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. According to the passage, why was the
smaller army not afraid of the larger one?
A) Because the smaller army had better 
skills and weapons.
B) Because the smaller army did not trust 
their leader.
C) Because the larger army didn’t have any 
D) Because the smaller army did not intend 
to fight.
Indliz till
9 2. According to the passage, all of the 
following are TR U E about the Persian 
army, E X C E P T . .. .
A) the Persian soldiers appeared around the 
B) the Persian soldiers won the battle in the 
C) the Persian soldiers used bows and arrows
D) the Persian soldiers used fire to win the 
Read the text and answer the questions according to it.
Dr.Norton was a scientist in biology. One day he met a sailor from an island. The sailor told 
Dr.Norton about a talking bird. Dr.Norton told his colleagues about it. No one believed the bird 
could talk. He tried to persuade them, but they laughed at him. Dr.Norton wanted to prove it. 
The next day he left for the island. The sailor he had met told him to look for a man named 
Jai. Dr.Norton finally reached the island where he met Jai. “ I can take you where it lives. It lives 
by the volcano,” Jai said. A week later, they arrived at the volcano. Every day they looked for 
the bird, but they couldn’t find it which depressed them. He decided to go home. On the route 
back, he walked past some old houses. He heard someone say, “ Hello”. Dr.Norton looked up and 
saw a bird. He found a new type of bird in the end. Dr.Norton put the bird into a cage. Then he 
returned home. He proved his story.
95. At the end of the story, we can conclude 
that ... .
A) the bird had never been caught even by 
B) the bird was a proof to persuade 
Dr.Norton’s colleagues
C) finding the volcano was also a significant 
D) Jai didn’t like Dr.Norton and asked not 
to sell the bird
96. According to the passage, all of the 
following are TR U E, E X C E P T . . . .
A) A sailor told Dr.Norton about the bird
B) The talking bird was near old houses
C) Jai gave bread to a talking bird
D) Dr.Norton put the bird into a cage
Read the text and answer the questions according to it.
Driving a taxi in town was Peter’s first job. He earned a small salary. Peter was practical 
about the future. “ Maybe I can get a scholarship to college,” he thought. “ I could learn 
mathematical formulas and get a job in a bank.” Peter stopped to pick up a passenger. “ W here 
to?” he asked. “ G o to the Fourth Street Bank. And don’t talk to me,” the man said. The man
93. According to the passage, what is this story 
mainly about?
A) A sailor who learned biology.
B) A guide who found a new island.
C) A man who lived by the volcano.
D) A scholar who discovered a talking bird.
94. According to the passage, why did 
Dr.Norton go to the island?
A) He wanted to find a talking bird.
B) He wanted to see the volcano.
C) He wanted to discover some old houses.
D) He wanted to start a new life there.

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was rude. W hen they stopped, the fare was $10.25. He put his hands in his pockets. “ I can’t 
find my wallet.” he said. Peter said, “ You may borrow ten dollars and a quarter from me.” 
The man was ashamed and said, “ I was mean to you but now I want to help you. I founded a 
bank. I want to give you one thousand dollars.” The man urged him to take the m oney but he 
didn’t. “ Y ou’re an honest person, “ the man said. “ I thought you w ould take it. I want you to 
work for me.” The next day Peter started his jo b in the bank. He was happy that he finished 
his former job.
97. According to the passage, what is this story 
mainly about?
A) How a driver got a scholarship to go to 
B) W hy it is important to borrow money.
C) How a passenger got a new job with a 
low salary.
D) How a driver got a new jo b by being 
9 8 . According to the passage, what job had 
Peter had before he started working in the 
A) He had never had any jo b before.
B) He had got a scholarship at college.
C) He had worked as a taxi driver.
D) He had studied math formulas.
9 9 . According to the passage, why did the man
give Peter a job?
A) He assumed that Peter wasn’t practical.
B) Peter showed that he was honest.
C) He wanted Peter to be his driver.
D) He borrowed from Peter a lot o f money.
. A ll of the following statements are T R U E
about the man, E X C E P T . . . .
A) The man wanted Peter to take a lot of 
B) The man was rude when he got into the 
C) The man gave Peter all his m oney as a 
D) The man offered Peter a job in his bank.
Read the text and answer the questions according to it.
Every day, a fisherman sat on a bridge. He threw the seeds into the water. He had a simple 
way to catch fish. He cut a branch off a tree and tied a plain string to it. He put a sharp 
hook on it. Then he whispered, “ Come here fish.” Like magic, the fish bit the hook. He took 
the fish home to make a big pot of fish soup from them. One day, another m an walked up 
to him. He said, “ M y name is George. I am staying at the hotel. I bet that I am a better 
fisherman than you. I will accompany you today. I want to prove m y skill.” T h e fisherman 
cast his string. George had a lot o f electronic tools. One machine showed him the locations 
o f fish. The other machine could weigh the fish. At the end o f the day, George subtracted his 
fish from the fisherman’s. The fisherman had beaten him by forty-seven. George was shocked. 
The fisherman told George, “ I am patient and I believe in myself. Take a breath, and try it 
in my way.”
. According to the passage, what is the story 
mainly about?
A) How George made a pot o f fish soup
B) W h y tw o fishermen used only nets
C) How two men com peted in catching 
D) How to cook fish to be very delicious
. According to the passage, what did the 
fisherman do with the fish after he had 
caught them?
A) He subtracted the fish.
B) He made soup from them.
C) He sold them to a restaurant.
D) He made all sorts o f food.

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