Describe your favorite season of the year

Describe a recent development in your city

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Describe a recent development in your city
You should say

  • What this development is

  • How it could help people

  • What benefits it could bring

  • Whether it changes your life or not

One of the newest additions to my city that I've noticed is that the public parks are now equipped with communal exercise equipment. I've seen then being installed gradually over the last few months, and now they are common enough that even small local neighborhood parks also have them. I believe that they are going to be very helpful to a lot of different people. No matter what, most people can use more exercise in their life. With these sets of equipment, now there is an extra way for them to get this much needed exercise. People who want to exercise but would normally not go to the gym now have a new way to access equipment. This will help them find more ways to work out without costing them much time or money. In addition, this would also serve as an encouragement for people who normally don't think about exercise to start paying more attention to this topic. They now can try out these machines at no cost to themselves, and this can help them gauge their interest in different exercising routines. More importantly, this helps people get used to the idea of exercise as a necessary part of life. I believe that this will personally benefit me. I normally spend a lot of time in the park, and this will be very helpful in allowing me to spend some of that time more productively and in a way that benefits my health.

Serve as an encouragement - will guide and support someone in participating in an activity or achieving a goal - Rag'batlantirish.
At no cost- no matter what happened - Nima bo'lishidan qat'iynazar.
Gauge one's interest - decide how interested someone is in an activityor goal - Kimnidir qiziqishlarini hal qilmoq

Describe an unforgettable dinner
You should say

I would like to talk about an evening meal that I will never forget. It was last summer when my girlfriend invited me to meet her parents. I was so excited yet nervous at the same time. She was my student in my English course, so I had met her mom several times before but not in a role of her boyfriend. I chose to have dinner on a weekday, the 10th of the month to be exact because it was the date that we started dating. Her parents would be home at about 6pm after their work, so it was perfect time to have dinner. At first, we decided to go out for dinner but, on the second thought a home-cooked meal would leave a good impression on her parents so we decided to do that. It turned out to be a stupid decision because I didn't know how to cook at all. After hours searching for recipes on Google and watch some cooking channels on Youtube, I managed to pick olive salad and roasted chicken, which I thought couldn't be messed up. In the meanwhile, my girlfriend was setting up tables and lights on the veranda to create a warm atmosphere. Finally, as everything had just been finished, her parents came back home. We greeted and sat down together in a small round table. It was awkward for the first few minutes because I didn't know what to say. However, in the middle of the meal, her parents paid me a compliment on the dishes I cooked and told me some secrets about my girlfriend's childhood that eased my tension. Her mom and I were on the same page and could talk for hours about any of the conversation topics. Admittedly, the food was not a great success. It was a bit salty and poorly decorated but we had great time talking. This moment really helped strengthen our relationship by making me feel like a member of her family.
Home-cooked meal - Food cooked at hom - Uyda tayyorlangan taom.
Leave a good impression - Make others feel good about you , often after a first meeting - Yaxshi taassurot qoldirmoq.
Roasted chicken - cooked chicken - Qovurilgan jo'ja.
Mess up - to make a mistake - Xato qilmoq.
In the meanwhile - at or during the same time - O'sha vaqtni o'zida.
To create a warm atmosphere - Iliq atmosferani yaratmoq.
To be awkward - to be unsuitable - Noqulay bo'lmoq.
Pay somebody a compliment – Say something nice about someone, usually directly to them - Kimgadir iltifot ko'rsatmoq.
Strengthen our relationship - Have a greater bond offriendship between two or more people - O'zaro munosabatlarni mustahkamlamoq.

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