English Fairy Tales

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English Fairy Tales
Open, door! open, door!
And let me come in.
and the third time the door will open, and you may go in.”
And Childe Rowland was just going on, when he remem-
bered what he had to do; so he out with the good brand,
that never struck in vain, and off went the hen-wife’s head.
Then he went on, and on, and on, till he came to the
round green hill with the terrace-rings from top to bottom,
and he went round it three times, widershins, saying each
Open, door! open, door!
And let me come in.
And the third time the door did open, and he went in, and it
closed with a click, and Childe Rowland was left in the dark.
It was not exactly dark, but a kind of twilight or gloaming.
There were neither windows nor candles, and he could not
make out where the twilight came from, if not through the
walls and roof. These were rough arches made of a transpar-
ent rock, incrusted with sheepsilver and rock spar, and other
bright stones. But though it was rock, the air was quite warm,
as it always is in Elfland. So he went through this passage till
at last he came to two wide and high folding-doors which
stood ajar. And when he opened them, there he saw a most
wonderful and glorious sight. A large and spacious hall, so
large that it seemed to be as long, and as broad, as the green
hill itself. The roof was supported by fine pillars, so large
and lofty, that the pillars of a cathedral were as nothing to
them. They were all of gold and silver, with fretted work,
and between them and around them, wreaths of flowers,
composed of what do you think? Why, of diamonds and
emeralds, and all manner of precious stones. And the very
key-stones of the arches had for ornaments clusters of dia-
monds and rubies, and pearls, and other precious stones.
And all these arches met in the middle of the roof, and just
there, hung by a gold chain, an immense lamp made out of
one big pearl hollowed out and quite transparent. And in
the middle of this was a big, huge carbuncle, which kept
spinning round and round, and this was what gave light by
its rays to the whole hall, which seemed as if the setting sun
was shining on it.

Joseph Jacobs
The hall was furnished in a manner equally grand, and at
one end of it was a glorious couch of velvet, silk and gold,
and there sate Burd Ellen, combing her golden hair with a
silver comb. And when she saw Childe Rowland she stood
up and said:
“God pity ye, poor luckless fool,
What have ye here to do?
“Hear ye this, my youngest brother,
Why didn’t ye bide at home?
Had you a hundred thousand lives
Ye couldn’t spare any a one.
“But sit ye down; but woe, O, woe,
That ever ye were born,
For come the King of Elfland in,
Your fortune is forlorn.”
Then they sate down together, and Childe Rowland told her
all that he had done, and she told him how their two broth-
ers had reached the Dark Tower, but had been enchanted by
the King of Elfland, and lay there entombed as if dead. And
then after they had talked a little longer Childe Rowland
began to feel hungry from his long travels, and told his sister
Burd Ellen how hungry he was and asked for some food,
forgetting all about the Warlock Merlin’s warning.
Burd Ellen looked at Childe Rowland sadly, and shook her
head, but she was under a spell, and could not warn him. So
she rose up, and went out, and soon brought back a golden
basin full of bread and milk. Childe Rowland was just going
to raise it to his lips, when he looked at his sister and re-
membered why he had come all that way. So he dashed the
bowl to the ground, and said: “Not a sup will I swallow, nor
a bit will I bite, till Burd Ellen is set free.”
Just at that moment they heard the noise of some one ap-
proaching, and a loud voice was heard saying:
“Fee, fi, fo, fum,
I smell the blood of a Christian man,
Be he dead, be he living, with my brand,
I’ll dash his brains from his brain-pan.”

English Fairy Tales
And then the folding-doors of the hall were burst open, and
the King of Elfland rushed in.
“Strike then, Bogle, if thou darest,” shouted out Childe
Rowland, and rushed to meet him with his good brand that
never yet did fail. They fought, and they fought, and they
fought, till Childe Rowland beat the King of Elfland down
on to his knees, and caused him to yield and beg for mercy.
“I grant thee mercy,” said Childe Rowland, “release my sis-
ter from thy spells and raise my brothers to life, and let us all
go free, and thou shalt be spared.” “I agree,” said the Elfin
King, and rising up he went to a chest from which he took a
phial filled with a blood-red liquor. With this he anointed
the ears, eyelids, nostrils, lips, and finger-tips, of the two
brothers, and they sprang at once into life, and declared that
their souls had been away, but had now returned. The Elfin
king then said some words to Burd Ellen, and she was disen-
chanted, and they all four passed out of the hall, through
the long passage, and turned their back on the Dark Tower,
never to return again. And they reached home, and the good
queen, their mother, and Burd Ellen never went round a
church widershins again.

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