Ubiquity of English plan: 1 Ubiquity of English

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Give Solid References

At some point before you get a job offer, you’ll probably be asked for a list of employment references. You don’t have to have a special format where it looks nice like a résumé. Emailing the hiring manager or HR department is probably all you need to do. Don’t be surprised by this important part of the job hunt. Your references could be the deciding factor in whether you land a job.Typically, your references will get checkd after you’ve had an interview or two and the hiring manager is ready to give you a job offer or is narrowing down candidates. Reference checks are very time-consuming in terms of calendar time, since the people involved may not be available for days, so they’ll be saved until last. There are two ways to check references: the HR way and the hiring manager way. Either or both may be used on you.The HR way is to call up past employers to verify your past employment, that you worked the time you said you did, and that you had the title you claimed. It’s entirely factual and free of judgment. This kind of checking is easy in the United States, because it’s unlikely to cause any problems.The hiring manager way is more typically used for higher-level positions and is about judgment about your capabilities. In the United States, some employers are wary of giving out this type of information for fear of lawsuits. Some companies may forbid managers from giving references and require that all requests for references be sent to the HR department. This type of reference is what I’ll be talking about in this chapter.The questions a hiring manager will ask your references are likely to be the same questions he asked you at the interview, but asking a third party. “What was Bob like to work with?” and “What was Bob’s greatest strength?” and “Did he do better with teams or alone?” are all questions you’ve likely heard at the interview, and your references will probably will hear them as well.

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