From The North
Leave the M6 at Junction 30, taking the M61
Leave at the next Junction (9), taking the last turn off the roundabout for Walton Summit
Take the last turn off the roundabout onto Sceptre Way
From The South (M6)
Leave the M6 at Junction 29, taking the M65 for Blackburn
Leave at Junction 2, taking the turn to the left for Walton Summit
Take the last turn off the roundabout onto Sceptre Way
From The South (M61)
Leave the M61 at Junction 9, taking the second turn for Walton Summit
Take the last turn off the roundabout onto Sceptre Way
From The East
Leave the M65 at Junction 2, taking the turn for Walton Summit
Take the last turn off the roundabout onto Sceptre Way