Deeper Insights into the Illuminati Formula

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the government. This all sounded good at the turn of the century before legitimate research showed that genetics played only a partial role in how people turned out, and that environment and choices by individuals also played just as big of a role in how people turned out. Many of the people who were sterilized under eugenic laws were realized to have been victims of pseudo-science and hysteria. The Great Depression leveled many proud and haughty people down to the same level as the common people they had sneered down upon. Rich and poor found themselves in bread lines. The financial elite and the academic elite were humbled and the eugenics racial theories in the U.S. largely disappeared. Finally, H.J. Muller, a famous and respected geneticist, gave an outstanding and courageous speech to the Eugenics Society in NY in 1932 where he lambasted the eugenicists for using false better-breeding theories to rationalize the criminal behavior of the elite. The Illuminati had suffered a temporary setback in legitimizing their criminal rule over humanity. In recent years, the Illuminati’s evil ideas about superior and inferior blood lines are being given more credence again. The National Institute of Health funded a $1.7 million study at the University of Hawaii’s Behavioral Biology Lab to get solid information on how genetics relates to intelligence so that "informed decisions" about population control can be made in the future. Almost every state has now adopted genetic screening of new-born babies in the U.S. While the Illuminati may not be able to fully implement their superior blood theories in society in general, they have been secretly working feverishly in labs and in secret rituals around the world to redesign mankind to their preferences. Many Illum. members are the end result of carefully monitored genetic engineering. They want to manufacture the future via control over human genetics. Many years ago, the first step in the Illuminati genetic program was the creation of specifications. When these specs, these criteria, were set as goals, they then worked to realize them. They have been working at them, and refining the results as they continue to work toward specific goals. They have sought the perfect assassin. They have sought the perfect slave. They have sought the perfect baseball player and golf player. They have sought the perfect soldier. The borders between these manufactured Illuminati total mind-control slaves and an industrial robot are fast becoming blurred. The end of the human race as we know it, and civilization as we know it, is rapidly approaching. Via molecular biology and genetics, humanoids that are vastly different from normal humans have been created in secret underground installations. They have been modifying humans to design para-humans, and then applying mind-control to them. The Illuminati is not only controlling humanity, but under their control redesigning it. Lest anyone forget, the descendants of John Noyes’ Oneida Colony, and the genetic model wonder children born in Nazi Germany are still around. According to one source, the Nazi’s produced numerous offspring of Hitler which were secretly taken to many countries and then later reassembled in certain special towns. These children received mind-control as well as being specially endowed with as many special traits as the Nazi’s could give them. If this is true, it could have some significance in the future. Illuminati kingpins are also able to store their semen via cryogenics for all kinds of scenarios. Frozen sperm can be used to create a son after the father had died. Should an Illuminati kingpin want to impregnate his grand-daughter 10 years after his death, it would be possible. On the flip side, single women can choose semen from sperm banks. Another twist that the Illuminati have taken advantage of is taking the fertilized egg of one set of parents and implanting it into a brooder slave to raise the child as a surrogate mother.

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It should also be mentioned that ex-Illuminati members have explained how planned births are coincided to have the child be born on particular special occult dates. (The Illuminati have a intense lifestyle of secrecy, so most of their members do not carry the last name of the bloodline they belong to. Some members are given significant occult names for their legal name, and others use legal names which have no significance. Having a legal occult-significant name is not essential, because the alter system will receive a secret Illuminati occult name.) The bottom line is that bloodlines, genetics and genetic engineering is playing a role in the selection process of who is programmed a certain way. Also the Illuminati has particular research goals that have been structured into their 20 year, 30 year and 50 year plans. Case histories show that a child will receive education and programming in order to participate in secret research projects years down the road. Some of today’s marked children are invariably being quietly educated to help with future research goals. As might be suspected the inbreeding within the secret Illuminati bloodlines and their secret satanic lifestyles take their genetic toll.. How do the Illuminati get rid of their leftovers, the children their bloodlines have that aren’t going to amount to a great deal? In terms of mind-control, the male children that are the programming leftovers, the ones that are not really fit to make into politicians, doctors and lawyers, will be made into stalkers, according to an ex-Illuminati programmer, who worked in this area of programming, the ratio of men to women that are programmed for stalking is about 90% to 10%. Why discuss how the Illuminati makes stalkers? First, many people doubt that there is a controlled conspiracy by the Illuminati to control the world, because in their limited understanding they think that there are too many uncontrollable people around for the world to be controlled. They don’t realize that a large share of those crazy people were intentionally created by the Illuminati. The Illuminati programmers and handlers during the 40’s through the 60’s, according to insiders, had specific quotas on how many people to have go crazy so that the mental institutions (which were used for programming) could maintain their government financing. Readers, who have followed this author’s lectures, have heard him explain how a. the Illuminati make a decision to "solve" a problem they have created, then b. get the government and private groups to study the problem for years so that eventually it looks like their (secretly preplanned) decision is the best course of action for the country, and then c. their lackey’s in the political process implement the decision supposedly for the "good of the people". After 30 years of good financing for the mental institutions so they could do their assigned task of programming hundreds of thousands of people with tasks for the NWO, the Illuminati then set things up so that the mental institutions dumped their populations out onto the streets, where they can carry out the missions they had been programmed to carry out. They next step was to privatize the prisons, which are being used for mind-control (not to mention hard-core porn of women victims in prisons). The Illuminati’s long range plans for mind-control included that they would turn over the prisons to people like the Illuminati’s Order of the Skull & Bone’s Wackenhut Services, Inc., Coral Gables, FL, (ph. no. 305-666-5656), and the Illuminati’s GE Government Operations, Cherry Hill, NJ under James Becker at 609-486-5042. In the 18 page Heritage Foundation’s study of prison needs entitled "A Guide To Prison Privatization" (done on May 28, 1988, Wash. D.C.), the Heritage Foundations gives all the correct Illuminati answers to the question of privatization of prisons, including listing the following "corporations that provide prison services ... Behavioral Systems SW, Inc.,... Eckerd Family Youth Alternatives, Inc., ... GE Government Operations, Cherry Hill,

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NJ.. .Wackenhut." All groups that this author’s research indicates are Illuminati and involved with mind-control. An example of several studies that this author has obtained that were done to show us that privatization of prisons is the best answer to our problems is The Development, Present Status, and Future Potential of Correctional Privatization in America by Charles W. Thomas, Prof. of Criminology & Dir, of Private Corrections Project; Charles H. Logan, Prof. of Sociology, Univ. of Conn., & Visiting Fellow, Fed. Bureau of Prisons. This paper was done May 1991. Our government also got into the act and the GAO wrote up a govt. report in Feb. 1991 stating that the government could save money by privatizing prisons. The Illuminati need their people seeded at all levels of society, at the gutter level as well as in palaces. This is where the stalkers, their leftover children used for programming are handy. Many of these stalkers had secret Illuminati lineages that are hidden via adoption. As one ex-Illuminati member said, "They are the weak links." The Illuminati must have dependable people everywhere, even in the gutter and prisons. Why create stalkers? There are a long list of reasons. It is somewhat difficult to explain unless readers are already familiar with the bigger picture. People, who have sat in on Illuminati meetings where their 20, 30, and 50 year plans were discussed, will explain how the Illuminati wanted to break down the family structures and bring violence into the schools. This is Ordo ab chaos. However, the schools had rules to protect themselves from dangerous violent activity done by children, so they had to create violence in the streets, to get violence into the schools by the backdoor. Stalkers were part of the program to create violence. Another purpose stalkers serve for the Illuminati is that they make excellent spies if they get attached to someone. They will find out everything they can about that person. Their minds will creatively invent all kinds of ways to get information about their fixation. How does the Illuminati program a child to become a stalker? They have the programming techniques to create a stalker down to a fine science. In short, it consists of 1. they bond the child extremely close to its mother or a woman as it grows up. This creates a side-effect of homosexuality. The mental mechanics of this side-effect are that the male has an unmet need for men. The Illuminati will manipulate this latent homosexuality but not allow its expression. They want to continue to strengthen the apron strings that attach the child to the mother image. Meanwhile they utterly destroy all self-respect and self-image of the child. It is totally disgraced so that its only identity is its identity with its mother figure. The child can not stand on its own two feet without the support of the mother-figure. When the boy approaches puberty, they are watched very closely by the Illuminati, be that in a military school or tightly controlled cult family setting, etc. They do not want the apron strings to ever be cut. They want them to remain dependent when they would naturally become independent. They want to insure that the young boy doesn’t develop a sense of who they are. The victim of stalker programming will never emotionally grow out of that age of about 11-13 when boys would sever the ties to their mother. They stop growing emotionally at about age 12. This is all carefully crafted by the Illuminati. These young men never understand themselves or their programming. They don’t understand the impulses and uncontrollable drives that hit them. They can’t get off their programming merry-go-round, because it is rooted in the first brain, their maternal instincts, the "reptilian brain" which has no conscience. Their stalking of their mother figure is a survival instinct that they don’t understand. They make good spies. They will persist in tracking and stalking a victim, until they break down the victim’s walls of privacy by their sheer tenacity, persistence, and force of will.

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This is because it is a survival instinct that has been harnessed by the Illuminati programmer. Because this programming is laid in at the reptilian first brain level, these stalkers can be violent without a higher brain conscience, and their minds will manufacture some justification to protect this survival need to stalk. The mind protects itself, so they have a strong denial system. Every time someone "rejects" them, it triggers their programming. Because they are driven by their reptilian first brain (the various brains are explained later in this book) they only think in the here-and-now, long-term projects bore them, they don’t have the stick-to-itiveness needed for many jobs, except their eternal quest for an identity with the mother-figure they stalk.


The Illuminati in its typical schizophrenic way, has not neglected the opportunities to begin the programming process in the womb. The scientific research in this area has been kept quiet, but from an ex-Illuminati programmer it is clear that they are aware of much more about the unborn child in the womb and its thinking processes than the public knows about. I was privileged to read the excellent book The Secret Life of the Unborn Child by Thomas Veiny, M.D. with John Kelly. This book is written from a loving Christian viewpoint and incorporates scientific research about the thinking of unborn children. Interestingly, Veiny studied research into the mind of the fetus from researchers at the Max Plank Institute, Munich, Germany, from the Esalen Institute, Big Sur, CA., from the Center for Research on Birth and Human Development, Berkeley, CA which are all institutions involved in mind-control and mind-control research. Just one example of the learning abilities of the unborn child, an autistic child remembered the english her French speaking mother was around during work while the child was in the womb. Veiny writes, "The fetus can see, hear, experience, taste and, on a primitive level, even learn in utero (that is, in the uterus--before birth). Most importantly, he can feel--not with an adult’s sophistication, but feel nonetheless." (p. 12) Research has clearly showed that the fetus can think and is shaping its (his or her) personality while in the womb. Maternal thoughts, feelings, actions, and fears all reach the child in the womb and affect the child. The maternal bonding with the child while in the womb is also critical.

Researchers have been unable to pinpoint when a baby in the womb begins to think, and have a consciousness, but some theorize that it goes back clear to the beginning of conception. One study taught fetus babies to kick on the cue of a vibration. The researchers have determined that the unborn child hears what is being said around it, and is beginning to associate its language skills around the voices it hears. The unborn child hears and reacts differently to different music played. Soothing words and soothing music will calm a fetus. One conductor remembered into his adult years, the cello music that had only been played while he was an unborn child. According to excellent research, the start of awareness is clearly evidenced between the 28th and 32nd week. At that point, the brain’s neural circuits are just as advanced as a newborns. This is why the Illuminati can get away with causing so many preemie births to enhance dissociative abilities. From the 32nd week on the child shows that it carries out REM sleep. It is also interesting the children, teenagers and adults have widely divergent sleep patterns but the time spent in REM sleep stays constant. Researchers have been able to trace memories going back to the sixth month of pregnancy. In other words, from the sixth month of pregnancy onward, some of what the unborn child learns will be remembered. (See pg. 23 of Varny’s The Secret Life of the Unborn

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Child.) This is why the Illuminati has made a point of having the unborn child hear the voices of people who will play a role in the trauma and programming of the child. The child may already know the hypnotic voice of one of its cult programmers at birth. Researchers found that by playing a tape of a mother’s heartbeat to new-born babies that the babies felt dramatically more secure, and were much healthier and did much better. A child who has been trained to its father’s soothing voice in the womb, has been proven to remember it and hear it after birth and to respond to it in a positive way. In fact, the emotionally healthiest children have been found by researchers to have had their father’s voice in their life prior to birth. Unborn children do not like to be poked at. In the eighth week of life, the unborn child is already using his physical abilities to show that he dislikes intensely to be poked. One of the early fetus traumas, that the Illuminati like to carry out is to poke the fetus with a sharp object to make it dissociative in the womb. By the fourth month, the unborn baby is making facial expressions. Four to eight weeks later they are sensitive to touch, and don’t like to be tickled while in the womb. Sometimes children are tickled during medical exams. If cold water is injected into the mother’s stomach, the baby intensely dislikes it. The child can be overwhelmed while in the womb with horrible sounds, bad tastes caused by what the mother eats, being touched in ways that it dislikes, etc. Rock music drives unborn children crazy. Programming drugs that cause particular thinking in the fetus can also be administered. Can one see that the traumatization to cause MPD can easily start in the womb? In fact, with many Illuminati babies, they do create womb splits, and have even started trying to teach Christ to the child while in the womb, to speed up the process of when they will purposefully make the child feel rejected by God and to experience the black communion with Satan. The foundation of trauma-based total mind-control is fear. A deep spirit of fear cripples a person spiritually & emotionally. The foundation of fear can begin to be layered in while the child is still unborn. The unborn child has near-sighted seeing. He can detect light shined on his mother’s stomach. In fact, the fetus’s eyes, which are living in a dark world, will hurt when light is shined onto the mom’s stomach. A long-term unresolved personal stress on the mother will be one of the worst stresses her unborn child has to deal with. Short term stresses don’t seem to have the long term side effects that long term stress has. Short term stresses are soon forgotten by the child. Somehow, the love that the mother has for the child is transmitted to the child, and forms a protective shield so to speak for the child to resist traumas and stresses. When the mother is ambivalent (even though outwardly happy) or cool in their emotions, the babies have been proven by researchers to consistently have more physical and emotional problems.

If the Illuminati want to create an effeminate gay man, they can administer progesterone and estrogen to the mother during her pregnancy, and this will influence the development of male children to be effeminate. Certain researchers have been warning about the hormones that are in our daily food because modern techniques of raising cattle and producing milk include giving hormones to the animals.

It is also known that the child’s concept of "I" the self starts in the womb. Those children who have had a secure womb feeling have been shown to be more confident with their sexual lives later on in life. While those who were terrified in the womb had a tendency to have sexual problems. The traumas that are induced into some of the babies for programming purposes may have a destabilizing effect on the sexual stability later on in life, and it may be that the programmers

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take advantage of the unsure destabilized feelings that are a consequence of terror in the womb. Children born from induced labor have a statistically high relationship to sexual sadism, and males typically have masochistic personalities. (See pg. 19 of The Secret Life of the Unborn Child). Since certain Illuminati children have their birth’s induced to match certain dates of the year, this is one contributing factor as to why Illuminati males, born into bloodlines that have for centuries considered certain birthdates important, have such a high incidence of sadistic tendencies. Verny believes that C-section babies, due to what happens to babies during the birthing process in contrast to a normal birth, have certain emotional needs that later as adults are expressed as promiscuous lives. Women due to their C-section birth, develop a deep seated desire to be held, and intercourse later becomes the price they have to pay to satisfy this deepseated need.


The Illuminati mask the removal of babies from pregnant mothers with "alien abduction of fetus" cover stories. When twins are in the uterus, it is common for the Illuminati to skillfully take one of them. This is part of why the disappearance rate for a twin baby is 75%. It is so prevalent that it has been given the name "the Vanishing Twin Phenomenon". The Vanishing Twin Phenomenon is well established by statistics. Establishment doctors generally claim that one twin has absorbed the other twin. Some researchers claim that this can not be the real explanation for any part of the birthing process. Elizabeth Noble in her book Having Twins, (Houghton Mifflin, 1990) states, "With increasing use of ultrasound, it has been observed that more multiples are lost in the uterus than previously thought--some studies say as high as 80 percent of twin pregnancies. Considering that there are still 2 in 75 people born as twins, what a great number of twins would be born if the disappearance rate were not so high. There are many cases of two heartbeats being detected only hours before the delivery, and yet only one baby being born. Many mothers have been suspicious, but the doctors tell them that the second heartbeat "was only a mistake." The explanations that doctors give for disappearing babies who are never born often do not seem satisfactory. There are different kinds of twins:

a. There are dizygotic, also called fraternal twins. Two variations of this is when eggs from two consecutive ovarian cycles are separately fertilized, or a single egg divides and each of its halves gets fertilized.

b. There are monozygotic, which are identical, or clones so to speak of each other. Identical twins are always of the same sex. They share the same genes, the same fingerprints, dental characteristics, etc.

c. There are monozygotic mirror twins, which have identical characteristics on opposite sides of their body.

When one twin disappears, the surviving twin will often develop psychological problems around the disappearance, even if the child is never told that they had a twin disappear. The Illuminati believe that the soul of a dead twin goes into the live twin. They consider twins which have two souls very powerful individuals. One doctor, William Baldwin, has written in his book Spirit Releasement Therapy: A Technique Manual that he believes that the dead twin astrally attaches its soul to the surviving twin. Dr. Alice Rose believes that some eating disorders are the result of a twin dying in the womb due to competition for food.

To further complicate things, the Illuminati program their slaves to believe that they have a twin somewhere. Elvis Presley, a Monarch mind-controlled slave, believed he had a twin that communicated with him spiritually. In the Angel Times magazine, (Oct. issue), a childhood friend of Elvis states that

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Elvis communicated with beings as a child. These being had showed Elvis a vision of dancing, and of people "dressed in white with colors all around." While it is popular to dismiss the vanishing twin phenomena with superficial medical explanations, or with alien theories, at least of some of the phenomena is the result of the Illuminati’ s massive system of abuse, where they need babies for sacrifice, experiments and programming.

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