Draft operational guidelines of digital india land records modernization programme (dilrmp) introduction

Preparations for the survey work using TS+DGPS

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Final Draft Revised Guideline of DILRMP with manual

1.2 Preparations for the survey work using TS+DGPS
a) There should be adequate number of survey teams and adequate number of adjudicating teams to complete the work as per the schedule.
b) Each survey team should have at least one TS operator, one plane-tabler and four support staff.
c) Each survey team should have adequate number of field workers and supervisory staff conversant with the local language.
d) The adjudication team shall consist of the survey adjudicator, who will invariably be a Government official, assisted by one surveyor and one TS operator. Where the work is outsourced, the vendor will provide the TS operator along with a TS.
e) A well-equipped survey centre shall be established in each village by the survey agency. Where the work is outsourced, the State Government/UT Administration may decide upon sharing of the expenses between the government and the vendor.
f) A Gram Sabha meeting should preferably be called, to which the concerned local officials should be invited, and the entire action plan (including the day-wise survey schedule) should be discussed before commencing the survey work to facilitate further cooperation for the survey exercise.
g) Two tertiary control points and one auxiliary control point should be established with the help of the DGPS by extending the primary/secondary control network, before the commencement of ground truthing.
h) The tertiary and auxiliary control points should be plotted on a blank plane-table (PT) section on 1:2000 scale, on which the Universal Traverse Mercator (UTM) grids (X,Y) have been drawn.

    1. Participatory ground truthing

(a) The field work shall commence as per the schedule published.
(b) Delineation of parcel boundaries shall be carried out using TS and plane-tabling, as indicated below:
i) The surveyor with TS will start the work from a tertiary control point, using the auxiliary control point for back sighting. The vertices/corner points of the land parcel will be surveyed as offsets from various traverse stations. The traverse will finally be closed on the second tertiary point for checking the accuracy of the traverse. The systematic errors in the traverse will be distributed for computing the final co-ordinates of vertices/corners of the land parcel. The work will be carried out with reference to the existing land records and as per the procedure laid down in the relevant Revenue manual, in the presence of the concerned owner(s)/enjoyer(s) and the owner(s)enjoyer(s) of the adjacent land parcels.
ii) The land parcel boundary, as surveyed using the TS, will be plotted on the PT section in the field itself. For this purpose, the plane-tabler will position himself/herself close to the TS, so as to enable plotting of the parcel boundaries simultaneously.
iii) Wherever there is reserved forest or land transferred to the Forest Department, or Government/community land is involved, the concerned officials should be involved in identifying the relevant parcel boundaries.
iv) The survey team should take care that the ridges which are not actually boundaries of the parcels, are not taken into account for delineation of the parcel boundaries.
v) In cases where collective cultivation is done, or where boundaries are not demarcated, the parcel boundaries should be recorded only after their demarcation on the ground has been carried out with reference to the existing land records and as per the procedure laid down in the relevant revenue manual, in the presence of the concerned owner(s)/enjoyer(s).
vi) Each land parcel should be identified by its owner(s)/enjoyer(s) and should be given a unique ID which shall be used for linking the attributes data collected in respect of the land parcel.
vii) The land owner(s)/enjoyer(s), who intend to affix stones at their field junctions, may be shown the points where stones can be affixed.
viii) The current land use, irrigation status and other land attributes data shall also be collected by the survey team. All such information should also be incorporated on the PT and its auxiliary records.

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