Digital Design: Sequential Logic Principles Sequential Circuits

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Digital Design: Sequential Logic Principles

Sequential Circuits

  • A sequential circuit is one whose outputs depend not only on its current inputs, but also on the past sequence of inputs.

  • In other words, sequential circuits must be able to ”remember” (i.e., store) the past history of the inputs in order to produce the present output.

  • The information about the previous inputs history is called the state of the system.

  • A circuit that uses n binary state variables to store its past history can take up to 2n different states.

  • Since n is always finite, sequential circuits are also called finite state machines (FSM).

How can we remember …?

  • The key to build storage circuits is feedback !!

In short, sequential circuits are …

  • circuits consisting of ordinary gates and feedback loops

The simplest sequential circuit

  • Two inverters and a feedback loop form a “static” storage cell

    • The cell will hold value as long as it has power applied
  • How to get a new value into the storage cell?

    • selectively break feedback path
    • load new value into cell

Analog analysis of the bistable cell

Latches and Flip-Flops

  • The two most popular varieties of storage cells used to build sequential circuits are: latches and flip-flops.

    • Latch: level sensitive storage element
    • Flip-Flop: edge triggered storage element
  • Common examples of latches: S-R latch, \S-\R latch, D latch (= gated D latch)

  • Common examples of flip-flops: D-FF, D-FF with enable, Scan-FF, JK-FF, T-FF

S-R (Set-Reset) Latch

S-R latch operation

S-R latch operation (cont’d)

Improper S-R latch operation

R-S latch analysis

  • Break feedback path

Theoretical R-S latch behavior

  • State diagram

    • states: possible values
    • transitions: changes based on inputs

Observed R-S latch behavior

  • Very difficult to observe R-S latch in the 1-1 state

    • one of R or S usually changes first
  • Ambiguously returns to state 0-1 or 1-0

    • a so-called "race condition"
    • or non-deterministic transition

S-R Latch timing

S-R Latch

D Latch (= Transparent Latch)

D-Latch Timing Parameters

  • The D Latch eliminates the S=R=1 problem of the SR latch

  • However, violations of setup and hold time still cause metastability

Clock signals

  • Clocks are regular periodic signals used to specify state changes

D Flip-Flop (positive edge triggered)

Timing Behavior of a DFF (positive edge triggered)

Setup and hold times for an edge-triggered DFF

Minimum clock period T ?

Minimum clock period T ? (cont’d)

D Flip-Flop (negative edge triggered)

DFF with asynchronous preset and clear

DFF with asynchronous preset and clear (cont’d)

DFF with enable

DFF with enable (cont’d)

Scan DFF

Design for testability: scan chains

JK Flip Flop (rising edge triggered)

Toggle Flip Flop (rising edge triggered)


  • Design a JK-FF and a T-FF using D-FFs

  • Design a D-FF and a T-FF using JK-FFs

  • Design a D-FF and a JK-FF using T-FFs

Summary of latches and flip flops

Comparison of latches and flip-flops

Comparison of latches and flip-flops (cont’d)

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