Education of the republic of uzbekistan state university of world languages

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cognitive linguistics edited 2

Cognitive linguistics is a theoretical framework that seeks to explain how language is processed and understood by the human mind. One of the key concepts in cognitive linguistics is that of knowledge structures, which are the mental representations that people use to organize and interpret information. Knowledge structures are central to cognitive linguistics because they are seen as the building blocks of meaning. According to this theory, people do not simply store words and their definitions in their minds, but rather they create mental structures that organize information in meaningful ways. These structures are not fixed or static, but rather they are dynamic and constantly evolving as people acquire new knowledge and experiences.
One important type of knowledge structure in cognitive linguistics is the conceptual schema. A conceptual schema is a mental framework that organizes information about a particular concept or category. For example, the concept of "dog" might be organized in a person's mind as a set of features, such as "four legs," "fur," "barks," and so on. These features are not stored as separate pieces of information, but rather they are integrated into a cohesive mental structure that represents the concept of "dog." Another type of knowledge structure in cognitive linguistics is the image schema. An image schema is a mental representation that captures the spatial and temporal relationships between objects and events. For example, the image schema of "container" might be used to organize information about objects that can hold other objects, such as cups, bowls, and boxes. The image schema of "path" might be used to organize information about movement and direction, such as walking, running, and driving.
Knowledge structures are not just passive storage units, but rather they play an active role in language processing and comprehension. When people hear or read language, they use their knowledge structures to interpret the meaning of words and sentences. For example, when someone hears the sentence "The cat chased the mouse," they activate their conceptual schema for "cat" and "mouse," as well as their image schema for "chase." This allows them to understand that the cat is the agent of the action (i.e., the one doing the chasing) and the mouse is the patient (i.e., the one being chased). In addition to aiding in language comprehension, knowledge structures also play a role in language production. When people speak or write, they draw on their mental representations to choose words and construct sentences. For example, if someone wants to describe a scene in which a dog is running through a park, they might activate their conceptual schema for "dog," "park," and "running," as well as their image schema for "movement." This allows them to choose appropriate words and construct a sentence that accurately conveys the intended meaning.
In conclusion, knowledge structures are a fundamental concept in cognitive linguistics that help to explain how people organize and interpret language. These mental representations are dynamic and constantly evolving, and they play an active role in both language comprehension and production. By understanding how knowledge structures work, linguists can gain insight into how people use language to communicate and make sense of the world around them.
In conclusion, one of the important concepts in cognitive stylistics is knowledge structures. It can be linguistic or nonlinguistic in nature. The understanding of lexics, grammar, semantics, syntax, and other linguistic concepts is included. Knowledge that is not linguistic can take many different forms, including cultural, communicative, social, religious, historical, mythical, literary, encyclopedic knowledge, etc. Developing effective knowledge structures is essential for learning, problem-solving, decision-making, and creativity. There are different types of knowledge structures that individuals can develop, including conceptual, procedural, strategic, and metacognitive. To develop effective knowledge structures, individuals can use strategies such as elaboration, organization, rehearsal, and reflection. By developing effective knowledge structures, individuals can enhance their cognitive abilities and achieve their goals.
Men's concepts are not solely derived from dictionary definitions; rather, they are based on their own personal, national, cultural, and historical experiences. The more varied the experience, the broader the boundaries of the concept, and the greater the potential for the emergence of the word's emotional aura, which shows up in all aspects of the concept. In this case, we concur wholeheartedly with the author Likhachyov. The notion can be defined as "a bunch of culture in human consciousness, in a culture that is part of the mental world of man, when a person enters a culture, in some cases he affects it". Concepts are not just imagined; they are also felt. They are the focus of feelings, preferences, and occasionally conflicts.
Although the general patterns of cognitive activity are similar, there are also specific characteristics of brainwork that must be taken into consideration. As we've already mentioned, each person's consciousness is distinct and individual. As a result, every person has a different conception of the universe, and varied ways of objectifying notions and categories that are comparable to their own. We have also discussed some of the problems with conceptualizing and classifying the world using natural language. Some of them are brought on by the occasionally ambiguous definition of the "concept" idea offered by various cognitive scientists, as well as the numerous interpretations of this idea found in the various academic fields connected to cognitive linguistics. The challenging nature of objectifying notions using natural language raises additional challenges.

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