English Fairy Tales

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English Fairy Tales
was the custom that all his servants should have some chance
for good fortune as well as himself, he called them all into
the parlour and asked them what they would send out.
They all had something that they were willing to venture
except poor Dick, who had neither money nor goods, and
therefore could send nothing. For this reason he did not
come into the parlour with the rest; but Miss Alice guessed
what was the matter, and ordered him to be called in. She
then said: “I will lay down some money for him, from my
own purse;” but her father told her: “This will not do, for it
must be something of his own.”
When poor Dick heard this, he said: “I have nothing but
a cat which I bought for a penny some time since of a little
“Fetch your cat then, my lad,” said Mr. Fitzwarren, “and
let her go.”
Dick went upstairs and brought down poor puss, with tears
in his eyes, and gave her to the captain; “For,” he said, “I shall
now be kept awake all night by the rats and mice.” All the
company laughed at Dick’s odd venture; and Miss Alice, who
felt pity for him, gave him some money to buy another cat.
This, and many other marks of kindness shown him by
Miss Alice, made the ill-tempered cook jealous of poor Dick,
and she began to use him more cruelly than ever, and always
made game of him for sending his cat to sea.
She asked him: “Do you think your cat will sell for as
much money as would buy a stick to beat you?”
At last poor Dick could not bear this usage any longer, and
he thought he would run away from his place; so he packed
up his few things, and started very early in the morning, on
All-hallows Day, the first of November. He walked as far as
Holloway; and there sat down on a stone, which to this day
is called “Whittington’s Stone,” and began to think to him-
self which road he should take.
While he was thinking what he should do, the Bells of
Bow Church, which at that time were only six, began to
ring, and their sound seemed to say to him:
“Turn again, Whittington, Thrice Lord Mayor of Lon-
“Lord Mayor of London!” said he to himself. “Why, to be
sure, I would put up with almost anything now, to be Lord
Mayor of London, and ride in a fine coach, when I grow to

Joseph Jacobs
be a man! Well, I will go back, and think nothing of the
cuffing and scolding of the old cook, if I am to be Lord
Mayor of London at last.”
Dick went back, and was lucky enough to get into the
house, and set about his work, before the old cook came
We must now follow Miss Puss to the coast of Africa. The
ship with the cat on board, was a long time at sea; and was at
last driven by the winds on a part of the coast of Barbary,
where the only people were the Moors, unknown to the
English. The people came in great numbers to see the sail-
ors, because they were of different colour to themselves, and
treated them civilly; and, when they became better ac-
quainted, were very eager to buy the fine things that the
ship was loaded with.
When the captain saw this, he sent patterns of the best
things he had to the king of the country; who was so much
pleased with them, that he sent for the captain to the palace.
Here they were placed, as it is the custom of the country, on
rich carpets flowered with gold and silver. The king and queen
were seated at the upper end of the room; and a number of
dishes were brought in for dinner. They had not sat long,
when a vast number of rats and mice rushed in, and de-
voured all the meat in an instant. The captain wondered at
this, and asked if these vermin were not unpleasant.
“Oh yes,” said they, “very offensive, and the king would
give half his treasure to be freed of them, for they not only
destroy his dinner, as you see, but they assault him in his
chamber, and even in bed, and so that he is obliged to be
watched while he is sleeping, for fear of them.”
The captain jumped for joy; he remembered poor
Whittington and his cat, and told the king he had a creature
on board the ship that would despatch all these vermin im-
mediately. The king jumped so high at the joy which the
news gave him, that his turban dropped off his head. “Bring
this creature to me,” says he; “vermin are dreadful in a court,
and if she will perform what you say, I will load your ship
with gold and jewels in exchange for her.”
The captain, who knew his business, took this opportu-
nity to set forth the merits of Miss Puss. He told his majesty;
“It is not very convenient to part with her, as, when she is
gone, the rats and mice may destroy the goods in the ship—


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