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Janssens-Knorsch, Uta. "Commerce or Culture? The Fate of the First Circulating Library in the Netherlands." Documentatieblad Werkgroep achttiende eeuw, 23 (1991), 151-73; illus.

Janssens-Knorsch, Uta. "A Remarkable Collection of English Books in the Netherlands: The Bibliotheca Scheurleeriana, 1750-1763." Lias, 20 (1993), 287-320; appendix; facsimiles [English book listings in Scheurleer's Catalogus Librorum, qui vendundur & locantur (1751)].

Janura, Tomáš. “Neznáme šlachtické knižnice 18. storocia z Liptovkej, Trencianskej a Zvolenskej stolice” [Forgotten libraries of noblemen from Liptov, Trenčín and Zvolen Counties in the 18th century].Studia Bibliograhica Posoniensi [Slovak e-journal from Bratislava], 2014 (2014), 42-57; bibliography; English summary. [English title drawn from the author’s. A collection study of four libraries from Hungarian nobles, distinguishing different foreign language preferences (one preferring Latin, another German, and most containing many French books).]

Jarrick, Arne. "Middle and Lower Classes and Books in Eighteenth-Century Stockholm." Studies on Voltaire and the Eighteenth Century, 304 (1992), 1057-60.

Jarvis, Robin. Romantic Readers and Transatlantic Travel: Expeditions and Tours in North America, 1760-1840. (Ashgate Series in Nineteenth-Century Transatlantic Studies.) Farnham: Ashgate, 2012. Pp. 218; bibliography; illustrations; index. [Chapters titles include “America in the Periodical Press” and “’Of such books we cannot have too many’: Romantic Poets as Travel Readers.”]

Jarvis, Robin. “William Beckford: Travel Writer, Travel Reader.” Review of English Studies, 65 (2014), 99-117.

Jaugin, Elisabeth. "Les Mélanges tirés d'une grande bibliothèque: Une collection du XVIIIe siècle injustement méconnue?" Bulletin du bibliophile (1991), 380-403; 1 of plate; abstract in English [403]. [On Antoine René de Voyer d'Argenson.]

Jay, Emma. “Court Patronage Reconsidered: The English Literature in Queen Caroline’s Library.” Library & Information History, 30 (2014), 75-89; abstract.

Jay, Emma. "Queen Caroline's Library and Its European Contexts." Book History, 9 (2006), 31-56.

Jeanneret, Alain. "Aperçu historique de la Bibliothèque de l'Université de Neuchâtel. Pp. 267-78 in L'espace bibliothéconomique suisse, hier, aujourd'hui, demain: En hommage à Gustave Moeckli. Vevey: Editions de l'Aire, 1993.

Jefcoate, Graham. “Asiatick Researches: English Sources for Oriental Studies in Göttingen University Library, 1735-1800.” Libraries & Culture, 35 (1998), 283-93.

Jefcoate, Graham. "Christian Gottlob Heyne and the University Library at Göttingen as 'Universalbibliothek' of the Eighteenth Century." Library History, 14 (1998), 111-16.

Jefcoate, Graham. “The Deutsche Lese-Bibliothek and the Distribution of German Books in London, 1794-1800.” The Library, 6th ser., 9 (1987), 347-64.

Jefcoate, Graham. "Göttingen University Library and the Acquisition of Historical Books in the Eighteenth Century." Factotum, no. 37 (September 1993), 24-26.

Jefcoate, Graham. "Historic Libraries in Germany since the 'Wende': Some Recent Publications and Current Projects." Library History, 9 (1993), 235-40.

Jefcoate, Graham. “’Not a Library for Research’: Antonio Panizzi und die Universitätsbibliothek Göttingen.” Bibliothek und Wissenschaft, 41 (2008), 45-55. [In an issue entitled “Forschungsbibliothek im Aufbruch.”]

Jefcoate, Graham. “Wilhelm Philipp Best und der Londoner Buchhandel: Ein deutscher Diplomat im Dienst der Universitätsbibliothek Göttingen im 18. Jahrhundert.” Leipziger Jahrbuch zur Buchgeschichte, 6 (1996), 199-210.

Jefferson, Looney J. "Useful without Attracting Attention: The Cliosophic and American Whig Societies of the College of New Jersey, 1765-1896." Princeton University Library Chronicle, 64 (2003), 389-423.

Jensen, Kristian. Revolution and the Antiquarian Book: Reshaping the Past, 1780-1815. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2011. Pp. 328. [The volume contains Jensen’s revision of his 2008 Lyell Lectures, treating such developments as the notion of the incunabula, the altered tastes among collectors, and the production of special bindings and sophisticated copies of those early books. Rev. by Graham Falconer in French Studies, 67 (2013), 567; by Anthony Hobson in TLS (19 and 26 August 2011), 28; (favorably) by Richard A. Linenthal in The Library, 7th series, 13 (2012), 101-04; by Mark Wildermuth in 1650-1850, 19 (2012), 387-90; by Carmen Wright in Journal of the Edinburgh Bibliographical Society, 6 (2011), 131-33.]

Jensen, Lotte. “’Alleen tot nut en vermaak der Sexe ingerigt’: Een verkenning van De Dames-Post (1785).” TS: Tijdschrift voor tijdschriftstudies, no. 3 (1998), 21-26; summary in Dutch.

Jiménez, Robert T. The History of Reading and the Uses of Literacy in Colonial Mexico. (Technical Report, no. 494.) Champaign: U. of Illinois, Center for the Study of Reading, 1990. Microfiche; 24 pp.; illus.

Joby, Christopher. “The Use of the Spanish Language by the Dutch Statesman and Man of Letters, Constantijn Huygens (1596-1687).” Bulletin of Hispanic Studies, 90 (2013), 315-39. [Includes a discussion of his reading of Spanish literature and his translating from Spanish.]

Jochum, Uwe. Bibliotheken und Bibliothekare 1800-1900. Würzburg: Königshausen und Neumann, 1991.

Jochum, Uwe. Kleine Bibliotheksgeschichte. (Universal-Bibliothek, 8915.) Stuttgart: Reclam, 1993. Pp. 232; index.

Johannes, Gert-Jan, José de Kruif, and Jeroen Salman (eds.). Een groot verleden voor de boeg: Cultuurhistorische opstellen voor Joost Kloek. Leiden: Primavera, 2004. Pp. 276. [Includes several essays on eighteenth-century books and readers, including children's literature, by A. Baggerman, J. Salman, B. Dongelmans, and I. Leemans. B. Peperkamp concludes the book with a survey of Kloek's publications.]

Johns, Adrian. Nature of the Book: Print and Knowledge in the Making. Chicago: U. of Chicago Press, 1998. Pp. xxi + 753; bibliography [641-707]; index. [See Book History for reviews.]

Johnson, Michael P. "Denmark Vesey and His Co-Conspirators." William and Mary Quarterly, 3rd ser., 58 (2001), 915-76; bibliography [with lengthy lists first on the Vesey conspiracy and then on rumor, literacy, and reading.]

Johnson, Sara E. “Moreau de Saint-Méry: Itinerant Bibliophile.” Library & Information History, 31 (2015), 171-97.

Johnstone, H. Diack. “Westminster Abbey and the Academy of Ancient Music: A Library Once Lost and Now Partially Recovered.” Music and Letters, 95 (2014), 329-73. [On the discovery of manuscripts and prints formerly in the Academy of Ancient Music. Founded in London in 1726, The Academy was disbanded and its library dispersed in 1802. Johnstone describes the materials, now at the library of Westminster Abbey.]

Jolly, Claude. "La Bibliothèque de la Sorbonne de 1762 à 1987." Melanges de la bibliothèque de la Sorbonne, 10 (n.d. [c. 1990]), 152-77.

Jolly, Claude. Les Bibliothèques sous l’Ancien Régime, 1530-1789. Paris: Promodis, 1988. Pp. 547. [Includes Jolly, “Unité et diversité des collections religieuses” (11-27) and Jolly, “Les Bibliothèques bénédictines” (29-43); Paul Mech, “Les Bibliothèques de la Compagnie de Jésus” (57-63); Jacqueline Artier, “La Bibliothèque du Cardinal de Richelieu” (127-33); Simone Balayé, “La Bibliothèque du Roi, première bibliothèque du monde” (209-33); Dominique Varry, “Grandes Collections et bibliothèques des élites” (235-67); Jean Viardot, “Naissance de la bibliophilie: Les Cabinets de livres rares” (269-89); Marie-Pierre Dion, “Une Grande collection nobiliaire: La Bibliothèque du Maréchal de Croÿ” (291-301); Martine Lefèvre and Danielle Muzerelle, “La Bibliothèque du Marquis de Paulmy” (303-15); Dominique Coq, “Le Parangon du bibliophilie français: Le Duc de la Vallière et sa collection” (317-31); Germaine Meyer-Noirel, “Les Ex-Libris” (353-59); Maurice Caillet, “Les Bibliothècaires” (373-89); and Louis Desgraves, “Vers la bibliothèque publique” (391-413).]

Jolly, Claude. "Le Fonds imprimé de la bibliothèque des lycées de Paris au début du XIXe siècle." Mélanges de la bibliothèque de la Sorbonne, 11 (1991), 59-79.

Jolly, Claude. “Les Idéologues et les bibliothèques.” Pp. 679-89 in Le Livre et l'historien: Études offertes en l'honneur du Professeur Henri-Jean Martin. (Histoire et civilisation du livre, 24.) Edited by Frédéric Barbier, Annie Parent-Charon, François Dupuigrenet Desroussilles, Claude Jolly, and Dominique Varry. Geneva: Droz, 1997. Pp. xvii + 817 + [7]; index.

Jolly, Claude (ed.). Histoire des bibliothèques françaises. Vol. 2: Les bibliothèques sous l'Ancien Régime: 1530-1789. Paris: Promodis, in conjunction with the Centre National des Lettres, 1988. Pp. xv + 547; bibliography; chronology; illus.; indices of names, places, and illus. [Rev. by Genevieve Guilleminot-Chrétien in Bulletin du bibliophile (1989), 186-88; by J. A. Hiddelston in Papers of the Bibliographical Society of America, 84 (1990), 439; (with another book) by David McKitterick in Library, 6th ser., 12 (1990), 144-49.]

Jolly, Claude. [Introduction to] "Nouveau supplément au catalogue des manuscrits de la Bibliothèque de la Sorbonne." Mélanges de la bibliothèque de la Sorbonne, 11 (1991), 183-86.

Jones, E. A., and Alexandra Walsham (eds.). Syon Abbey and its Books: Reading, Writing, and Religion, c. 1400-1700. Woodbridge: Boydell Press, 2010. Pp. xvi + 268. [Rev. by David J. Crankshaw in English Historical Review, 127 (2012), 151-54; by Niall MacKenzie in Review of English Studies, 62 (2011), 809-10; by Renae Satterley in The Library, 7th series, 12 (2011), 423-26.]

Jones, Ffion Mair. “Welsh Balladry and Literacy.” Pp. 105-26 in Street Ballads in Nineteenth-Century Britain, Ireland, and North America: The Interface between Print and Oral Traditions. Edited by David Atkinson and Steve Roud. Farnham: Ashgate, 2014. Pp. 288; 14 illustrations.

Jones, Robert W. “’We Proclaim Our Darling Son’: The Politics of Chatterton’s Memory during the War for America.” Review of English Studies, 53 [211] (2002), 373-95.

Jones, Tom. “Pope and the Ends of History: Faction, Atterbury, and Clarendon’s History of the Rebellion.” Studies in Philology, 110 (2013), 890-902. [A study of Pope’s annotations of an edition of Clarendon’s The History of the Rebellion and Civil Wars in England with variants from an unidentified manuscript, which Jones suggests was to determine if Atterbury had tampered with Clarendon’s text.]

Jones-Baker, Doris W. "A Huguenot Scholar, Antiquary, and Lambeth Palace Librarian, Andrew Collée Ducarel, 1713-85." Proceedings of the Huguenot Society, 26 (1995), 330-41.

Jordan, John O, and Robert L. Patten (eds.). Literature on the Marketplace: Nineteenth-Century British Publishing and Reading Practices. New York: Cambridge U. Press, 1995. Pp. xiv + 338. [Rev. by Kate Flint in Victorian Studies, 40 (1996), 166-68; by Mark Schoenfield in Studies in Romanticism, 38 (1999), 673-88.]

Josephson, Peter. “Böcker eller universitet? Om ett tema i tysk utbildningspolitisk debatt kring 1800.” Lychnos (2009), 177-208. [On the crisis in German higher education in the eighteenth century, arguing it was in part caused by contemporary book publishing.]

Juda, Maria. "Nobilitacja Marka Ludwika Reverdila, bibliotekarza królewskiego." Roczniki biblioteczne, 33 (1989), 289-96.

Julia, Dominique (ed.). Aus sources de la compétence professionnelle: Critères scolaires et classements sociaux dans les carrières intellectuelles en Europe XVIIe-XIXe siècles. [Special issue, Paedagogica Historica, 30, no. 1 (1994).] Pp. 467. [Contributions cover a wide-range of areas of education and competence throughout Europe. For instance, the essays include Willem Frijhoff's "Inspiration, instruction, compétence? Questions autour de la sélection des pasteurs réformés aux Pays-Bas, XVIe-XVIIe siècles" (13-38); Marie-Madeleine Compère's "La formation littéraire et pédagogique des Jésuites en Europe, fin du XVIIe et début du XVIIIe siècle" (99-118); Julia's "Le Choix des professeurs en France: Vocation ou concours? 1700-1850" (175-205; figures); Marina Roggero's "Le métier de maître d'école: Problèmes et transformation dans les états italiens" (207-29); and Julio Ruiz Berrio's "Le processus de professionnalisation des instituteurs primaires en Espagne (1780-1808): Le cas du mouvement de San Ildefonso" (231-47). Most essays are in French; all are preceded by an abstract in English.]

Julia, Dominique. "La Constitution des bibliothèques des collèges: Remarques de méthode." Revue d'histoire de l'Eglise de France, 83 (1997), 145-61.

Jürgensen, Renate. Bibliotheca Norica: Patrizier und Gelehrtenbibliotheken in Nürnberg zwischen Mittelalter und Aufklärung. (Beiträge zum Buch- und Bibliothekswesen, 44; edited by Michael Knoche.) 2 vols. Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz, 2002. Pp. 1013; [x] 1014-2075. [On the history of private libraries and book collecting in Nurenberg, both broad-ranging and focused on individual collections, such as the library of Christoph Gottlieb (1733-1811). Rev. by John L. Flood in Library, 7th ser., 4 (2003), 433-34.]

Kabir, Abulfazal M. Fazle. The Libraries of Bengal, 1700-1947. London: Mansell, 1987. Pp. x + 181; bibliography; index. [Reprinted with the subtitle "The Story of Bengali Renaissance" in New Delhi by Promilla, 1988.]

Kaegbein, Paul, and Paul Sturges (eds.). "Library History Research in the International Context" [special issue of the journal]. Libraries and Culture, 25, no. 1 (1990), 1-152. [Twelve essays surveying historical research on the libraries of 12 countries, including Paul Schneiders' "Library History in the Netherlands: Problems and Suggestions" (4-10); Magnus Torstensson's "Library History Research in Sweden: A Field of Development" (11-26); Laine Peep's "Studies of Library History in Tartu University Library, Estonia, USSR" (27-39); Wayne A. Wiegand's "Library History Research in the United States" (103-15); and the like studies, with Alexander Greguletz on the GDR's libraries; K. A. Manley and Denis F. Keeling on Britain's libraries; and Stefan Kubów on publications on Polish libraries during the 1980s.]

Kakucska, Mária H. “Az Orczyanum, az Orczy család könyvtárának vázlatos története. II [Orczyanum: the short history of the library of the Orczy family II]. Magyar Könyvszemle 124.1 (2008): 27-38.

Kakucska, Mária [H?]. "Miklós Révai: L'Image de la Société Savante Hongroise ('Magyar Tudós Társaság')." Magyar Könyvszemle, 121 (2005), 335-43.

Kallendorf, Craig. "The History of Printing and Reading in Spain." Papers of the Bibliographical Society of America, 99 (2005), 309-15. [Review essay on Historia de la edición y de la lectura en España, 1472-1914 (2003), edited by Victor Infantes, François Lopez, and Jean-François Botrel (2003).]

Kallendorf, Craig. The Virgilian Tradition: Book History and the History of Reading in Early Modern Europe. (Variorum Collected Studies.) Aldershot: Ashgate, 2007. Pp. xiv + 304. [Rev. by Colin Burrow in Translation and Literature, 17 (2008), 234-37; by Steven D’Evelyn in Classical Review, n.s. 59 (2009), 135-37; M. C. Davies in Library, 7th series, 9 (2008), 350-51.]

Kalmár, János. "La Bibliothèque du prince Eugène de Savoie." Dix-huitième siècle, 25 (1993), 199-206.

Kaltwasser, Franz Georg. Bayerische Staatsbibliothek: Wechselndes Rollenverständnis im Lauf der Jahrhunderte. (Beiträge zum Buch- und Bibliothekswesen, 49.) Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz, 2006. Pp. xi + 384. [Covering the library's development since its founding in 1558. Rev. (fav.) by Matthew Z. Heintzelman in Libraries & the Cultural Record, 42 (2007), 336-38.]

Kaltwasser, Franz Georg. Die Bibliothek als Museum: Von der Renaissance bis heute, dargestellt am Beispiel der Bayerischen Staatsbibliothek. Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz, 1999. Pp. xii + 490; bibliography; illus. (some in color); indices. [Rev. by John Flood in Library, 7th ser., 2 (2001), 85.]

Kamber, Peter. "Enlightenment, Revolution, and the Libraries in Lucerne, 1787-1812." Libraries and Culture, 26 (1991), 199-218. [With a study of literacy noting close to 40% of Lucerne was illiterate and only 25% were fluent at reading and writing.]

Kämmerer, Carmen. “Ein Fund in der Bibliothek des Stadtarchivs Speyer: Wallbergers Zauberbuch in einer Ausgabe von 1805.” Wolfenbütteler Notizen zur Buchgeschichte, 37, nos. 1-2 (2012), 55-66.

Kappler, Emile. "Le Catalogue de la vente de la bibliothèque de Pierre Jurieu (1713)." Bulletin de la Société de l'Histoire du Protestantisme français, 142 (1996), 475-85.

Karkucinska, Wanda. "Biblioteka i archiwum Radiwillów w Bialej Podlaskiej." Z badan nad polskimi ksiegozbiorami historycznymi, 16 (1995), 49-73.

Karp, Sergueï. Quand Catherine II achetait la bibliothèque de Voltaire. (Publications of the Centre international d'étude du XVIIIe siècle, 2.) Ferney-Voltaire: Centre International d'Étude du XVIIIe Siècle, 1999. Pp. 67; facsimiles; index. [Rev. by H. Mason in French Studies, 56 (2002), 403; by François Moureau in Bulletin du bibliophile (2002), 184-85.]

Karro, Françoise. "Marques de royauté dans les livrets de l'Académie royale de Musique entre 1672-1687." Revue de la Bibliothèque nationale, 49 (1993), 13-25; illustrations.

Kasparová, Jaroslava. “Ke ctenárské recepci spanelské zábavné prózy Zlatého veku v ceskych zemích v 16.-18. století” [“Readers’ Perception of Spanish Comic Prose of the Golden Age in Czech Lands during the 16th-18th Century”]. Studia Bibliograhica Posoniensi (Slovak ejournal from Bratislava), 2012 (2012), 64-85. [On research to date regarding reading and then on the consumption and reception of Spanish literature in the original and other languages by upper and educated classes (translations don’t appear in Czech until the nineteenth century).]

Kassler, Michael, and Philip Olleson. Samuel Wesley (1766-1837): A Source Book. Aldershot, Hants., and Burlington, VT: Ashgate, 2001. Pp. 790. [Includes a bibliography of musical works and a bibliography of literary works and books in Wesley's library; and list of manuscripts, portraits, and verbal portraits.]

Katz, David S. God's Last Words: Reading the English Bible from the Reformation to Fundamentalism. New Haven: Yale U. Press, 2004. Pp. xvi + 397; index. [This historical survey includes the chapter "Divine Copyright and the Apotheosis of the Author in Eighteenth-Century England."]

Katzev, Richard D. In the Country of Books: Commonplace Books and Other Readings. Leicester: Matador; Troubador Publishing, 2009. Pp. 224.

Kaunas, Domas. “Jurgio Platerio Biblioteka: Knygos kulturos ir mokslo paminklas” [The Library of Jerzy Plater as a monument of book culture and science]. Knygotyra, no. 56 [2011, no. 1] (2011), 252-73. [On old books and prints in the library of Count Jerzy Plater (1810-1836), a member of a influential Lithuanian-Polish family.]

Kaunas, Domos. “Knygos Istorijos šaltiniai.” [Sources of book history]. Knygotyra, no. 54 [2010, no. 1] (2010), 19-43; summaries in Lithuanian [on 19] and English [on 43]. Available as a PDF on the internet at [Methodological instructions, providing a list of sixteen sources such as memoirs and book ownership marks.]

Kecskeméti, Gábor, and Réza Tasi. Bibliotheca et Universitas: Tanulmányok a hatvanéves Heltai János tiszteletére. Miskole, Hungary: Miskolci Egyetem BTK Magyar Nyelv- ès Irodalomtudományi Intzeté, 2011. Pp. 449. [Rev. by Katalin S. Németh in Magyar Könyvszemle, 128 (2012), 160-63.]

Keeling, Denis F. (ed.) British Library History: Bibliography 1981-1984. Compiled by Audrey H. Brodie and others in the Library History Group of the Library Association. London: Library Association, 1987. Pp. x + 190. [Rev. by Donald G. Davis, Jr., in Library History, 8 (1988), 17-18; by Anthony Olden in Libraries and Culture, 24 (1989), 112-13.]

Keeling, Denis F. (ed.) British Library History: Bibliography 1985-1988. Compiled by Audrey H. Brodie and others in the Library History Group of the Library Association. London: Library Association, 1991. Pp. x + 181. [Keeling had been editing this periodic bibliography since the 1972 publication of that for 1962-1968.]

Keeling, Denis [F.]. The Wanstead House: The Owners and their Books. Wanstead: Tylney Press in association with the Wanstead Historical Society, 1994. Pp. 54; bibliography [52-54].

Keen, Paul. "Clearing the Field: New Perspectives on Book History." Eighteenth-Century Studies, 36 (2002), 125-31. [Rev. essay treating Books and the Sciences in History, ed. by Marina Frasca-Spada and Nick Jardine (2000); The Book History Reader, ed. by David Finkelstein and Alistair McCleery (2002); Books and their Readers in Eighteenth-Century England, ed. by Isabel Rivers (2001); and History and the Disciplines: The Reclassification of Knowledge in Early Modern Europe, ed. by Donald R. Kelly (1997).]

Keen, Paul. Literature, Commerce, and the Spectacle of Modernity, 1750-1800. (New York: Cambridge University Press, 2012. Pp. xi + 250; 8 illustrations. [On the cultural trends involving conspicuous consumption and novelty, including a chapter on “Bibliomania: The Rage for Books and the Spectacle of Culture.” Rev. (fav.) by by Liz Bellamy in Journal for Eighteenth-Century Studies, 37 (2014), 280-81; by Timothy Campbell in Modern Philology, 112 (2015), 322-26.]

Keenan, Siobhan. “Embracing Submission? Motherhood, Marriage, and Mourning in Katherine Thomas’s Seventeenth-Century ‘Commonplace Book.’” Women’s Writing, 15, no. 1 (2008), 69-85; summary.

Keene, Derek, Arthur Burns, and Andrew Saint (eds.). St. Paul's: The Cathedral Church of London, 604-2004. New Haven: Yale U. Press, 2004. Pp. xiii + 538; illus. (chiefly colored); maps (colored). [Includes, among many essays on diverse aspects of the Cathedral, Nigel Ramsay's "The Library and Archives to 1897."]

Kelleher, Margaret, and Philip O'Leary (eds.). The Cambridge History of Irish Literature. 2 volumes. Volume 1: To 1890; Volume 2: 1890-2000. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2006.

Kelley, Mary. Learning to Stand and Speak: Women, Education, and Public Life in America's Republic. Chapel Hill: U. of North Carolina Press, for the Omohundro Institute of Early American History and Culture, 2006. Pp. 294; illus. [Reprinted in paperback in 2008. Rev. (fav.) by E. Jennifer Monaghan in The Book (newsletter of the American Antiquarian Society, Worcester, MA), No. 70 (Nov. 2006), 3-4, noting it "advances our knowledge of how women created for themselves a public presence," treating in detail various educational initiatives. Reprinted, in paperback, 2008.]

Kelley, Mary. "'A more glorious revolution': Women's Antebellum Reading Circles and the Puruit of Public Influence." New England Quarterly, 76 (2003), 163-96.

Kelley, Mary. “’The Need of their Genius’: Women’s Reading and Writing Practices in Early America.” Journal of the Early Republic, 28 (2008), 1-22.

Kellner, Stephan. "Bibliotheca erotica Krenneriana: Eine bürgerliche Privatsammlung um 1800." Bibliotheksforum Bayern, 22 (1994), 64-86; illus.

Kelly, Donald R. (ed.). History and the Disciplines: The Reclassification of Knowledge in Early Modern Europe. Rochester, NY: U. of Rochester Press, 1997. Pp. viii + 344. [Includes Paul Nelles' "The Library as an Instrument of Discovery: Gabriel Naudé and the Uses of History."]

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