Contents: introduction

Steps to get Admission in Germany for MS

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General Information about Germany

3.2. Steps to get Admission in Germany for MS

Germany is known for its cutting-edge technology and recently attracted many Indian students to pursue their MS and then eventually take up a job there. In this blog post, we listed all the steps that you need to take to get admission in Germany for MS. Before we start to discuss about how to get admission in Germany for MS. Let us start with the reasons to choose Germany:

  1. No tuition fees: The education in Germany has subsidised i.e literally everyone gets a scholarship. The average semester fees for a German University is about 300 euros i.e INR 24,000. Even if you do not get a part-time job or Research Assistantship position, you will be spending at max. 700 euros per month i.e 700*80*18(months) = 10lacs approx. I have just taken 18 months instead of 24 because last semester is Thesis and everyone gets a stipend during their Thesis.

  2. A wide variety of courses in English: It is a misconception that Germany offers courses in German only. You can easily find MS programs where you will be studying only in English.

  3. Working Part-time: You can work 240 half days (4 hours each day) or 120 full days (8 hours each day)

  4. Visa extension: If you do an MS program from Germany, you will get an extended 1.5 year Visa for finding a job in Germany, unlike countries like the USA where you have to return to India within 3 months if you don’t find a job.

  5. Easy of Admission: The German Universities do not fight with each other to be on top, every University is unique and hence makes admission for International students pretty easy.

Steps to get Admission in Germany for MS
Here is the list of all the steps to get Admission in Germany for MS. These steps are mentioned below in the order of priority. Many of the Steps to get Admission in Germany for MS can be executed in parallel.

  1. Get your passport: Assuming that you are just starting off, your first task is to get your Passport. This step is not optional. Your passport is like a passkey which unlocks many doors along the way.

  2. Take the IELTS test (if necessary): You may need to prove English language proficiency based on your course requirements. You can do that by taking an English language test (IELTS/TOFEL). IELTS is a popular option and is widely accepted by German universities.

  3. Take the GRE (if necessary): Some German universities also list GRE score card as an admission requirement (TUM, RWTH Aachen). In such a case, you need to take the GRE test. This test will measure your English and basic math skills. It usually takes far more preparation time than IELTS. So starting early is important.

  4. Order your bachelor’s transcripts from your university: Your transcripts and degree certificate are the mandatory requirements for any course (exclude degree certificate if you’re still in college). If you are a working professional, your next step is to visit your university and order few copies of your transcripts. Also, inform the responsible person that transcripts should be stamped and sealed. It might take a few days/weeks before you get them.

  5. Prepare your Curriculum Vitae (CV): Your CV is another mandatory document listed on every university course requirements page. It is necessary that you create or update your CV based on university type.

  6. Prepare your SOP: Statement of Purpose (SOP) is perhaps one of the most important documents you send along with your application. This is the one document that you have to create from scratch. It takes more time and effort than you may think to end up with a satisfactory version of your SOP. You should cover the following points:

    1. How you got into Engineering and how did you develop an interest in your particular stream.

    2. What have you achieved so far that you feel you qualify as a candidate to be selected

    3. Why did you choose that particular University and Why do you want to go to Germany

    4. What is your long-term goal and how will this MS help you achieve it.

  7. Get your LORs: Letter of recommendation is the (positive) personal assessment given by your supervisor. LORs are given a relatively higher level of consideration in European universities and play an important role in getting you the admission, especially into the Technical Universities. You need to collect 2-3 LORs from your past or current supervisors (university professors, project manager etc.).

  8. Send out your Applications: Now that you have got all the required documents, it is time to start the application process. There are two ways to apply:

    1. Applying via their website and using the portal. Most German Universities do not charge any application fees. Just create an account on the portal, upload your documents and then your application is printed and finally post it to their Admissions Office. Some universities ask for the transcripts to be sent directly to their Office, which some are not fussy about this and do not differentiate between Official/Unofficial transcripts. This is the most widely adopted procedure for German universities.

    2. UNI-ASSIST: Some universities prefer that the students apply via Uni-Assist for MS. The application fees for one application is €75 and €30 for every subsequent application.

    3. There are two types of Universities in Germany:

      1. Technische Universitat: Technical universities which are more Academia oriented. There are 105 of them.

      2. Fachhochschule (FH): Universities of Applied sciences which are more Industry oriented. There are 205 of them.

  9. Apply for education loan (if necessary): You may be required to apply for education/student loan to support yourself during your stay in Germany i.e. for your tuition fee, travel and living expenses. Applying for a student loan could be a tedious process.

  10. Transfer money to Deutsche Bank Blocked Account: You will be asked to transfer the money equivalent to 8700 euros to a German bank blocked account prior to your Visa Interview. This is again a mandatory step. Although the process is simple, there are few things which need your attention like currency exchange rates.

  11. Take the travel insurance: This is a trivial yet mandatory step in this process. Your travel insurance covers you during your travel and initial few days in Germany. You will be asked to produce this document during you Visa Interview or during Visa collection.

  12. Book your flight: This is the last step before your Visa Interview.

  13. Apply for the German student VISA: This is the final step to achieving your goal. Also, since you have come so far through the exhausting application process, this could step could get on your nerves.

  14. Get a Prepaid card: Once you arrive in Germany, it may take a few days before you can withdraw money from your German bank account. A Prepaid card will come in handy in such a situation. You can pre-load the money into this card and use it just like any other debit card.

  15. Pack your bags and say goodbyes! : You can’t be negligent about this step. Get the shopping list right and be smart about things to pack.

  16. Things that an Indian student should carry while moving to Germany for studies

  17. Let us know if we missed or you have any doubt in the above steps to get admission in Germany for MS Program.

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