H e r m e n e V t I k a in humanistika II

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meneutics. What this designation actually embraces can only be realized after

we have reached that which was in its grasp: contemporaneity as the going-on

of philosophical hermeneutics.

Key words: Hermeneutics, Humanities, contemporaneity, Hegel, time


 * *

Günter Figal: Kant in filozofska hermenevtika

Interpretacija je pogojena s tistim, kar potrebuje interpretacijo. V tej pogo-

jenosti mu pripada, kar pomeni: obstaja le z njegovim vznikom. Izvornost deli

s tistim, kar potrebuje interpretacijo in v tem je kot umetnost kakor narava:

posredovanje izvornega in izvorno posredovanje v enem. Iz tega kri`anja govori

hermenevti~na svoboda. S Kantom jo je v njenem bistvu mo~ dojeti bolje kot

brez njega – toda le, ~e Kantu sledimo tam, kjer stopi preko nehermenevti~nih

dolo~itev svoje filozofije.

Klju~ne besede: Kant, hermenevtika, interpretacija, estetika, svoboda

Günter Figal: Kant and Philosophical Hermeneutics

The interpretation in conditioned by what is in need of an interpretation. It is in

this conditioning that interpretation belongs to it, sharing originality with that

which is in need of interpretation, and in this sense it is, as at, like nature: the

mediation of the original and an original mediation in one. From this crossbreed

speaks hermeneutic freedom. It is more easily graspable in its essence with

Kant than without him – however, only if we follow Kant where he steps over

the non-hermeneutic determinations of his philosophy.

Key words: Kant, Hermeneutics, interpretation, aesthetics, freedom


 * *

Mario Ruggenini: Komunikacija. Kaj se re~e in kaj se ne pusti


Komunikacija je igra, ki se odvija v ~asu. Med mogo~im in nemogo~im. Resna

in neizprosna je kot vsaka igra, ki igralce tako prevzame in pove`e, da se `e


19.1.2006, 8:46











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zdi, da jih ne bo ve~ izpustila iz svojega objema: igra ne mara prekinitev in

zahteva izpolnitev. Katera pa je, ~e sploh obstaja, izpolnitev komunikacije?

Komunikacija je nepredvidljiva kot vse kar, ko se nam zgodi, do`ivljamo kot

dogodek. Protagonisti so v komunikacijo ujeti, {e preden si lahko delajo utvare,

da vodijo igro, ki jih vklju~uje v skrivnost skupne usode in ob tem {e vedno

ostaja, celo ko je videti uspe{na, pravzaprav dvomljiva, nepri~akovana, vzne-

mirljiva, ker lahko naenkrat uide na{emu predvidevanju. Prav tako kot ne-

mogo~e, ki naenkrat postane mogo~e. A obenem tudi kot mogo~e, ki je vselej

izpostavljeno tveganju, da postane nemogo~e.

Klju~ne besede: komunikacija, hermenevtika, med~love{kost, interpretacija, igra


 * *

Mario Ruggenini: Communication. What Is Said and What Defies


Communication is a play set in time: between the possible and the impossible.

It is as serious and relentless as any play, which overwhelms and connects the

actors so utterly that it almost seems as if they can no longer escape its embrace:

the play defies interruptions and demands fulfillment. And what is, if at all, this

fulfillment of communication? Communication is just as unpredictable as any-

thing we experience as an event. The protagonists are caught in communication

before they may embrace the illusion that it’s them who are in control of the

play, which makes them part of the secret of common fate, while at the same

time, even when it seems successful, it remains doubtful, unexpected and thril-

ling exactly because of its illusive nature. Just like the impossible that suddenly

becomes possible. And likewise as the possible that always looms on the verge

of becoming the impossible.

Key words: communication, language, inter-humanity, Hermeneutics, play


 * *

Richard Rorty: Analiti~na filozofija in filozofija preobrazbe

Pogosto se govori o »krizi« na humanisti~nih oddelkih ameri{kih univerz.

Vendar imajo ljudje, ki to govorijo, v mislih prekomerno politi~no korektnost,

ki jo {e lahko zasledimo na ameri{kih oddelkih za knji`evnost. Oddelki za


19.1.2006, 8:46







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filozofijo v Zdru`enih dr`avah so imeli svojo zadnjo krizo v {tiridesetih in

petdesetih – v obdobju, ko je analiti~na filozofija dovr{ila svoj prevzem. Od

takrat se ni zgodil noben dramati~en generacijski preobrat, razen nenadnega

vznika feministi~ne filozofije kot novega podro~ja specilizacije v sedemdesetih

letih. Posledice radikalizma so sicer imele velik vpliv na matrice {tevilnih

drugih disciplin na univerzi, toda ameri{ko filozofijo so pustile ve~inoma ne-

dotaknjeno. Veliko analiti~nih filozofov je bilo politi~no aktivnih, toda zaradi

te aktivnosti niso spreminjali svoje profesionalne samopodobe ali svojih bralnih


Klju~ne besede: analiti~na filozofija, humanistika, univerza, kontinentalna filo-

zofija, hermenevtika

Richard Rorty: Analytical Philosophy and Transformative


There is often said to be a “crisis” in the humanities departments of American

universities. But people who say this usually have in mind the excessive po-

litical correctness which is still sometimes found in US departments of lite-

rature. American philosophy departments had their last crisis back in the 1940’s

and 1950’s—the period during which analytic philosophy accomplished its

takeover. There has been no dramatic generational shift since then, except for

the sudden emergence, in the 70’s, of feminist philosophy as a new area of

specialization. Whereas the aftermath of the radicalism of the 60’s had a pro-

found impact on several disciplinary matrices elsewhere in the university, it

left American philosophy largely unaffected. Many analytic philosophers were

politically active, but this activity usually did not lead them to change either

their professional self-images or their reading habits

Key words: analytic philosophy, humanities, university, continental philosophy,



 * *

Rok Svetli~: Pravna hermenevtika Ronalda Dworkina

in nezapisana »polovica« prava

Dworkinova pravna filozofija je sestavljena iz dveh delov: iz konceptualnega

in normativnega. V tem sestavku bomo predstavil temeljne poteze koncep-


19.1.2006, 8:46


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