely monitor and act upon the following aspects: timing of nectar flows; 
identifying the presence of diseases, pest infection, pesticide exposure and toxicity; insight into colony status, dynamics 
and hygiene; identification of queenless and swarming states; management of food storage reserves; antitheft 
mechanisms and tracking systems; and notification systems tailor-made by the user (Verdouw and Kruize, 2017).
CGIAR’s Platform for Big Data in Agriculture
) aggregates data from various different 
sources. This is facilitated through the Global Agricultural Research Data and Innovation Network (GARDIAN,
), which enables searches across all CGIAR repositories and connection to more 
datasets from strategic partners.


Enabling respondents to assist in cleaning up 
is another task associated with the data 
cycle stage of reviewing, consolidating, collecting 
and curating data. Digital technologies that can 
enable respondents to assist in data clean-up 
include crowdsourcing, crowdsensing, online 
social media, other forms of mobile applications 
and IVR. For instance: crowdsourcing efforts 
similar to the ones presented by Chu 
et al. (2015) 
could be applied in FSN.
Furthermore, data 
validation, verification, 
authentication, traceability and transparency 
is another task associated with the data cycle 
stage of reviewing, consolidating, collecting 
and curating data. Digital technologies can 
support this task. For instance, ODK-based 
technologies support validation of user input 
captured through online forms and other types of 
user interfaces. Moreover, digital technologies, 
such as 
blockchain technology
, machine 
learning, crowdsourcing, crowdsensing, online 
social media, mobile computing and IVR, are 
increasingly supporting validation, verification, 
authentication, traceability and transparency 
through more sophisticated means. Specific 
examples of these technologies include Barilla’s 
blockchain system, the Blockchain Supply Chain 
Traceability Project, WFP Building Blocks, and 
AgUnity’s blockchain application, as described 
in Box 28. Still on blockchain technology, 
cryptocurrencies are being experimented for 
adoption in FSN. One example is by AgriDigital, 
a technology provider for the grains industry that 
connects physical inventory, supply chain data 
and finance (
). In December 
2016, AgriDigital executed the world’s first 
sale of 23.46 tonnes of grain between farmer 
and buyer via blockchain. AgriDigital has so 
far transacted more than 1.6 million metric 
tonnes of grain (Sylvester, 2019). Furthermore, 
the Colombian delivery app Rappi, which offers 
on-demand deliveries of food and other goods 
across Latin America, launched a cryptocurrency 
payment pilot programme in Mexico in April 
2022 (Reuters, 2022). Moreover, Burger King has 
been piloting transactions in cryptocurrencies 
in Germany, the Netherlands and Venezuela, 
McDonald’s has been experimenting with this 
in El Salvador, and KFC has been piloting this in 
Canada (Traders of Crypto, n.d.).

BOX 28:
Barilla’s blockchain system:
Barilla collaborated with IBM in 2018 to develop a blockchain system to add 
transparency and traceability to its pesto production cycle (
). Through the blockchain system, customers can verify the details of a product, 
including cultivation, treatment, harvesting, transportation, storage and quality control (Sylvester, 2019). Digital 
technologies are therefore relevant to the FSN dimension of utilization. Barilla’s blockchain system also shows 
the possibility of using digital technologies to authenticate and promote transparency of FSN data. For instance, to 
authenticate and promote transparency of measures, indicators and scales.
The Blockchain Supply Chain Traceability Project:
This project was initiated in 2018 by World Wildlife Fund (WWF) 
New Zealand, WWF Australia, WWF Fiji, ConsenSys, TraSeable and Sea Quest Fiji Ltd. The project uses blockchain 
technology to track tuna towards stamping out illegal fishing and human rights abuses in the tuna industry. Through 
blockchain technology, a simple scan (for instance through a smartphone using a QR code) of tuna packaging tells 
the story of a tuna fish, including where and when the fish was caught, by which vessel and the fishing method used) 
Blockchain technology can therefore support the measurement of sustainability in FSN.
WFP Building Blocks: 
This is a blockchain solution for authenticating and registering transactions. The blockchain 
solution was tested as a proof-of-concept by WFP in January 2017 in Sindh Province, Pakistan. Four months later, 
WFP launched a pilot project covering 10 000 Syrian refugees in Azraq refugee camp. In January 2018, the pilot was 
extended to cover 100 000 refugees living in camps (Sylvester, 2019). The solution enables people to receive different 
types of assistance from multiple humanitarian organizations at once, thus reducing the complexity of accessing 
humanitarian support. At the same time, no sensitive information is stored anywhere on Building Blocks. Since 2017, 
the solution has been scaled to provide USD 325 million worth of cash transfers to 1 million refugees in Bangladesh 
and Jordan. It is considered the world’s largest implementation of blockchain technology for humanitarian 
assistance (
). WFP Building Blocks demonstrates that blockchain 
technology can support the FSN dimension of access.
AgUnity’s blockchain application:
AgUnity has developed a smartphone application to tackle the financial and digital 
exclusion of remote smallholder farmers and rural communities using blockchain technology. The smartphone 
application helps farmers plan, sell produce, buy inputs and track everyday transactions. In a project funded by 
USAID, AgUnity has partnered with Virginia Tech ( in the United States of America) and Egerton University (in 
Kenya) and customized the smartphone application to increase the flow of African indigenous vegetables to end 
consumers to help increase food and nutrition security in the western part of Kenya (
As described in this subsection, digital 
technologies can assist in data 
verification, authentication, traceability and 
and in 
enabling respondents 
to assist in cleaning up data
. Thus, digital 
technologies can contribute to 
data quality
One of the key tasks associated with the data cycle 
stage of analyzing data is 
analyzing, detecting 
and predicting FSN-relevant aspects and 


such as: food production; food supplies, 
food aid and food stock levels; markets; prices; 
dynamics of net trade; inequity factors; occurrence 
of adverse conditions; feeding practices; trade; 
pests; diseases and nutrition aspects. The task 
analyzing, detecting and predicting FSN-
relevant aspects and entities
is relevant to 
any FSN dimensions
depending on the FSN 
aspects under consideration. For instance, if the 
FSN aspects under consideration pertain to food 
production, then the task of 
analyzing, detecting 
and predicting FSN-relevant aspects and 
will be relevant to the
FSN dimension of 
Machine learning, big data and analytics can 
greatly support the task of 
analysing, detecting 
and predicting FSN-relevant aspects and 
. For example, Talukder and Ahammed 
(2020) used machine-learning algorithms, 
specifically Random Forest (RF), Support Vector 
Machines (SVM) and K-Nearest Neighbor (KNN) 
algorithms, to process dietary patterns or 
nutrient and food intake data in order to predict 
malnutrition among children under five years of 
age in Bangladesh. Another machine learning 
algorithm, namely linear regression, was used to 
identify risk factors for stunting, underweight and 
wasting among under-five children in Bangladesh. 
In a similar effort (Rahman 
et al., 2021), RF 
exhibited high accuracy in predicting malnutrition 
among under-five children in Bangladesh.
Another effort implemented by Kwon 
et al. (2020) 
uses a machine-learning algorithm to identify risk 
factors for low muscle mass based on nutritional 
and health-related factors among men and 
women. The algorithm generated five separate 
clusters for men and women based on age, total 
energy, carbohydrate ratio, protein ratio, fat ratio, 
smoking habits, alcohol consumption, physical 
activity and number of chronic diseases, yielding 
similar characteristics among each cluster. 
Another machine learning algorithm, namely 
logistic regression, was subsequently used to 
analyse the associations between each of the 
nine variables and low muscle-mass index, hence 
identifying risk factors within each cluster. A 
similar effort, described by Zeevi 
et al. (2015), uses 
a machine-learning algorithm integrating blood 
parameters, dietary habits, anthropometrics, 
physical activity and gut microbiota to predict 
personalized postprandial glycaemic response to 
real-life meals.
Yet another effort that supports the task of 
analysing, detecting and predicting FSN-
relevant aspects and entities
an on-farm pest and disease identification 
system. Deployable as a mobile application, 
PlantVillage Nuru can help smallholders detect, 
identify and manage cassava diseases. The system 
development team annotated more than 200 000 
cassava plant images, identifying and classifying 
diseases to train a machine-learning model. As 
of June 2020, the mobile application had been 
downloaded and used in more than 40 countries 
and had generated more than 18 000 reports from 
Another task related to the data cycle stage 
of analysing data is 
mapping and monitoring 
FSN aspects and entities
, such as agricultural 
fields, infrastructure, livestock herds, natural 
phenomena and natural food resources 
(including wild foods and fisheries resources). 
The collection and linking of the underlying data 
could be related to what was described earlier 
regarding review, consolidation and curation 
of data. Digital technologies that can support 
mapping and monitoring of FSN aspects and 
include: AI, information visualization, 
IoT, GIS, satellite technologies and digital twins. 
For example, PeskAAS, which is an open-
source monitoring and analytics application that 
enables the collation, classification, analysis 
and visualization of data pertaining to small-
scale fisheries catch and effort. Through the 
application, fishers themselves, managers and 
researchers can gain insights into a fisher’s 
experience of fishing efforts, fisheries status, 
catch rates, economic efficiency and geographic 
preferences and limits that can potentially 
guide management and livelihood investments. 
The application primarily uses classification, 
analytics and an information visualization 
dashboard that was codesigned with fisheries 
16 See

experts and government managers (Tilley, Lopes 
and Wilkinson, 2020). PeskAAS is relevant to the 
FSN dimension of availability, among others.
Another example is the GEOGLAM Crop Monitor 
for the G20 Agricultural Market Information 
System (AMIS) (
). AMIS provides open, 
timely, science-driven information on crop 
growing conditions, status and agroclimatic 
factors likely to impact global production. It 
focuses on the major producing and trading 
countries for the following four primary 
crops: wheat, maize, rice and soybean. The 
information is presented as reports that include 
interactive visualizations (Becker-Reshef
et al., 
2019). AMIS is relevant to the FSN dimension of 
Another example which supports the task of 
mapping and monitoring FSN aspects and 
entities and which is relevant to the FSN 
dimension of stability is the Integrated Food 
Security Phase Classification (IPC) Mapping Tool. 
The tool uses interactive and customizable maps 
to visualize data. Each country is colour-coded 
by its latest IPC classification for both acute 
food insecurity (AFI) and chronic food insecurity 
(CFI) scales (
The East Africa Drought Watch is another 
example relevant to the task of mapping and 
monitoring FSN aspects and entities. It is a near-
real-time platform that uses earth observation 
and weather data to monitor drought in East 
Africa. The platform has been adapted from the 
European Drought Observatory and customized 
to the East Africa region. The East Africa 
Drought Watch is part of the Intra-ACP (African, 
Caribbean, and Pacific) Climate Services Project. 
The platform has involved collaboration with the 
Drought group of the Natural Disaster Risk Unit 
at the Joint Research Centre of the European 
Commission. The platform monitors several 
indicators, including Standardized Precipitation 
Index (SPI), Soil Moisture Anomaly (SMA) 
and anomalies of satellite-measured FAPAR 
(Fraction of Absorbed Photosynthetically Active 
Radiation) (See
Another example which supports the task of 
mapping and monitoring FSN aspects and 
entities is the online platform Global Forest 
Watch (GFW). The platform provides data and 
tools for monitoring forests through which 
users can access near-real-time information 
about where and how forests are changing 
around the world using dashboards of maps and 
visualizations (
). Since forests support an ecosystem that can 
sustain food production in the long term, through 
climate change mitigation, soil formation, soil 
erosion control and biodiversity conservation 
et al., 2021), the GFW online platform 
is relevant to the analysis of sustainability of 
Digital technologies can be used to support 
various tasks associated with translating data into 
results, insights and conclusions on FSN. These 
aiding the presentation of data to users 
by rendering it easy to understand
. Information 
visualization is one of the primary technologies 
for supporting the understandability of data in 
any of the six FSN dimensions. A notable example 
is the Food Systems Dashboard, presented in 
Chapter 2, which combines data from different 
sources to facilitate understanding, comparison 
and decisions on food systems (
). Another example that 
uses information visualization is the ICES Marine 
Food Stock Assessment Database, whose marine 
food stock assessment information is presented 
using graphs and tables (
Digital technologies can be used to support a 
range of specific tasks linked to the stage of 
the data cycle concerned with 
sharing, review, discussion of results and 
refinement of insights and conclusions


One of the tasks associated with this data cycle 
stage is making data accessible. New and 
emerging digital technologies, such as big data, 
machine learning, semantic web, visualization, 
crowdsourcing, online social media and mobile 
computing, can be used to make data accessible. 
In this way, digital technologies can contribute to 
addressing of the constraint associated with lack 
of availability and access to data. One example 
a relevant digital application is mKisan (
), a mobile application that makes 
agroadvisory data accessible to smallholder 
farmers in India. The application was one of the 
first examples in India of a platform through which 
smallholders can access agrometeorological 
and market price information and receive related 
advice on crops and livestock, thus making 
mKisan especially relevant to the FSN dimension 
of agency.
Other tasks associated with the data cycle stage of 
data dissemination, sharing, review, discussion of 
results and refinement of insights and conclusions 
are supporting efficient communication, wide 
distribution and discussion. Online social media 
can play a key role in supporting the foregoing 
task. For example, WhatsApp was used in 2016 by 
project implementers from the ministries of health 
and agriculture in selected counties of Kenya to 
share additional monitoring data in the form of 
photographs, videos and texts regarding farm 
status, sales, activities that the implementers 
carried out, etc. As a result, information delays 
were reduced due to collapsed reporting 
hierarchies, and project monitoring-related 
costs were reduced by 51 percent. A shared 
understanding on the part of different actors on 
the project’s indicators, reporting timelines and 
data collection guidelines improved the quality 
of continuous monitoring data (Chesoli, Mutiso 
and Wamalwa, 2020). Digital technologies can 
therefore improve timeliness in the dissemination 
of data (and also in other stages of the data cycle). 
Digital technologies (such as robotics, machine 
learning and DSS) can enhance efficiency of 
specific FSN activities as well as addressing some 
human resource constraints (such as responsible 
digital automation and user- and context-adaptive 
digital systems).
Another task relevant to this data cycle stage 
is promoting transparency, traceability and 
accountability. Digital technologies that can 
support this task include crowdsourcing, 
crowdsensing, online social media, information 
visualization and blockchain technology. (This 
task is also related to the task of validation, 
verification, authentication, traceability and 
transparency which was mentioned earlier). 
An example relevant to this task is a feasibility 
study carried out by Global Pulse in partnership 
with FAO and WFP in which crowdsourcing was 
used to track food prices in near-real-time in 
Nusa Tenggara Barat, one of Indonesia’s poorest 
provinces (
The area comprised almost exclusively informal, 
cash-only markets and stalls, where availability 
of other data sources was limited. The study 
involved local 
citizen reporters who submitted 
food price reports via a customized mobile 
phone application. One of the findings was that 
crowdsourcing, which captures high-frequency 
data on local trends, is best deployed in areas 
where traditional data capture methods are 
difficult, impractical or costly due to insecurity, 
food price volatility and geographic dispersion. 
This example shows that digital technologies 
can contribute to enhance livelihoods and, thus, 
access to food.
One of the tasks associated with the data cycle 
stage of using results, insights and conclusions 
to make decisions is 
profiling food security 
and nutrition entities and using the resultant 
data to gain insights for decision-making
. FSN 
entities that can be profiled include: equipment, 
animals, crops, food, relevant people (for example, 
subjects such as farmers and consumers), 
natural phenomena, etc. New and emerging 
digital technologies that can support this task 
include AI, big data, information visualization and 
digital twins. For example, Destination Earth, (or 
DestinE) (see 
), an initiative of 
the European Commission, is developing a digital 

model of the earth (a digital twin) to monitor 
and predict natural phenomena and related 
human activities towards supporting sustainable 
development and tackling complex environmental 
challenges. The digital twin will be a digital replica 
of the earth system and will be built based on the 
domains of earth science. DestinE is expected 
to help policymakers simulate and monitor the 
earth’s system developments (land, marine, 
atmosphere, biosphere) and human activities; 
anticipate environmental disasters and resultant 
socioeconomic issues in order to protect lives and 
avoid major economic downturns; and enable the 
development and testing of scenarios for guiding 
more sustainable development. These efforts can 
contribute to providing data on sustainability.
If profiling data are used to track relevant food 
security and nutrition indicators, they can 
contribute data on food utilization. For example, 
one of Wageningen University & Research’s 
Digital Twin projects (mentioned earlier) is the 
Me, my diet and I project (see 
). This project is bringing together human 
nutrition, health, AI and social science experts 
to build a personalised digital twin to predict 
the rise in blood sugar (glucose) and in blood 
fat (triglyceride) after a meal. The project is also 
expected to provide individualized nutritional 
advice based on personal data, such as body 
mass index, age, body fat distribution and blood 
Digital technologies such as big data, machine 
learning, semantic web, visualization, 
crowdsourcing, online social media and mobile 
computing can provide users with information 
and resources that can guide them in making 
their own decisions, thereby supporting the FSN 
dimension of agency. For example, FoodSwitch, 
which is a mobile application that provides users 
with easy-to-understand nutrition information 
and support the selection of healthier choices 
when shopping for food. It allows users to 
scan the barcodes of food and drink products 
and instantly see whether they are high (red), 
medium (amber) or low (green) in fat, saturates, 
sugars and salt. It also searches the database 
for similar but healthier alternative products, 
facilitating the switch to healthier food choices 
et al., 2014). The application uses 
crowdsourcing to obtain nutritional information 
on additional food products. The application 
has so far been launched in Australia; China; 
China, Hong Kong SAR; Fiji; India; Kuwait; New 
Zealand; South Africa; the United Kingdom 
of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the 
United States of America (see 
). Another 
example is the mobile and web platform by and 
for Inuit, called SIKU (
It provides tools and services for indigenous 
knowledge pertaining to aspects such as 
weather conditions, sea-ice safety, wildlife 
sightings and sharing information about hunting 
exploits. Some of the tools supported by the 
platform use digital technologies such as online 
social media and geographical mapping of sea 
ice using Google Street View. Another related 
effort is Digital Green (
), a development organization that aims to 
empower smallholder farmers to lift themselves 
out of poverty by harnessing the collective power 
of technology and grassroots-level partnerships 
using various tools, such as social media and 
mobile applications.
It is worth noting that mobile applications can 
play a key role in empowering smallholder 
farmers and other vulnerable FSN stakeholders, 
for instance, through mobile financial 
services. According to the Global System 
Mobile Association, mobile financial services 
can be beneficial to smallholder farmers in 
various ways, including time and cost savings, 
convenience and efficient cash management. 
Moreover, mobile money technology can enable 
agribusiness companies to lower the costs 
of withdrawing, transporting and securing 
cash; facilitate real-time payments across 
multiple locations and mitigate risks associated 
with handling cash, such as theft and fraud 
(Arese Lucini, Okeleke and Tricarico, 2016). 
Furthermore, recent studies have observed that 
mobile money adoption can have a positive effect 
on farm input use, farm output and welfare 
of smallholder farmers (Abdul-Rahaman and 
Abdulai, 2022; Peprah, Oteng and Sebu, 2020).


As noted in Chapter 3, some of the risks and 
issues inherent in data collection and analysis 
can be even more relevant to digital technologies, 
while some typologies of risks are exclusive to 
these technologies. This section describes various 
risks associated with the new and emerging 
digital technologies for FSN. It also proposes 
measures that can be taken to mitigate these 
There are various ethical concerns associated 
with digital technologies, as they can be used to 
undertake tasks in a manner that undermines 
or overrides personal judgment. While in 
certain specific situations (to avert disaster, for 
instance) undermining or overriding autonomous 
individual choices may be beneficial, there are 
scenarios where the capacity to do this may be 
used maliciously. For instance, AI can be used 
to manipulate user behaviour in a way that 
undermines autonomous rational choice. Users’ 
intense interaction with AI systems enables 
the latter to collect a great deal of knowledge 
about the users. Notwithstanding the potential 
benefits of acquiring and using such knowledge, 
algorithms can be used to target users and, 
therefore, influence them (Narayanan 
et al., 2020). 
This manipulation often uses dark patterns, 
whereby user interface design choices coerce, 
steer or deceive users into making decisions 
that, if fully informed and capable of opting for 
alternatives, they might not make. For example, 
through AI, social media can aggressively 
advertise unhealthy food to vulnerable categories 
of users, such as children and adolescents 
et al., 2014).
While digital technologies can be used to support 
and promote human rights and justice in FSN, 
there are situations where inconsiderate digital 
automation (such as through AI and robots) may 
create conflict with such norms. As Yeung (2018) 
notes, the use of algorithmic decision-making 
by AI systems can contribute to discrimination 
and threaten human rights in various ways, 
for instance when there are biases inherent in 
algorithmic decision-making AI systems. This 
can happen if the developers of the algorithm 
are (consciously or unconsciously) biased, if 
biases are built into the model upon which the 
systems are built or are present in the training 
data or in the input data (European Union Agency 
for Fundamental Rights, 2019), or if they are 
introduced when such systems are implemented 
in real-world settings. These biases might 
create or reinforce existing discrimination. 
While acknowledging that technology-based 
decision-making can enhance the accuracy, 
effectiveness and efficiency of law enforcement, 
General Recommendation No. 36 on Preventing 
and Combating Racial Profiling (24 November 
2020) by United Nations Committee on the 
Elimination of Racial Discrimination, also points 
out that big data and AI tools may reproduce 
and reinforce already existing biases and 
lead to even more discriminatory practices 
). Another way through 
which the use of algorithmic decision-making 
AI systems may contribute to discrimination 
and threaten human rights, is when there is 
lack of transparency of the complex digital 
technology behind the systems (Yeung, 2018). 
The foregoing issue limits the ability of users to 
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