Georgi nikolov georgiev

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[1] К.П. Иванов, Г.Н. Георгиев, “Асимптотично Изследване на Ротационно Симетрични Вълни в Цилиндричен Анизотро-пен Вълновод”, Първи Нац. Конгр. на Физиците в България, София, България, 28 Септ. - 1 Окт. 1983, Резюмета на Докладите и Научните Съобщения, стр. 229.

K.P. Ivanov, G.N. Georgiev, “Asymptotic Study of Rotationally Symmetric Waves in Circular Anisotropic Waveguide”, First Nat. Congr. of the Physicists in Bulgaria, Sofia, Bulgaria, Sept. 28 - Oct. 1, 1983, Book of Summaries, p. 229, (in Bulgarian).


[2] К.П. Иванов, Г.Н. Георгиев, “Асимптотический Анализ Цилиндрического Волновода с Азимутально-Подмагниченным Ферритом”, XXXIX Всесоюзная Научная Сессия, Посвященная Дню Радио, Москва, СССР, Апр. 1984, Тезисы Докладов, Часть 2, cтр. 23-24.

K.P. Ivanov, G.N. Georgiev, “Asymptotic Analysis of a Circular Waveguide with Azimuthally Magnetized Ferrite”, 39th All-Union Scientific Session, Dedicated to the Radio Day, Moscow, USSR, Apr. 1984, Book of Summaries, Pt. 2, pp. 23-24, (in Russian).

[3] K.P. Ivanov and G.N. Georgiev, “A Ferrite Boundary Value-Problem in Coaxial Waveguide”, in Conf. Trans. 7th Int. Conf. Microwave Ferrites, Smolenice, Czechoslovakia, Sept. 17-22, 1984, pp. 18-22.

[4] K.P. Ivanov and G.N. Georgiev, “Simplified Analysis of Azimuthally Magnetized Ferrite-Loaded Circular Waveguide”, in Conf. Trans. 7th Int. Conf. Microwave Ferrites, Smolenice, Czechoslovakia, Sept. 17-22, 1984, pp. 36-40.

[5] K.P. Ivanov and G.N. Georgiev, “A Study of Single-Bit Ferrite Phaser Geometry”, in Conf. Trans. 7th Int. Conf. Microwave Ferrites, Smolenice, Czechoslovakia, Sept. 17-22, 1984, pp. 99-103.

[6] K.P. Ivanov and G.N. Georgiev, “A Generalized Design Technique for Remanent Ferrite Cut-off Switch”, in Conf. Trans. 7th Int. Conf. Microwave Ferrites, Smolenice, Czechoslovakia, Sept. 17-22, 1984, pp. 289-293.


[7] K.P. Ivanov, G.N. Georgiev, “Asymptotic Solution of Eigenvalue Problem in a Circular Gyrotropic Waveguide”, Compt. rend. Acad. bulg. Sci., Tome 38, No. 7, pp. 859-862, July 1985.

[8] K.P. Ivanov and G.N. Georgiev, “Asymptotic Study of Rotationally Symmetric Waves in a Circular Anisotropic Waveguide”, Proc. Inst. Elec. Eng., Vol. 132, Pt. H (Microwaves, Antennas and Propagat.), No. 4, pp. 261-266, July 1985, (Special Issue on Microwave Ferrite Engineering).

[9] K.P. Ivanov, G.N. Georgiev, “Theory and Operation of Circular Waveguide with Azimuthally Magnetized Remanent Ferrite”, First Nat. Conf. Cosmos85”, Varna, Bulgaria, Nov. 14-16, 1985, Summaries, BAD-85-414, p. 76.

[10] K.P. Ivanov, G.N. Georgiev, “Reflex Ferrite Modulator for Space Systems”, First Nat. Conf. Cosmos85”, Varna, Bulgaria, Nov. 14-16, 1985, Summaries, BAD-85-415, p. 76.


[11] K.P. Ivanov, G.N. Georgiev, “On Certain Exact Wave Functions for Propagation Along a Circular Gyrotropic Waveguide”, Compt. rend. Acad. bulg. Sci., Tome 39, No. 1, pp. 39-42, Jan. 1986.

[12] K.P. Ivanov and G.N. Georgiev, “-mode Propagation in a Circular Guide Containing Azimu-thally Magnetised Remanent Ferrite”, Electron. Lett., Vol. 22, No. 4, pp. 182-184, Feb. 1986.

[13] K.P. Ivanov, G.N. Georgiev, “On the Whittaker Form of Solution of Eigenvalue Problem in a Circu-lar Gyrotropic Waveguide”, Compt. rend. Acad. bulg. Sci., Tome 39, No. 6, pp. 39-42, June 1986.

[14] K.P. Ivanov and G.N. Georgiev, “On a Class of Electromagnetic Wave Functions for Propagation Along the Circular Gyrotropic Waveguide”, IEEE Trans. Microwave Theory Tech., Vol. MTT-34, No. 8, pp. 853-862, Aug. 1986.

[15] K.P. Ivanov and G.N. Georgiev, “Studies of Nonreciprocal Effects in Azimuthally Magnetized Ferrite-Loaded Circular Waveguide”, in Proc. Eighth Colloq. Microwave Commun., Budapest, Hungary, Aug. 1986, pp.479-482, (Invited Paper).

[16] K.P. Ivanov, G.N. Georgiev, “Performance Predic-tions of the Azimuthally Magnetized Ferrite-Filled Circular Waveguide”, Compt. rend. Acad. bulg. Sci., Tome 39, No. 9, pp. 55-58, Sept. 1986.


[17] K.P. Ivanov and G.N. Georgiev, “Asymptotic Analysis of an Anisotropic Cylindrically Stratified Circular Waveguide”, in Conf. Proc. 1987 SBMO Int. Microwave Symp., Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, July 27-30, 1987, Vol. 2, pp. 703-708.

[18] K.P. Ivanov, G.N. Georgiev, “On the Second Partial Solution of Confluent Hypergeometric Equation”, Compt. rend. Acad. bulg. Sci., Tome 40, No. 9, pp. 49-52, Sept. 1987.

[19] K.P. Ivanov, G.N. Georgiev, “Rigorous Analysis of Modes in a Circular Anisotropic Wave-guide”, Compt. rend. Acad. bulg. Sci., Tome 40, No. 10, pp. 53-56, Oct. 1987.

[20] K.P. Ivanov, G.N. Georgiev, “Study of Rota-tionally Symmetric TE Modes in a Circular Gyrotropic Waveguide”, in Proc. 4th Nat. Conf. Microwave Technol. MITEKO 87 with Foreign Particip., High Tatras, Czechoslovakia, Dec. 8-10, 1987, pp. 78-80.

[21] K.P. Ivanov and G.N. Georgiev, “Analytical and Numerical Study of the Circular Remanent Ferrite Phaser Geometry”, in Proc. Int. Symp. Electron. Devices, Circuits Syst. ISELDECS 87, Indian Inst. Technol., Kharagpur, India, Dec. 16-18, 1987, Vol. 2, pp. 602-604.


[22] K.P. Ivanov, G.N. Georgiev, “Whittaker Functions in the Analysis of the Circular Gyrotropic Wave-guide with Azimuthal Magnetization”, Compt. rend. Acad. bulg. Sci., Tome 41, No. 1, pp. 27-30, Jan. 1988.

[23] K.P. Ivanov and G.N. Georgiev, “Kummer and Tricomi Functions for Analysis of Circular Gyro-tropic Waveguides with Azimuthal Magneti-sation”, Proc. Inst. Elec Eng., Vol. 135, pt. H (Microwaves, Antennas and Propagat.), No. 2, pp. 125-128, Apr. 1988.

[24] K.P. Ivanov, G.N. Georgiev, M.N. Georgieva, “Analysis of a Circular Wave-guide with an Azi-muthally Magnetized Ferrite Rod and Dielectric Tube”, Compt. rend. Acad. bulg. Sci., Tome 41, No. 11, pp. 37-40, Nov. 1988.

[25] K.P. Ivanov, G.N. Georgiev, M.N. Georgieva, “Phase Performance of a Two-Layered Ferrite-Dielectric Circular Waveguide”, Compt. rend. Acad. bulg. Sci., Tome 41, No. 12, pp. 49-52, Dec. 1988.


[26] K.P. Ivanov, G.N. Georgiev, “On the Forms of General Integral of Kummer Equation Arising in Certain Propagation Problems”, Compt. rend. Acad. bulg. Sci., Tome 42, No. 1, pp. 67-70, Jan. 1989.

[27] K.P. Ivanov and G.N. Georgiev, “Azimuthally Magnetized Circular Ferrite Waveguides”, in Ferrite Phase Shifters and Control Devices, by J. Helszajn, (McGraw-Hill, London, 1989), Chap. 14, pp. 262-288.

[28] K.P. Ivanov, G.N. Georgiev, M.N. Georgieva, “Circular Waveguide Containing Azimuthally Mag-netized Ferrite: Field Distribution of TE01 Mode”, Compt. rend. Acad. bulg. Sci., Tome 42, No. 5, pp. 53-56, May 1989.

[29] K.P. Ivanov, G.N. Georgiev, “Asymptotic Study of Complex Kummer Function”, Compt. rend. Acad. bulg. Sci., Tome 42, No. 10, pp. 23-26, Oct. 1989.


[30] K.P. Ivanov and G.N. Georgiev, “Some Properties of the Circular Waveguide with Azimuthally Mag-netized Ferrite”, J. Appl. Phys., Vol. 67, No. 10, pp. 6529-6537, May 1990.

[31] K.P. Ivanov, G.N. Georgiev and M.N. Georgieva, “Normalized Nonreciprocal Phase Characteristics of a Ferrite-Dielectric Circular Waveguide”, in Conf. Proc. 10th Int. Conf. Microwave Ferrites, Szczyrk, Poland, Sept. 24-29, 1990, Pt. 1, pp. 168-172.

[32] K.P. Ivanov, G.N. Georgiev and M.N. Georgieva, “Analysis of a Ferrite Toroid Circular Waveguide Phaser”, in Conf. Proc. 10th Int. Conf. Microwave Ferrites, Szczyrk, Poland, Sept. 24-29, 1990, Pt. 1, pp. 173-177.

[33] K.P. Ivanov, G.N. Georgiev and M.N. Georgieva, “Some Characteristics of the Circular Waveguide with Remanent Ferrite Toroid”, in Conf. Proc. Int. Conf. Millime-ter Wave Microwave ICOMM-90, DEAL, Dehra Dun, India, Dec. 19-21, 1990, pp. 294-297.


[34] K.P. Ivanov, G.N. Georgiev, “Application of Tri-comi Functions in the Eigenvalue Analysis of the Circular Gyrotropic Waveguide”, Europ. Trans. Te-lecomm. Related Technol., ETT, Vol. 2, No. 2, pp. 259-269, Mar./Apr. 1991.


[35] K.P. Ivanov, G.N. Georgiev and M.N. Georgieva, “A Simple Formula for Differential Phase Shift Computation of Ferrite-Filled Circular Waveguide”, in Conf. Proc. 1992 Asia-Pacific Microwave Conf. APMC92, Adelaide, Australia, Aug. 11-13, 1992, Vol. 2, pp. 769-772.

[36] K.P. Ivanov, G.N. Georgiev and M.N. Georgieva, “Propagation in a Circular Waveguide Partially Fill-ed with Azimuthally Magnetized Ferrite”, in Proc. 1992 URSI Int. Symp. Electromagn. Theory, Sydney, Australia, Aug. 17-20, 1992, pp. 167-169.

[37] K. Ivanov, G. Georgiev, M. Georgieva, “Differen-tial Phase Shifts in the Ferrite-Dielectric Circular Waveguide”, in Conf. Proc. XIth Int. Conf. Microwave Ferrites ICMF 92, Alushta, Ukraine, Oct. 16-20, 1992, Vol. 3, pp. 28-35.

[38] K. Ivanov, G. Georgiev, M. Georgieva, “Basic and Complementary Areas of Magnetic Field Polariza-tion in a Ferrite-Filled Circular Waveguide”, in Conf. Proc. XIth Int. Conf. Microwave Ferrites ICMF 92, Alushta, Ukraine, Oct. 16-20, 1992, Vol. 3, pp. 36-43.


[39] G.N. Georgiev, M.N. Georgieva, “On Several New Applications of Coulomb Wave Functions”, in Proc. 1994 Int. Conf. Comput. Electromagn. Its Appl. ICCEA94, Beijing, China, Nov. 1-4, 1994, pp. 163-166.


[40] G.N. Georgiev, Y.T. Siderov, M.N. Georgieva, “Slow-Wave Propagation in a Circular Ferrite Waveguide”, Chinese J. Radio Sci., 1995 Suppl. Issue, Proc. 1995 Int. Conf. Radio Sci. ICRS 95, Beijing, China, Aug. 10-12, 1995, pp. 678-681.

[41] G.N. Georgiev, M.N. Georgieva, “Iterative Method of Circular Ferrite-Dielectric Waveguide Analysis: Application to Phase Shifting Computation”, in Conf. Proc. Conf. Contemp. Meth. Signal Process. Syst. Measur., Control, Diagn. Manag., Minsk, Belarus, Dec. 18-22. 1995, Pt. II, pp. 90-94.


[42] G.N. Georgiev, Y.T. Siderov, M.N. Georgieva, “Analysis of a Ferrite-Dielectric Circular Wave-guide”, in Conf. Summaries Trans Black Sea Region Symp. Appl. Electromagn., Metsovo, Greece, Apr. 17-19, 1996, p. MMWS 28.

[43] G.N. Georgiev, Y.T. Siderov, M.N. Georgieva, “Analysis of an Open Circular Ferrite Waveguide”, in Conf. Summaries Trans Black Sea Region Symp. Appl. Electromagn., Metsovo, Greece, Apr. 17-19, 1996, p. FSTE 36.


[44] G.N. Georgiev and M.N. Georgieva-Grosse, “On an Application of Iterative Method of Circular Fer-rite-Dielectric Waveguide Analysis”, in Conf. Proc. 1998 VIIth Int. Conf. Math. Meth. Electromagn. Theory MMET 98, Kharkov, Ukraine, June 2-5, 1998, Vol. 2, pp. 685-687.


[45] G.N. Georgiev, M.N. Georgieva-Grosse, “Formu-lae for Differential Phase Shift Computation in an Azimuthally Magnetized Circular Ferrite Wave-guide”, in Proc. Millenn. Conf. Antennas Propagat.. AP-2000, Davos, Switzerland, Apr. 9-14, 2000, in Abstracts, Vol. I-Antennas, p. 517, in CD, paper 1002.

[46] G.N. Georgiev, N.K. Uzunoglu, M.N. Georgieva-Grosse, “Slow Modes in a Circular Ferrite Waveguide”, in Proc. Second Int. Symp. Trans Black Sea Region Appl. Electromagn., Xanthi, Greece, June 27-29, 2000, p. 101.

[47] G.N. Georgiev, T.I. Stoyanov, M.N. Georgieva-Grosse, “On an Application of the Kummer Conflu-ent Hypergeometric Functions”, in Conf. Proc. 2000 VIIIth Int. Conf. Math. Meth. Electromagn. Theory MMET*2000, Kharkov, Ukraine, Sept. 12-15, 2000, Vol. 2, pp. 670-672.

[48] G.N. Georgiev, N.K. Uzunoglu and M.N. Georgie-va-Grosse, “Application of Kummer Functions in the Analysis of Slow Waves in the Circular Gyro-tropic Waveguide”, J. Appl. Electromagn., Vol. 3, No. 3, pp. 25-36, Dec. 2000.


[49] G.N. Georgiev, M.N. Georgieva-Grosse, “Some Aspects of the Slow Waves in the Circular Wave-guide with Azimuthally Magnetized Ferrite Rod”, in Conf. Proc. 2002 IX-th Int. Conf. Math. Meth. Electromagn. Theory MMET*02, Kiev, Ukraine, Sept. 10-13, 2002, Vol. 2, pp. 674-676.

[50] G.N. Georgiev, M.N. Georgieva-Grosse, “Some New Properties of the Circular Waveguides with Azimuthally Magnetized Ferrite”, in Proc. 25th ESA Antenna Worksh. Satell. Antenna Technol., ESA/ESTEC, Noordwijk, The Netherlands, Sept. 18-20, 2002, pp. 601-608.


[51] G.N. Georgiev, M.N. Georgieva-Grosse, “Some Microwave Applications of the Kummer Confluent Hypergeometric Function”, in Proc. 5th Int. Conf. Transp. Opt. Netw. ICTON 2003, Warsaw, Poland, June 29 - July 3, 2003, Vol. 2, pp. 14-21, (Invited Paper).

[52] G.N. Georgiev, M.N. Georgieva-Grosse, “Azi-muthally Magnetized Circular Ferrite Phase Shift-er”, in Proc. Int. ITG-Conf. Antennas INICA 2003, Berlin, Germany, Sept. 17-19, 2003, pp. 115-118.

[53] G.N. Georgiev and M.N. Georgieva-Grosse, “Con-ditions for Phaser Operation of the Circular Wave-guides with Azimuthally Magnetized Ferrite”, in Proc. 26th ESA Antenna Technol. Worksh. Satell. Antenna Modell. Des. Tools, ESA/ESTEC, Noordwijk, The Netherlands, Nov. 12-14, 2003, pp. 359-366.

[54] G.N. Georgiev and M.N. Georgieva-Grosse, “A New Property of the Complex Kummer Function and Its Application to Waveguide Propagation”, IEEE Antennas Wireless Propagat. Lett., Vol. AWPL-2, pp. 306-309, Dec. 2003.


[55] G.N. Georgiev and M.N. Georgieva-Grosse, “Se-veral Hypotheses in the Confluent Hyperge-ometric Functions Based Theory of the Azimuthally Mag-netized Circular Ferrite Waveguides”, in Proc. East-West Worksh. Adv. Techn. Electromagn., Warsaw, Poland, May 20-21, 2004, pp.197-204.

[56] G.N. Georgiev and M.N. Georgieva-Grosse, “The N Numbers: Definition and Application”, in Proc. 2004 6th Int. Conf. Transp. Opt. Netw. ICTON 2004, Wroclaw, Poland, July 4-8, 2004, Vol. 2, pp. 287-294, (Invited Paper).

[57] M.N. Georgieva-Grosse and G.N. Georgiev, “Im-pact of Nonlinear Plasma on Surface Wave Propa-gation: Analysis”, in Proc. 2004 6th Int. Conf. Transp. Opt. Netw. ICTON 2004, Wroclaw, Poland, July 4-8, 2004, Vol. 2, pp. 338-345.


[58] G.N. Georgiev and M.N. Georgieva-Grosse, “Some Applications of the L Numbers”, in Proc. Int. Conf. Antenna Technol. ICAT 2005, ISRO, Ahmedabad, India, Feb. 23-24, 2005, pp. 83-87.

[59] G.N. Georgiev, M.N. Georgieva-Grosse, “Some New Simple Methods for Differential Phase Shift Computation in the Circular Waveguide with Azi-muthally Magnetized Ferrite”, in Proc. 28th ESA Antenna Worksh. Space Antenna Syst. Technol., ESA/ESTEC, Noordwijk, The Netherlands, May 31 – June 3, 2005, Pt. 2, pp. 1159-1166.

[60] G.N. Georgiev, M.N. Georgieva-Grosse, “New Elements in the Theory of the Coaxial Waveguide with Azimuthally Magnetized Ferrite”, in Proc. Int. Sem. Days Diffr. 2005 DD05, St. Petersburg, Russia, June 28-July 1, 2005, pp. 81-93.

[61] G.N. Georgiev and M.N. Georgieva-Grosse, “The Kummer Confluent Hypergeometric Function and Some of Its Applications in the Theory of Azimu-thally Magnetized Circular Ferrite Waveguides”, J. Telecomm. Information Technol., Vol. JTIT-6, No, 3, pp. 112-128, Sept. 2005.


[62] G.N. Georgiev and M.N. Georgieva-Grosse, “Me-thods for Evaluation of Certain Special Functions of Mathematical Physics in the Real Field and Their Application in the Theory of Waveguides”, in Proc. 2006 8th Int. Conf. Transp. Opt. Netw. ICTON 2006, Nottingham, United Kingdom, June 18-22, 2006, Vol. 1, pp. 271-274, (Invited Paper).

[63] G.N. Georgiev, M.N. Georgieva-Grosse, “Some Classes of Real Numbers and Their Application to Waveguide Propagation”, in Conf. Proc. 2006 11th Int. Conf. Math. Meth. Electromagn. Theory MMET*06, Kharkov, Ukraine, June 26-29, 2006, pp. 393-395.

[64] G.N. Georgiev, M.N. Georgieva-Grosse, “An Ap-proximate Method for Analysis of Azimuthally Magnetized Circular Ferrite Waveguide Phase Shifter”, in Conf. Proc. 2006 1st Europ. Conf. Antennas Propagat. EUCAP 2006, Nice, France, Nov. 6-10, 2006, in CD.


[65] G.N. Georgiev, M.N. Georgieva-Grosse, “An Ite-rative Method for Analysis of Coaxial Ferrite Waveguide Phase Shifter with Azimuthal Mag-netization”, in Proc. 29th ESA Antenna Worksh. Multiple Beams Reconfig. Antennas, ESA/ESTEC, Noordwijk, The Netherlands, Apr. 18-20, 2007, pp. 252-255, also in CD.


[66] G.N. Georgiev, M.N. Georgieva-Grosse, “L Num-bers Method for Analysis of Azimuthally Magne-tized Coaxial Ferrite Waveguide Phase Shifter”, in Proc. 30th ESA Antenna Worksh. Antennas Eearth Observ., Sci., Telecomm. Navig. Space Missions, ESA/ESTEC, Noordwijk, The Netherlands, May 27-30, 2008, pp. 156-159, also in CD.

[67] G.N. Georgiev and M.N. Georgieva-Grosse, “The L(c,n) Numbers and Their Application in the Theory of Waveguides”, in Proc. Int. Conf. Days Diffr. 2008 DD08, St. Petersburg, Russia, June 3-6, 2008, pp. 44-56.

[68] G.N. Georgiev and M.N. Georgieva-Grosse, “The L(c,n) Numbers and Their Application to the Analysis of the Circular Ferrite Waveguide Phase Shifter”, J. Appl. Electromagn., Vol. 10, No. 1, pp. 78-105, June 2008.

[69] G.N. Georgiev and M.N. Georgieva-Grosse, “A

property of the Numbers and Its Application to Waveguide Propagation,” in Proc. XXIX URSI General Assembly, article ID BK.6(120), 4 pages, in CDROM, Chicago, IL, USA, Aug. 7–16, 2008.

[70] G.N. Georgiev and M.N. Georgieva-Grosse, “A Theorem for the Properties of Some Classes of Numbers, Connected with the Zeros of Complex Kummer Function and Its Application in the Theory of Circular Ferrite Waveguides with Azimuthal Magnetization,” in Proc. XXIX URSI General Assembly, article ID D05.4(182), 4 pages, in CDROM, Chicago, IL, USA, Aug. 7–16, 2008.

[71] G.N. Georgiev and M.N. Georgieva-Grosse, “Some Hypotheses in the Theory of the Azimuthally Magnetized Circular Ferrite Waveguides,” Radioelectron. & Informat., Vol. 5, no. 4, pp. 16-25, December 2008.


[72] G.N. Georgiev and M.N. Georgieva-Grosse, “Pro-pagation in an Azimuthally Magnetized Circular Ferrite-Dielectric Waveguide,” in Proc. 3rd Europ. Conf. Antennas Propagat. EuCAP 2009, Berlin, Germany, in CDROM, pp. 345-349, March 23–27, 2009.

[73] G.N. Georgiev and M.N. Georgieva-Grosse, “Cut-off Frequencies Method for Analysis of Azimuthally Magnetized Coaxial Ferrite Waveguide Phase Shifter,” in Proc. Joint 5th ESA Worksh. Millim. Wave Technol. Appl. and 31st ESA Antenna Worsh., ESA/ESTEC, Noordwijk, The Netherlands, Pt. 2, pp. 791-798, also in CDROM, May 18-20, 2009.

[74] G.N. Georgiev and M.N. Georgieva-Grosse, “The Numbers and Their Application in the Theory of Waveguides,” in Proc. Int. Conf. Days Diffr. 2009 DD09, St. Petersburg, Russia, pp. 76-91, May 26-29, 2009.

[75] G.N. Georgiev and M.N. Georgieva-Grosse, “Phase Behaviour of a Two-Layered Circular Ferrite-Dielectric Waveguide with Azimuthal Magnetization,” in Proc. 26th Progr. In Electro-magn. Res. Symp. PIERS 2009, Moscow, Russia, p. 742, in Abstracts, pp. 1473-1477, also in CDROM, August 18–21, 2009.

[76] M.N. Georgieva-Grosse and G.N. Georgiev, “The A, B, C Numbers and Their Application in the Theory of Waveguides,” in Proc. 26th Progr. In Electromagn. Res. Symp. PIERS 2009, Moscow, Russia, p. 612, in Abstracts, pp. 1043-1047, also in CDROM, August 18–21, 2009.

[77] G.N. Georgiev and M.N. Georgieva-Grosse, “The-orem for the Numbers,” in Proc. 26th Progress In Electromagn. Res. Symp. PIERS 2009, Moscow, Russia, p. 743, in Abstracts, pp. 1478-1482, also in CDROM, August 18–21, 2009.

[78] G.N. Georgiev and M.N. Georgieva-Grosse, “An Application of the Complex Tricomi Function,” in Proc. Eleventh Int. Conf. Electromagn. Adv. Appli-cat. ICEAA’09, Turin, Italy, pp. 819-822, in CDROM, September 14-18, 2009.

[79] G.N. Georgiev and M.N. Georgieva-Grosse, “Some Classes of Real Numbers and Their Application in the Theory of Circular Waveguide with Azimuthally Magnetized Ferrite,” in Proc. Int. Sci. Conf. Adv. Lightweight Structures Refl. Antennas, Tbilisi, Georgia, pp. 247-258, October 14-16, 2009, also in CDROM.

[80] M.N. Georgieva-Grosse and G.N. Georgiev, “Method of the Arbitrary Pair of Working Points for Analysis of Azimuthally Magnetized Coaxial Ferrite Waveguide Phase Shifter,” in Proc. Int. Sci. Conf. Adv. Lightweight Structures Refl. Antennas, Tbilisi, Georgia, pp. 275-287, October 14-16, 2009, also in CDROM.

[81] G. N. Georgiev and M. N. Georgieva-Grosse, “A Microwave Application of the Complex Confluent Hypergeometric Functions,” in Proc. IX Kharkov Young Sci. Conf. “Radiophysics, Photonics, Electronics and Biophysics”, Kharkov, Ukraine, December 1-3, 2009, Abstract, p. 6, in CDROM, (Invited plenary paper).

[82] G. N. Georgiev and M. N. Georgieva-Grosse, “Effect of the Dielectric Filling on the Phase Behaviour of the Circular Waveguide with Azimuthally Magnetized Ferrite Toroid and Dielectric Cylinder,” in Proc. Asia–Pacific Microwave Conf. APMC–2009, article ID WE4B–4(1680), pp. 870–873, in CDROM, Singapore, Dec. 7–10, 2009.


[83] M.N. Georgieva-Grosse and G.N. Georgiev, “On The A, B, C Numbers and their Application in the Theory of Circular Waveguide with Azimuthally Magnetized Ferrite,” in Proc. 27th Progr. In Electromagn. Res. Symp. PIERS 2010, Xi’an, China, p. 50, in Abstracts, pp. 82-86, also in CDROM, March 22-26, 2010.

[84] G.N. Georgiev and M.N. Georgieva-Grosse, “Iterative Method for Differential Phase Shift Computation in the Azimuthally Magnetized Circular Ferrite Waveguide,” in Proc. 27th Progr. In Electromagn. Res. Symp. PIERS 2010, Xi’an, China, p. 186, in Abstracts, pp. 274-278, also in CDROM, March 22-26, 2010.

[85] G.N. Georgiev and M.N. Georgieva-Grosse, “Iterative Method for Differential Phase Shift Computation in the Azimuthally Magnetized Circular Ferrite Waveguide,” PIERS Online, Vol. 6, No. 4, pp. 365-369, 2010.

[86] M.N. Georgieva-Grosse and G.N. Georgiev, “On The A, B, C Numbers and Their Application in the Theory of Circular Waveguide with Azimuthally Magnetized Ferrite,” PIERS Online, Vol. 6, No. 4, pp. 370-374, 2010.

[87] M. N. Georgieva-Grosse and G. N. Georgiev, “Differential Phase Shift Characteristics of Normal Modes in an Azimuthally Magnetized Coaxial Ferrite Waveguide,” in Proc. 4rd Europ. Conf. Antennas Propagat. EuCAP 2010, article ID P4–53, 5 pages, in USB, Barcelona, Spain, April 12–16, 2010.

[88] M. N. Georgieva-Grosse and G. N. Georgiev, “Criteria for Phaser Shifter Operation of an Azimuthally Magnetized Coaxial Ferrite Waveguide,” in Proc. 18th Int. Conf. Microwaves, Radar, Wireless Commun. MIKON–2010, article ID C7–3, 7(4) pages, Vilnius, Lithuania, June 14–16, 2010, (Focused Section).

[89] G.N. Georgiev and M.N. Georgieva-Grosse, “Principles of the Electromagnetic Modelling of Ferrite Control Components, Based on the Circular Waveguides with Azimuthal Magnetization Criteria for Phaser Shifter Operation of an Azimuthally Magnetized Coaxial Ferrite Waveguide,” in Proc. 18th Int. Conf. Microwaves, Radar, Wireless Commun. MIKON–2010, article ID C8–2, 6 pages, Vilnius, Lithuania, June 14–16, 2010, (Focused Section).

[90] G. N. Georgiev and M. N. Georgieva-Grosse, “Methods for Evaluation of the Euler Gamma Function in the Complex Field and Their Application in the Computational Electromagnetics,” in Proc 12th Int. Conf. on Transp. Opt. Netw. ICTON 2010, article ID Th.B1.3, 5 pages, Munich, Germany, June 28–July 1, 2010, (Invited Paper).

[91] M. N. Georgieva-Grosse and G. N. Georgiev, “On the Roots of Certain Transcendental Equations, Involving Complex Confluent Hypergeometric Functions and Their Application in the Theory of Waveguides,” in Proc 12th Int. Conf. on Transp. Opt. Netw. ICTON 2010, article ID Th.B1.4, 4 pages, Munich, Germany, June 28–July 1, 2010, (Invited Paper).

[92] M. N. Georgieva-Grosse and G. N. Georgiev, “Advanced Studies of the Differential Phase Shifts in the Azimuthally Magnetized Circular Ferrite Waveguide,” in Proc. 28th Progr. In Electromagn. Res. Symp. PIERS 2010, p. 505, in Abstracts, pp. 841-845, Cambridge, MA, USA, July 5–8, 2010.

[93] G.N. Georgiev and M.N. Georgieva-Grosse, “Theory of the Numbers and Its Application to the Wave Propagation in Ferrite-Loaded Guides,” in Proc. 28th Progr. In Electromagn. Res. Symp. PIERS 2010, p. 594, in Abstracts, pp. 976-980, Cambridge, MA, USA, July 5–8, 2010.

[94] M. N. Georgieva-Grosse and G. N. Georgiev, “Method of the Successive Approximations for Analysis of the Differential Phase Shifts in the Ferrite-Loaded Coaxial Waveguide,” in Proc. 2010 IEEE AP–S Int. Symp. on Antennas Propagat. & CNC–USNC/URSI Radio Science Meeting, article ID 110.10, in CDROM, Toronto, ON, Canada, July 11–17, 2010.

[95] G. N. Georgiev and M. N. Georgieva-Grosse, “Characteristics of the Circular Waveguide with Azimuthally Magnetized Ferrite Toroid and Dielectric Cylinder,” in Proc. 2010 IEEE AP–S Int. Symp. on Antennas Propagat. & CNC–USNC/URSI Radio Science Meeting, article ID 330.2, in CDROM, Toronto, ON, Canada, July 11–17, 2010.

[96] G. N. Georgiev and M. N. Georgieva-Grosse, “Analysis of the Differential Phase Shift in the Circular Ferrite-Dielectric Waveguide with Azimuthal Magnetization,” in Proc. 2010 IEEE AP–S Int. Symp. on Antennas Propagat. & CNC–USNC/URSI Radio Science Meeting, article ID 330.9, 4 pages, in CDROM, Toronto, ON, Canada, July 11–17, 2010.

[97] M. N. Georgieva-Grosse and G. N. Georgiev, “Anti-symmetric Mode in a Planar Plasma Waveguide: Numerical Study of Nonlinear Effects,” in Proc. 2010 IEEE AP–S Int. Symp. on Antennas Propagat. & CNC–USNC/URSI Radio Science Meeting, article ID 330.10, in CDROM, Toronto, ON, Canada, July 11–17, 2010.

[98] M. N. Georgieva-Grosse and G. N. Georgiev, “Numerical results for the differential phase shift in the circular waveguide with azi-muthally magnetized ferrite,” in Conf. Proc. XIII-th Int. Conf. Math. Meth. Electromagn. Theory MMET*10, article ID BMM-7, 4 pages, Kiev, Ukraine, Sept. 6-8, 2010.

[99] G. N. Georgiev and M. N. Georgieva-Grosse, “An Application of the Zeros of Laguerre Polynomials,” in Proc. Twelfth Int. Conf. Electromagn. Adv. Applicat. ICEAA’10 offshore, article ID 371, 4 pages, Sydney, Australia, Sept. 20–24, 2010.

[100] G. N. Georgiev and M. N. Georgieva-Grosse, “The Tricomi theory of confluent hypergeometric functions and its application to waveguide propagation,” in Proc. Radar Methods and Systems Worksh. RMSW-2010, pp. 250-254, Kiev, Ukraine, Sept. 21-23, 2010, (Invited paper).

[101] G. N. Georgiev and M. N. Georgieva-Grosse, “Comparative Study of the Differential Phase Shift in Some Circular Waveguides, Containing Azimuthally Magnetized Ferrite,” in Proc. XVth Int. Sem./Worksh. Direct and Inverse Problems of Electromagn. and Acoustic Wave Theory DIPED-2010, pp. 114-122, Tbilisi, Georgia, Sept. 27–30, 2010.

[102] G. N. Georgiev and M. N. Georgieva-Grosse, “Impact of the Material Properties on the Phase Characteristics of a Two-Layered Ferrite-Dielectric Circular Waveguide,” in Proc. 32nd ESA Antenna Worksh. on Antennas for Space Applicat., ESA/ESTEC, Noordwijk, The Netherlands, pp. 270-276, also in CDROM, Oct. 5-8, 2010.

[103] Y. Nikolova, L. Boyadjiev, G. N. Georgiev and M. N. Georgieva-Grosse, “On the Fractional Coulomb Equation,” J. Appl. Electromagn., Vol. 12, No. 2, Dec. 2010, (in print).


[104] G. N. Georgiev and M. N. Georgieva-Grosse, “Theorem for the Identity of the L(c; n) and Numbers and Its Application in the Theory of Waveguides,” in Proc. 29th Progr. In Electromagn. Res. Symp. PIERS 2010, p. , in Abstracts, pp. (in print), Marrakesh, Marocco, March 20–23, 2011.

[105] M. N. Georgieva-Grosse and G. N. Georgiev, “Area of Phase Shifter Operation of the Azimuthally Magnetized Coaxial Ferrite Waveguide,” in Proc. 29th Progr. In Electromagn. Res. Symp. PIERS 2010, p. , in Abstracts, pp. (in print), Marrakesh, Marocco, March 20–23, 2011.

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