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Paper Abstract (long)

Soil and sub-soil information (like geology, geotechnics, soil and ground water)Êneeds to be collected, managed and disseminated through an INSPIRE compliant information system. This presentation covers the objectives for the system and describes the design principles and approach taken to realize this large-scale project using open source technology like PostGIS, GeoServer, GeoNetwork, OpenLayers and Geomajas. The presenter will explain what the advantages and challenges are of working with FOSS software, what they have learned so far and what best practices can help to make similar projects successful.

Topic type

Target Type

Case Studies: Relate your experiences.

Business Cases: building the economic case.

Visualization: effective presentation of information.

People new to open source geospatial


End User

Technical / Developer

People interested in INSPIRE case studies

Additional Presenters


Marleen Van Damme


LNE (Environmental Agency Flanders)



Wouter Schaubroeck


HP Belgium


ID Number



Mohamed Sayed


Nokia & OpenEgypt & others.


Paper Title

Foss4G in AWS: Choosing, deploying and tuning Open Source components in AWS

I can give a practical demo


Paper Abstract (short)

This presentation will cover leveraging cloud computing, specifically AWS public cloud, to support development and deployment of FOSS4G components.

Paper Abstract (long)

1-Use cases: why would AWS makes sense? We will focus on the following use cases: A-The premise of on demand computing resources, and using that for tile rendering, geocoding or route calculation. B-The premise of high availability and multi-region infrastructure and using that as a disaster recovery option. C-The premise of readily available infrastructure and using that to support ongoing development and testing. 2-What is available in AWS: A-Infrastructure components(various configuration of EC2 instances, storage types, etc) B-Software as a service components, covering queues, relational databases, etc. C-Scalability model in AWS: horizontal scalability vs vertical scalability. 3-Spatial data storage in AWS: A-Postgresql + PostGIS with OSM dataset: techniques on deployment, benchmarks on different infrastructure types. B-MySQL spatial with OSM datasets: techniques , benchmarks with different infrastructure types C-NoSQL storage: Using Solr as a POI storage: techniques, benchmarks using the geonames dataset. D-NoSQL storage: Using neo4j to store OSM or geonames data : techniques, benchmarks on various different infrastructure types. 4-Geocoding using FOSS in AWS: A-GISGraphy as a geocoder: background, techniques, benchmarks, issues. B-Foursquare's Twofishes: background, deployment, benchmarks, issues. C-Geocommons Geocoder: background, deployment, benchmarks, issues. 5-Routing using FOSS in AWS: A-Open Source Routing Machine: background, deployment, benchmarks, issues. B-OpenVRP: background, deployment, benchmarks, issues. 6-Tile Rendering using FOSS in AWS: A-Geoserver: background, deployment, benchmarks, issues. B-Mapserver; background, deployment, benchmarks, issues. 7-Summary and further readings About the presenter: Mohamed Sayed has over 17 years of professional experience in Software Engineering, System Engineering and Architecture. For the past 7 years he has been focused on Web Services at scale. Mohamed Sayed played a key role in building the Nokia's Core Cloud platform serving major partners like Bing, Yahoo, Amazon, etc. He has a strong proponent of Open Source Software, and has been a Linux/BSD user since his teen years. He is currently working to evangelize and promote Open Source Software in Africa and especially Egypt.

Topic type

Target Type

Case Studies: Relate your experiences.

Benchmarks: Comparisons between packages.

Development: new developments in products.

Hacks and Mashes: novel solutions to our problems.

People new to open source geospatial


End User

Technical / Developer

ID Number



Marko Turkovic


IGEA ltd.


Paper Title

FOSS4G in large-scale projects

I can give a practical demo


Paper Abstract (short)

The presentation covers experiences and challenges encountered during the implementation of the Kosovo Spatial Data Infrastructure. The SDI consists of GeoPortal, Cadaster and Land Information System and the Address Register, all implemented on the FOSS stack and interconnected via OGC services.

Paper Abstract (long)

During the last few years, Open-source GIS software has been taking precedence over proprietary GIS software. ItÕs even becoming viable for implementation of large-scale, national GIS projects with a large number of users; projects traditionally supported by proprietary software. The Kosovo Spatial Data Infrastructure (SDI) is one example of this new trend. It consists of several service-oriented modules: GeoPortal, Cadaster and Land Information System (CLIS) and the Address Register (AR). All of these are designed and implemented on the FOSS stack and interconnected via OGC services based on Service-Oriented Architecture concepts. At the heart of the whole system lies the GeoPortal - the main official channel for spatial data dissemination. It provides discovery and view services for the underlying spatial data and enables ordering and downloading of the data by exposing it via its services. The main part of the AR and CLIS applications is a web-based feature Viewer/Editor which supports a rich set of feature editing capabilities including: quadratic BŽzier curve digitization, digitization of adjacent polygons, client-side polygon splitting, topology preserving feature modification tool, multipolygon digitization, digitization of perpendicular and parallel lines, etc. The Viewer/Editor application is optimized to handle a large number of features without overburdening the clientÕs browser while maintaining a high performance level. The project utilizes many of the FOSS4G frameworks and projects such as OpenLayers, GeoExt, GeoServer, GeoWebCache, GDAL/OGR, JTS and its ports, GeoAPI, proj4, MapFish Printing service and GeoSolutions Style-editor, so you could call it a real showcase of available FOSS4G potential. Besides the standard GIS functionalities, the system offers capabilities such as importing of spatial data and feature class creation from the web interface using the GeoServer REST API, dynamic handling of user-defined styles for layers and multilanguage support for alphanumeric as well as the spatial data. Initially, there were some doubts about implementing such a large-scale solution on FOSS, but at the end of the project it has become clear that it lives up to our expectations. The presentation focuses on our experiences and challenges related to building the SDI on FOSS stack.

Topic type

Target Type

Case Studies: Relate your experiences.

People new to open source geospatial


Technical / Developer

Additional Presenters


Igor Bremec


IN2 Ltd.



Tomislav Obad


Igea Ltd.


ID Number



Doh Kyoung Tae


Osgeo korea


Paper Title

Gamification in GIS

I can give a practical demo


Paper Abstract (short)

Introducing simple GIS gamification service using openlayers and nodeMap

Paper Abstract (long)

Many people like Google maps and Bing map, apple map. But, they always say "GIS is difficult" I don't understand this situation. So I made a gamification tool for GIS using Openlayers and NodeMap.

Topic type

Target Type

Visualization: effective presentation of information.

Development: new developments in products.

People new to open source geospatial

Technical / Developer

ID Number



Frank Warmerdam




Paper Title

GDAL/OGR Project Status

I can give a practical demo


Paper Abstract (short)

An overview of the capabilities of the GDAL/OGR (Geospatial Data Abstraction Library) project will be covered, followed by a focus on new developments in the last two years and future directions for the project.

Paper Abstract (long)

An overview of the capabilities of the GDAL/OGR (Geospatial Data Abstraction Library) project will be covered, followed by a focus on new developments in the last two years and future directions for the project.

Topic type

Target Type

Development: new developments in products.

End User

Technical / Developer

ID Number



Ignacio Talavera


Intendencia de Montevideo Uruguay


Paper Title

Generating JEE GIS Aplication with geoMVD

I can give a practical demo


Paper Abstract (short)

GIS Enterprise Framework Application Generator

Paper Abstract (long)

This framework allows the generation of GIS JEE applications from any Geodatabase and in a completely declarative way (using XML) without coding. Besides you can define a user layer that is an abstraction of many related database layers. This software is Open Source and can be downladed from

Topic type

Target Type

Case Studies: Relate your experiences.

Development: new developments in products.

Collaboration: data collection, data sharing, open standards.


Technical / Developer

Additional Presenters


Miguel Barone


Intendencia de Montevideo


ID Number



Jeroen Ticheler


GeoCat BV


Paper Title

GeoCat Bridge - Publish from ArcGIS Desktop into FOSS4G

I can give a practical demo


Paper Abstract (short)

GeoCat Bridge helps to bridge the gap between proprietary and open source solutions. The goal of this product is to provide a solution that makes it extremely easy for users to publish their data on a GeoNetwork, GeoServer and/or MapServer based server solution.

Paper Abstract (long)

GeoCat Bridge helps to bridge the gap between proprietary and open source solutions. The goal of this product is to provide a solution that makes it extremely easy for users to publish their data on a GeoNetwork, GeoServer and/or MapServer based server solution. The tool converts the ArcMap symbology to symbology optimized for GeoServer and MapServer. Data can be loaded to the server on the file system or straight into PostGIS. It manages metadata at the source and publishes it as clean ISO19139 metadata. This extension creates a bridge where both proprietary, open source solution providers and open standards supporters are winners.

Topic type

Target Type

Business Cases: building the economic case.

Visualization: effective presentation of information.

Development: new developments in products.

People new to open source geospatial


End User

Technical / Developer

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