Grades English Teacher

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Abdulatipov Abdurauf

Final test 1

  1. Admire (someone or something) deeply

A) respect B) excite C) amuse D) fight

  1. The place where a person was born

A) country B) birtplace C) hospital D) nation

  1. Person who doesn’t want to change attitude or postion

A) handsome B) hardworking C) stubborn D) negative

  1. A feeling of expectation and desire for a certain thing to happen

A) choice B) hope C) struggle D) agony

  1. Find “quadratic equation”

A) X B) = C) ¼ D) ax2 + bx + c = 0

  1. Find “Fraction”

A) X B) = C) ¼ D) ax2 + bx + c =

  1. Find “Square root”

A) ÷ B) + C) % D) √

  1. I’m not enough to understand computers.

A) experience B) smart C) selfish D) handsome

  1. Do you have any of working with kids?

A) confuse B) program C) experience D) research

  1. Do not me. I am revising for my exam.

A) confuse B) laugh C) look at D) follow

  1. A child is allowed to do or have anything that it wants to.

A) smart B) experienced C) spoiled D) responsible

  1. It is not easy task to success without hardworking.

A) achieve B) learn C) become D) believe

  1. You are for your future. Don’t blame others.

A) successful B) responsible C) hardworking D) suitable

  1. These books belong to the college library, so you can .

A) keep them forever B) own them for a while C) borrow them for a while

  1. Paul has worked out a way to .

A) solve the problem B) create the problem C) increase the problem

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