Fabrik User Manual 0

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• Name - The element's name, this is used internally to represent the element. If
you are saving the form to a database table this name is used to define the
table's field that correlates to the element. No white space or non-alpha numeric
characters are allowed in the name (except for "-" and "_")
• Label - This is the text that appears next to the element in the form. In addition
it is the default text that appears at the top of the element's column in the table
view. (This can be overwritten by entering a 'Heading label' - found under the
'Table settings' tab.
• Group - This is required, you need to specify a group that the element belongs
Hint: if you are entering a series of elements into the same group, filter the
element list by said group and when you come to add a new element this drop-
down will default to the group you filtered on.
• Order - If creating a new element then the element is automatically added to
the bottom of the selected group. If editing the element then this is a dropdown
where you can select the order that the element appears within the group.
• Element type - Select the element's plug-in. The options subsection will be
filled with the selected plug-ins options.
These are specific to the selected Element type, see below for a detailed description of
each element.
• Published - State if the element is published or not, this effects if it is shown in
the form and the table view.
• Add to page title - If yes selected then the element's data will be appended to
the browser's title.
• Access - Defines which user group can enter or modify the element's data
• Read only access - Defines which user group can view a read - only version of
the form's data. With these last two features you can quickly add in features
such as allowing only editors to approve records.
These options are only applicable if the element's table has been set up to create a RSS
feed of its data
• Show in RSS feed - Selecting 'yes' will add this element's data to the feed
• Include label - If "show in RSS feed" is set to 'yes' then selecting 'yes' here will
add the element's label before the element's data in the RSS feed.
• Use as pseudo key - depreciated feature please ignore.
Tips are notes that appear when you hover over the element, they are used to provide
extra information to the user filling in the form, generally explaining what type of

information is expected.
• Hover text - Enter some text here that will be used as the hover tip content
which is shown when the mouse hovers over the element's label in the form
• Hover text title - The title for the hover text, if left blank the element's label is
• Tips over element - If no selected then the tip only appears when you hover
over the element label.
If yes selected then the tip appears when you hover over the label or the
• Show tip in detailed view - Show the tip when in the detailed view (tips are
always applied in the form view)
• Comment - An internal memo which allows you to state the purpose of the
element. This is not visible to the people filling in the form
Table settings tab
These options define how the element should behave when in the table view.
• Show in table - Select this option to display the element in the table view.
• Link to details - Select this option to enable the element label to provide a link
in the table view to the detailed or form view.

• Allow ordering -Turns the table's heading into a link, clicking on this link will
reorder the data by the values in this element's fields.
• Heading label - Override the use of the element's label as this element's
column heading in the table view.
• Icon folder - Select a folder which contains a series of images in png format.
When in the table view, if an image is found in this folder that matches the
element's value the image is used to represented the value
• custom link - If "link to details" is 'yes' then any url written in here overwrites
the standard link to details url.
• Use as row class - If set to row then each of the table's rows will have this
element's value added as an additional class name. An example where this might
be useful would be if your element was a drop down to select a priority for a
task. With this option turned on your row might have additional classes assigned
to it like "high", "medium" and "low" - you could then edit your table template to
style "high" in red, "medium" in orange and "low" in blue.
Filters are created above your table and allow your users to filter the data contained with
in your table
• Filter type - defines what filter to use
◦ None - No filter is assigned for this element
◦ Field - A free form text field is displayed allowing user to search for data
within this column
◦ Dropdown - A drop down list of all of the table's distinct values for this
element's data. If creating a drop down filter from a database join
element then the drop down contains all the data found in the joined
◦ Range - Search for data between two given values, this is mostly
applicable to date elements, for creating a ranged date filter.
• Exact match -
◦ If selected then only the exact match of the drop down will be returned
in the search data.
◦ E.g.
We had an element called “name” and within it we had rows
containing the following data:
If we select “Rob” from “name's” drop down filter, and this option is
ticked then the returned data set will contain only the record with
“Rob” listed,
If this option is not ticked then “Rob” and “Robert” would be returned
in the data set, as both “Rob” and “Robert” contain the filter “Rob”.
• Filter access - State which user group has access to using the filter.
• Return only full word searches on field searches -
◦ When using a field search, and with this option set to “yes” then only full
words are matched by the filter.
◦ E.g.
We had a element called “name” and within it we had rows containing
the following data:

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