Edmund Husserl
Phenomenology is not so much an answer as it is a new approach to philosophical problems.
“Phenomenology focused its attention on “being” itself, on the lived world of human experience, on its unceasing ambiguity, its ever-deepening complexity.”
Phenomenological Reduction “This method brackets experience and describes it while suspending all presuppositions and assumptions normally made about the experience.”
What is Consciousness? “It is this intentionality that distinguishes consciousness from everything else in the universe.”
Pure Phenomenology Husserl thinks that radical reflection and radical questioning are necessary for beginning philosophy and entering into what he calls pure of transcendental phenomenology.
What Is The Self?
Intersubjectivity If the East is ahead in consciousness studies, then the West is ahead in intersubjective studies. From an integral perspective we need both.
“By deeply, profoundly, inquiring into the Witness of all knowledge, this specific philosophical inquiry opens up onto contemplative awareness.”
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