H e r m e n e V t I k a in humanistika II

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tualnega dela, ki obsega specifi~ni nauk o interpretaciji pravih besedil. Glavni

teoretski sogovornik Dworkinu je pravni pozitivizem, ki ga podvr`e funda-

mentalni kritiki. Za razliko od najbolj raz{irjenega zavra~anja pozitivizma, ki

mu o~ita izlo~itev morale iz interesa pravne znanosti, je Dworkinov napad

povsem teoretski.

Ugotavlja, da pozitivizem ni sposoben spo{tovati svojih lastnih zahtev. Kot

alternativo Dworkin osnuje posebno vrsto interpretacije, ki gradi na spoznanju,

da pravna besedila ne morejo vsebovati celotne pomenskosti, ki je potrebna za

uporabo prava. Zapisani »polovici« prava je treba vselej dodati nezapisano

»polovico«. Instrumenti interpretacije, ki jih vpelje pa skrbijo, da je dodana

pomenskost izbrana pravilno. To zagotavlja, da zavrnitev objektivisti~nih me-

tod v pravu ne vodi v hermenevti~ni relativizem.

Klju~ne besede: R. Dworkin, hermenevtika, filozofija prava, pravni pozitivizem

Rok Svetli~: Legal Hermeneutics of Ronald Dworkin and the

Unwritten »Half« of the Law

Dworkin’s philosophy of law consists of two parts: conceptual and normative.

The article attempts to bring forth the basic gestures of the conceptual part,

aiming at a specific doctrine on the interpretation of legal texts. The chief

addressee of Dworkin is legal positivism, which falls under severe critical

examination. In contrast to the widely spread rejection of positivism, which

reproaches it for its exclusion of morals from the interest of legal science,

Dworkin’s assault is purely theoretical.

He argues that positivism is incapable of taking account of its own pretensions.

As an alternative, Dworkin establishes a special kind of interpretation starting

from the basic premise that legal texts cannot comprise the whole meaning

necessary for legal application. The written “half” of the law is always accom-

panied by its unwritten “half”. The instruments of interpretation introduced,

however, procure the correct choice of the added meaning. This eventually

provides the rejection of objectivist methods with a successful avoidance of

hermeneutic relativism.

Key words: R. Dworkin, Hermeneutics, philosophy of law, legal positivism


 * *


19.1.2006, 8:46







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Charles Taylor: Dve teoriji modernosti

Pri~ujo~i prispevek izpostavlja razliko med dvema nasprotujo~ima si teorijama

modernosti: kulturno in akulturno teorijo. Prva pripoznava, da moderna znanost

in tehnologija kakor tudi moderna dru`bena organizacija temeljijo na dolo~enih

sklopih vrednot. Slednja – prevladujo~a – prikazuje proces zatona tradicionalne

dru`be in njeno nadomestitev z nevtralnim, »naravnim« redom. Tako naj bi bil

moralni individualizem denimo naravni na~in obna{anja po sesutju mitov in

zablod anti~nih ~asov. Avtor izpostavlja iluzornost domnev te teorije in njenih

negativnih u~inkov in predlaga bolj raznoliko, pluralisti~no pojmovanje mo-

dernosti v razli~nih predelih sveta.

Klju~ne besede: modernost, kultura, individualizem, morala

Charles Taylor: Two Theories of Modernity

This article distinguishes two opposed theories of modernity : the cultural and

the acultural theory. The former admits that modern science and technology as

well as modern social organization are based on determined set of values. The

latter – which is the dominant one – pictures the process of the demise of

traditional society and its replacement by a neutral,”natural” order. Thus, mo-

dern individualism, for example, is assumed to be a natural way to behave once

the myth and error of the ancient times have been dissipated.The author points

out the illusory assumptions of this theory and its negative effects, suggesting

notably a more diverse, pluralistic conception of modernity in the different

parts of the world. 

Keywords: modernity, culture, individualism, morals 


 * *

Ugo Vlaisavljevi}: Komunisti~na politika, dru`boslovje

in humanistika

Domneva, da lahko univerza pripomore k »tranziciji« – v dru`benih, politi~nih

in gospodarskih procesih, ki potekajo izven nje – v na{em razumevanju aktual-

nih dru`benih razmer ponavadi vzpostavlja to institucijo kot trdno, ~e `e ne

nepremakljivo oporo pomembnih sprememb. To ne pomeni, da se ne bi morala

tudi univerza sama podvre~i dinamiki tranzicije. Vodstvo sarajevske univerze,


19.1.2006, 8:46











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tako kot vseh drugih v regiji, se docela zaveda potrebe po reformi visokega

izobra`evanja in se ukvarja z njo. Toda zdi se, da je v zavesti reformatorjev

zasidran dolo~en model univerze, ki `e vnaprej omejuje domet reform in pre-

pre~uje tak{no preobrazbo univerze, v kateri bi ta lahko postala pomembna

institucija demokrati~ne dru`be. Nesprejemljivosti tega modela ne moremo

dojeti, ~e se ne ozremo nazaj v zgodovino, saj je plod ideologije prej{njega

re`ima, natan~neje re~eno: njegove politi~ne epistemologije. Gre za ideolo{ko

interpretacijo vednosti in znanosti na temelju razdelitve ~love{ke realnosti na

podro~je teorije in podro~je prakse, pri ~emer je imela slednja absolutno prven-

stvo pred prvo.

Klju~ne besede: ideologija, humanistika, komunizem, skupnost, vednost

Ugo Vlaisavljevi}: Communist Politics, Social Sciences

and Humanities

The social sciences and humanities have still to acquire their proper social

form in post-Communist societies. When a pure theoretical, 

,impractical‘, ,ste-


‘ school practice is publicly misrepresented as an exemplary social practice

of open debate and questioning, then the path is established for a pseudo-

scientific ideology. This kind of ideology becomes dominant from the moment

that an 

,internal socialisation‘ within communities of scholars is mistaken for


,external socialisation‘ in political forums. It is true that even today the first

and basic socialization of university teachers in the social sciences and hu-

manities takes place in political institutions of the state. Their belief in the

practical character of their knowledge, confirmed by their fascinating expe-

rience of communicative practices in these institutions, gives them an illusion

of participating in a genuine community. The curious fact that scholars them-

selves have brought the dominant political ideology into the field of their know-

ledge and expertise is to be explained by this lack of independent commu-

nicative practice. The true democratisation of post-Communist regimes requi-

res the profound transformation of both the school-like practice of universities

and the pseudo-scientific practice of political forums. Only a re-socialisation

of all of the institutions inhabited by the social sciences and humanities will

bring to an end 

,scientific ideologies‘.

Keywords: ideology, humanities, communism, community, knowledge


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19.1.2006, 8:46


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