Manual of the Society of St. Vincent de Paul in the United States

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Termination of Membership

A member is considered to be separated from the Society under the following conditions:

  • Voluntary resignation or cessation of effective membership (e.g., protracted unexcused absence from Conference meetings).

  • Enforced resignation. Implemented only for grave reasons and for the common good of the Society. Approval for such action must first be obtained from the National President. (Rule, Pt. III, Statute 17)

In becoming members, Vincentians enter into a familial relationship. As a “family,” the Society is attentive to manifestations of slackening interest. Officers and members reach out to absent “brothers” and “sisters,” affirming their friendship and assuring them of continuing welcome. If a member’s disaffection has been caused by some slight or oversight, the Conference or Council attempts to repair the breach and restore the fullest relationship. Members should pray over the passage in Mt. 18: 15-20 concerning fraternal correction and try everything possible to revitalize the relationship:

Jesus said to his disciples: “If your brother or sister should commit some wrong against you, go and point out his/her fault, but keep it between the two of you. If he/she listens to you, you have won them over. If they do not listen, however, summon another, so that every case may stand on the word of two or three witnesses. If they ignore them, refer it to the church. If they ignore the church, then threat them as you would a Gentile or a tax collector. I assure you, whatever you declare bound on earth shall be bound in heaven, and whatever you declare loosed on earth shall be held loosed in heaven. Again I tell you, if two of you join your voices on earth to pray for anything whatever, it shall be granted you by my Father in heaven. Where two or three are gathered in my name, there am I in their midst.” (Mt. 18: 15-20)


  • Effective Conferences are reachable. Parish-based Conferences must provide a clear means for being contacted. Some use the parish office address and phone number and check in regularly to retrieve messages and correspondence.

  • Effective Conferences meet regularly. The Rule requires weekly or biweekly meetings. At these meetings, all members offer their thoughts and support for providing Christian care to the needy.

  • Effective Conferences are committed to grow in spirituality. Members become friends, care for one another and earnestly follow the Society’s religious practices. Like Christ, they identify with the poor, whom they visit promptly, regularly, and attentively.

  • Effective Conferences show initiative. Routine, tradition, and habit do not dictate current thought and action. Can the Conference do more? Alert officers and members continually and deliberately ask, answer, and act on such questions.

  • Effective Conferences have members committed to formation. They read, study, attend lectures and courses, and participate in training sessions organized by their District Council in order to learn more about helping people and solving problems.

  • Effective Conferences recruit continuously. One reason Conferences give for not tackling new problems is lack of personnel. But dramatic vistas are unveiled when members invite new Vincentians to join in the service of the poor.

  • Effective Conferences have competent leaders. The officers of the Conference handle their specific duties with whatever competence they have naturally or can cultivate. They work hard, but share with members the responsibility for decision-making and action.

  • Effective Conferences maintain ties to the community. Helping people today often requires knowledge of and referrals to other public and private agencies. The Conference deliberately makes itself known to these groups and cultivates relationships of mutual respect to facilitate referrals to and from such agencies.

  • Effective Conferences participate in their Council activities.. The president or his proxy represents the Conference at District Council meetings. Conference members take part in general meetings and religious observances, provides support and personnel for the special works of the District Council.

  • Effective Conferences understand the national and international dimensions of the Society. Members show practical concern for the work of the Society in less developed or disaster-stricken areas by generously sharing their resources. If possible, they “twin” with needy Conferences domestically or internationally.

  • Effective Conferences are both wealthy and poor. Their members generously support the work of the Conference and elicit similar generosity from friends of the Society. But the Conferences always seem poor, because they share, thoughtfully and intelligently, whatever they have. They do not save for a rainy day, knowing that many are in need here and now.

Legal and Financial Realities

    The Society of St. Vincent de Paul must meet the legal, reporting, and financial obligations required of all nonprofit, tax-exempt organizations. Since these obligations are subject to change and may vary widely from the federal to the state level, from state to state, and even from state to locality, Conferences should consult the National Office for the latest federal requirements and a local attorney for the state and local requirements.

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