H e r m e n e V t I k a in humanistika II

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Mario Kopi}: Vpra{anje hermenevtike politike

Avtor v tekstu zagovarja tezo, da danes ni ve~ mo`na filozofska utemeljitev

politike, kot je bila mo`na v dobi velike metafizike. Politi~na hermenevtika se

mora danes zadovoljiti zgolj s hipoteti~no rekonstrukcijo porekla dana{njega

(politi~nega) stanja sveta kakor tudi s kriti~no analizo njegovih apokalipti~nih


Klju~ne besede: filozofija, politika, politi~na hermenevtika, hipoteti~na rekon-


Marion Kopi}. The Question of the Political Hermeneutics

The author provides arguments for the thesis that today the philosophical groun-

ding of politics is no longer possible, as was the case in the age of great meta-

physics. Political hermeneutics is today expected to be satisfied with solely a

hypothetical reconstruction of the origin of the present (political) situation as

well as with a critical analysis of its apocalyptical dimensions.

Key words: philosophy, politics, political hermeneutics, hypothetical recon-



 * *

Jo`ef Muhovi~: O duhovnem in telesnem v umetnosti. Pet etud o

psihosomatiki (postmodernega) umetni{kega prakticiranja

Razprava je koncipirana kot sosledje petih refleksivnih etud, ki nosijo naslednje

opisne naslove: 1. Matrix reloaded?, 2. Modalitete telesnosti, 3. Arte-factum,

4. Trubadurski efekt in njegove konsekvence in 5. Telesnost umetnosti in huma-

nisti~ne vede. Avtor si v etudah prizadeva identificirati karakteristi~na – pa

tudi nevralgi~na – dejstva, ki konstituirajo fenomenalno matrico postmoderne

umetnosti, ta dejstva nato prepoznati kot refleksivne naloge in v procesu nji-

hovega preiskovanja priti na sled morebitni simptomatiki. Kot problematizacije

dejstev, ki po Wittgensteinu sodijo v nalogo, ne v re{itev, se etude gibljejo na

neki razmeroma generalizirani ravni. V na~inu njihove konceptualne nastavitve

pa se izrisujejo tudi izhodi{~a za povsem konkretno obravnavo dogajanj v

postmoderni umetnosti in seveda avtorjeva nedvoumna stali{~a do teh dogajanj.

Skratka: svojo nalogo vidi avtor po eni strani kot vajo v postavljanju vpra{anj o


19.1.2006, 8:46











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dejstvih, ki jih naplavlja umetnostna realnost na{ega ~asa, po drugi pa kot vajo

v artikuliranju inicialnih konceptualnih matric za iskanje odgovorov na ta vpra-


Klju~ne besede: umetnost, duhovnost, telesnost, artefakt, humanistika

Jo`ef Muhovi~: Concerning the Spiritual and the Corporeal in

Art. Five Etudes on the Psychosomatics of (Postmodern) Artistic


The discussion is conceived as a sequence of five reflective studies carrying

the following descriptive titles: 1. Matrix Reloaded, 2. Modalities of Cor-

poreality, 3. Arte-Factum, 4. The Troubadour Effect and its Consequences, and

5. The Corporeality of Art and the Humanities. In the studies, the author at-

tempts to identify the characteristic – as well as neuralgic – facts constituting

the phenomenal matrix of postmodern art, recognize these facts as reflective

tasks and, during the process of their investigation, detect its possible symp-

toms. The studies move on a relatively generalized level, problematizing those

facts which, according to Wittgenstein, form part of the task and not the solu-

tion. The method of their conceptual placement also reveals starting points for

the concrete treatment of events in postmodern art and, of course, the author’s

unambiguous views towards these events. Briefly: the author sees his task on

the one side as an exercise in raising questions on facts accumulated by the

artistic reality of our time, and on the other as an exercise in the articulation of

initial conceptual matrixes for finding answers to these questions.

Key words: fine arts, spirituality, corporeality, artefact, secondary discourse,



 * *

Leon Stefanija: Izhodi{~a hermenevtike glasbe: {tirje pogledi

^lanek prina{a {tiri poglede na hermenevtiko glasbe, ki so osredoto~eni na 1)

vzpostavljanje hermenevti~nega obzorja, 2) zgodovinske umestitve herme-

nevtike glasbe, 3) teoretsko razmejitev glasbene povednosti v muzikologiji in

4) spoznavoslovne razmejitve glasbene povednosti. Osrednja pozornost pri

vseh {tirih pogledih je naravnana k vpra{anju: katere epistemolo{ke ravni ka`e


19.1.2006, 8:46







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upo{tevati, ko govorimo o hermenevtiki glasbe kot muzikolo{kem pojmu v

naj{ir{em smislu?

Razli~ne fasete, ki tvorijo hermenevtiko glasbe, zato narekujejo za glavni cilj

prispevka: o~rtati meje med hermenevtiko kot teoretskim sistemom, ki temelji

na metodah vzporejanja glasbenega stavka z “zunajglasbenimi” pojavi, in her-

menevtiko kot “kulturno institucijo” ali pragmati~nim pristopom, ki poleg spo-

znavoslovnih prednosti prina{a tudi vrsto pasti.

Klju~ni pojmi: hermenevtika glasbe, raziskovanja glasbe, semiologija/semio-

tika glasbe, interpretacija

Leon Stefanija: Starting Points of Musical Hermeneutics:

Four Views

Four different sketches of musical hermeneutics are given, focused respectively

on 1) the formation of the hermeneutical horizon, 2) historical framings of the

musical hermeneutics, 3) theoretical division of the musical meaning within

musicology, and 4) epistemological layering of the musical narrativity. The

main focus of the four sketches is to discuss single issues arising from the

following question: which levels of epistemology should be considered to de-

fine hermeneutics of music as a musicological (or music-theoretical) term.

Because of the various facets involved, the main aim of this article is to sketch

the boundaries between hermeneutics as a theoretical system founded on com-

parative methods (methods of drawing analogies between music and other

phenomena) and hermeneutics as the “cultural institution”, or a pragmatic

approach, bringing about not only epistemological advantages but also a num-

ber of issues.

Key words: hermeneutics of music, methodology of music research, music ana-

lysis, semiotics of music, interpretation


 * *

Mateja Kurir: Razumevanje arhitekture v hermenevti~ni filozofiji

Arhitektura se kot ve{~ina in kasneje kot lepa umetnost od antike naprej vpisuje

v polje filozofskega raziskovanja. Namen ~lanka je prikazati razumevanje arhi-


19.1.2006, 8:46


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