The Adventures of

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level 1 - The Adventures of Tom Sawyer - Penguin Readers-min

Chapter 6 The Trial 
Summer vacation started, and Becky went away with her 
family. Tom was unhappy. 
Then Muff Potter’s trial started. Tom and Huck 
remembered the night in the graveyard. They were afraid 
of Injun Joe again. 
“Did you talk about the night in the graveyard?” 
Tom asked Huck.
“No, I didn’t,” Huck answered. “Did you?” 
“No,” Tom answered. “But. I’m sorry about Muff Potter. 
He’s always friendly to us. He didn’t kill the doctor. I 
want to help him.” 
“Let’s take some food to him,” Huck said. 
The boys visited Muff Potter. “Here’s some food,” they 
Muff Potter said, “Thank you. You’re good boys.” 
Tom and Huck went to the trial and listened for two 
days. Tom didn’t sleep well at night because he wanted to 
help Muff Potter. 
On day three of the trial Tom talked. 

A man asked him, “Where were you on the night of
June 17
“I was in the graveyard,” Tom answered. 
“Did you see any people there?” the man asked: 
“Yes. Injun Joe, the doctor, and Muff Potter were there. 
They didn’t see me because I was behind some big trees.” 
“What did you see?” the man asked. 
“Injun Joe and the doctor talked angrily,” Tom 
answered. “Then Injun Joe killed the doctor with his knife. 
Muff Potter didn’t do it.” 
The people at the trial were surprised. Injun Joe quickly 
went out of the building. 
Tom and Huck were very afraid. Tom said, “Now Injun 
Joe knows about us. He can kill 
Many people wanted to hear about the boys’ adventure 
in the graveyard. Tom liked talking about it. He was 
happy, too, because he helped Muff Potter. But he didn’t 
sleep well because he was afraid of Injun Joe. 
Chapter 7 Injun Joe’s Treasure 
One Saturday afternoon, Tom wanted to have an adventure 
because he didn’t want to think about Injun Joe. He went 
to Huck and said, “I’m going to look for treasure. Do you 
want to come with me?”
Huck always liked an adventure. “Oh, yes,” he said. 
“Where can we look?” 

“Let’s start looking in the old house near Mrs. Douglas’s 
house. Old houses are good places for treasure,” Tom 
The boys went to the old house. They wanted to look at 
every room. First they went into the kitchen, and then they 
went into the bedroom. 
Suddenly, two men came into the kitchen—Injun Joe 
and his friend. The boys were afraid and stayed in the 
bedroom very quietly. 
Injun Joe walked across the kitchen. “We can put our 
money here,” he said to his friend. 
He started to dig under the floor with his knife. 
“What’s this?” Injun Joe said. “I’m going to get it out.” 
There was a big box under the floor. He opened it with 
his knife. There was a lot of money in the box. 
“Look at that money!” his friend said. “Let’s go now. 
We can come back and get it tomorrow.” 
“No,” Injun Joe said. “We’re going to take it with us 
now. We can take it to that place. You know—the place 
under the cross.” 
Then the men went out of the house. Injun Joe talked 
quietly to his friend. The boys listened and were afraid. 
Tom said, “Did you hear that? He wants to kill us.” 
They went out of the house quietly and went home. 
The boys were afraid of Injun Joe, but they wanted to 
find his treasure. They watched his house every night, but 
they didn’t see Injun Joe or his treasure. 

There was a lot of money in the box. 

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