Ernest hemingway the writer of the lost generation course work

Common features of the works of Lost Generation

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2.4.Common features of the works of Lost Generation 
As the Lost Generation went hand in hand with modernism andmodernist 
artists share some major elements, there can be found somesimilarities and 
common features in the works which are written bywriters of this group. There 
are also some other characteristics in their works which ties them to the Lost 
Generation movement as well. In thenovels of this era, there is an ethnic 
distinction between the characters.Low-born lovers are fooled by their beloved 
ones’ sexual and shallowlove for them. Gatsby was not a high-born man and like 
Cohn in TheSun Also Rises who was a Jew and Brett’s lover, hated by other male 
characters who were involved with the love of the central female character. 
Excessive drinking and partying are other elements in the works of these 
writers used as a distraction to the disillusionment caused by war. War is the 
main reason which parts lovers in these novels.
After Gatsby goes to the war and Daisy chooses to marry Tom, Jake is also 
sexually disabled because of the wound caused by the war and this is the main 
reason he cannot have Brett.In most of the Lost Generation novels like The Sun 
Also Risesor The Great Gatsby, there is a male character who pursues a 
centralfemale character whose first love was a soldier and her relationshipwith 
the protagonist is the main conflict in the novel. Such femalecharacters are 
Van den Haag, Ernest. 
"Kerouac Was Here." Social Problems 
6.1 (1958): 21-28

modern women of post-war society who also act ascharity girls during the war 
years, but their image was softened by a romantic connection to the protagonist. 
Most female characters in modern poems and novels are sexually disorganized 
and try to escape the patriarchy and get control over men through the act of 
involving several men with carnal affections. 
As modernist writers found it necessary to write about new subject 
matters for making a new literature, it was clear that their new way of seeing 
life required a new form, a different way of writing. So many experimental and 
forms of writings were practiced by the writers of the Lost Generation. 
But some elements were obvious in the works of all these writers:Modernist 
works of these writers were mostly affected by theemergence of psychology 
and Freud’s theories about the humanpsyche. In modernist literary works, 
especially works written by the lost generation of writers, consciousness and 
evaluation of the interior world of characters were some of the key elements of 
their new form of writing. In this manner, the reader would be more entangled 
with inner world of the characters. Since dreams and thoughts are 
indiscriminate and chronologically disorganized in their fictions, time loses its 
sense of being linear and to be perceived as moment time. New theories of 
quantum physics and relativity --Einstein's first book on relativity 1905-- were 
attractive for writers like Hemingway (1964) or Stein to highlight the 
impossibility of being a single way for the salvation of humankind or solving a 
The substitution of the belief in absolute, comprehensible truth with a 
sort of relative, conditional truths gradually found its way into a modernist novel 
and poetry of the writers of this movement. Cities and their changing roles in the 
constitution of new societies became more prominent in the constitution of 
their works. Cities were now centers of this radical change, as movie theaters, 
skyscrapers, electric lights, telephones, automobiles and advertisements were 
Scott, John (2005). 
Industrialism: A Dictionary of Sociology
. Oxford University Press
Theado, Matt. "
Beat Generation: Literary Criticism."
The University of Wisconsin Pree 45.4 (2004): 747-61. The 
University of Wisconsin Press. Web. 6 Mar. 2012

spreading more and more during this era. Even new technologies had some 
effects on the physical procedure of writing in that era. 
With the widespread use of the typewriter, even the mechanical act 
of writing changed. As media theorist Marshall McLuhan would later 
explain, the legibility of typewriting and its visual similarity to published 
literature gave writers the feeling of being able to simultaneously compose 
and publish their work: Seated at the typewriter, the poet, much in the manner 
of the jazz musician, has the experience of performance as composition (Seed, 
2010: 14).Characters in modernist works like The Great Gatsby were more 
ambiguous, contradictory and strange in comparison with discrete well-
demarcated characters in works of Victorian writers like Dickens.
The characters became more complicated and simple adjectives were not 
sufficient for their portrayal. So common features of this group of writers 
are linked with the shared experience of them of a changing world and post-
war years which brought about the emergence of modernism in literature. 
Being affected by looseness and disillusionment of post-war years Lost 
Generation members were trying to console themselves with searching for 
new values and distractions like gaining more power in the new system of social 
class, excessive drinking, enjoying the technology and the flicker of the modern 
bright cities, but on the other hand, they were lost in the abundance of theories 
in the new century, skyscrapers and vastness of megacities and lost themselves in 
order to find new identities. 

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