Stry of higher and secondary specialized education of the republic of uzbekistan termez state university

Classification of building terms by thematic groups

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Dissertatsiya, oxirgi versiya 3

3.1.1. Classification of building terms by thematic groups

The classification of building terms by thematic groups makes it possible to comprehensively identify the main fund of this terminological system, to establish the patterns of their development, the features of term formation, and also makes it possible to determine the place and role of building terminology in the general terminological system of the language.

There are also works by Uzbek linguists in which certain term systems of the Uzbek language are studied on the basis of thematic groups. Such, for example, are the works of S. Ibragimov, N. Mamatov, R. Daniyarov, T. Tursunova, M. Asomutdinova and others.

From the analysis of the above works, it becomes clear that "lexico-semantic groups are words of the same part of speech, united by homogeneity or closeness of meanings." In some works devoted to the study of the construction terminology of the Uzbek language, attention is drawn to the special lexical and semantic features of building terms, to the methods of their formation, etc., and then this terminology is divided into the following six lexical and grammatical sections: building materials and details; tools and construction machines, construction objects and parts of buildings; building processes; construction organizations, positions and professions, construction documentation, scientific, abstract terms.

The Uzbek language has its own internal lexical and grammatical features inherent in each of them. Given this situation, in our work we tried to make our own adjustments to the thematic classification of building terms in the Uzbek language. For example, in this work by R.R. Masharipov, the lexical-semantic category of construction terms "building materials and details" is divided into three subsections, which include: "natural building materials", "artificial building materials", "building details". The materials collected on the object of this study allow the thematic section "building materials and parts" to be divided into eleven subsections. Such a subtle thematic operation of this lexico-semantic group makes it possible to more clearly distinguish various building materials from each other, as well as to have a more complete understanding of them.

In our opinion, in the classification of building terms by R.R. Masharipov, several independent thematic groups are combined into one group, which leads to individual inaccuracies. So, in his work, the names of persons, the names of positions, professions and the names of organizations are included in one thematic group. This, of course, is not entirely true, because each of them constitutes a separate thematic group, they differ from each other in the repetition of meanings, as well as in word-formation features, etc. Based on this, we propose the following classification of building terms according to lexical-thematic groups.

1. Terms denoting the names of persons whose activities are related to construction.

2. Terms denoting building materials.

3. Terms denoting construction machines and tools.

4. Terms denoting construction processes.

5. Terms denoting buildings and their parts.

6. Terms denoting the properties of buildings and materials.

7. Terms denoting construction organizations and construction documentation.

Now we will try to cover in more detail each of these thematic groups of building terms.

  1. Terms denoting the names of persons whose activities are related to construction Both in other languages and in the Uzbek language, a separate group of construction terms is formed by terms denoting the names of persons, i.e. activities related to construction.

It is known that in Central Asia, in particular on the territory of our modern republic, starting from the 14th century, grandiose architectural monuments were built. This is eloquently evidenced by unique architectural monuments in Samarkand, Bukhara, Khiva, Termez and other cities. All this led to a narrower specialization of construction work. As a result of this, even in those days such specialties as muhandis, naqqosh, toshtarosh, ganchkor, koshinkor, me'mor, etc. appeared;

It should be emphasized that the terms included in this thematic group are constantly in dynamics, i.e. their composition is replenished, updated, obsolete ones cease to be used, and in their place new ones appear that meet the requirements of modern construction. The process of updating this terminological system can be shown in the following examples. So, in the past, such terms as banno, muhandis, chubkor, etc. were in use, but at present they are not used. The terms used for many years koshitarosh - stone cutter, stone carver were replaced by the term pardozchi, sayqalchi.

Types of work begin with a project drawing and end with the building fully operational. Each process is performed by a specific specialist, who has his own name. For example, if montajchi - the installer is engaged in assembling large-panel blocks of the building, then kranchi - the crane operator is only busy delivering these blocks to him. In the same way, if geodezchi - a surveyor determines the geodetic conditions of the sites under construction, then ekskavatorchi - an excavator prepares the foundation on these sites.

Based on this, below we will consider the lexical-semantic groups of names of persons whose progressions are associated with construction. They differ in the nature of the work they perform:

  1. Names of persons that are common to the construction. For example: quruvchi - a builder, binokor - a builder, an architect, shaharsoz - a city planner, uysoz - a house builder, yordamchi - a handyman, tunukasoz - a tinsmith, boschqaruvchi - a manager, loyihachi - a designer, an architect, buyurtmachi - a customer, pudratchi - a contractor.

  2. Names of professions that prepare the raising of walls and that deliver building materials: geyodezchi - geodesist, planirovkachi - planner, shibbalovchi - rammer, lahimchi - digger, poydevor yotqizuvchi - foundation layer, betonchi - concrete worker, temirchi - tinsmith and others.

  3. Names of professions that are directly involved in construction: montajchi - installer, g`isht teruvchi - bricklayer, kranchi - crane operator, sinchkor – a person involved in laying the frame, etc.

  4. Names of professions that are engaged in finishing work: parketchi - parquet floor, polsoz - floor installer, suvoqchi - plasterer, plumber, ganchkor - ganch finisher, o`ymakor - engraver, engraver, vodoprovotchi - plumber.

Structurally, they can be simple and complex:

Simple nominations include: sozlovchi - adjuster, parmakash - driller, tahlovchi - stacker, duradgor - carpenter, payvandchi - welder, etc.

Complex nominations include: yer qazuvchi, yo`l quruvchi, tosh yotqizuvchi, tom yopuvchi, etc.

II. Terms for building materials

On the current territory of Uzbekistan, the construction of dwellings began about two thousand years ago BC. But these dwellings were simple dugouts and huts[
Узбекистон ССР тарихи. - Тошкент, т . 1 , 1970, с.47-48.]. Little was required for their construction, namely: loy - clay, qum - sand, tuproq; - soil, kesak - clay lump, xom-g`isht - raw brick, taxta - wood, guvala - lump of dry clay.

According to historical data, in the IX-X centuries. AD the foundations of architecture and architecture were laid. It was from that time that burnt bricks, etc., began to be used in construction.

In connection with the expansion of construction and the introduction of new technology, it became necessary to use new and new building materials. And this, in turn, led to the appearance in the Uzbek language of new terms related to construction. It should be noted that the number of terms of the considered thematic group is increasing rapidly. This thematic group covers both the names of the building materials themselves and their details.

Since the terms denoting building materials constitute the main part of construction terminology, naturally, they constitute a separate lexico-semantic group. In turn, this group is subdivided into several subgroups. It is known that the classification of groups of terms by topic depends on the purpose of the building materials themselves.

G.I. Gorchakov, in his work devoted to the presentation of building materials, classifies them into the following groups:

a) natural stone materials; b) ceramic products; c) inorganic binders; d) concrete and products from them; e) mortars; f) artificial stone unfired materials and products; g) glass materials and products; h) materials and products made of wood; i) heat-insulating materials and products; j) acoustic materials; k) organic binders and materials from them; l) materials and products made of plastics; m) paintwork materials86.

Building materials are primarily divided into two main groups:

  1. general building materials used in all construction work: cement, concrete, wood;

  2. special-purpose building materials used in special construction works: acoustic, heat-insulating, refractory materials.

Building materials according to the totality of technological and operational features are grouped as follows: natural stone materials, wood materials and products, ceramic materials, concrete and mortars, metal materials, heat-insulating materials, organ-binding substances, waterproofing and polymeric materials, varnishes and paints. With this grouping, the chemical and technological characteristics of building materials, their specific features are taken into account, therefore, we consider it appropriate to study the terms denoting building materials for the above subgroups.

1. Terms denoting natural stone materials

• Natural stones in construction can be used both in finished form and in the form of any raw material made from stones. Terms denoting natural stone materials, as well as raw materials obtained from them, consist of:

  1. from the names that make up the rocks of minerals and their varieties. For example: quartz, opal, corundum, aluminosilicate, dala shpati - feldspar, mica, muscovite, biotite, vermiculite, augite, amphibole, magnit kalsiy silikat - magnetic calcium silicate, serpentine, kaolinite, etc.;

  2. from the names of ejected rocks and their varieties: granite, syenite, diorite, gabbro, labradorite, diatase, andesite, basalt, vulqon kuli - volcanic ash, vulqon tufi - volcanic tuff, tuf lavasi - lava tour, gneiss, pumice, trachyte , granite, beshtaunit, etc.;

  3. from the names of sedimentary rocks and their varieties: ohaktosh - limestone, bo`r - diatomite, magnesite, dolomite, gypsum, anhydride, etc.;

  4. from the names of metamorphic rocks and their varieties: marmar - marble, gneiss, quartzite, etc.

  1. Terms denoting forest-building materials

Since ancient times, in Uzbek national construction, such trees as terak - poplar, tol - willow holly, qayrag`och - elm, tut - mulberry, archa - juniper, juniper tree, etc. have been used as a building material.

Later, such trees began to be used: oak, birch, pine, etc. From the forest, or rather from wood, various building materials are made, which, of course, have their own nominations.

These, for example, include the following names denoting forestry semi-finished products: xori - ceiling beam, sarrov - side beam at the base of the ceiling (on which transverse beams or rafters are placed), to`sin - crossbar, beam, xoda - log, xodacha - a small log, a log, chorak g`o`la - a quarter of a block of wood, logs, taxta - a board, sinch - a frame, a wooden frame of a building, tombop rezgi - a scrap suitable for a roof. They also include a farm, plastic, timber, plinth, fillet, shingle, etc.

This group also includes the following terms that designate fully finished forest-building materials: eshik - door, kesaki - box / wooden, parquet, rum-frame, etc.

3. Terms for ceramic materials

Ceramic materials are used in modern construction in all parts of the building.

It is known that in construction terminology, the generic term is the so-called mineral gel - clay, which has become the main raw material for ceramic building materials. The terms denoting materials include the following: g`isht - brick, g`ovak gisht - hollow brick, keramik tosh - ceramic stone, keramzit shag`al - expanded clay crushed stone (they denote ceramic materials suitable for walls and roofs), koshin plitka - tile, gilam nusxa plitka - tile, the patterns of which are likened to a carpet, polbop keramika - floor ceramics, drops (they indicate facing materials), kanalizatsiya quvuri - sewer pipe, vanna, umivalnik - washbasin, toilet bowl (they indicate sewer and sanitary materials).

4. Terms for inorganic binders

Building materials that become sticky like dough when mixed with water and gradually harden are called inorganic binders in building terminology.

These building materials, according to their composition and features, are designated by the following terms: sement xamiri - cement - ready-made dough, sement toshi - cement stone, qorishma - mixture, qurilish qorishmasi - mortar, beton qorishmasi - concrete mortar, concrete, temirbeton - reinforced concrete, kurilish gipsi - building gypsum, ohak - lime, kaustik magnezit - caustic magnesite, kaustik dolomit - caustic dolomite, gidravlik ohak - hydraulic lime, portland cement, kengayuvchi sement - expanding cement, etc.

In addition, natural stone-like materials are prepared from bonding materials for construction. These materials are designated by the following terms: beton, silikat g`isht, ohak-shlakli g`isht, ohak-kulli g`isht, sergovak silikat buyumlar gips, gips-beton buyumlar, gaz-tolali buyumlar - ksilolit, fibrolit, tombop list.

Terms for concrete products and mortars. Today, concrete is the main building material. Various building materials are made from it. These materials are designated by the generic term temir - beton konstruksiyalar - reinforced concrete structures. The types of this generic concept are designated by the following terms: poydevorbop plita - slab for the foundation, poydevorbop plita - block for the foundation, glass (these terms denote materials that are used for the foundation and underground parts of buildings); kalonna, xari - beam, run, devorbop blok - block for the wall, zinapoya marshi - flight of stairs, zina saxni - staircase area, pardadevor panel, pardadevor - thin frame wall, epma panel - covering panel (these terms denote materials that used in frame structures of buildings); sanetar-texnik blok - sanitary block, ventilatsiya bloki - ventilation block, sanitar-texnik kabina - sanitary cabin, axlat tashlash bloklari - garbage block (these terms refer to materials that relate to sanitary fixtures) ; piramon - cornice, pilaster, toni ravoq, - dome, vault, rosette, koshin – tile. These terms denote architectural materials.

Terms that denote building metal materials. Building metal materials are most of all used in the construction of high-rise buildings, as well as bridges. At the present stage, various building materials are made from metals such as cast iron, steel, aluminum, copper, lead, duralumin and others. They are denoted by the following terms: mix - nail, parchin mix - rivet, bolt, nut, forging, quvur - pipe, isitish radiatori - heating radiator, beam, armature, tombop tunuka - iron for roofs, sim - wire and many others.

Terms denoting thermal insulation materials. These materials are used to heat buildings. They are designated by the following terms: yog`och tolali plita - fibreboard, yog`och qirindili plita - sawdust board, torf plita - peat slab, fibrolite - kamish plita - reed slab, mineral paxta - mineral wool, shlak paxta - slag wool, mineral felt mat, mineral felt, shisha paxta - glass wool, asbest qog`oz - asbestos paper, asbest karton - asbestos cardboard.

Terms denoting glass and glass products. One of the components of modern construction is glass and other glass products (previously, glass was almost never used for this purpose). They are designated by the following terms: oyna, shisha blok, shisha temir-beton, shisha truba, list-shisha, etc.

Terms denoting polymeric materials The group of terms denoting these building materials is divided into the following five subgroups:

  1. terms denoting materials for floors: polyvinyl chloride, linoleum, relin, rubber, tile, phenolite, plinth;

  2. terms denoting wall materials: yog`och qatlamli plastik - wood-laminated plastic, shisha-plastik - fiberglass, yog`och qrindili plita - sawdust board, manzaraviy qog`oz plastik - paper decorative plastic, koshin plitka - facing tile, fenolit plitka - phenolite tile;

  3. terms denoting suitable for roofing and waterproofing materials: polester shisha plastik - polyester glass-plastic, isol, polietilen plyonka - polyethylene film;

  4. terms denoting heat and waterproofing materials: ko`pik-plast - polystyrene, poroplast - honeycomb, ko`pikpolesterol - polystyrene foam, ko`pikpolivinilxlorid - polyvinyl chloride foam.

In the scientific literature on construction, this term is also denoted by the form of foam. In a short dictionary of building terms and in other sources, the term ko`pikbeton is used instead of the term foam concrete. Given the position that uniformity should be preserved in terminology, we consider it correct to use the form ko`pikbeton. The following examples can confirm the correctness of our recommendation: Bog`lovchi modda butqasini mahsus emulsiyadan tayyorlangan ko`pikka qo`shib qorishdan ko`pikbeton hosil bo`ladi;

  1. terms denoting sealing materials and mastics: poliizobutilen plyonka - polyisobutylene film, tiokol plyonka - thiokol film, poroizol.

Terms denoting binders and waterproofing materials. These include: roofing material, glassine, hydroisol, plastik bitum - bituminous plastic, kapronli mastika - nylon mastic, roofing felt, shisha ruberoid - glass roofing material, bitumen, etc.

Terms for paints and varnishes

These include: whitewash, lithopon, azure, chromium oxide-chromium oxide, mumiyo - mummy, umber, graphite, yelim - glue.

III. Terms for construction machines and tools

The terms included in this thematic group serve to designate the names of construction machines and tools used in construction work. The emergence of construction tools is closely related to the emergence of construction professions. Of course, the first tools used in construction were very primitive.

The development of science and technology has contributed to the growth of the number of tools also in construction. If earlier in the Uzbek national construction all work was carried out using the simplest tools using manual labor, now more attention is paid to the complex mechanization of construction.

All these extra-linguistic factors have become the most important lever for increasing the number of building terms, including terms for machines, mechanisms and tools.

At present, along with such tools as andava - a trowel, tesha - a hand tool such as an ax, bolt - an ax, qolip - a form, bel - a shovel, etc. and such emerging mechanisms as betonqorgich - concrete mixer, minorali kran - tower crane, bulldozer, excavator, panel tashigich - panel carrier, etc., whose names have taken a strong place in the Uzbek construction terminology.

It should be noted that this thematic group consists of several subgroups, the analysis of which we proceed to below.

Terms denoting the names of tools used in the performance of brick and stone and installation work. Currently, brick and stone masonry and installation work is one of the main types of work. For this reason, when performing these works, not only tools created on the model of past years are used, but also modern technical means, which are named as follows: bolg`a - a hammer, poytesha - a large tesha with a long handle (used for hewing large logs), tirgak - support, fastening, ko`targich - lift, langar - anchor, hokandoz - scoop, etc.

Terms denoting tools for plastering work. When performing plaster work, various tools are used. Their names include:

  1. the names of the tools used when smearing the wall with mortar: yog`och sokol - wooden falcon, dyural sokol - dural falcon, trowel;

  2. names of tools used in smoothing plaster: andava - trowel, rezina andava - rubber trowel, katta yog`och andava - trowel, cho`tka - brush, gazcho`p - large wooden ruler, ikki dastali andava - trowel with two handles, staple;

  3. the names of the tools used in preparing the wall and spreading the mortar: qirg`ich - a grater, suvoй bolg`asi - a plastering hammer, suvoq pichog`i - a plastering knife, pnevmatik bolg`a - a pneumatic hammer, chisel, gear

Terms denoting tools for painting work. These include the following terms: keskich - cutter, sim cho`tka - wire brush, temir kurakcha - iron scoop, bo`yoqchi taxtasi - dyer's board, spatil chutka - staple brush, chelak - bucket, valik - roller, shpatil - spatula, bidon - can, trafaret - stencil.

Terms denoting tools for carpentry. These include the following: iskana - a chisel, randa - a planer, bolg`a - a hammer, arra - a saw, taxtakach - a block, bolta - an ax, tesha - a tesha (a hand tool such as an ax with a blade mounted across the ax handle), ombir - pincers , parma - drill, brace, etc.

Terms denoting tools in the preparation of building materials and their transportation. This subgroup includes the following terms: zambil - stretcher, ketmon - ketmen (genus of matygi with a wide blade), qolip - form, nov - gutter, zambilg`altak - wheelbarrow, elak - sieve, hum – hum, (large earthen jug), chelak - bucket, aravacha - stroller, belkurak - iron shovel, pulat tur - steel mesh, qorishma qutisi - solution box, container box, hose, falcon, barrel etc.

Terms denoting geodetic and measuring instruments and instruments. The following terms can be included in this subgroup: shayton - spirit level, rejacho`p - rule, tirgak - support, xatcho`p - bookmark, chizg`ich - ruler, shovun - plumb line, level, theodolite, tape measure, meter, rail, spirit level, checker, compass, Malka, thickness gauge, planimeter, T-square gauge, drawing pen.

Terms denoting tools, devices when performing auxiliary work. This subgroup includes: pichoq - a knife, qaychi - scissors, bel - a shovel, qisqich - a clamp, kurakcha - a scoop, qirg`ich - a grater. It should be noted that each of these tools is divided into several types according to its purpose. For example: tesha has the following types: dast tesha - a small hand tesha, kaj tesha - a special tesha used in saddlery, nov tesha - a tesha with a groove-shaped blade, poy tesha - a large tesha with a long handle, etc., egov - file, arqon - rope, chig`iriq - collar, sumba - breakdown, punch, dose; burchakli shibbalagich - corner rammer, chizmakashlik stoli - table for drawing, stolcha - table, etc.

Terms denoting machines and mechanisms "A machine is a combination of mechanisms and parts that provide the transformation of one type of energy into another or are intended to perform some kind of work.

Both in all spheres of production and in construction, mechanization is used on a wide front. With the advent of machines, the forces of production and relations of production changed radically. Construction works are carried out with the help of machines and mechanisms. The names of these machines and mechanisms have led to a significant enrichment of the vocabulary of languages, in particular, the Uzbek construction terminology. Now consider the subgroups of terms related to this thematic group:

  1. terms denoting machines used in earthworks: excavator, bulldozer, scraper, hydraulic monitor, dredging projectile, g`altak - reel, shibbalagich - rammer, titratgich - vibrator, pump, kundakov - uprooter-collector, transhiya qazigich - trencher, kesuvchi zanjir - cutting chain;

  2. terms denoting machines and mechanisms that carry out concrete and reinforced concrete work: tosh maydalagich - stone crusher, tegirmon - mill, g`alvir – sieve, toshkeskich-saralagich - stone cutter-sorter, ohak so`ndirgich - lime quencher, beton qorg`ich - concrete mixer, beton surgich - concrete pump, tebranma stol - vibrating table, overpass, unit, vibrocho`mich - vibro bucket, vibrobunker, beton nasos - concrete pump, qabul varonkasi - receiving funnel, etc.

  3. terms denoting machines and mechanisms intended for the transportation of building materials: tirkama - trailer, dump truck, panel tashigich - panel carrier, balka tashigich - bulk carrier, beton tashigich - concrete carrier, sement tashigich - cement carrier, plita tashigich - plate carrier, kolonna tashigich - column carrier, trolley, conveyor, tractor, trolley, trailer, etc.

  4. terms denoting mechanisms designed to perform processing work: yog`och parmalagich - a drilling machine for wood, elektr iskana - an electric chisel, elektr randa - an electric planer, beton qo`porgich - a concrete puller, parmalagich - a drill, etc .;

Builders at work use overalls and other protective equipment. They are designated by the following terms: kaska-helmet, himoya belbog`i - protective belt, qo`lqop - gloves, ko`zoynak - glasses, shit - shield, etc.

Terms for construction processes The set of various works performed in construction is called the construction process. Diverse are the works performed during the construction process, which ensure the complete completion of the object.

Construction processes and their types are closely connected with complex mechanization and automation, with a comprehensive improvement in construction technology, with an increase in labor productivity and a decrease in the amount of manual labor. In modern construction, especially with the construction of blocks of flats and industrial buildings, a number of types of work have appeared that are associated with mechanization and automation. In connection with the growth of technology, the number of various construction works is growing.

The construction process is constantly changing and being updated. New and new types of work appear, and vice versa, such types of work that do not meet modern requirements are gradually ceasing to be used. All this ultimately leads to the renewal of the lexical-semantic group of terms. The names of construction processes are divided into the following subgroups:

Names of types of work related to the preparation for construction

This type of work in construction is also called the zero cycle. It is represented by the following names: maydonni tekislash - equalize the area, kotlovan qazish - digging the pit, yerni zichlash - compacting the earth, material keltirish - bringing materials, qoziq qoqish - driving a stake, poydevor qurish - building a foundation, etc.

Terms denoting the types of work in the process of building a foundation, walls

The second stage of work when raising a building is the processes performed by the construction of the foundation. As part of the Uzbek construction terminology, there is a sufficient number of terms that reflect the process of performing this work. For example: poydevor o`qlarini bo`lish - laying out the axes of the foundation, asos zaminni tekislash - leveling the foundation of the soil, o`q torlari tortish - pulling the sewing of the axes, etc.

The third and main process in construction is the erection of a wall. At present, various methods and materials have been used for these types of work, called as follows: paxsa urish - the construction of an adobe wall, devor ko`tarish - the construction of a wall, payvandlash - welding, etc.

Recently, the construction of buildings by erecting a brick-stone wall has been widely developed. And therefore, the appearance of brick and stone masonry has increased. They can be classified as follows:

  1. names denoting the types of work in the process of preparing for the laying of stone and brick: qulf-kalitli taxlash - laying with cross dressing, archasimon taxlash - laying with dressing in a Christmas tree, qorishma yoyish - spreading the mortar, qorishmani tekislash - leveling the mortar, etc.;

  2. terms denoting types of masonry:

  1. terms associated with the designation of types of materials: g`isht terish - brickwork, armaturali terim - masonry with reinforcement, g`isht-beton terish - brick-concrete masonry, tabiiy tosh terish - natural stone masonry, sun`iy tosh terish - artificial stone masonry; .

  2. terms denoting the types of masonry according to the methods: pog`onali usul - a stepped method, aralash usul - a mixed method, butsimon terim - cruciform masonry, gotik terim - gothic masonry, gollandcha terim - masonry in Dutch, siklopik terim - cyclopean masonry, yo`nma terim - masonry by hewing, etc.

It is known that construction is carried out all year round. Depending on weather conditions, wall laying methods may change. In this regard, construction terminology uses such terms as: qizdirib terish - incandescent masonry, muzlatib terish - masonry by freezing, usuli - thermos method, kimyoviy qo`shimchalar bilan terish - masonry with chemical additives, etc.

  1. terms denoting the processes rationing and firing of bricks: ag`darish - turning over, tepish - trampling, kneading, suvlash - wetting;

  2. terms denoting the processes of brick laying and their types: reka tortish - tightening the rule, qorishma yoyish - spreading the mortar, g`isht taxlash - laying out the brick, qorishma uzatish - supplying the mortar, terimni tekshirish - checking the masonry .

Concrete and reinforced concrete materials are widely used in modern construction. There are various processes for harvesting these materials and ways of using them. They are reflected in the following terms: qolip tayyorlash - mold preparation, armatura qo`yish - casting of reinforcement, zichlash - compaction, beton yetkazish - concrete laying, qoliplarga ajratish - separation of molds, etc.

One of the types of industrialization of construction is that parts and structures brought from factories in finished form are immediately assembled at the construction site. Installation, assembly, installation - these are the processes that must be carried out when building a building. These processes are reflected in the following terms: ayrim-ayrim montaj - separate-separate installation, murakkab montaj - complex installation, aralash montaj - mixed installation, ko`tarib o`rnatish - lifting installation, burib o`rnatish - overturning installation, etc.

At present, in the construction of buildings with reinforced concrete structures, it is impossible to do without welding. The types of welding work reflect the following terms: uchma-uch payvand - butt welding, tavrli payvand - tee welding, burchakli payvand - corner welding, etc.

One of the main types of construction work is also plastering and painting. These types of work are referred to by the following terms:

  1. names of types and methods of plaster are divided into several subgroups depending on:

  2. terms denoting types of painting work:

  1. terms denoting types of paints and finishes: oddiy bo`yash - simple painting, sifatli bo`yash - high-quality painting, ruxlash - galvanizing, sirlash - staining, laklash - varnishing, oqlash - whitewashing;

  2. terms denoting preparatory work: shpakilyovkalash - putty, silliqlash - smoothing, sayqallash - polishing, tarashlash - shearing, scraping, etc .;

  3. terms denoting methods of painting and finishing: savatcha pardoz - braided finish, yelpig`ichcha pardoz - fan-shaped finish, to`lqincha pardoz - wavy finish, jingalak pardoz - curly finish, qamishsimon pardoz - reed-like finish, etc.

In the arsenal of construction terminology, there are also such terms that denote types of carpentry and roofing work: sinchlash - installation of a frame, a wooden frame, deraza-eshik qo`ysh - installation of windows and doors, pol qoqish - floor litter, tunukalash - iron coating, shefirlash - covering with slate, lo`mbozlash - laying clay spools, etc.

Terms for buildings and their parts This thematic group of building terms covers building types as well as their parts. They are the main part of the construction terminology not only in Uzbek, but also in other languages.

In Uzbek construction terminology, all types of buildings are usually called the bino lexeme. Therefore, in most cases, it is used together with its defining words. For example: turar-joy binolari – residential buildings, fuqaro binolari - civil buildings, sanoat binolari - industrial buildings etc. This term, i.e. bino is dominant in relation to the following synonyms: imorat, uy, vatan, hovli. For example: Shazrimizda yangi-yangi ko`rkam binolar ... Darvozadan o`n besh odimlar narida, shiponga o`xshash to`rt tarafi ochiq bir binoda, darvoza beklari gulhan solib chilim chekib utiradilar [A. Qodiriy. Otgan kunlar].

Buildings according to their purpose are divided into two types and are designated by the following terms:

  1. industrial buildings: ustaxona - workshop, molxona - barn, livestock room, factory, garage, depot;

  2. civil and residential buildings: oshxona - canteen, kasalxona - hospital, club, theater, shop, etc.

Although the buildings are different in purpose, but their design solution, volumetric planning consist of various parts and elements interconnected. These elements are called architectural-constructive elements. One of the types of civil buildings, or rather residential buildings, in their name, purpose and architectural and design elements are much different from other types of buildings. Usually Bino is a building, darvoza is a gate, shipon - shypan (a summer room in the form of a terrace open from three or all sides) bekeshe national residential buildings are surrounded on all sides with a adobe fence (devor). This territory is called the lexeme hovli- yard;

Hovlining to`rt tarafi turli ehtiyoj binolari bilan va to`rdagi binoning ikki boshi katta uylar bilan o`ralgan bo`lib, shu ikki uyning orasiga o`tirgan koshinkor va naqshin chorkhar va ayvon bu hovlining birinchi martaba ko`zga chalinadigan ortiaridandir [Qodiriy. "O`tgan kunlar", p .29].

Residential buildings consist of main (for direct human habitation) and auxiliary (designed to accommodate objects, livestock, etc.) parts. In the Uzbek construction terminology they are designated:

Terms expressing permanently or temporarily residential buildings and their parts: - house, dwelling, apartment, daxliz - front, entrance hall, canopy, ayvon - veranda, terrace, mehmonxona - living room, hobgox - bedroom, bedchamber, yotoqxona - bedroom, xujra – 1) small room, closet, room, cell; 2) living cell at the madrasah, boloxona – balakhana (light superstructure above the first floor), peshayvon - terrace, veranda in front of the house, chayla - hut, yertula – 1) basement, cellar; 2) dugout, chodir - tent, shiypon - shypan (summer room in the form of a terrace open from three or all sides, usually arranged on the roof of a one-story building), o`tov - yurt, nomadic wagon, soyabon - canopy, qora uy - yurt, kapa - a hut, a shack, an apartment, a balcony, a veranda, a terrace, a barrack, etc.

Terms expressing the necessary auxiliary buildings: oshxona - a kitchen, tandirxona - a place where a tandyr (a small clay oven for baking bread) was built, o`choqboshi - a hearth, as well as a platform, a room where it is located, hammom - a bathhouse, hovuz - a pond, quduq - a well, vannaxona - a bathroom, etc.

Terms denoting the place of storage of food products and other items: ombor / omborxona - a barn, warehouse, pantry, daznok - closet, pantry, o`tinxona - a room for storing firewood, somonxona - a room for storing straw, o`ra - storage for vegetables or grains in the form of a hole, etc.

Terms denoting premises for livestock and birds: molxona - a place for livestock, qo`yxona - a sheepfold, tovuqxona - a chicken coop, bostirma - a shed, qo`ra - a corral for livestock, a sheep corral, katak - a cage (tovuq katagi - a chicken coop) etc.

During the construction of residential buildings, various building materials are used. Houses, according to the material used to erect its walls, are called by the following terms: sinchli uy - a frame house, kesak devor uy - a house built from lumps of dry clay, xom-g`isht uy - a house built from raw bricks, paxsa devorli uy - a house with an adobe wall, pishiq g`isht uy - a house built of baked bricks, karkas panelli uy - a frame-panel house, etc.

Buildings according to the number of floors above the ground can be single-storey (bir qavatli) and multi-storey (ko`p qavatli). If the aboveground part of the building does not exceed one floor, then this building is called bir qavatli bino - a one-story building, if it consists of two or three floors - kam qavatli bino - a low-rise building, if it exceeds four or more, then ko`p qavatli bino is a multi-storey building.

Each building is constructed from various structural elements (parts). These elements perform basic auxiliary functions.

These structural elements serve to take on the weight of the building, divide them into floors, protect them from atmospheric influences, etc. All this is indicated by the following terms:

  1. terms denoting elements that take on the weight of the building: poydevor - foundation, yerto`la devor - basement wall, tashqi devor - external wall, ichki devor - internal wall, tirgak devor - supporting wall, paxsadevor - adobe wall, pardevor - thin frame wall, etc.;

  2. terms denoting parts of rooms and utility departments, compartments of the building: bo`sag`a - threshold, tokcha - niche that replaces shelves in local houses, ark - arch, eshik - door, kesaki - box, zina - stairs, mezana - tower, turret, deraza - window, tuynuk - hole, tepa tuynuk - hole in the roof (in local type houses for lighting, for smoke), kashak - crossbar (mostly wooden, used for fastening or to give strength to parts of a building, structure, etc.), tusiq, - cordon, darparda - a wooden frame pasted over with oiled transparent paper (replacing glass in the houses of the indigenous population in pre-revolutionary Turkestan), darvoza - gates and many others .

Terms denoting the properties of buildings and materials

A certain part of the construction terminology is occupied by those terms that denote the physical, chemical and other properties of buildings, as well as building materials. These are, for example: zilzilabardoshlik - seismic resistance, zangbardoshlik - corrosion resistance, turg`unlik – 1) stability; 2) settlement, cho`ziluvchanlik - fluidity, egiluvchanlik - flexibility, elasticity, yopishiqoqlik - stickiness, namlik - dampness, termobardoshlik - heat resistance, zichlik - density, egiluvchanlik - rollability, mo`rtlik - fragility, brittleness and many others.

Terms Denoting Construction Organizations and Construction Documents.This thematic group has appeared mainly in Uzbek construction terminology recently, and it is associated with modern construction methods. Most of them are borrowed from the Russian language (either in the form of direct borrowing or in the form of calculus). These include the following: qurilish boshqarmasi - construction department, qurilish banki - construction bank, qurilish bosh boshqarmasi - main construction department, DSK, SMU, SU, RSU, ShchK, SPSh, ishlab chiqarish birlashmasi - production association, konstruktorlik byurosi - design bureau, hisobot - report, bosh plan - master plan, qaror - decision, etc.

Uzbek construction terminology has also been enriched with the names of construction documentation, which include: chizma - drawing, shartnoma - obligation, jadval - table, hisobot - report, qaror - decision, talabnoma - requirement, application, ko`rsatma - indication, ish jurnali - work journal , act, schedule, map, scheme, statement, passport, plan, chord-outfit, calculation, tariff, invoice, sketch, order, estimate and many others that were absent before in the terminology of the Uzbek language.

The foregoing gives us reason to conclude that construction terminology is divided into several thematic groups, each of which has its own specific terms, which together constitute the system of Uzbek construction terminology.

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