Deeper Insights into the Illuminati Formula

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on June 25, 1906. However, another multiple Henry Spencer, who didn’t have such clout was hanged after killing Allison Rexroat in 1914. Another multiple William Heirens, who murdered two women in the ’40’s, had one of his front alters write in the mirror after a murder, "For heaven’s sake, catch me before I kill more, I cannot control myself." He had an alter George who was doing the murders. The story doesn’t stop with evidence of physical murders, but includes the vast numbers of spiritual deaths that have resulted from the spiritual manipulation of the masses via programmed multiples. Programmed multiples have been great for carrying out religious deceptions. Many of the great spiritist mediums were multiples. In the 1920’s, Patience Worth was a famous name of an author. Patience was an alter of Mrs. John Curran. As a child Mrs. Curran had played the piano in her uncle’s Missouri Ozark church when young and then she later grew up to be a famous medium and writer. A Dr. Charles E. Cory investigated her multiple-personality disorder. He discovered that her author alter was much more intelligent than the front alter who did the housekeeping & normally held the body. The occult world has manipulated MPD to manufacture validation for their theories of reincarnation, spiritism etc. Where once the Word of God was accepted as truth by society as a whole, now society questions whether there is such a thing as truth. When it has come to finding out about mind control from the first level of perpetrators, the government, there have been a number of manufactured (bogus), sanitized and original CIA documents released to the public under the nearly worthless Freedom of Information act. The Freedom of Information Act has been manipulated to lead people to think that the public has access to secrets.

A letter of inquiry in 1995 requesting declassified documents on Mind Control, Monarch, MK Ultra, Artichoke and Blue Bird got the following response from the CIA, " you might expect, we have already conducted broad-ranging and exhaustive searches and reviews on every conceivable aspect of human behavior, including mind control and brainwashing, and have located and released 11, 336 pages of material on the general subject of human behavior studies under MKULTRA. Most of the 11,336 pages of this previously released material are very limited in scope and consist primarily of financial records." (quote from a CIA letter of response in answer to a request for declassified mind-control information.) Yes, and long-story-short even those 11,336 pages only got released due to a mistake.

In one CIA document pertaining to mind control released under the Freedom of Information act, which is a memorandum dated 20 Oct. 1975 to the Director of Central Intelligence from the Inspector General Donald F. Chamberlain, the Inspector General states, "From his investigation of the project [MKNAOMI], Dr. Stevens has concluded that gaps in the files are the result of a conscious policy on the part of those involved to keep very little paper on the project from its inception in 1952 to its demise in 1970. People formerly connected with the project interviewed by Dr. Stevens asserted that the practice of keeping little or no record of the activity was standard MKNAOMI procedure." Philip Agee, who wrote an expose of the CIA entitled Inside The Company: CIA Diary (Toronto, Can.: Bantam Books, 1975), said that as an employee of the CIA "You get so used to lying that after a while it’s hard to remember what the truth is." Philip Agee writes, "The life of a CIA operations officer ... There is not much time to think about the results of your actions and, if you try to do it well, the job of operations officer calls for dedication to the point of obsession. But it’s a schizophrenic sort of situation. You have too many secrets, you can’t relax with outsiders. Sometimes an operative uses several identities at once. If somebody


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asks you a simple question, "What did you do over the weekend?" your mind goes Click! Who does he think I am? What would the guy he thinks I am be doing over the weekend? You get so used to lying that after a while it’s hard to remember what the truth is. When I [Philip] joined the CIA I signed the secrecy agreement... [now] I may have violated that agreement. I believe it is worse to stay silent, that the [security] agreement itself was immoral." [bold added to quote] On Nov. 15, 1996, DCI Deutsch of the CIA paraded himself and some politicians before a public meeting in south L.A. (broadcast on C-Span) and told the people the CIA would investigate allegations that the CIA had run drugs. One man asked CIA Director Deutsch, "Everyone knows that the CIA was running drugs in Vietnam from the Golden Triangle, and that they have continued doing it to today, and you want to come here to south L.A. and pretend to us that this hasn’t happened when everyone knows it did. Are you crazy?" Deutsch couldn’t help but show a revealing smile. (The above quoted question was taken from C-Span’s broadcast & is a closely paraphrased version.) One of my questions to Deutsch would be, "When a drug addict’s life gets out of control, he’ll go into denial, and he’ll steal from everyone in his life, including his own mother, and live a life of lies, and when an intelligence agency gets out of control, they are like an addicted person, they stay in total denial and keep secretly hurting everyone in sight, WHAT can and should the people do to get an out-of-control intelligence agency to stop its power addiction? Unfortunately, the problem with power addiction, addiction to lying & deception, and drug addiction began centuries before the CIA within the Illuminati families that started the CIA. The CIA is simply reflecting the problems of its parent. Their addiction to lying keeps the common gullible man in public ignorant. Their total mind-controlled slaves are used extensively for disinformation campaigns, and are helpful to disseminate WHITE, GREY, & BLACK propaganda for the New World Order’s Network. To coordinate their lies requires a special intelligence group that keeps meticulous records of the disinformation that has been disseminated, so that they don’t get mixed up in their lies. It is extremely rare to get the truth out of the perpetrators, the mind-control programmers. Recently, on television a movie portrayed a victim of trauma-based mind control trying to get one of her programmers, who she’d taken prisoner, to confess to what he’d done. He defied her, and did all he could to make her think her memory was her imagination. It was an excellent portrayal of how hard it is to get the truth out of the perpetrators. The sadistic programmers have exercised their power for decades in secrecy. They have understood the implications of their power for decades. However, the implications of this undetectable mind-control are staggering, actually overwhelming and beyond the man in the street’s ability to comprehend. It means every organization can be infiltrated ("penetrated" as they say), and used as a front or controlled. It means nothing is as it appears. It means that Russia can hate America on the surface, and be working hand in glove on the secret level. It means every one of the millions of new immigrants from Russia, China and Eastern Europe into the U.S. is a potential time bomb. It means much of what has been blamed on Christians has had its origin in Satan. Satanic programming has seriously damaged the reputation of Christians. The programmers are major players in how the world’s events unfold, while they receive absolutely no attention. These men are illegitimate rulers of the world. They have never gained from the common man the right to rule. Therefore they rule through puppets who owe their total allegiance to their mind-control masters. They are rapidly trying to establish legitimacy for themselves, and plan to


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culminate their plans to gain legitimacy with the rule of the AntiChrist, who will rule based on mass-produced myths and fantasies that the Illuminati will articulate to the imaginations of millions of slaves worldwide. They have already begun to market the AntiChrist and his reign to the world. The campaign for the acceptance of homosexuality is just one part of this marketing effort. They are also skillfully justifying their AntiChrist’s rule, by creating problems that only his superior management abilities and leadership skills will be able to deal with. The strength of New World Order and the AntiChrist’s rule is the total and undetectable mind-control that is being carried out on a mass scale to little children and people who fit specific profiles. According to a reliable deprogrammed source: Adults, who have the following profile are subjected to mind-control. This profile is:


· alone without a support system of family or friends.

· an I.Q. above 120.

· good hypnotic candidate

· has other attributes worthwhile to exploit

More about this will be discussed in chapter 1, where an entire overview of how the intelligence agencies take adults and program them will be given. Adults who are used by the intelligence agencies for WET OPS or one-time one way missions are programmed in stages. These stages are designated levels 1-5. Level 4 is where these slaves begin to resemble the total mind-controlled slaves of the Illuminati who have been subjected to mind-control since they were defenseless babies. The men involved in the programming of little defenseless children are skilled. They have been earned their jobs on the basis of a dog-eat-dog environment. They are ruthless. They operate out a hidden zone, which I will call the twilight zone of believability. Anyone who tries to expose what they are doing, must write about things that are outside of that box of things commonly believed in. It is as they intentionally gauge what is believable and then step outside of that zone in which to operate. These ruthless programmers have egos which think they are god-men. Somewhere deep in their minds, they inwardly know they are worms. There is a part of themselves deep down that knows the truth, but Satan has buried that so deep, that they cannot face the reality of who they are. They seek eternal life by stealing the life force of innocent victims. They know that their father is Satan. They are victims of Satan. Where does one draw the line between who is a victim and who is an abuser? There is no line. The word of God indicates that God has turned many of these men over to Satan due to their wicked minds. It’s sad to think that some of these men are dependant on Satan for spiritual life. Many of the slaves still have a spark of reality and a spirit that cries for freedom. They have ears to hear the truth, should it come their way. This book is written for those who love the truth and love the liberty that Almighty God has given us to seek and to love the truth for ourselves. Although only a minority of the people today have Total Mind-Control, the Illuminati are attempting to confuse and manipulate everyone. One of their favorite tactics to scare people with is the ambiguous bogeyman of national security. They constantly use their spin-doctors to whip up fear, so that the public will gladly surrender their freedom to protect "national security". Unfortunately, or ironically, the very concept of "national security" is being used as a cover for the Illuminati to steal every last vestige of freedom left to the American people. American tax-dollars support secret conferences such as the classified conference sponsored by Los Alamos on Nov. 16-17, 1993 where the Applied Physics Lab of John Hopkins University taught our military about "non-lethal" weapons. The satanist/ ex-Green Beret Dr. John Alexander, now head of the Los Alamos National Lab, gave one of the opening talks on 11/16/93. The next day, the military men gave talks on


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the technology involved in controlling people’s minds electronically via both implants and energy beamed at them. Dr. Dave Morgan, of Lockhead Sanders also gave a specific talk on their "syntel--synthetic voices they place in the heads of victims with telemetry to auditory implants. You will read more on their implants in chapter 5. The battle for the freedom of the human mind must be fought now. The battle gets increasingly difficult, but we must fight it whether we win or lose, for the human spirit and the human mind was not created by God for slavery to Satan and his AntiChrist. Over and over, the truth of Jesus’ words still shine forth, "And you shall know the truth and the truth shall set you free." Let us realize that the man who said those eternally powerful words also said, "I am the way, the truth, and the life." For His light shone in darkness, "and the darkness has not overcome it." If those of us who still have free minds must die--then let us die for the TRUTH, that the Truth in Christ Jesus shall live.

The hidden World Order government that increasingly controls our lives operates through many clandestine operations and groups. What you see is not what you get. In order to maintain total secrecy of such a vast scale of operations, they use millions of mind-controlled slaves world-wide as well as numerous willing servants who out of raw terror will not buck the system. On the surface, EPIC is just another secret military unit. The patch below belongs to the EPIC unit, a clandestine unit which is doing the real banking for part of Mexico, much of the U.S. and part of Canada. This agency (El Paso Intelligence Center--EPIC) is obviously not a U.S. jurisdictional agency, but operates under FINCEN (Financial Crimes Enforcement Network- as in crimes against Big Brother). This unit is stationed at Ft. Bliss, which contains Army & Air Force units. American elections are rigged, and there is no longer a government of the people, for the people and by the people (if there ever was one). The American people are kept in place because they think they elected the government that rules them. Mind-control is pervasive and is being used not just to create sexual slaves, or banking employees, but to control society at all levels. Will we continue to allow a shadow government to rule us? Will we continue to let them tell us that these things have to be secret in the interest of "national security", when in reality they are only in the interest of NATIONAL SLAVERY?



EPIC is also involved with the NAFTA machinations, many of which were done with the help of mind-controlled slaves. Within the NAFTA agreement was the U.S./Mexico Border XXI Framework Document, (based on the La Paz Agreement signed in ‘83) which in effect ends American & Mexican sovereignity over all land within 52.5 miles of the border. Special international agencies have been created to regulate the various environmental and legal needs of the Border XXI region, as the border is dissolved into a border region. The U.S./Mex. Border XXI document created the Border Cooperation Project & the North American Development Bank. The World Bank will also provide financing, and some funds will come from Mexico. EPIC is well situated in the approx. geographic center of this border region.



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The average person who has been spoon-fed what he knows from the controlled establishment (the establishment’s news, churches, and schools) is overwhelmed and in denial that mind-control can be happening. Who would want to carry out mind-control? One category are those groups who use the Cabala. Hasidic Judaism, Freemasonry, and Witchcraft are all based on the Cabala. Llewellyn’s magazine New Worlds of Mind and Spirit (a prominent witchcraft magazine) in their June/July ’94 issue state on page 56, "The golem of Prague is perhaps the most famous example of ‘practical cabala’- the use of cabala for magical cabala." Golem are mind-controlled beings. There are several cabalistic and witchcraft written references that point out that the creation of mind-controlled zombies (golem) was the highest goal of the cabala. Albert Pike, perhaps the most important Freemason of all times, clearly stated as the head of Freemasons worldwide that Freemasonry is based on the Cabala. A cabalistic psychiatrist in Psychoanalysis Review, ’44, issue 31, p. 180 wrote, "Victory over the world would be secured by any man who possessed the Shem...[We shall control the world (words to this effect)]...when we shall attain the consciousness of the Shem within us and will control the power of the Golem to regenerate the world." [The Golem are energized by the magic Tetragrammaton, which the Jehovah’s W.s emphasize so much.] In The Worldwide Weekly, Defense News of 3/20-26/95, the Defense News an official military paper indicated that the navy was attempting to produce an "Army of Zombies". The Defense News stated:

"The research, called Hippocampal Neuron Patterning, grows live neurons on computer chips, William Tolles, the recently retired associate director of research at the Naval Research Lab, said March 15. This technology that alters neurons could potentially be used on people to create zombie armies, Lawrence Korb, a senior fellow at the Brookings Institution, said March 16 .... The research has captured the attention of the U.S. Intelligence community."

I have taken the space to give you the reader a paper trail that shows that YES INDEED, there are groups of people that desire human zombies. So where do they select their candidates for their zombie creating programs? That’s what this chapter will deal with. You’ll have to go to some of my other books to learn how these mind-control groups all interconnect.

The previous book by this author The Top 13 Illuminati Bloodlines was intended to help people begin to understand the major role bloodlines play within the Illuminati. When this author was on speaking circuit, he ran into a number of researchers who had researched the New World Order and the Illuminati for years and not realized the significance of the bloodlines. In tracking the bloodlines, it became apparent that the European Illuminati bloodlines were trying to integrate some of the American Indian bloodlines into their own bloodlines. Why? They wanted the occult power that these bloodlines contributed. And it seems that not only do generational spirits help in many ways, but there are reasons to believe that the Aborigines of Australia, the Bushmen of the Kalahari, and some of the American Indian tribes such as the Cherokee have high paranormal abilities in addition to their demonic spiritual abilities. Some believe that the psi-gene was valuable for the survival of primitive hunter tribes, while tribes who went into agriculture lost some of the power of the primary and secondary psi-genes since natural selection would not have encouraged

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psi-genes in agricultural based societies. The primary psi-genes are thought by some to be some genetic coding which enhances proteins to be better biophysical batteries, storage units, and other roles. The secondary genetic psi-coding are thought to be codes for creating richer and higher-functioning neural pathways, and neural capabilities. Whether this was true, if the Illuminati believed it was true, it could account for their penchant for mixing in American Indian blood with their elite "blue blood."


BREEDING GOOD SUBJECTS for HYPNOSIS-hypnosis as it relates to selection & preparation of the victim.

Hypnosis and programming work well in the alpha state of the mind. This is why the child is traumatized even in the womb, so that it will naturally be in that alpha state even before birth. The man in the street may think that the hypnotist looks for weak-willed subjects, however the mind-control programmers and professional stage hypnotists say that a "fighter", "a determined forceful personality" are the types they search for to have a successful hypnotic session. Weak-willed persons are usually incapable of seriously concentrating for the successful pursuance of any idea, and usually are the worst subjects. Intelligence is often helpful, and (as stated in the first volume) the ability to be creative is extremely important to the programmers. An extremely important factor for the subject of mind-control to have is the "emotional drive to pursue to its successful completion a given objective." (McGill, Ormond. Professional Stage Hypnotism. pp. 87-88.) One reason the programmers like to work with children who were preemies is that they are fighters. Another reason the programmers like to work with intelligent children, and not waste time trying to program lower-than-average intelligent children, is that they are easier to hypnotize.

This does not mean that only people who appear intelligent are programmed. During the programming process, many of the victims are programmed to appear stupid to others and to themselves. Only the master (and those who work with him) are to use the full potential of the victim. The victims’ talents are stolen from them. An intelligent child, who comes from an intelligent family, and who is programmed with total mind-control may grow up into adulthood thinking he or she is of average or below average intelligence.



Pres. Theodore Roosevelt, who was blood related to both President Martin Van Buren and to Franklin Delano Roosevelt, is on record, "Some day we will realize that the prime duty, the inescapable duty of the good citizens of the right type is to leave his or her blood behind him in the world; and that we have no business to permit the perpetuation of citizens of the wrong type .... The problem cannot be met unless we give full consideration to the immense influence of heredity .... I wish very much that the wrong people could be prevented entirely from breeding; and when the evil nature of these people is sufficiently flagrant, this should be done .... The emphasis should be laid on getting desirable people to breed." Many of the people within the Illuminati bloodlines have made statements like this, and have done all they could to leave many secret offspring behind, because these elite bloodlines have felt they were the chosen to lead humanity. Your ancient aristocratic families such as the Cabots, Lodges & Delanos have been in favor of placing the blame on society’s problems on the "bad blood" of the common man. They forget all the evils that have been perpetrated on these common people by the blue blooded aristocratic families that think they are so superior. For instance, Illuminati kingpin Harriman’s wife purchased land at Cold

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Springs, NY to promote a eugenics program. She said that being raised around good race horses helped her appreciate good breeding in man. Eugenics is the philosophy that some humans are genetically superior to others, & that inferior genetic races/individuals should be destroyed. The first eugenics program started in the United States was by John Humphrey Noyes, the cult leader of communist Oneida communities. John Humphrey Noyes’ father was a Vermont Congressman, and his mother was a relative of Rutherford B. Hayes, the 19th U.S. President. His family was from the burned out district, from Putney, Vermont. In 1833, Yale granted him a license to preach. Noyes began creating his communist communities around 1836, and he dictated all their major decisions, including their group sex and eugenics policies. In 1869, John H. Noyes selected 53 women and 38 men to be the only ones in his communities allowed to produce children. The goal was to perfect the genetics of the community by only allowing well bred children. This is believed to be the first eugenics program. All members of the community were encouraged to have sex with everyone else & not to form emotional attachments around it. However, they were not to have procreative sex. The Oneida group can clearly be tied in with European occult groups that tie in with the illuminati. The Oneida group used central committees and social control through mutual criticism to keep their members in line. Their social control methods were extremely effective. Years later, Chinese communism began using these innovations of Noyes’. Charles Guiteau, who assassinated Pres. Garfield, was a member of Noyes’ Oneida community. He became a member because his father, a disciple of Noyes, took him there as a boy. Charles stated that at the Noyes’ community, he came under the influence of Noyes and "I was unable to get away from that influence ... A man was just as isolated from the world as if he were confined in state’s prison or lunatic asylum. I suffered greatly in mind and body and spirits during incarceration in that community." He claimed he had never gotten free of the control that began when he entered the Oneida community. In 1880, he began hanging around the Republican Party’s NY HQ. This was a very strange thing, because Charles Guiteau had never had any interest in politics his entire life. He bought a pistol from a "gentleman", and then shot President Garfield. Knowing that Illuminati mind-control was already taking place at this time, certainly makes this assassination an area for further study. John Noyes had his groups conducting seances and carrying out initiation rites. He personally sexually initiated the girl children of his communities at these rites. In June, 1879, when the authorities came to arrest him for mass rape of little girls, he fled to British Canada, where the British government gave him asylum. After Noyes skipped the country, the community was incorporated as a joint-stock corporation called Oneida Ltd., which later burned a large amount of the personal records and the diaries of the members to keep their sexual activities forever secret. It’s interesting to note, that long before 1879, in June, 1847, Noyes’ had treated a woman Harriet Hall for tuberculosis & dropsy by holding a seance ritual and sexually sealing the spiritual cure with intercourse with the woman. After the woman’s husband reported this, a grand jury indicted Noyes. He skipped bail and an almost sure conviction by fleeing to New York. People have wondered how he managed to practice his odd sexual behaviors for years and never get into trouble with authorities.

Margaret Sanger, an early feminist, was also an advocate of eugenics. In their zeal to make her a hero, modern feminists have neglected to notice this side of her. Sanger advocated sterilization of the feeble-minded by

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