Deeper Insights into the Illuminati Formula

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military have already gotten these tracking implants. A book published by the U.S. Army War College in 1994 (entitled The Revolution in Military Affairs and Conflict Short of War) shows the Army’s interest in tracking implants. Many tracking implants were placed into military personnel during Desert Shield/Desert Storm operations. Some tracking implants are programmable and can record vital data about a person. They could also be used as a debit card for financial transactions, which is why they have gotten so much attention as the much feared Mark of the Beast. Texe Marr’s popular book Project L.U.C.I.D. exposed the L.U.C.I.D. System which will be a central clearing house for keeping track of everyone. He reproduced a diagram from an issue of Narc Officer magazine showing how the system would connect an individual’s universal biometrics card with the justice, data communications, and telecommunications systems of the World Order. Texe Marrs and others are fascinated at the choice of words & acronyms that the establishment keeps picking. Dr. Creusat, a medical doctor with Interpol is the official designer of L.U.C.I.D. He and his co-designer initially refused to reveal what the acronym L.U.C.I.D. stands for. Some speculate that it stands for the obvious: "Lucifer’s I.D." system. It’s also strange that AT&T called their new company derived from Bell Labs (which has been involved in mind-control for the Illuminati) "Lucent Technologies". Again some people speculate that Lucent means Lucifer’s Enterprises. And what did Lucent come out with? They came out with a new computer network called "Inferno" (another name for Hell), written in a language called "Limbo" (a place in Hell) with computer protocols called "Styx" (a river in Hell). And then on the other side of the Atlantic, a world-wide net called Demon Internet is being offered to people in Europe. (To have Demon Internet installed for you by

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Demon Internet, Ltd. at 322 Regents Park Rd., Finchley, London N3 2QQ costs initially £1,762.50 for the first month according to recent company literature.) Again the obvious ques tion, why are these companies using occult--even satanic terms for their products? Illuminati member and chairman of IBM Thomas Watson, Jr. set up a cryptology research group at IBM’s research lab in Yorktown Heights in NY. This group was led by Horst Feistel, and it developed a cipher code called "Lucifer". Lucifer was then sold to Lloyd’s of London. Lucifer was created under the auspices of the NSA. Lucifer worked off of an algorithm. The NSA had set things up via IBM so that it has had a back door to anything encrypted with Lucifer. (By the way NSA’s partner in the U.K. is the brit’s GCHQ.) The paper trail indicates that L.U.C.I.D. intends to keep track of people by using biometrics (iris scan, fingerprint, voiceprint, photos, and other bio identification features) that will be encoded on cards (or implants.) DNA databanks are already giving computers an enormous ability to identify millions of americans via their DNA. Texe Marrs also calls our attention in his book about L.U.C.I.D. to the important mandatory ISO 9000 program, which makes it mandatory for all products to have an ISO 9000 I.D. number and their approval and certification. Over 100 countries have adopted the ISO 9000 standards. In 1999, use of the system, which was voluntary, will become mandatory. The government is also setting up TPN (Trading Partner Numbers). While obtaining all these numbers to do business is not directly mind-control; if a person can’t buy or sell without the approved numbers, it does tend to place a person or company under the World Order’s control. The NACCB in England and the ASQC and the ANSI have been given power to accredit people with the ISO 9000 numbers. IOS is also in some type of overseeing role in the accreditation process. Here we go, more acronym monsters to control our lives! But while attention has been focused on this, many other implants have been implanted for mind-control. It all works together. The tracking implants certainly are an external means of controlling people that will work along side of the mind-control to lock people into their Established System. The tracking implants have broader application than just to keep track of an individual’s location, or his financial records. Tracking implants can be used to send bio information on the heart beat, the BEG, EKG and other bio tracking methods. Researchers who are following the field of tracking implants will remember the article "An Eight Channel Micropowered PAM/FM Biomedical Telemetry System" in the NTC ’71 Record, p. 309. The Air Force Office of Scientific Research, NASA financed that study which involved an 8-channel micropowered telemetry system designed to sense and transmit physiological data. The system was actually successfully used. They will also remember an earlier article in the IEEE Transactions on Bio-medical Engineering, Vol. BME-14, Oct. 1967 entitled, "The Design and Use of an FM/AM Radiotelemetry System for Multichannel Recording of Biological Data." And then they will remember an even earlier report from the Biophysics Lab, of the Aerospace Medical Labs of the Aerospace Medical Div. at Wright Patterson AFB, Ohio dated 1965 entitled, "Personal telemetry transmitter system." The point is that tracking implant research has been with us for several decades, and is being utilized to control slaves who have body suits of implants. They have been publicly monitoring animals with bio-telemetry for several decades, it doesn’t take any stretch of the imagination to comprehend that they are also doing it with their slaves. While these articles were from the ’60s, soon afterwards a book appeared Mackay, R.S.

Biomedical Telemetry, Sensing and Transmitting Biological Information from Animals and Man. John Wiley & Sons, Inc.: NY, 1970. Faceprints are a new method which

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uses a math algorithm that establishes distances between eye pupils, nasal base, lip center and other facial points. The algorithm produces a 50-bit number that is person-specific. The plans are to code this along with other unique I.D. features onto the magnetic strips of I.D. cards. The American CIA developed in conjunction with the Thai police a smart identity card for use in Thailand. The Computerworld Smithsonian Award was given to the Thai Ministry of Interior for this "innovative technology" in 1990. In other words, one part of Big Brother patted another on the back. Was the CIA protecting us, Mr. & Mrs. Citizens by doing this so-called "intelligence" work, or was it working on another agenda by developing this high tech ID card? Later the military adopted the MARC ID card based on similar ideas.

Bell Communications (in NJ) developed voice activated credit cards. Reports are that colds can throw one’s voice off so that it’s rejected by the flat microchip in the voice card. When this author calls the World Order’s mind-control "total", he means just that--it is designed to control the body, mind and spirit of a person. By taking bio information via implants, DNA codes, blood types, retina scans, hand geometry and face prints, without our real consent the World Order has effectively stolen our Fifth Amendment rights. John Adams wrote, "Property must be secured or liberty cannot exist." (The Works of John Adams, Vol. 6:9, p. 280.) The purpose of the American government was to protect property. But they have stolen our privacy. They have put into law (contrary to the Constitution & Bill of -Rights) several laws that will force us to provide information to computer data banks that will be used to determine if we can buy or sell, if we can get employment or not, & if we are deemed politically correct or not. And those on the wrong side of the NWO may be incarcerated and programmed. While tracking implants are not mind-control per se, they will work hand in glove with actual mind-control to make sure no one under mind-control can effectively get away. Therefore all tracking devices must be seen in the broader context as being devices to assist in the implementation of total mind-control. One genius scientist who worked on the bio-chip and who still works as a civilian for the government personally told this author that he is excused for his help on the project because technology is neutral. Technology is neither good nor bad, so he claims. I disagree, and so did another scientist who did repent of helping with this infernal project, and apologized to this author. These bio-chips are going to be used for the enslavement of mankind, and for total mind-control. There is no justification, no excuse great enough to allow people to side-step their responsibility in the creation of such technology intended for evil. We have a responsibility to know how our inventions will be used before we create them. It doesn’t take a rocket scientist to know what these inventions are going to be used for. Unfortunately, this man who assisted with the bio-chip is a rocket scientist.

Section D. Direct monitoring & manipulation of the brain/mind

D1. Direct monitoring of thought waves.

For many years, the basic waves have told us basic things about the mind. Rapid Beta waves come from normal mental activity like you are doing now, alpha waves indicate relaxation, theta waves mean meditation & memories, & ultraslow deltas mean deep sleep. Cognitive demands cause the gamma waves to synchronize. Alpha (as well as Theta) oscillations both encode and access cortical codes--what we describe as K-lines in this Deeper Insights book. The thalamus & the cortex are involved in memory. People with good memories have higher alpha freks than persons with poor memories. EEGs are used

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to watch these waves & their oscillations. PET scans are even more revealing. Thoughts can be analyzed in terms of the various parts of the mind that they require to produce them. In word-reading the mind activates specific posterior visual areas, and when the mind must identify a noun specific frontal & temporo-parietal areas are active. (See Posner, "Seeing the Mind", Science magazine, 10/29/93, p. 673). PET scans & BEGs are interesting, but evoked potentials tell it all. The National Security Agency has a monopoly on monitoring the evoked potentials emitted by people’s brain’s electrical flux which are electromagnetic emissions in the 30-50 Hz, 5 milliwatt range. When a person thinks, or moves their body, or sees something, the brain creates an evoked potential or set of evoked potentials. These emissions can be decoded to see what the person is thinking or doing. This is called RNM (Remote Neural Monitoring). It is reported that the Kinnecome group at the NSA is involved with this type of monitoring round-the-clock of victims of electronic mind-control using EMF equipment that is scattered across the nation. A Signals Intelligence EMF scanning network allows the NSA’s computers to pinpoint and track any individual in the United States by watching for their specific bioelectrical field. In many ways, the tracking implants and the national I.D. cards are redundant, but the World Order wants to increase their control, while keeping their best technology secret. The NSA information is not randomly passed on to any individual, but they do have their ways to filter down information to mind-control handlers if they need to. They have exhibited an amazing ability to track the two co-authors, but that doesn’t mean that they are all powerful, just because their computers can remotely detect and keep track of people. This book is evidence that there is still some elbow room for independent thought in this world. What’s more frightening is the apathy in the world to stand up to the control. But the question may arise, how can they get any good reading on the brain’s evoked potentials from a distance? The equipment is a combined use of ELF-modulated masers along with Doppler-shifted interrogative RMCT masers. This technique allows them to send syntel directly through walls. A Maser is a microwave equivalent to a laser.


According to reports, the Soviets were the first to discover in the 1960’s that the human brain had 23 BEG band wave lengths, of which 11 of these were totally independent. By knowing those 11 band wave lengths, and then sending signals based upon those wave lengths, the human mind could be manipulated. The person’s PRIME FREK, that is their biological frequency needs to be identified, and then it is possible to remotely implant thoughts and voices into their minds. In the early 1970’s, the U.S. Documentation Center as well as the White House’s spokesman had both reported that electromagnetic waves could be used to communicate with "a target biosystem." (This was brought out in the U.S. District Court of the State of Utah where inmates who had been subjected to mind-control in prison tried unsuccessfully to fight back in court.) The University of Utah was just one of several dirty research facilities which re-searched on human guinea pigs how Tesla waves could be used to manipulate the mind into hearing voices. They discovered how simple it is to use these waves to override and implant thoughts into the mind, and to read the thoughts of the mind. Then they subjected hundreds of inmates at the Gunnison Facility of the Utah State Prison, the State Hospital and perhaps other Utah State Prison facilities to this brand of mind-control in order to test it. It certainly works. Numerous inmates tried to fight the system, and the obvious mind-

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control that so many of them were being subjected to. Hundreds of the inmates were subjected to heavy drugs and other severe punishment when they protested. Still they continued to protest. This was in the 1970’s, now the technology is being used over the entire United States. The Tesla waves are sent to a victim in the following sequence of events. Computers programmed with artificial intelligence handle most electronic controlled slaves. When the slave does something the computer can’t handle then human handlers step in to help. Men and women staff consoles attached to CRAY computers where they monitor the victims that need special attention. The full fledged electronic monitoring involves an entire body suit of various implant devices in the victim’s body. From the body suit, the controllers are able to track the victim, hear what the victim hears, and see via tiny fiberoptics some of what is going on around and with the victim. The staff have pre-recorded sound bites that they usually like to select, as well as occasion actual live messages. They transmit these messages, which are picked up by satellite and relayed to whatever large TV broadcasting antenna or GWEN tower or other antenna is near the victim. The signal is then relayed to some object near the victim, which serves as a relay antenna to pass the signal on to the victim. It’s believed that some type of implant picks up the signal and broadcasts the correct Tesla wave pattern to create voices within the victim. Meanwhile, the tracking implant keeps the staff and the satellite system informed every few minutes as to exactly where to send the voice signals. The Master computer and central HQ for electronic mind control is reported to be Boulder, CO. Several places have been identified by this author as key points. One report came in that transponders are being made in Boulder, CO. The central cellular computer is in the Boulder, CO National Bureau of Standards building. AT & T is cooperating with electronic mind-control also. NORAD tracks both space and earthbound objects. They have a Cheyenne Mtn. Air Station. Although it is clear from reports from mind-control victims that NORAD is actively involved in mind-control, exactly how the different tracking responsibilities are delegated is not known to this author at this time. It appears that there is duplication of efforts, and several NWO branches maintain the same capability.


Brain waves are connected to thought. When thought occurs there is a great deal of brain wave activity. The brain carries out what some people call "parallel processors"--that is it breaks a thinking process down into components and works on all simultaneously. When the World Order’s researchers have attempted to tamper with the mind they can place thoughts into the mind by tampering with the processes that create thoughts, without actually having to replicate the thought they want. In other words, they are deflecting the natural process into the synthetic process they want to get their desired result.

For group mind control, or isolated individuals, ELF waves can be sent that interact with the brain’s natural waves. The human brain synchronizes with the incoming waves and the end result can be panic, sleep, or a hypnotic trance. The wrong kinds of ELF waves can even damage the brain. In 1961, Allen Frey, a free-lance biophysicist and engineering psychologist reported that humans can hear microwaves. This had been known by the military since W.W.II. To form complex words and sentences, Frey realized he’d have to approach the level of 10 -mW/(cm)², but the bottom line is microwave-created movement of cochlear hair cells can be done. In the late 1950’s, Dr. Patrick Flanagan developed an electronic telepathy machine

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which was called the Neurophone. He writes about the Neurophone and its capabilities to transmit acoustic (sounds, voices) directly into the brain of an individual using the electromagnetic fields in his forward to the book Angels Don’t Play This HAARP by Jeane Manning and Dr. Nick Begich. The patent office held up his patent on the machine for 12 years. Dr. Flanagan writes, "Certain types of electromagnetic signals can induce visual and auditory effects when the field around the head or body is at the right frequency, intensity and modulation levels. We are not accusing the developers of HAARP of amoral intentions for the use of this technology but the potential for abuse is there." (Angels Don’t Play This HAARP, p. 6) First, this author highly recommends the book Angels Don’t Play This HAARP; and second, this author is going to flat outright say that the developers of HAARP do not deserve the benefit of the doubt anymore--because some of them have a clear track record of developing and using mind-control techniques. HAARP is nothing less than a mind-control project. One of the persons that people trying to investigate HAARP kept running into was Col. John Alexander. Col. John Alexander was involved with the development of -HAARP. (Angels Don’t Play This HAARP, p. 19) Trauma-based mind-control victims have identified Col. John Alexander as being one of the primary mind-control programmers. He has been a key player in a number of mind-control projects for the government. Wright-Patterson AFB, Dayton, OH also play-ed a role in research for HAARP. A number of trauma-based mind-control victims have identified Wright-Patterson as a mind-control programming center. Apparently, the Air Force used some of the brain-stem scarred whiz kids at the base to try and develop Tesla technology. ARCO (via their ARCO Power Technologies, Inc. subsidiary) was the Air Force’s prime contractor on the first phase of HAARP’s development. ARCO has company doctors who are helping program mind-control victims. One of ARCO’s board members was Dr. Simon Ramo, who is a big player with the military and the secret government. The awarding of ARCO’s subsidiary APTI for the contract smelled like a rat, because other companies were obviously better suited than this tiny subsidiary with a staff of 25 in Washington, D.C. Besides the mind-control aspect of things, the World Order set things up so that APTI has the patent (#4,686,605, Method & Apparatus for Altering a Region in the -Earth’s Atmosphere, Ionosphere, and/or Magnetosphere) for the HAARP project, so they are a natural shoe-in for the project. There were other patents involved too, and about dozen of these patents assigned to APTI have now ended up with the large Raytheon Corp. (APTI was bought by B-Systems, and B-Systems was bought by Raytheon. All 3 are working fast and furiously developing technology for the NWO.) The NWO’s Stanford Research Institute developed many of HAARP’s high-fre-quency transmitting programs with money from the Defense Nuclear Agency. (This was from Angels Don’t Play This HAARP, p.47, which cites an NTIA memo, "NTIA Preliminary Assessment of Air Force Ionospheric Research Instrument", 10/1/1993.) Mitre Corp. was also involved with HAARP. This author has exposed the Mitre Corp. in the past as being both Illuminati-run, & a co-partner with the NSA.

When a HAARP researcher pestered the Air Force for info, he was referred to Kirk-land AFB, NM another site deeply involved in mind-control and black projects. (Angels Don’t Play This HAARP, p.63) Los Alamos Nat. Labs also is involved with both mind-control & I-IAARP. Their Blackbeard Team is connected to the Alexis Satellite, which may or may not be connected to the ALEX system which this author has been warning about. Supposedly this is a gamma ray re-search satellite, but this author doesn’t know

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if this is the truth or a cover story. The Air Command & Staff College’s Airpower Journal lets the "cat out of the bag" so to speak when they reveal that weapons like HAARP will be used against civilians. The military wants to use weapons like HAARP to disorient people’s mental facilities. Newt Gingerich wrote the forward to an official US Air Force book entitled Low-Intensity Conflict and Modern Technology which described how electromagnetic weapons could be used to subjugate U.S. citizens who opposed their government. Cpt. Paul Tyler wrote the chapter on electromagnetic and psychotronic weapons. A paper trail does exist of the intentions to use HAARP for mind-control by our government. For the sake of completeness, and to provide the readers with a paper trail, I’ll quote directly from this official Air Force book from the part written by Cpt. Tyler, ‘The potential applications of artificial electromagnetic fields are wide-ranging and can be used in many military or quasi-military situations... Some of these potential uses include dealing with terrorist groups...crowd control,...and anti-personnel techniques in tactical warfare. In all cases, the electro-magnetic systems would be used to produce mild to severe physiological disruption or perceptual distortion or disorientation. In addition, the ability of individuals to function could be degraded to such a point that they would be combat ineffective. Another advantage of electromagnetic systems is that they provide coverage over large areas with a single system [this is an obvious reference to HAARP] . . . . Recently, pulsed electromagnetic fields have been reported to induce cellular transcription related to reproduction of DNA.... Knowledge of mechanisms of actions of Radio-Frequency Radiation (RFR) with living systems and the assessment of pulsed RFR effects, will demonstrate the vulnerability of humans to complex pulsed electromagnetic radiation fields... Experiments with elec-troshock, RFR experiments and the increasing understanding of the brain as an electrically-mediated-organ, suggest the serious probability that impressed electromagnetic fields can be disruptive of purposeful behavior and may be capable of directing and/or interrogating such behavior." THERE YOU HAVE IT, a PAPER TRAIL that the MILITARY WANTS HAARP’S MIND-CONTROL capabilities. Dr. Abraham Liboff of Oakland Univ. has demonstrated how low-energy circularly polarized electromagnetic waves can change the brain’s ability to keep out certain ions, minerals, and chemicals. HAARP can also be used with genetic manipulating ionized radiation and chemicals to specifically control the mind. (See Chapter 8, section 2 for a complete discussion of this.)


Naval Intelligence and other groups have conducted research into ELF waves upon the human body and mind. Some of the many things that can be done to the human body and mind with ELF waves include:

a. put a person to sleep

b. make a person tired or depressed c. create a feeling of fear in a person d. create a zombie state

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