Governance and Democracy katarsis survey Paper

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Document Outline

  • ET0908_PT.pdf
  • ET0908.pdf
    • box and tables
    • abstract
      • 1.1. Normative and Analytical Discourses on Governance
      • 1.2. Corporate Governance and Managerial Governance
      • 1.3. Corporatism, Pro-Growth-Regimes and Welfare Governance
      • 2.1. Coordination, Organisation and Domination
      • 2.2. Main Mechanisms of Social Exclusion
      • 2.3. Possibilities for Socially Creative Strategies
      • 3.1. The Territorial Employment Pacts in Spain
      • 3.2. Porto Alegre
      • 3.3. Tower Colliery: Nurturing Alternative Space
      • 3.4. The Janus Face of Urban Governance in Denmark
        • 3.4.1. Political Ambivalences – Summing up
        • 3.4.2. Conflicting Agendas and Lack of Cross Scale Strategies and Linkages
        • 3.4.3. New government – New ideology – New policy
        • 3.5. Governance and Democracy: A Reflexion Inspired by the Quebec Experience
          • 3.5.1. Preliminary Considerations 
          • 3.5.2. Governance: An Analytical or a Normative Concept?
          • 3.5.3. The Transformation of Governance: Erosion or Reorganisation of Citizenship, Welfare State, and Democracy?
          • 3.5.4. Is Democracy a Political or Socioeconomic Concept?
          • 3.5.5. The Transformation of Governance in Businesses
          • 3.5.6. Governance and Social Inclusion at the Local and Regional Levels
          • 3.5.7. The Case of Quebec
          • 3.5.8. Conclusion
        • 3.6. Tower Colliery: Nurturing Alternative Space
          • 3.6.1. Context
          • 3.6.2. Spatial Consequences of Ownership
          • 3.6.3. Space in the Market 
          • 3.6.4. The Space of Resource Allocation
          • 3.6.5. ‘Culture-change’ in Cooperative Organisational Space
          • 3.6.6. Space and Alternative Spaces
        • 3.7. Relations to other existential fields
        • 4.1. Consensus and Deviant Mainstreaming
        • 4.2. Socially Creative Strategies, Participatory Governance andSocio-economic Citizenship
    • conclusion
    • bibliographie

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