NAME ________________________ Due Date:________________
In this project, you will adopt an element from the periodic table. We will assign you an element to adopt. As a proud parent of your element, you will create a baby book to remember each stage of your element’s life. Use the following rubric to help you construct you baby book.
Cover page –
Name of element, your name, and a decorative color
Page 1 – 20 points
Name of your element 2 points ________
Nickname of element (Symbol) 2 points ________
Birth date (date element was discovered) 2 points ________
Birth weight (atomic mass) 2 points ________
Birth height ( atomic number) 2 points ________
Race ( type of element) 2 points ________
Attending physician (Discoverer) 2 points ________
Gender (state of matter at room temperature) 2 points ________
Place of birth (country of discovery) 2 points ________
Personality (emotion : boiling point and melting point) 2 points _______
TOTAL 20 Points __________
Page 2 –20 Points
Pronunciation rebus 5 points _________
Poem about element 15 points _________
TOTAL 20 points ___________
Page 3 – 20 Points
Picture of your element at work 10 points _________
Career of your element(uses) 10 points _________
TOTAL 20 points _____________
Page 4 – 20 Points
Family name (family or group) 5 points ________
Address ( period + discoverer’s last name + drive lane or circle, etc.)
5 points ________
Brothers and sisters (Names of other family-group members)
5 points ________
Physical description(properties) 5 points _________
Malleable, ductile, etc. TOTAL 20 points____________
Page 5 – 20 points
Picture of element(Bohr’s model) 20 points _________
This is the electrons, protons, and neutrons
TOTAL 100 POINTS ____________________________
Name:_________________________ DUE DATE:_____________________ OPTION YOU CHOSE: A or B
Elemental Heroes
You have a great new job – designing comic books! Finally no one will yell at you for reading them instead of your science book!!! But the problem is you need to come up with a new superhero to replace those tired ones Marvel has been printing. What to do!
The Quest
You will research the physical and chemical properties of one element from the periodic table and design a superhero to represent it. The superhero should have powers that demonstrates the physical and chemical properties of the element. You will create a superhero on a poster with all the physical properties listed. On the back of this rubric there is a form to fill out with the information about your element you have chosen. You will place all of the information on a poster OR EXTRAnormal video advertising your superhero.
Name of superhero (5 points) ___________
Drawing of superhero & Costume matches element (10 points) __________
Description of element- (name, symbol, atomic number,
atomic mass, # of protons, neutrons, and electrons,
Bohr’s model) (20 points)
Uses of element (20 points) ____________
Physical properties of element (20 points) ____________
(boiling/melting point, malleable, ductile
State of matter at room temp., conductor/
insulator, etc.)
Research (discoverer, history, interesting facts) (25 points) ____________
TOTAL (100 Points) __________
Name of superhero (5 points) ___________
Character of superhero & costume matches element (10 points) __________
Character describes element- (name, symbol, atomic number,
atomic mass, # of protons, neutrons, and electrons,
Bohr’s model) (20 points)_____________
Character describes uses of element (20 points) ____________
Physical properties of element (20 points) ____________
(boiling/melting point, malleable, ductile
State of matter at room temp., conductor/
insulator, etc.)
Research (discoverer, history, interesting facts) (25 points) ____________
TOTAL (100 Points) __________
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