Detailed roadmap for the eqf referencing of the nqf in fyrom

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Criterion 2 (EQF)

There is a clear and demonstrable link between the qualifications levels in the national qualifications framework or system and the level descriptors of the European Qualifications Framework.
There is a clear link between qualification levels of Macedonian Qualifications Framework and EQF which is demonstrated in this part by comparing the structure, the key concepts and level descriptors.

Both MQF and EQF have eight levels described by level descriptors. Contrary to the EQF, the MQF level V, level VI and level VII have two sub-levels each. The sub-level VB is related only to the labour market. The sub-level VA is related to the labour market as well as could be part of first cycle study programmes. The sub-levels are related to the specificities of the Macedonian qualifications system and reflect the recommendations of the stakeholders during the public debates. Therefore, as result of the national consensus they were approved by the relevant national authority.

Table 37: Comparison of the Macedonian Qualifications Framework and the EQF levels

























Both frameworks are based on the concept of learning outcomes. Similar to the EQF, in the Macedonian Qualifications Framework the level descriptors are described by: knowledge and understanding (theoretical and factual), skills (cognitive and practical) and competence (responsibility and autonomy). The MQF level descriptors include notions such as: creativity, innovation, entrepreneurship, responsibility and autonomy (refer to Table 39 for an example – descriptors of MQF level IV). This emphasises the objective to develop qualifications that prepare individuals for changing demands and society, including the labour market.

The initial comparison of the Macedonian Qualifications Framework and the EQF level descriptors took place at the joint ETF/MoES workshop (Skopje, October 2014), followed by additional meetings to fine-tune the comparison. The result of the work is presented in Table 38.


Table 38: Comparison of the MQF and EQF level descriptors

European Qualifications Framework

Macedonian Qualifications Framework






Knowledge and understanding




Basic general knowledge

Basic skills required to carry out simple tasks

Work or study under direct supervision in a structured context


Possesses basic knowledge of the function of certain objects and occurrences with the possibility to apply them in practice and other disciplines, while at the same time enabling further studying.

Possesses basic skills for performing simple operations;

Uses simple methods, tools and instruments with instructions and under supervision;

Possesses general rules of communication.

Performs simple tasks under direct supervision;

Takes responsibility for performing simple tasks.


Basic factual knowledge of afield of work or study

Basic cognitive and practical skills required to use

relevant information in order to carry out tasks

and to solve routine problems using simple rules and tools

Work or study under

Supervision with some



Possesses basic theoretical and professional knowledge, needed for knowing the area of work, which can be applied when performing simple working tasks, while at the same time enabling further studying.

Possesses practical and creative skills for executing simple or less complex and predefined work in known conditions and predictable situations.

Uses simple methods, tools, instruments, devices and materials on the basis of detailed instructions;

Communicates and cooperates with individuals.

Works independently under known conditions and under periodic supervision and with limited responsibility for performing working tasks;

Performs simple com­munication and co­operation with some employees in known situations.


Knowledge of facts, principles, processes and general concepts, in a field of work or study

A range of cognitive and practical skills required to

accomplish tasks and solve problems by selecting and applying basic methods, tools, materials and information


responsibility for completion of tasks in work or study;

Adapt own behavior to circumstances in solving problems


Possesses theoretical and systematic acquired professional knowledge, facts, principles, processes and general concepts for a certain area of work or study, while at the same time enabling further studying.

Possesses practical and creative skills that enable the solving of known (predictable) and less known (unpredictable)situations;

Performs work and tasks of medium complexity, less standardized and relatively transparent;

Uses various devices, tools, equipment and materials in the process of production and in the services;

Communicates and cooperates with the group.

Plans, prepares, organizes and evaluates the own work, based upon predetermined authorisation, within the scope of the own work;

Performs tasks that are not always defined in advance, with a certain degree of independence and responsibility.


Factual and theoretical knowledge in broad contexts within a field of work or study

A range of cognitive and practical skills required to generate solutions to specific problems in afield

of work or study

Exercise self-management

within the guidelines of work or study contexts that are


predictable, but

are subject to change;

Supervise the routine work of

others, taking some

responsibility for the evaluation

and improvement of work or study activities


Knows concepts, principles and processes from the subjects and areas of study;

Possesses systematic theoretical and professional knowledge within the determined area of work or study that includes analysing and connecting facts and theoretical principles when performing the work, while at the same time enabling further studying.

Possesses various cognitive, practical and creative skills, based on theoretical knowledge and principles, necessary for study and work and for solving problems in changeable conditions in a certain field of work or study;

Qualified to collect, analyse, select and to use relevant information from various sources, tools, methodologies, techniques and materials in the area of study;

Qualified to perform complex procedures and to use methods, instruments, tools, installations and materials in the working process;

Communicates and cooperates with the group in changeable conditions.

Independently plans, organizes and runs the own work and conducts supervision of the joint work;

Independently performs complex tasks and solves problems, adjusting the behavior in accordance with the provided instructions, unchangeable conditions;

Responsible for the own work and for the work of the group, for the purpose of evaluating the results of the work and improving the quality, in accordance with predefined standards and criteria.


Comprehensive, specialized, factual and theoretical knowledge within a field of work or study and an awareness of the boundaries of that knowledge

A compre­hensive range of cognitive and practical skills required to develop creative solutions to abstract problems

Exercise management and supervision in contexts of work or study activities where there is unpredictable change; Review and develop performance of self and others


Demonstrates knowledge and understanding in the field of study or work that is built upon general secondary education supported with professional literature.

Possesses specialist theoretical and professional knowledge and understanding of certain basic theories from the narrow scientific and professional area.

Possesses limited knowledge of contemporary developments in the area of work or study which provides support to the field of work or profession, possibility for personal development and a basis for further studies for completion of the first cycle of higher education.

Applies skills that are based on understanding of theoretical principles and their application involving problems and in the execution of complex and specific tasks in the field of work and study, with selection and use of relevant data, methods, procedures, techniques, instruments, devices, tools and materials.

Possesses skills to study in order to be able to undertake further studies with a certain degree of independence.

Possesses ability to communicate and discuss with target groups from the narrow profession or the area of study, with colleagues, superiors and clients.

Has a higher level of personal and professional responsibility, and ability to evaluate the own work and the work of the group based upon criteria in the field of work.

Capability to transfer knowledge to others, to organize, communicate and to control the own work and the work of others.

Takes responsibility for the own results, but also shares responsibility for the activities, results and the work of others in the group.



Advanced knowledge of afield of work or study, involving a critical understanding of theories and principles

Advanced skills, demonstrating mastery and innovation, required to solve complex and unpredictable problems in a specialized field of work or study

Manage complex technical or professional activities or projects, taking responsibility for decision-making in unpredictable work or study contexts; Take responsibility for managing professional development of individuals and groups


Demonstrates knowledge and understanding in the scientific field of study that builds upon previous education and training, including knowledge in the domain of theoretical, practical, conceptual, comparative and critical perspectives in the scientific field according to the relevant methodology;

Understanding of a certain area and knowledge of current issues in relation to scientific research and new sources of knowledge.

Demonstrates knowledge and understanding of different theories and methodologies necessary for the wider area of research.

Is able to apply knowledge and understanding in a manner that shows a professional approach to the work or the profession;
Demonstrates ability to identify, analyse and solve problems;
Capability to find and support arguments within the profession or the field of study;
Capability to collect, analyse, evaluate and present information, ideas and concepts from relevant data;

Capability to assess theoretical and practical issues, provide explanations for the reasons and to select an appropriate solution;

Takes initiative to identify the requirements for acquiring further knowledge and study with a high degree of independence;

Capability to communicate and discuss information, ideas, problems and solutions, when the decision criteria and the scope of the task have been clearly defined, both with professional and the non-expert public.

Takes responsibility for the own results and shared responsibility for the collective results;

Capability for independent participation, with a professional approach, in specific scientific and interdisciplinary discussions.

Makes relevant judgement by taking into consideration the personal, social, scientific and ethical aspects.



Highly specialized knowledge, some of which is at the forefront of knowledge in a field of work or study, as the basis for original thinking and/or research; critical awareness of knowledge issues in a field and at the interface between different fields.

Specialised problem-solving skills required in research and/or innovation in order to develop new knowledge and procedures and to integrate knowledge from different fields.

Manage and transform work or study contexts that are complex, unpredictable and require new strategic approaches;
Take responsibility for contributing to professional knowledge and practice and/or for reviewing the strategic performance of teams.


Demonstrates knowledge and understanding of the scientific field of study that builds upon the first cycle, by applying methodologies appropriate for resolving complex problems, both in a systematic and in creative manner, which provides the basis or the possibility for originality in the development and/or application of autonomous ideas in the context of the research;

Presents a high level of professional competence in one or in several specific scientific fields;

Possesses knowledge from one or more subject areas, which in the given scientific fields are based on the most renowned international research in that scientific field, as well as capability to connect wider and deeper knowledge in related professional fields of science.

Capability for critical, independent and creative problem-solving with a certain degree of originality in new or unknown environments and in multi-disciplinary contexts, related to the field of study;

Capability to synthesize and integrate the knowledge and to handle complex issues, in a systematic and creative manner;

Capability to evaluate and select scientific theories, methodologies, tools and general skills from the subject areas, and to put forward new analyses and solutions on scientific basis;

Capability to recognize the personal need for further knowledge and capability for independent and autonomous actions when acquiring new knowledge and skills in the social framework;

Capability to exchange conclusions and proposals by clearly and unambiguously arguing and rationally underpinning the stence, both with experts and non-experts.

Demonstrates significant responsibility for the own and the joint results, for leading and initiating activities;

Capability for solid evaluation, even in the case of incomplete and limited information, which includes the personal, social and ethical responsibilities in the application of the acquired knowledge and evaluation thereof;

Capability for taking responsibility for further professional development and education, both for personal and for the group with which cooperates.



Knowledge at the most advanced frontier of a field of work or study and at the interface between fields

The most advanced and specialised skills and techniques, including synthesis and evaluation, required to solve critical problems in research and/or innovation and to extend and redefine existing knowledge or professional practice.

Demonstrate substantial authority, innovation, autonomy, scholarly and professional integrity and sustained commitment to the development of new ideas or processes at the forefront of work or study contexts including research


Demonstrates systematic understanding of the field of research and perfect knowledge of research methods and skills within the respective field in accordance with the highest international standards;

Possesses knowledge gained with own research or work, thus significantly contributing to the professional and scientific field of research, but also in the related fields.

Demonstrates ability to interpret, design, apply and adapt the essential subject of the research with scientific integrity;

Uses the knowledge as a basis for original ideas and research that exceed the current boundaries of knowledge, developing new knowledge, valued on the level of national and international peer-reviewed publications;

Ability for critical analysis, evaluation and synthesis of new and complex ideas, necessary for solving complex problems in the field of research;

Ability for independent initiation and participation in national and international research networks and events with scientific integrity;

Ability for independent initiation of research and development projects, through which new knowledge will be generated, as well as skills for development in the field of research;

Expected to be capable of self-promotion in academic and professional context and in the technological, social or cultural development in a knowledge-based society;

Capable for communication with the colleagues, the wider academic community and with the society as a whole within the field of expertise.

Takes maximum responsibility for the results of the own work, but also for the work of the others in the group;

Takes responsibility for managing complex processes, while, in the same time, ensuring the professional development of the individuals and the group as a whole.

Example of the level descriptors for level IV of the MQF is provided in Table 39.

Table 39: Level desctriptors for level IV of the Macedonian Qualifications Framework


Knowledge and understanding




Knows concepts, principles and processes from the subjects and areas of study;

Possesses systematic theoretical and professional knowledge within the determined area of work or study that includes analysing and connecting facts and theoretical principles when performing the work, while at the same time enabling further studying.

Possesses various cognitive, practical and creative skills, based on theoretical knowledge and principles, necessary for study and work and for solving problems in changeable conditions in a certain field of work or study;

Qualified to collect, analyse, select and to use relevant information from various sources, tools, methodologies, techniques and materials in the area of study;

Qualified to perform complex procedures and to use methods, instruments, tools, installations and materials in the working process;

Communicates and cooperates with the group in changeable conditions.

Independently plans, organizes and runs the own work and conducts supervision of the joint work;

Independently performs complex tasks and solves problems, adjusting the behavior in accordance with the provided instructions, in changeable conditions;

Responsible for the own work and for the work of the group, for the purpose of evaluating the results of the work and improving the quality, in accordance with predefined standards and criteria.

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