H e r m e n e V t I k a in humanistika II

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– A


tion it takes is from Thus Spoke Zaratustra to Genealogy of Morals and back-

wards, especially with regard to the problem of being as will. The issue at stake

is whether it is truly possible, in Heidegger’s manner, to accuse Nietzsche in

his entirety of the oblivion of being and nihilism.

Key words: Nietzsche, Heidegger, Zaratustra, will to power, disposition


   *   *

Robert Simoni~: Vpra{anje bistva v Heideggrovem spisu

O bistvu resnice

Prispevek obravnava Heideggrov stavek »Odgovor na vpra{anje po bistvu res-

nice je poved nekega obrata v zgodovini biti  (Seyn)« z vidika obrata v razu-

mevanju bistva kot osrednjega pojma metafizike, ki ga spro`i vklju~itev ne-

bistva v mi{ljenje o polnem bistvu resnice. Ne-bistvo s tem postane stvar mi{-

ljenja na poti proti resnici biti.

Klju~ne besede: aletheia, bit, ne-bistvo, bistvo, Heidegger


Robert Simoni~: The Question of the Essence in Heidegger’s

On the Essence of Truth

This article examines Heidegger’s proposition “The answer to the question of

the essence of truth is the saying of a turn within the history of Being (Seyn)”

from the point of view of the turn in the understanding of the central meta-

physical concept of the Essence, provoked by the inclusion of non-essence in

the thinking of the full Essence of Truth. Non-essence in this way becomes a

matter of thinking on its way towards the Truth of Being.

Key words: aletheia, being, non-essence, essence, Heidegger


   *   *

Damir Barbari}: O bistvu lepote pri Schellingu

Schelling sicer izhaja iz tradicionalno zastavljenega problema lepega, vezanega

na sijanje in prikazovanje, a ga `e od za~etka motri znotraj skrajno vzgibanega


30.6.2006, 13:02











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polja spekulativne identitetne filozofije kot enotnost absolutnega, neskon~nega

in kon~nega, posebnega, ki se vzpostavi {ele prek njunega nujnega spora, pri

~emer kon~no nujno zadobi osrednjo vlogo. Zato Schelling za najvi{jo upo-

dabljajo~o umetnost proglasi kiparstvo, ki realno utele{a absolut in mu hie-

rarhi~no podreja glasbo in slikarstvo, predstopnji udejanjanja najvi{jega `iv-

ljenja, prebivajo~ega v bogu, ki ga kiparstvo ka`e kot najvi{jo lepoto v navi-

dezni smrti.

Klju~ne besede: Schelling, lepo, kiparstvo, kon~no, neskon~no

Damir Barbari}: On the Essence of Beauty in Schelling

Although arguing for the traditionally posed issue of the beautiful as related to

shining and showing, Schelling views this phenomenon from the very start

within the highly dynamic field of speculative identity-oriented philosophy as

the unity of the absolute, infinite, and finite, specific. The beautiful only arises

out of their conflict, whereby the finite is necessarily given the central role.

This is why Schelling proclaims sculpture to be the highest manifestation of

visual arts, which is a real embodiment of the absolute, hierarchically sub-

jecting music and painting to it as the initial stage of the fulfilment of highest

form of life, pre-existing in god, who is revealed by sculpture as the highest

beauty in the apparent death.

Key words: Schelling, the beautiful, sculpture, the finite, the infinite


   *   *

Dennis J. Schmidt: O poeziji, filozofiji in politi~nem.

^emu hermenevtika?

Pri~ujo~i prispevek se spra{uje o naravi odnosa med govorico in mo`nostjo

skupnosti v navezavi na Heideggrova in Gadamerjeva razmi{ljanja o privi-

legiranem statusu pesni{ke govorice za sleherno razumevanje govorice. Platon

se v svoji najob{irnej{i obravnavi pojma polis tega vpra{anja loti v razmisleku

o odnosu pesni{ke govorice do mestne dr`ave. Njegov zaklju~ek je, da so

tak{ne forme govorice tvegane in problemati~ne za vsako mo`nost skupnosti.

^eprav moramo »izgon« pesnikov v Dr`avi razumeti kot ironijo, pa vendarle

izra`a resno zaskrbljenost, ki je skupna filozofom, ki razmi{ljajo o odnosu


30.6.2006, 13:02







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govorice do skupnosti, in sicer da tak{na filozofska govorica, pojmovna go-

vorica najbolje slu`i potrebam politi~nega `ivljenja. Temu zoperstavljam trdi-

tev, da je mogo~e v razmisleku o zna~aju pesni{ke govorice odkriti klju~ne

zadeve za refleksijo o polisu. Moja trditev sloni na uvidih {tevilnih besedil

Gadamerja in Heideggra. V zaklju~ku tako predlagam neke vrste obrat pla-

tonskega izgona pesni{ke govorice iz dr`ave, saj je treba to govorico postaviti

na izvor vsakega polisa.

Klju~ne besede: pesni{ka govorica, hermenevtika, skupnost, estetika, Heideg-


Dennis J. Schmidt: On Poetry, Philosophy and the Political. Wozu


The purpose of this paper is to ask about the relation of language to the possi-

bility of community and to do so in the context of Heidegger and Gadamer’s

reflections on the privileged status of poetic speech for any understanding of

language. In his most extensive treatment of the notion of the polis, Plato takes

up this question of the relation of poetic speech to the city. He comes to the

conclusion that such forms of speaking are risky and problematic for any possi-

bility of community. Though the »exile« of poets in the Republic is to be read

ironically, it nonetheless gives voice to a serious concern that philosophers

have a tendency to share about the relation of speech to the community, namely,

that such philosophic speech, conceptual speech, best serves the needs of poli-

tical life. I argue, against this view, that we find something essential for reflec-

tions on the polis in thinking through the character of poetic speech. I do this

with reference to the a number of texts by both Gadamer and Heidegger. In the

end, I argue for a sort of reversal of the Platonic exile of poetic speech from the

polis, suggesting that such speech needs to be taken up at the origins of any


Keywords: poetic language, hermeneutics, community, aesthetics, Heidegger


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30.6.2006, 13:02


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