Denominations and Religious Institutions

Abraham Project | Villas de Ayarco | Costa Rica[[@Headword:C48]]

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Abraham Project | Villas de Ayarco | Costa Rica[[@Headword:C48]]

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Abraham Project | Villas de Ayarco | Costa Rica





1998 spearheaded by Pastors Jorge & Elizabeth Gomez

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Source of creedal statement 10 January 2014

Statement of Faith

The Abraham Project is an evangelical organization with the following core beliefs which are defined as follows:

  1. We believe that the Bible is the divinely inspired Word of God and is the sole basis for our faith and conduct. In its original form it is infallible and without error. The Bible is more than just an intellectually stimulating book; it is the manual and guide for our spiritual life. The Word of God is relevant in our everyday life and in the teachings of our church. (Neh. 8:5-6; Luke 4:14-17; 1 Tim. 4:13; 2 Tim. 3:14-17)

  2. We believe that the Gospel is the good news of Christ and His love for all the people of the world (Jn 3:16). The gospel is the power of God for salvation (Rom. 1:16); it is the revelation of the ministry of Jesus Christ (Rom. 16:25); and it is the ministry of the Holy Spirit (2 Cor. 3:8).The Gospel is the love of the Father, incarnate in His Son who came to the earth to save us by an undeserved death on a cross. It is the saving presence of God in Christ Jesus that should be received and lived out by way of the work of the Holy Spirit. The definition of the word gospel is ‘good news’. It is the divine response to the human situation.

  3. We believe that salvation is a gift from God for every human being and is put into effect when a person turns from their sin, receiving forgiveness from God and putting their faith in Jesus Christ. Salvation is given by grace and not by way of any Works done by the recipient because the sacrifice of Jesus Christ is sufficient for our forgiveness. Christ paid one price for all people in all times. (Jn. 3:16; Ef. 2:8-9; Ro. 1:16; He. 10:12).

  4. We believe in the current manifestation of the gifts of the Spirit in every believer (1 Cor. 12). The essential purpose for the gifts is to express to God, the Body of Christ, and the world our love, the divine power of God, and our Christian testimony in a manner that is edifying to everyone (1 Cor. 12:7).

  5. We believe that God purposed the church to be visibly united in truth given that all Christians come from the same reconciliation by the sacrifice of Christ on the cross. Our unity is given depth by our diversity and should not be confused with conformity. We are brothers and sisters in Christ, and each is a member of the family of God. We share one God and Father and one mind which is the mind of Christ and we are guided by the Holy Spirit. (Ef. 4:13; Gá. 3:16; Ef. 2:16; 1 Co. 12:4-31; Ef. 4:4; Phil. 2:5; Ef. 2:22).

  6. We believe that it is the responsibility of all believers to make the gospel known to all men, announcing what Christ has done through both words and actions (1 Cor. 15:1-8). When we evangelize, we preach the life, death, resurrection, and ascension of Jesus Christ as factual events in human history. We take our example in evangelization from Christ who was first sent to the world to proclaim and live out the Gospel.

Abraham’s Descendants International | Kirklin IN[[@Headword:C123]]

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Abraham’s Descendants International | Kirklin IN


Natsari Judaism



2000 by Rabbi Yehudah as concept; concretely 2010

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Nazarene, Netzarim, Natsarim, Torah Observant Messianic:









Natsarim Apologetics:


Messianic Apologetics:


Messianic/Natsari Yeshiva:













Hebrew - Civil Calendar:








Tribe of Gad - Igbos





Lost Tribes of Israel





Source of creedal statement 28 January 2014 28 January 2014

Logos opportunity

Messianic lectionary

Statement of Faith 

The Holy Scriptures

I believe the Bible, the Tanak, (Old Testament) and the Renewed Covenant (New Testament) is the divinely inspired, infallible Word of YHWH in the original texts and manuscripts, and they are true.

I believe the Scriptures must be our final authority for faith, doctrine and practice and must be correctly studied, and interpreted holistically, in a historical, cultural, lingual, Hebraic, Eastern context and mindset

Oral Torah

I believe in holding to, but not being bound by, Jewish Traditions and customs that uphold and help fulfill Torah Commands, and enhance the meaning and significance of YHWH’s Word.  I believe all extra Biblical Documents, (which give us some of the “How To’s’” in fulfilling the Torahs commandments,) such as the Book of Jasher, the Books of Enoch, the Talmud, Shulchan Aruch, Pirkei Avot, Zohar, etc. need to be filtered through the whole of Scripture.  I reject all that which annuls, or contradicts YHWH’s Word.  One has three choices in regards to Traditions:

  1. If it lines up with Torah,  Keep it!

  2. If it is neutral, neither enhancing nor detracting from Torah one may choose or choose not to keep it.

  3. If it nullifies Torah then we MUST NOT keep it!

Noachide Laws / Laws of Acts:

I do not believe that the Noachide laws are the only laws Gentiles are required to keep, nor do we believe that the four laws in Acts 15 are the only ones Gentiles must keep. I believe that the Torah, all “613 commandments” was given to all mankind because of the mixed multitude, a representative of all 70 nations was there and accepted the Torah when it was given at Mount Sinai although the Jews are the primary caretakers and recipients (Ex. 12:38, 19:8). I also believe the four laws in Acts 15 were starter laws to enable Jew and Gentile to be able to sit and fellowship at the dinner table with the knowledge of the facts that the Gentiles would eventually learn and keep all the commandments (Acts 15:21).

The Sacred Names

I believe it is uncertain, but possible that we may know the pronunciation of the true Sacred Names. Seeing as uncertainty abounds with out solid conclusive evidence I believe everyone should pronounce the Name as they are convinced by their personal convictions and investigative studies.

I believe it is possible that we will not know conclusively with any finality the Sacred Names until Messiah returns.

 I see no problem with others referring to YHWH by His Hebraic titles and designations out of the respect for the uncertainty of how to pronounce the Sacred Name.

The Gifts of the Spirit

I believe in the “Baptism” of the Ruach Ha Kodesh, and in all the gifts of the Spirit and in the Sheliachim (Apostles), Nevi’im (Prophets), and Roim (Pastors), Morim (Teachers), M’vasrim (Evangelist) according to I Cor. 12-14. A Rabbi must manifest and operate in all the above gifts. We believe that this five fold ministry is the job description of a Rabbi.

The “Trinity”

Concerning what most of Christianity refers to as the “Trinity”, (I refer to it as a Tri-unity) I believe that Elohim reveals Himself in many ways, characteristics and Sefirot, including, but not limited to, Abba (the Father), the Word / the Ben (Son), and the Ruach Ha Kodesh (Holy Spirit).  And, I believe that these emanations from Elohim are coeternal, coequal, and coexisting in one (echad) Divine essence.

 “God's unity vis-a-vis the Ten Sefirot may be likened to a ray of sun passing through a prism. On one side, we have a single ray of light, while, on the other side, we perceive a radiation of seven colors. The person sitting on the other side perceives this as if it were many lamps radiating many hues, while in reality it is one lamp. The multi-hued rainbow is a "distortion" created by the prism that the light passed through.” -- Kabbala Series 3 of 24

The Seforitic Tree consists of many charts and formulas, and lists many of HaShem’s attributes, so I will not get into that. That is not the purpose of this work.  However, I will say that there is a concept referred to as the “Three Pillars”, which consist of Binah: Understanding, Keter: Crown (Will), and Hokhmah: Wisdom.  The Sages refer to them as Binah as the Father/Abba, Hokhmah as the Mother/Imma, and Keter as their Son/Ben.  And these in turn would coincide with the concept of the Tri-unity of Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.  It is interesting to note that the word for Holy Spirit in the Hebrew is Feminine, which would lend credence to the “Three Pillars” of the Seforitic Tree of Binah being Mother/Imma.  In another place of Kabbalistic literature, there are references to the Lesser YHWH, which describes Yeshua Messiah uncannily.

 I DO NOT adhere to nor believe in tritheism or modalism, these beliefs are INACURATE and HERETICAL!  

 “It is entirely tolerable to the Hebraic mind to accept a paradox.  To the non-Hebraic mind, the paradox is seen as blatant contradiction, and is summarily dismissed as nonsense.” – Bikurei Tziyon, issue 71, pg.29

The Gifts of the Spirit

I believe in the “Baptism” of the Ruach Ha Kodesh, and in all the gifts of the Spirit and in the Sheliachim (Apostles), Nevi’im (Prophets), and Roim (Pastors), Morim (Teachers), M’vasrim (Evangelist) according to I Cor. 12-14. A Rabbi must manifest and operate in all the above gifts. We believe that this five fold ministry is the job description of a Rabbi.

Predestination and Free Will

I believe free will and predestination go hand in hand and work together much like Law and Grace. Two seemingly diametrically opposed views, yet they work in conjunction with each other, that for the most part both issues (Law and Grace – Predestination and Free Will) Many cannot seem to grasp that both existing and working together in unity. I think part of the problem is that many are looking at these issues from a Western Philosophical standpoint and not from a Hebraic Theological stand point. It is absurd to believe sin, which a Holy G-d abhors and cannot be near, is in His will. Yes, YHWH knew mankind was going to fall, yet it wasn't His perfect will. It was His permissive will. He allowed this thing to happened, because even though HE knows all, He allows us to choose. I will not pretend I know everything on this matter, for something’s we will truly never know until we reach the World to Come. Because how can finite creation pretend to understand certain aspects of an Infinite G-d?


I believe that circumcision is a commandment of YHWH that is still in effect and has not been done away with. I do not believe that it is necessary or obligatory for salvation and entry in to the World to Come, but we believe it is necessary for conversion to Judaism, but not necessary for one who desires to keep the commandments. Those who choose not to undergo circumcision or the Hatafat Dam Brit for what ever reason is considered a Goy Tzadakim, a Righteous Gentile, or as they were called in the Brit Chadasha, a G-d Fearer (Acts 10:2). Circumcision is of the Abrahamic Covenant given specifically to the physical linage of Abraham. This command has been absorbed into the Mosaic (Torah) Covenant and thus obligatory for Israel and optional for Gentile believers unless they desire to become apart of Abraham’s physical seed via conversion through Circumcision or Hatafat Dam Brit.  To accept the Mosaic Covenant is to be grafted in spiritually and to accept and take upon oneself the Abrahamic Covenant of  conversion is to be grafted in physically.


Heaven is a World. We Jews call it, “The World to Come.” Revelation says that we will spend eternity living on a “New Earth (Rev. 21)”. The Brit Chadasha (New Testament) says this present Earth will melt with a fervent heat (II Pet. 3). The first Earth was purged by water of the Noahtic flood, a baptism, a mikvah (Gen. 7). Yet this time around it will be purged by fire, which the Torah requires if something cannot be cleansed by water it must be cleansed by fire (Lev.13).

 Granted, until the New Earth comes we go to “Abraham’s Bosom” a temporal spiritual realm that is a waiting room of sorts, in which we can call “Heaven”, but that place is not our final, eternal destination.

 I will live forever on this renewed, cleansed by fire Earth in the Land of Promise, Israel, just as G-d promised me and my people.

Hebrew Calendar

I believe in celebrating the Feasts of the YHWH within the framework of the calculated Hebrew calendar set up by the Sanhedrin just before they were forced to disband, so that Jews through out the Diaspora could observe the Feasts of the YHWH together in unity.  If Yeshua had a problem with the decisions concerning the calendar and the celebration of the Feasts, He had ample opportunity to do so.

I agree that the Hebrew year is wrong and not correct, as we do not celebrate the feasts days on the exact days because there is no standing Temple, active Levitical Priesthood or authoritative Sanhedrin that can set the Calendar by the Aviv, the Barley.

So as to not separate ourselves from Judaism by as much as we already are by being Natsari Jews, I will agree with my Orthodox brothers and admit the shortfalls of the current calendar yet wait for the 3rd Temple and for the Moshiach to return and set the calendar right.

The Land: Eretz Yisrael

I believe the Promised Land of Israel and all its borders described in the Scriptures belong forever and always, by YHWH given right, to the people Israel.  When Messiah reigns during the Millennium and in eternity in the World to Come, on the New Earth (Rev.21:1-4), Israel will finally have and occupy the entire Land of Promise (Gen.15:18, Psa. 105:8-11).

Diaspora/Exile: Laws of the Land

I believe Israel, Judah and Messianic Believers scattered in the Diaspora should obeying the laws of the land of their respective exile as long as they do not conflict with G-d’s Laws we call the Torah (Rom. 13:1-7).

The Natsari Community

I believe in being a first century Natsarim Community here in the modern day.  To live as close a possible within a modern context as the first century Natsarim did in faith and practice. To be such a place, that if Yeshua and His Talmidim (disciples) were to walk in, they’d feel right at home. I believe the Natsarim Community, and the leadership through Torah, has the right when necessity arises, to discipline one of their own, by the appointed elders, through a Beyt Din (House of Judgment).  And to make decisions concerning and establishing Halakah (the way one lives out Torah) in the same fashion.

 I believe in communal sharing, edification and assistance all the while maintaining personal and private possessions.

Messianic Unity

I believe when and if necessary when we as believers do not see eye to eye, that we must agree to disagree, agreeably in Messiah’s love and strive for understanding in our differences, all the while staying unified on our commonalities.


I believe included in Torah Obedience is the maintaining of a kosher diet. I believe in keeping Scripturally kosher.

Unclean animals are not and never will be Scripturally permissible for consumption due to the fact Kefa (Peter’s) vision was interpreted by Kefa himself as dealing with Gentiles and not food (Acts 10-11).

Fitness of Ones Whole Being

I believe in spiritual fitness through Torah obedience.

I believe in healthy manual labor and physical activity but not at the expense of neglecting the spirit (I Tim. 4:7-8).

I believe proper balance of spiritual and physical fitness will result in a healthy mentality and emotional wellbeing.

I do not believe in abusing ones body or whole being with abusive substances such as drugs, processed foods and alcohol.

Interfaith Friendships and Relationships

I believe the Torah clearly prohibits interfaith marriages unless the spouse converts.

I believe one can be friends with others of different faith without being ecumenical; learning and gaining mutual understanding, respect and appreciation. I believe in being a living example of my faith and respecting their free will. Only sharing my faith evangelistically when the Ruach HaKodesh clearly creates and opportunity to so.  I do not believe forcing my faith upon anyone.


I believe in training up a child in Torah and in the Natsari Jewish Faith that Yeshua Messiah lived and taught so as to be spiritually successful, all the while equipping the child with skills to be a productive member of the world (Prov. 22:6).

I believe in correcting a child with verbal reasoning, positive and negative reinforcement and punishment and only using corporal punishment in a loving way as a last recourse (Prov. 13:24; Prov. 22:15; Prov. 23:13-14; Prov. 29:15, 17-18; Heb. 12:6-11). 


I believe in supporting spiritual leaders and communities with voluntary giving of time, resources and monies.

I believe the tithe is not for the synagogue or “church” but in the strictest sense of Scriptural correctness, context and meaning is tied undoubtedly to the Temple and the Levitical Priesthood and thus tithe is not and will not be required and restored until the Third Temple is rebuilt and we reside in Land of Promise.


I believe the Written Torah, and all the Commandments are the foundation for the rest of Scripture, and are YHWH’s standard for holy living with YHWH and mankind.

I believe Yeshua Ha Moshiach came to show us how to live out the Torah daily in our lives, and not to abolish or do away with it (Matt. 5).

I believe in the living a Torah observant lifestyle as Yeshua Moshieynu did.  I believe this will not save you, but backs up ones faith and express our love, devotion, and obedience to YHWH.

I believe that the rejection and disobedience to the Torah is sin (I Jn.3:4).

I believe YHWH rewards those who obey Torah and punishes those who disobey Torah. (Deut. 27-28)

I believe the Torah has not been done away with, nor will it be exchanged for another. (Mt. 5:17-20)

I believe the Torah we have now is the same one given to Moshe

The Covenants

I believe all the Covenants:

  • The Adamic Covenant

  • The Edenic

  • The Noadic Covenant

  • The Abrahamic Covenant

  • The Mosaic Covenant (Torah)

  • The Davidic Covenant

  • The Renewed Covenant

All still exist and are in full effect, each one confirms and build upon the other.  None of them have been nullified, or cancelled out on account of Yeshua Messiah’s death, and resurrection.  On the contrary, they are reaffirmed, and brought, and will be brought into their fullness


I believe YHWH was not created and has always existed and is eternal.

I believe YHWH created everything.

I believe YHWH is One (Echad: One in plurality.  Not Yichad: As in One singularity.)

I believe YHWH is a Spirit and cannot be affected by natural phenomenon.

I believe HE is the First and the Last (The Aleph and the Tav, the Alpha and Omega).

I believe we should only pray to YHWH and no one else.

I believe YHWH knows, sees, and has power over all.


I believe Yeshua Ha Moshiach of the Branch is the prophesied Messiah of Israel.  That He was FULLY YHWH to be able to redeem us from our sins, and FULLY man to have the right to redeem us from our sins, to be our Kinsmen Redeemer (Ruth, Jer.17:5-7, Jn.1).  Yeshua is the perfect, holy, sinless Messiah, the figurative Son of YHWH, who is the Word that became flesh dwelt among us (Jn.1:14) who came to dwell in a mortal body that never saw corruption (Ps.14:10), a pure deity manifest in the flesh.   He was not an incarnation, which would denote that 100% of YHWH came in the flesh.  Yeshua was FULLY YHWH in the flesh, but not 100% YHWH.  YHWH is so infinite that He is everywhere and fills everything, so it would be impossible for ALL of YHWH to be limited to a mortal body.  In the words of Dr. Friedman, “If we were to go to the Mediterranean Sea and fill a glass with sea water, we can say that all the water in the glass is truly sea water.  However we cannot call the glass, “The Mediterranean Sea.”  There is much more to the Mediterranean Sea than the glass.  Yet nonetheless, the water in that glass is truly Mediterranean Sea water through and through.”  I believe that Yeshua is the Kohen Ha Gadol (High priest) who became the ultimate, once and for all atoning sacrifice Himself, for all mankind (Heb.4:14-5:10; 6:19-8:2).  I believe salvation is only available through Him.  I believe Yeshua came first as Messiah ben Yosef (Joseph) the Suffering Servant, and will be returning as Messiah ben David the Kingly Messiah.  I believe that these two pictures of the Messiah, given in Scripture are one and the same.

I believe in Yeshua Messiah’s prophesied virgin birth, holy, sinless life, Torah observant lifestyle, His miracles, redemptive sacrificial death, victorious resurrection, ascension, and future return and reign.

I believe The Messiah will come again.

Ruach Ha Kodesh (The Holy Spirit)

I believe that the Ruach Ha Kodesh is an inseparable part of YHWH.

I believe that through the Ruach Ha Kodesh one can properly worship, pray to YHWH, and have power of discernment to interpret Scripture, and live a Torah obedient life.


I believe Salvation is a gift from YHWH to all who will accept Yeshua the Messiah, the Living Torah, confesses, repents, and turns away from their sins.  This is Faith Righteousness.   This will result in becoming spiritually alive and indwelt with the Ruach Ha Kodesh of YHWH.  This in turn will cause one to desire to love, obey, and please YHWH.  One shows this by keeping the Written Torah.  This is Works Righteousness.  In other words, one will walk in the footsteps of Yeshua Moshieynu (our Messiah) by walking in the Torah.  Salvation comes by grace through faith alone.  Salvation is not earned by Torah observance.

I believe a person who does this will spend eternity with Him, in Heaven if one dies prior to the final resurrection, or on the New Earth in the World to Come.

Missions and Evangelism

UNIVERSAL MISSIONS STATEMENT: I believe I must fear God, and keep his commandments (Ecc. 12:13) to do justly, and to love mercy, and to walk humbly with my God (Micah 6:8) and to walk in the footsteps of Messiah Yeshua by walking and following Him in the Torah (Matt. 5:16-20).

I believe to the Jew first and then to the Gentile (Rom. 1:16).

I believe to ones home, neighborhood, community, city, state or province, country and the world (Acts 1:8).

Blindness of the Jews and Gentiles

I believe that due to mans fallen free will this ultimately results in the Jews being blinded to the fact of Yeshua Messiah being the Living manifestation of the Written Torah and the Gentiles being blinded to the relevance and binding nature of the Written Torah on believers today.

Eternal Punishment

I believe those who reject Yeshua Ha Moshiach, the Living Torah will spend eternity separated from YHWH in Hell, and ultimately the Lake of Fire with all senses in tact (Rev. 20:14-15).

Biblical Appointments

I believe the Feasts of the YHWH in summed up in Leviticus 23 are not “Jewish” Holidays, but are to be celebrated by all of YHWH’s people, Jew and Gentile.  These Feasts have a past, present, and future prophetic fulfillment.

The “Moedim”, the Biblical Appointments are, just that, Appointments.  HaShem has set aside specific times and dates on the calendar to meet, and commune with us. 

He has also set up “unofficial” voluntary meetings, for us to meet with Him daily.  These are the Shacharit (Morning), Mincha (Afternoon), and Ma’ariv (Evening) prayers.

I believe in celebrating the Feasts of the YHWH within the framework of the calculated Hebrew calendar set up by the Sanhedrin just before they were forced to disband, so that Jews through out the Diaspora could observe the Feasts of the YHWH together in unity. 

I believe in the celebration of Jewish Holidays such as Chanukah, Tish B’av, Lag B’omer, Purim, etc.  They may not be commanded to be celebrated as in Lev.23, but I feel commemorates important events in the history of YHWH’s people. Yeshua celebrated Hanukkah. (Jn. 10:22-23).  Yeshua being a Torah observant Jew celebrated Purim (see book of Esther). 

I DO NOT recognize Sunday as the Sabbath, or Christmas, Easter, and other Western holidays as acceptable expressions of true Biblical faith, excluding Thanksgiving, which was modeled after Sukkot, and some National and Civil celebrations.  All these Western holidays have their roots in Paganism.

End Times / Eschatology

I DO NOT believe, nor adhere to in any way the Pre-Tribulationalist or Dispensationalist view of the End Times, this view is so young (little over 100 years old), it in no way could be the view of Natsarim Judaism of the first century.  It has NO roots in Judaism, and did not even exist in Christianity till the 19th century.  Its main views are totally contrary to Judaism period.  Here is a general view of the chronology of the End Times:

Immediately AFTER the Tribulation (Mt.24:29; Mk.13:24) the Messiah will appear in the sky (Dan.7:13-14; Mt.24:29-31; I Thes.4:16-17) there will be a final trumpet (Rev.8:2; 11:15; Mt.24:31; Is.27:13; I Thes. 4:16-17; I Cor. 15:52) and there will be a resurrection (I Cor. 15:50-55; I Thes.4:16; Rev.20:4-6; Is.25:8; Hos.13:14; Ezk.37:1-14) and a gathering together to Messiah in the sky (Mt.24:29-31; Mk.13:24-27; 2 Thes.2:1; I Thes.4:17).  This is followed by the Messiah coming with His set apart ones. In other words the “rapture, and the “Battle of Armageddon” happens all in one shot. (Jude1:14-15= I Enoch 1:9; I Thes.3:13; Rev.19:11-16; Zech.14:4-5).  After this, the 1,000 year reign of Messiah is established (Rev.20:1-3, 7).

The “rapture” is the regathering of Israel to the Land of Israel at the return of Messiah, and not a pretrib rapture of the “Church.””

Two House Theory

I believe the House of Judah consisting of the tribes of Judah, Levi and a small contingency of Benjamin was taken into Babylonian Captivity and the majority of them were able to return and they are the ones we consider and calls the Jews today. The House of Israel consisting of the other 10 tribes was taken into Assyrian Captivity, very few of them returned and the majority were lost and assimilated into the various places they were dispersed and taken captive.  So in essence there are people walking the earth today are Hebrews and do not even know it.  Some of these people just happen to be Christians.  I DO NOT believe that all of Christianity is the House of Israel. I believe there is still pure Gentile stock in the world many of which profess Christianity.


I believe in a literal 24 hour, 6 day creation.  I believe the Biblical records indicate an approximately 6000 year old earth.   Failing recognize this compromises the whole foundation and integrity of YHWH, and the Scriptures.  It opens the door for evolution, which in turn is used to give justification for moral relativism and the like as seen in our society today.


I believe being a good steward of the earth G-d has entrusted to mankind (Gen. 2:5-9, 15). Cultivating food and protecting the earth from manmade harm.

Treatment of Animal

I believe in only hunting and or killing animals for food and for sacrifice when the 3rd Temple is rebuilt in Jerusalem, or in order to protect humans or animals in my care. I believe in utilizing every part of a kosherly slaughtered and or sacrificial animal that can permissibly be used according to the Scriptures (Gen. 3:21; Lev. 11; Ex. 23:19; 34:26; Deut. 14:21; 12:23; Lev. 22:28; Num. 22:22-31; I Sam. 17:34-37; Matt. 12:11-12).

Marriage and Polygamy

I believe in the sanctity and command of marriage between a man and a woman. I do not believe in divorce save physical or mental abuse and or adultery and fornication.

I believe the Torah clearly prohibits interfaith marriages unless the spouse converts.

I believe though the Torah does not prohibit or condemn polygamy I choose not to practice or promote it today seeing as we are in exile, including the state of Israel, on account Moshiach does not yet reign from the Temple Mount in Jerusalem and therefore The Scriptural conditions are not met to practice polygamy according to the Torah as well as the majority of the places of our exile, even Israel prohibit such institutional unions.

Homosexuality and Lesbianism

I believe the Torah is clear that homosexuality and thus by default, lesbianism is prohibited and unacceptable as a lifestyle.

I believe one can humanly and spiritually love others they do not agree with, and still not approve and actually hate what they do. Therefore I do not believe others should harm those of whose actions and lifestyles that they do not agree with or Scripturally approve of.

Culture, Custom and Tradition

I believe G-d is a G-d who takes pleasure in diversity and therefore I see no problem with observing ones ethic culture or practicing ones ethnic customs and traditions as long as they do not go against the Divine Commands of Torah.

Goals and Objectives 

  1. To educate all peoples of the Hebraic Roots of the Faith.

  2. To expose all false religions and doctrines.

  3. To showing Christendom, Catholic and Protestant, its sects, denominations and cults that they have rejected the Written Torah.

  4. To showing Judaism they have rejected the Living Torah (Yeshua the Messiah).

  5. To show Islam that Allah is not the One True G-D, and that the Koran is neither Holy Scriptures nor the words of the One True G-D, and that they have rejected the Written and Living Torah.

  6. To make reconciliation between all people groups and to bring them in unity though faith in Messiah Yeshua and Torah obedience through Natsarim Judaism.

  7. To establish Natsarim congregations, educational and resource facilities, humanitarian aid and relief world wide.

  8. To find, identify, and reunite the Lost Tribes of Israel.

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